
Your feedback on the new Sonos App

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Userlevel 7
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@Rhonny  just as you have the right to point out people complaining will not change anything they have the right to complain 

I doubt anyone from Sonos actually reads any of this the moderation on here is fairly basic as in removing profanity and advising people to call the help desk I did read the forums before I invested in my system and back then they were mainly positive 

if I read them now I wouldn’t invest in them at all so guess the negative posts will have some effect 

just my thoughts 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I didn’t say people don’t have the right to complain. It’s the effectiveness of where they are directing their complaints, and the repetition of the same complaints expecting a different outcome that I was talking about.

Let’s see how quickly what I’ve said can be bent out of shape!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

General thoughts…

Does anyone think, at 93 pages, that the team at Sonos can learn anything more from people’s unhappiness with the app?

Surely there is nothing more that can possibly be said?

Surely every single issue that can possibly be raised has now been raised?

The issues might manifest in different ways on different systems, but there will be a fundamental series of coding issues that, once fixed, will lead to the remedy of all issues. And those issues that aren’t remedied will be no different than the huge numbers of issues that have been raised on this forum way before this new app was rolled out. 

I am not an unconditional supporter of Sonos, but do people think that repeatedly saying “I’m not happy with this”, time and time again, will make Sonos reply with anything different to their ongoing “Yep, we get that and we’re working on it”, or move any quicker than they currently are??

Their CEO will not resign. The iOS app will not be rolled back. 

This thread - and the myriad others since 7th May - feels to me nothing more than a receptacle for gripes, acting as a rant graveyard that helps Sonos ensure the complainants never actually contact them. 


I would agree that the usefulness of threads like this is limited as we know that the old app is not coming back and the only way is forward. 

I’m not convinced that every issue has been raised though as the mute issue did not exist for me originally and was introduce by the 17th June update and made worse by the 24th release.

But continually repeating issues that are know is a waste of time and what we need now is probably a thread for each release that contains new bugs in that release to compliment the what is fixed/reinstated.

I recognise that there is still a lot of anger about the way that Sonos has handled this and that is likely to continue for a while yet. 100 pages is not that far away and I’m guessing we’ll make that target. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Actually the only way isn’t forward I am frozen at 16.1 with everything working on iOS so there’s 2 ways 😜

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

100 pages is not that far away and I’m guessing we’ll make that target. 


It’s desperately disappointing that this is true. 

I’ll wager petitions about human rights issues in war-torn regions have struggled to inspire this many signatures.

(It’s not what Sonos would have wanted, but it’s certainly something Sonos could have prevented.)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Actually the only way isn’t forward I am frozen at 16.1 with everything working on iOS so there’s 2 ways 😜

Nice! (We’ve just taken it to 94 pages. I feel that was cheating though.)

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Actually the only way isn’t forward I am frozen at 16.1 with everything working on iOS so there’s 2 ways 😜


Weird thing is for a week now I haven’t used the Sonos app at all I have been using WiiM app with a WiiM mini plugged into my 5s and sub for music and have listened to more music in a week than for months 👍

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Thank you osm. That’s what I’m running right now, but like I said, it is saying “Update Now” and I’m tempted to try it.  The last time I did this it took a while and was doing something to all my Sonos devices. I don’t know if that’s considered a firmware update.  

It might be a prompt for system firmware update rather than controller update. The build for my system/speaker firmware is 79154060. You can check from the same place as where you checked for controller app build. I think I may have done a system update a couple of days ago after installing latest version of mobile app. But I would have done this via the mobile app rather than the Windows app.  

I’ll go up and check in a bit. Thank you for helping me understand the difference between the controller update and a firmware update. 

It took a few minutes, but I performed a successful firmware update to the version that you are running, 79154060. And after studying that window for a while, I finally noticed where Sonos presents the WM: code. It’s right on top of that window, which, since I have my Connect and Beam down in the Living Room connected to the downstairs Gigabit switch, which is a direct connection to my router, I am running SonosNet. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Thank you osm. That’s what I’m running right now, but like I said, it is saying “Update Now” and I’m tempted to try it.  The last time I did this it took a while and was doing something to all my Sonos devices. I don’t know if that’s considered a firmware update.  

