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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

At this point the least I would expect is a public apology from the CEO - even if he still thinks they got it right, an apology for the anger and upset caused is the least they can do. 

Followed by a route, maybe optional, to revert to the working version. 

Maybe they will get things sorted, in time, but the damage is now. Is it so hard to say ‘sorry’?

how do I add an album to a playlist with the new app?  It used to be easy!

Not that Sonos cares, but just want to add my comment to the pile - my thousands of dollars worth of Sonos equipment is completely useless thanks to the new app. I’m unable to access them at all to play audio on them. How is this acceptable? How is this not being handled with more urgency? I literally used a $10 dollar store Bluetooth speaker to listen to music today, as my thousands in speakers sit completely useless. Unreal. 

I just downloaded Sonos 16.0 apk and rolled back to the previous app. Thank God for that.

Good luck

I agree with Gaham: “Good Luck”.  I got my S2 desktop controller back on our iMac and tried to play music via said Contrller.  I was “denied access” to the Music Library on the drive that was previously accessible before this recent update.  I can’t play music from the iPhone app OR directly from the iMac where the music is stored… one room away from my Sonos gear.

It's not available anymore on Android.  As I figured, my email to the CEO went unanswered/'re losing fans really fast Sonos. Best get your s*** together!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Past radio stations do not work with the upgrade

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.


So where are we at with this disaster? How about some mea culpa? Did the Sonos folks get bought up by a private equity firm from NY to chop it up into bits? Say it ain’t so!

Three things - so far: 

  1.  Most important - we run this in our business.  The new app is so slow that I now have gaps in the music.  It just decides to stop and then, when it feels like it several noticeable seconds later, it starts again.  Maybe.  Or maybe not.  So we have to stop, unplug, wait a minute, replug the system in and wait for it to find us. It’s awesome (please read that in the sarcasm font to which it was intended).
  2. The pretty bubbly interface  has made the lag just unbearable. It literally does not respond to any command without hesitating.  That includes what song is playing, volume, trying to group rooms, etc.  
  3. Every single time I go to my business, my wifi automatically connects, but every single time Sonos asks me to choose the system on my WiFi AND resign in.  Previously, the app kept me logged in and just started when I opened the app.  

C’mon guys - do better.  



How can you not play next?

Anyone else find the system lacking without this? This is my most used feature. If it’s not back by June 8th I’ll sell everything and never buy anything Sonos again. 

I wonder if people's ping times are affecting things now.

Instead of complaining I am look at new systems.  What does everyone think about Sony and Apple they both have multi room WiFi speakers that just work?  Does anyone have other suggestions?  Not SONOS lol.

Instead of complaining I am look at new systems.  What does everyone think about Sony and Apple they both have multi room WiFi speakers that just work?  Does anyone have other suggestions?  Not SONOS lol.


I’ll probably go with homepod minis in my bedroom and kitchen. The One I had in my bedroom went to start setting up my spare room. I’m doing some smart bulbs off my Apple TV and a couple of homepod minis will actually be more useful and cheaper.

So, I think a lot of people are very upset with the new app it has very little interface or use for a true audiophile! Without the ability to q songs create playlists and use our speakers in the way that was originally designed they are now just overpriced Bluetooth speakers! I could buy 15 speakers link them all together wirelessly for the price of my two roam! Everyone is using a smart phone or device to control these things anyway where have you dropped the ball? It being on your platform!

Few days ago I received notification to update Sonos App on my iPhone.  After updating the app would not recognize or find my arc speaker.  I followed various instructions on Sonos website, reset my speaker, removed and reinstalled the app on my phone, reset my wireless router among other things.  None of these worked and the app was not able to find my speaker on my network.  I even checked my wireless router and saw the speaker being connected.  I then used the Sonos website on my Surface Tablet, signed in and bingo, it recognized my speaker and was able to play all my music using the app from Sonos website on Surface Tablet.  

Then I called Sonos helpline and after 128 minutes I was connected to a tech. Specialist who was extremely helpful.  We spent another hour with me and guided me through various options and connected to my system to run diagnostics.  I reset my phone network settings and the wireless router to no avail.  At the end he told me Sonos does not guarantee that the products can connect over wireless networks 😏, only with cable, DSL or fiber optic.  It seems like Sonos is not able to fix the bug in the new app thus backing away from standing behind the product. It is really disappointing, but I suppose I will try to use the Surface Tablet for now and if it proves cumbersome I just return the speaker and buy another brand.  I still have two other speakers that I have not installed and will return them too. 


dont upgrade!  the new sonos app does not work, its broken..

happy broken sonos day, nothing new in this modern world .


Agreed. This update is terrible. No ability to add a song to a specific Spotify playlist. No Ability to pull up the album or search the artist while playing a song. No ability to add a song to the queue, only replace the whole queue. What are the steps to go back to the old controller? Is that even possible?

Our system is uncontrollable - plays songs I never requested. I cannot select a song from YouTube music playlist as it just always starts from the first song. I try to pause play, adjust volume with no response so I try to use buttons on speaker which will sometimes stop just that speaker (I say sometimes because most of the time it has no affect). 
In desperation I turn off Bluetooth, then wifi, then mobile data and music still continues from my SONOS for a minute or so. How the hell does that happen?

First encountered this yesterday and thought after 24 hours with this volume of issues you would retract the update…no assistance from SONOS as they are clearly drowning.

