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New SONOS App - Feedback

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  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Every time I start the app.



I wished in the meantime they would allow us on IOS to get the older version of the app back. As It’s still not allowing me to add my music library to my system, dreaded 913 error.  

The app was clearly not ready for primetime, as it’s missing so many features, it’s like selling you a car without the engine, tires and brakes. 

Who allowed this to be released?  It’s just horrible. 

If Sonos has a cure, please make a sticky on this forum board and lock it down for comments. So, if there is a way to fix it, we can at least get music library back. Or just an update to fixes. Just an idea. 

Msochia wrote:

Did they change name of the app to "Something went wrong"?


It’s more like, DIY App, use at your own risk!  We are not responsible for loss of sleep, anger and losing your temper resulting from the use of this app. 

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 93 replies
  • May 17, 2024
Johnnyrocket1111 wrote:

If Sonos has a cure, please make a sticky on this forum board and lock it down for comments. So, if there is a way to fix it, we can at least get music library back. Or just an update to fixes. Just an idea. 


It feels like their cure is to just wait everyone out.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 17, 2024

I pay for music service subscriptions that require custom URLs.

On S2, this worked well. On the new app, I can no longer add custom URLs. I tried, as some suggested, adding the custom URL to the TuneIn app, which I did. Sonos sees these custom URLs via TunedIn (New), but will not play them. If Sonos did play the custom URLs via TuneIn (New), I’m guessing I would get the obnoxious advertising that TuneIn injects every 30 mins into all their non-premium streams, even though I’m paying the source services for an advertising-free stream. What a sh*tshow.

I’ve seen this issue come up on the Reddit Sonos thread, but very little in the Sonos Community threads.

Are custom URLs a priority for the Sonos dev team? Is there a timeline? I’m paying about $40/mo for these subscriptions. Not being able to access them will soon start to look ridiculous on me. It affects my mom too, who I’ve bought 3 Sonos speakers for, so she could listen to the paid-for, commercial-free JazzGroove. Those speakers have become bricks for her.

Another writer in these forums suggested Roon. It can manage music for Sonos hardware at $12/mo. I am exploring this option for myself. Roon appears to love music. It shows in how they design their apps. I’m not sure what Sonos loves anymore. I bought one of the first Sonos speakers in 2002-3 and now have 14 Sonos speakers in my house. So far, I’ve stuck with Sonos through thick and thin. This would really be a sad end to a long relationship.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 17, 2024

Wow, Sonos, what the heck happened? After dumping thousands into a system over the course of a decade, we’re suddenly unable to enjoy the same level of control and experience we started with in 2014. The app experience definitely degraded with the introduction of S2 but this is something different:

  • Commonly used features like timer and queue-management removed
  • Bugs galore
  • Feedback lag when managing speaker groups and volume
  • Confusing navigation

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 17, 2024

....i thought my Connect S2 was broken . So yesterday i bought a PORT to replace it. But i got exactly the same problem . Thank you Sonos for letting me waste $450 on replacing a probably working product with a new one that also dont work .

  • Lyricist III
  • 13 replies
  • May 17, 2024

As of today I have no access of any kind to my music library on either the new or old version of the app. I'm not sitting in silence for a month in the hope that Sonos bother to fix this given their obvious complete disregard for their customers (where is that apology?) so tomorrow five speakers will be getting reboxed and uploaded onto eBay. I'll never buy another Sonos product, an absolute disgrace of a company. Goodbye forever.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Yes. Fix the base . Hardware that can play music from a streaming service.

Pairing of speakers, no lag.

To much to ask?




EMBARRASSING!!!! It’s weekend and I was looking to show off my system and enjoy good music. My Sonos Rome would not connect for over 20 minutes. Completely disgusting and embarrassing. You guys should be absolutely absolutely ashamed of the money we spend to get an exclusive system and end up in this position

  • Enthusiast I
  • 26 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Just placed a large order for Denon speakers to replace my Sonos system. I could not sell the Sonos stuff with a good conscience knowing the buyer could not use them. A real fix that works as well as the previous version seems to be months away. They could easily make the old version available. But they refuse to do that. Android users can revert due to the way Android installs things. iOS users are stuck though. Frankly, the Denon system is not likely to be as good as the Sonos system used to be. But I do not trust Sonos any more not to do this again. Time to accept the financial loss and move on.

