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New SONOS iOS app (May 2024) is TOTAL RUBBISH!!

The New Sonos iOS app is absolutely terrible. If you haven’t upgraded yet please please don’t. There are so many missing features and bugs to boot. It looks like an pre-Alpha version of software rushed to market without being properly tested or checked.
PLEASE PLEASE  PLEASE Sonos bring back the S2 app for download on the App Store. If I could downgrade I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m a long time user and fan of Sonos products but frankly this is a big miss a disaster. This new app is almost unusable. This is Sonos’s Windows Vista moment. 
Please listen to your users Sonos, negative feedback is everywhere now. Please give us back the S2 app whilst this one goes back to the drawing board or perhaps the trash can.  

I thought I had sorted my problems by going back to 16.1, on my android phone. BUT 3 times in the last 5 days it has updated back to the new crAPP. So I have uninstalled it and put 16.1 back on every time and I search all the setting in the app and on my phone to remove any auto updates and today it still managed to update to the new crAPP.

Cant they just leave us alone until they have sorted this dire peice of junk out?

You lucky Badger being on an android.  Sadly I’m on an iPhone and after reading the other threads I don’t think we can install retrograde versions. I’m still waiting on a response to my email to the CEO.  

I thought I had sorted my problems by going back to 16.1, on my android phone. BUT 3 times in the last 5 days it has updated back to the new crAPP. So I have uninstalled it and put 16.1 back on every time and I search all the setting in the app and on my phone to remove any auto updates and today it still managed to update to the new crAPP.

Cant they just leave us alone until they have sorted this dire peice of junk out?

You lucky Badger being on an android.  Sadly I’m on an iPhone and after reading the other threads I don’t think we can install retrograde versions. I’m still waiting on a response to my email to the CEO.  


Unfortunately, I suspect you will be waiting a long time for a response. sonos are too arrogant and lacking in customer care to listen to any of us. You will we no doubt get an AI generated response implying you are a peasant for not agreeing to their strategy and that you should be grateful that the hardware and fixes will (maybe) be don by next month.

At the same time they will want you to buy their overpriced headphones.


I have never posted before but this update is horrible. How can they possibly allow it to continue without a fix. Come on

The problem with their new App has been going on for several weeks now.
The most annoying thing is that SONOS seems to don’t care at all about their customers and users.
No information… just silence.

What a crap company 🤮🤮🤮

I have never posted before but this update is horrible. How can they possibly allow it to continue without a fix. Come on

One would like to think that SONOS would have to do something in the face of mounting public pressure.  Sadly, after a cursory Google search I have only found one article on the matter in the Washington Post here

I’m no expert here so have no idea how long or difficult it is to fix the problem but basic customer service should have SONOS issuing an apology to its customers in the meantime. I’ve not seen anything which is such a let down and disappointment.  

I thought I had sorted my problems by going back to 16.1, on my android phone. BUT 3 times in the last 5 days it has updated back to the new crAPP. So I have uninstalled it and put 16.1 back on every time and I search all the setting in the app and on my phone to remove any auto updates and today it still managed to update to the new crAPP.

Cant they just leave us alone until they have sorted this dire peice of junk out?


You need to make sure that the Sonos app in the play store isn’t set to automatically update. If you view the sonos app in the play store, there is a dropdown menu at the top right where you can untick the automatic update option.


Pure garbage.   Fire the product managers and whoever is responsiblie for this piece of crap.

This new app is useless.  I contacted the CEO and got 0 respond.  Should have expected that from a company that would push out an update to make the $10k worth of equipment I bought from them useless. This is the CEO’s email if anyone else wants to try to get a respond, explanation and hopefully some kind of credit.

Broadcast "DONT BUY SONOS"

Not sure how they can stand behind this update when you can add a song to the queue, edit the queue that’s a basic function of any system.  So frustrating.  

Broadcast "DONT BUY SONOS"

I literally told a friend this last night when he said he wanted to buy one.






I don’t think this guy Spence actually uses the product. Any rationally minded user would have to see this as a huge step backwards. Seems to me they rushed the new app out half baked for the very reason that they wanted to launch the overpriced headphones which won’t work with the old app. So disappointing. It’s spoiled the whole thing. At the very least they could relaunch the old app as the “classic” version and keep the new app if they are so arrogant about it being so wonderful. 



I don’t think this guy Spence actually uses the product. Any rationally minded user would have to see this as a huge step backwards. Seems to me they rushed the new app out half baked for the very reason that they wanted to launch the overpriced headphones which won’t work with the old app. So disappointing. It’s spoiled the whole thing. At the very least they could relaunch the old app as the “classic” version and keep the new app if they are so arrogant about it being so wonderful. 

Obviously a downgrade.


The vocal minority seems to be getting bigger every day as more people are impacted by the new app.

It will be interesting to see how many Roam 2 and Ace customers have connection issues.

I would imagine that making sure these customers don’t have issues will be the Sonos priority for the next 2-3 weeks.

I don’t think an update is the answer. This useless app has to be withdrawn and everyone allowed to go back to using the SONOS 2 App which was great!! 

This new app doesn’t work and wasn’t properly tested before release.  I can no longer access my arc speaker, both subs and both Five speakers.  I can however use both Move speakers.  The missing hardware is not being recognized when I try to reconfigure them.  It’s as if we’ve been hacked.  

Content simply will not play with the new iOS app. 

I have favorite SiriusXM channel saved and tapping any of them to play results in the play icon just spinning then an error message it cannot play. Yet, if I press the physical play button on the speaker it plays the last stream listened to which happens to be a different SiriusXM channel, so there service isn’t down. 

I am having to use Alexa to control content on my speakers while the app doesn’t work. 

Surely, Sonos is better than this. 

PS, attempts to have an online support chat show folks available, but as soon as I try, it says no one is available and to contact during normal business hours. I am trying during normal business hours. 

What happened to you, Sonos?

I can only add my voice to the growing number of comments about how awful the new Sonos app is. It borders on the unusable. Why did they even bother? The “Sonos experience” has become a pain in the backside. Can we please have the old app back?

I have the new app on my ipad. It does not work at all. Period. It disappeared my albums and my playlists. It will not access any of my streaming services. IT IS USELESS.

I have S2 on my iphone. It is working, it still displays my playlists, but it will not access any content from one of my streaming services. It says I must reauthorize that service; but also says I must update the app to reauthorize. 

CATCH 22! If I update, I’ll lose everything. If I don’t update, all playlist content from one of my services is gone.

And this is what the CEO calls an improvement? He has the nerve to insult me as just a part of the stick in the mud ‘minority’ who just don’t get how wonderful this new app is?

At least give me the option to go back to S2. It worked perfectly fine for me. I have thousands invested in Sonos speakers… three stereo pairs and a SUB. Right now I’d like to pour gasoline on the whole mess and torch it off.

So bad. Buggy and slow. Hard to use Sonos system. Just playing music through my phone at times because at least I can control that. 

im speechless. did anyone see uk Prime minster's gaff strewn departure this week? new SONOS app is WORSE. “things can only get better” d:ream said but they may have blown it here after the chip set migration disaster a few years back and that was a big disaster for the brand 

i am now deffo not buying the new headphones feck that.

had sonos and i mean a lot of sonos kit home and work since late 2008. but this is the last roll of the dice SONOS. bad times indeed

suggest everyone emails the support team and ceo