Its beyond me how a company can be so stupid to force users onto an incomplete pile of garbage you celebrate as a new app.

The app no longer finds products, doesnt even realise when wireless is off on the phone, cant add to playlists and misses basic functionality that the previous version had.


If you have not fired anyone that touched the new app, when will you be doing it?

By the way, love your new ratings on the app stores.

Moderator edit: combined posts

My system is totally jacked!!!! Thanks for F'ing up a good thing. No doubt this update is a self serving effort to pad your profits. FIX THIS NOW !!!!!

So i am a retired Sonos dealer/installer, have three homes with sonos now adding a beam2 to a new 4th location and boom no way can i get past the update need with my iPhone/iPad or android app.  so dragged out my Windows 10 system and what do ya know no issue in updating the system… once the update occurred then of course the apps on all platforms have no more issues and life is great once more.  

Story here is that there is obviously a problem with the latest release Sonos and the O/S quirks.  I worked on the issue for a fairly long time, then i saw everybody’s posts here and figured it wasn't anything I was missing so new device solved it for me.  

good luck all ! lets hope SONOS proof’s their product a bit better and posts work arounds a little sooner for all our sanity





I understand that sometimes a company pins hope on a software upgrade driving new sales.  I understand that you thought that a new version of your app might do the same for you.  However, a couple of problems with that theory for Sonos:
1) A horrible new app will lead to horrible customer sentiment, word of mouth, PR, etc., etc.
2) You are a hardware company and if your software front-end is horrible then it does not matter how good your hardware is.  The bad software will reflect badly on the hardware.

With your new app, you took a mediocre app and made it horrendous.  It is a huge step backwards!  The new app makes competitors products look so much better now.  You are taking your existing customers who have been promoters of your products and are turning them into product detractors.  This cannot be anything but a hindrance to future growth.  I, for one, will think twice before ever even considering buying anything from Sonos again.

What a total backfire!

You need to rectify this situation immediately and allow your customers to revert back to using the old app as soon as possible.

I totally agree!  How can I “add to end of playlist” rather than replacing the whole queue.  They have taken away much more than they fixed.  I am one of the last holdouts in my circle of friends using Sonos.  All have switched to other platforms because of previous issues and I have held out but this last update took away so much that even I may give it all up!  It will cost me a lot of money to switch but it may be worth it.  Why are they trying so hard to alienate their faithful users?

It’ impossible to use it. Speaker ghost, no alarm, a lot of delay, ecc

After a long day of fighting with Sonos, not sonos support - they are unavailable - I have fixed the problem. It did wreck my day. I changed the properties on the music file on my computer to share with everyone. Removed from library and added back to library. On my android tablet, I was able to Uninstall the new horrid app and reinstall the old app through APK. You have to go to Google play settings and change to do not update. Anyways, lost a good part of my day, and I am now back to where I was before the update. Ugh. Really, not being able to add to the queue? Really? Come on. No more changes.

This new update looks like it was developed by someone with learning difficulties!


Time fore to sell this crap I paid £2,000 for and buy a proper system that works

Cheers Ray Vonn. I have retrieved my 45 year old Technics SL mini system and SL10 record deck from the loft (cost the same then as a SONOS Arc does now), dusted them off, linked them to my passive B&W DM12 speakers and portable CD player. I’ve made a nice cup of coffee and am about to slip “Goodbye Cream” out of its sleeve and put it on the deck. I’ve queued my vinyl, alphabetically of course, ready to play. At least I’ll get some exercise now, walking over to the deck every 15 minutes to flip the LP over !!!!!!!

Lets hope SONOS get this sorted quickly ‘cos I can’t keep humping the Technics system from room to room.🙄

This new update looks like it was developed by someone with learning difficulties!


Time fore to sell this crap I paid £2,000 for and buy a proper system that works

Cheers Ray Vonn. I have retrieved my 45 year old Technics SL mini system and SL10 record deck from the loft (cost the same then as a SONOS Arc does now), dusted them off, linked them to my passive B&W DM12 speakers and portable CD player. I’ve made a nice cup of coffee and am about to slip “Goodbye Cream” out of its sleeve and put it on the deck. I’ve queued my vinyl, alphabetically of course, ready to play. At least I’ll get some exercise now, walking over to the deck every 15 minutes to flip the LP over !!!!!!!

Lets hope SONOS get this sorted quickly ‘cos I can’t keep humping the Technics system from room to room.🙄

Great album, Lazylouis… Clapton’s blistering guitar scree at the beginning of Sitting on Top of the World is without equal.

Instead of complaining I am look at new systems.  What does everyone think about Sony and Apple they both have multi room WiFi speakers that just work?  Does anyone have other suggestions?  Not SONOS lol.


I’ll probably go with homepod minis in my bedroom and kitchen. The One I had in my bedroom went to start setting up my spare room. I’m doing some smart bulbs off my Apple TV and a couple of homepod minis will actually be more useful and cheaper.

I just set up the following, as I’m already on ‘Premium Spotify’:

Just tried it with my Sonos Amps downstairs & it’s fine, nice GUI too 🙂 Spotify found the Amps in a flash!


As I said in my original post, I’ll give Sonos a few more weeks and if they are not able to fix the problem or bring back the old app, I just return the speakers and buy another brand. Thank goodness for Costco