I have heard in several places that they pushed this release out to support the headphone release, knowing full well that it would abandon hundreds or thousands of users. If that is true it is profoundly wrong. Maybe Sonos will survive this. Maybe not. But if they survive it will be without me. I will never buy any more Sonos products. I feel sorry for the hardware designers at Sonos. They produced some decent hardware. Then management does this. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Don’t upgrade!  New iOS version broke everything I had set up.


 I have been unable to reach anyone via the Chatbot or telephone (wait > 70 minutes).

The newest iOS update broke the connection to Subsonic.  There is a HUGE community of us who use Subsonic, both in the US and abroad.  The newest desktop updated version still works, which is interesting.

Can you PLEASE have this repaired ASAP?  I invested a ton of time and effort into this Sonos system less than 1 year ago.  My family uses Subsonic for all of our music and playlists, and this really sucks.  Things are nonfunctional unless we walk into the basement and change the song on my office computer every time.

I just got my first Sonos device a move 1. Installed the app, created an account and tried to set it up. I got to the point where it says the move is connected by may not appear in the system settings and to turn it off and on by a 5 second press.
On my first attempt I used an iPhone 12m and a normal WiFi, the app then told me to log out and have the system owner log in. (I just bought that bloody thing!) This was a total dead end. Tried the same thing again, still no way around the pop up. 

On my second attempt I set up the iPhone as a WiFi and used my iPad to set it up. Reset the Move and got to the same point. Skipped the pop up telling me to get the system owner by restarting the app :) But the Move still does not show in the settings and I am back to listening to AirPods :P

Am air doing something wrong? Or is it for Sonos to fix? Is there an easy work around?


To Sonos: As you might tell this is really frustrating first user experience and I am clearly annoyed. You charge extra bucks for a sleek and easy to use systems. Don’t release half baked software!

Why does it even need to be configured in the first place? Why am I not allowed to just press the pairing button and connect via Bluetooth to my new mobile speaker? It used to be that way!

If this is not fixed within a few days, that speaker is going back and I get a Bose. They might have a fiddly Bluetooth connection for apple users but  they do play music.


A user suggested to use an Android phone. That hast worked 😃

Working well now ! 👍🏼 At least as a Bluetooth speaker. That is what I bought the move for. 

still don’t get why it needs to be activated in the first place. 

Moderator edit: Combined posts

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 17, 2024

How do I downgrade? My wife has the older version and works perfect. This new app is horrible. Won’t connect. Keeps randomly switching speakers and then won’t play what I have on

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 17, 2024
Breezy123 wrote:

How do I downgrade? My wife has the older version and works perfect. This new app is horrible. Won’t connect. Keeps randomly switching speakers and then won’t play what I have on

Can downgrade.

Tried it. 

The old app cannot controll the sonos system anymore.

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 292 replies
  • May 18, 2024

Every once in a while I check my fancy new Sonos app on my iPhone to see if my Music Library shows up in Your Sources. Sure enough… it did.  For no good reason because when I selected “Folders”… it froze.  I then tried to play something on my upstairs iMac using the desktop controller and, again, I am denied access to my Sonos Music Library.  Does anyone know if one can delete this bag of crap Sonos “update” and reinstall the S2 app?


  • Enthusiast II
  • 27 replies
  • May 18, 2024

Sonos, as a long time user of your system I feel absolutely disgusted by this app update. How can you release something that has fundamentally broken the system for every user. 

I too work for a software company, if we released something as poor as this with basic functionality broken and removed, the developers would be fired. 

I have 8 Sonos devices and strongly considering selling and going to a different system altogether. The biggest issue for me personally is music library and sources broken and disappearing. Such a poor update Sonos. Really REALLY disappointing.

You say you “value ALL feedback” but this is clearly not the case as you are not listening to your loyal community who are asking for the old app to be available. Please fix or a the very least, give users the option to rollback to an older version of the app. We do not care about the new look, we just want it to work. 

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 292 replies
  • May 18, 2024
Gav_Sonos wrote:

Sonos, as a long time user of your system I feel absolutely disgusted by this app update. How can too release something that has fundamentally broken the system for every user. 

I too work for a software company, if we released something as poor as this with basic functionality broken and removed, the developers would be fired. 

I have 8 Sonos devices and strongly considering selling and going to a different device. Please fix or are very least, give users the option to rollback to an older version of the app. We do not care about the new look, we just want it to work. 

I’m in agreement with Gav and, I might add, I don’t care about Sonos’ real or imagined vulnerability of NADs (USB and whatever it is they were trying to protect us from). Not a streamer of music, my little world of two iMacs with music libraries stored on SSD USB drives worked wonderfully for me. Until recently.