It might be a prompt for system firmware update rather than controller update. The build for my system/speaker firmware is 79154060. You can check from the same place as where you checked for controller app build. I think I may have done a system update a couple of days ago after installing latest version of mobile app. But I would have done this via the mobile app rather than the Windows app.  

I’ll go up and check in a bit. Thank you for helping me understand the difference between the controller update and a firmware update. 

It took a few minutes, but I performed a successful firmware update to the version that you are running, 79154060. And after studying that window for a while, I finally noticed where Sonos presents the WM: code. It’s right on top of that window, which, since I have my Connect and Beam down in the Living Room connected to the downstairs Gigabit switch, which is a direct connection to my router, I am running SonosNet (WM:0). 


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

100 pages is not that far away and I’m guessing we’ll make that target. 


It’s desperately disappointing that this is true. 

I’ll wager petitions about human rights issues in war-torn regions have struggled to inspire this many signatures.

(It’s not what Sonos would have wanted, but it’s certainly something Sonos could have prevented.)

This is not what they wanted or expected either. Although they are far from being in trouble, and will almost certainly turn this around in the coming months, the decline in the share price since the app was released will be disappointing especially given the launch of Ace and Roam 2. They will be having some tough internal conversations about this.

For the avoidance of doubt I repeat I’m not suggesting that they are in trouble just observing that the share price is not moving in the way they would of hoped having hyped the App, Ace and Roam 2.


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I didn’t say people don’t have the right to complain. It’s the effectiveness of where they are directing their complaints, and the repetition of the same complaints expecting a different outcome that I was talking about.

Let’s see how quickly what I’ve said can be bent out of shape!

This thread was setup by Sonos Support to invite feedback, and that is what they have got. The 2 or 3 ******* that oppose any feedback and go on about ‘1st World’ problems are patronizing, arrogant and unhelpful (about the whole concept of ‘1st’ and ‘3rd’ Worlds apart from anything else. Plenty if you take notice of feedback from India and Asia). If this is not the place to direct invited feedback, where the hell is? And you’re getting the same responses from many different people because they are encountering the same problems and there is no support and no fixes suggested by Sonos Support or people like you. 


Moderator Note: Please remain courteous. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I didn’t say people don’t have the right to complain. It’s the effectiveness of where they are directing their complaints, and the repetition of the same complaints expecting a different outcome that I was talking about.

Let’s see how quickly what I’ve said can be bent out of shape!

This thread was setup by Sonos Support to invite feedback, and that is what they have got. The 2 or 3 cult worshippers that oppose any feedback and go on about ‘1st World’ problems are patronizing, arrogant and unhelpful (about the whole concept of ‘1st’ and ‘3rd’ Worlds apart from anything else. Plenty if you take notice of feedback from India and Asia). If this is not the place to direct invited feedback, where the hell is? And you’re getting the same responses from many different people because they are encountering the same problems and there is no support and no fixes suggested by Sonos Support or people like you. 

Didn’t take long to get bent out of shape, did it?

“This thread was setup by Sonos Support to invite feedback, and that is what they have got.”

Yes, adding a complaint on a page of ten posts ensures the complaint visible and impactful. Adding a complaint to 100 others means the complaint is diluted. Adding a complaint to a thread containing 2,333 others is next to pointless. That is the point I am making.

I don’t know who you are referring to as “edit: fanboys” or making 1st and 3rd world comments, but I’ve not said anything of the sort so presumably aimed elsewhere.

“If this is not the place to direct invited feedback, where the hell is?”

It WAS the place to direct feedback. Who knows where it needs to be directed now. 

“And you’re getting the same responses from many different people because they are encountering the same problems”

Do you not see that this is my point? It doesn’t matter how many different people complain about the same problem, it is still the same problem, so what good does it do to repeat it on a 94-page thread? 

“and there is no support and no fixes suggested by Sonos Support or people like you.”