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • May 18, 2024
Tooter123 wrote:
Breezy123 wrote:

How do I downgrade? My wife has the older version and works perfect. This new app is horrible. Won’t connect. Keeps randomly switching speakers and then won’t play what I have on

Can downgrade.

Tried it. 

The old app cannot controll the sonos system anymore.

Mine works with the downgrade...but I have no library s set up...just stream music from radio and so.

SlamDesi wrote:

Every once in a while I check my fancy new Sonos app on my iPhone to see if my Music Library shows up in Your Sources. Sure enough… it did.  For no good reason because when I selected “Folders”… it froze.  I then tried to play something on my upstairs iMac using the desktop controller and, again, I am denied access to my Sonos Music Library.  Does anyone know if one can delete this bag of crap Sonos “update” and reinstall the S2 app?


Don’t, it’s just making something half working into a fully non working system. Sonos dropped the ball big time.  Where is music library showing up?  Mine was removed and all the shared folders, when I try to add them I get the dreaded 913 error.  Still can’t get my library to link, I can play a file off my Mac and link it to my speaker of my choice. The app can then control the volume. Talk about a convoluted mess! 

  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • May 18, 2024
raymero wrote:

Hello everyone

Just upgraded phone to new S2 and noticed missing features from previous S2 version;


No alarm 

No add to or edit or clear queue (directly)

No sleep timer

No widgets (for mobile)

No search for just Artist

No Browse the Artist

No Track info 

No link to album info

Unable to add or create new playlist

Unable to create new speaker groups

Unable to add song to Sonos playlist

Unable to share song


Please can I revert back to old S2!?


No Album Art from music server on NAS

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 292 replies
  • May 18, 2024

It appeared on my iPhone. Why? I haven’t a clue becuase it was MIssing in Action since the update. I do see my music libraries on my old S2 desktop controllers on our downstairs iMac and on my office iMac but, my access is denied.  I’m the administrator on both iMacs but that’s not helping a bit.

I’ve thought about transferring my Music Libraries from the USB drives to the internal hard drives, deleting the Sonos controllers via App Cleaner and then reinstalling them but, I’d like to wait and see if Sonos comes up with a fix in the next week or two.

  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • May 18, 2024
Veeper wrote:
Johnnyrocket1111 wrote:

If Sonos has a cure, please make a sticky on this forum board and lock it down for comments. So, if there is a way to fix it, we can at least get music library back. Or just an update to fixes. Just an idea. 


It feels like their cure is to just wait everyone out.

Yes. The obvious solution is roll back the new App until it is working properly ... whatever the motivation for introducing a dodgy and flakey App can't be enough to justify the potential loss of goodwill.

Sonos should realise that their products form a music platform that we build on with our own music, playlists etc. Sure, it's their product, but there is an implied obligation to support the many ways it is used, not decide how they want it to be used and try and force everyone to use it that way.

I'm assuming there is a financial motive for this redesign such as a clip on Spotify or something.  Sure, do that, but not at the expense of users of your platform that do not listen to music the way you think they should!

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 18, 2024

Why update the APP and shut out people who can’t have the IOS 16 or newer update on their phones? We spent thousands of dollars buy your product and now for me to use the APP, I have to spend $1500 on a new damn phone? That is ridiculous!!! Just lost future sales. Totally done after this!

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 18, 2024
mbushell wrote:

Just placed a large order for Denon speakers to replace my Sonos system. I could not sell the Sonos stuff with a good conscience knowing the buyer could not use them. A real fix that works as well as the previous version seems to be months away. They could easily make the old version available. But they refuse to do that. Android users can revert due to the way Android installs things. iOS users are stuck though. Frankly, the Denon system is not likely to be as good as the Sonos system used to be. But I do not trust Sonos any more not to do this again. Time to accept the financial loss and move on.

I have heard in several places that they pushed this release out to support the headphone release, knowing full well that it would abandon hundreds or thousands of users. If that is true it is profoundly wrong. Maybe Sonos will survive this. Maybe not. But if they survive it will be without me. I will never buy any more Sonos products. I feel sorry for the hardware designers at Sonos. They produced some decent hardware. Then management does this. 

I AM SO PISSED, I’m RIGHT BEHIND YOU AND SO IS THE REST OF MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. After I pushed them all to purchase this crap, and now I feel guilty. I’m done with SONOS and their BS excuses. Good luck!! 


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