Lazy comment. Whilst I agree that help on here from Sonos folks is currently rare, there is ENDLESS support on here from dozens of willing people (who end up unfairly taking the weight off Sonos). 90% of my presence on here is helping to make suggestions to remedy issues. I had two posts marked as answers today.


EDIT: And it makes forum users fall out with each other!! No-one wants that! Let’s be friends!

I think a “me too" (including your symptoms) comment would be productive for SONOS to get an idea with respect to the scope of an issue. We don't need the derogatory comments targeting SONOS and other Comminity members.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

To have Sonos learn form such a post a description of the network components and devices used would also be good.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

To have Sonos learn form such a post a description of the network components and devices used would also be good.

I tried to start this off previously. I thought it would be helpful for Sonos support if people posted their issues alongside details of the precise speakers, device, router, OS, etc, so that patterns could be seen (by Sonos and by the community). It would at least give a purpose to different people posting with the same issues. 

I posted mine and that was as far as it went. 


Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Hi Sonos.  I have a request for the new app….  Whenever I scroll through one of my playlists and finally find what I am looking for and start playing that song, if I open the currently playing window to be able to control the volume, etc. ; whenever I exit that screen by pulling down with my finger, the next screen I see is the beginning of my playlist. I don’t want to go back to the beginning, but rather continue at the currently playing song and continue my search. Could you please try and fix this so the search of the playlist doesn’t always start back at the top?  

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Forget the sound system, the Sonos Ace ad is music to your eyes!

Thought I’d dig out my wife’s iPad, in case it’s only us Android guys having problems. It found my system, but nothing will populate … except the Ace ad. Gotta hand it to them for their candour re: priorities.

Would love to at least know that Sonos knows that this is a problem, and that they’re working on it.

That said, kudos to Sonos for hosting the various threads on this site. As irritating as this is (more so than it should be since we’re only talking about speakers, after all), not to mention embarrassing for those of us who have recommended or gifted speakers to others in the past, if there wasn’t a place to vent (in the hope the overall “weight” of the thread will keep the pressure on), I likely would have voted with my feet by now.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Forget the sound system, the Sonos Ace ad is music to your eyes!

Thought I’d dig out my wife’s iPad, in case it’s only us Android guys having problems. It found my system, but nothing will populate … except the Ace ad. Gotta hand it to them for their candour re: priorities.

Would love to at least know that Sonos knows that this is a problem, and that they’re working on it.

That said, kudos to Sonos for hosting the various threads on this site. As irritating as this is (more so than it should be since we’re only talking about speakers, after all), not to mention embarrassing for those of us who have recommended or gifted speakers to others in the past, if there wasn’t a place to vent (in the hope the overall “weight” of the thread will keep the pressure on), I likely would have voted with my feet by now.

I know it’s frustrating to have nothing on your app except a sales pitch. This morning I got a little more but what I noticed was that if I opened and closed the IOS app several times the recently played tiles would come and go. So that got me to wonder where is this information stored on your network?  It has to be a local file specific to the user. I’m mentioning this because there are times I try to open an Excel spreadsheet that resides on my NAS drive (along with my music) and Excel says it can’t find the file and I have to do it twice. And I noticed that you don’t have a music library path like I do. Do you need one if the music is stored on your local machine?  I don’t know; I’m just throwing ideas out there. I have a music library path pointing to an iTunes folder on my WD My Cloud, which I could only be set by using the Windows Controller app.  

Userlevel 3

Well, I accidently reset a Move today and had to install the new app to re-add it (Android).


New app found the speaker, 'added' it but failed to register it and prompted to 'fix'... Fixing failed many many many times as did reset/re-add of the Move both of which just repeated the process - continuously 🤬. The process itself took a very very very long time too when compared to the old days... 🤔


I was beginning to think I would never get the Move back on my system until... I let a clean enrol process fail and prompt to 'fix' (🙄) in the new app and then completed the process on another Android device running the 'old' app. This resulted in completion of product registration and a fully working Move. Enrol completion process  in the old app was also smooth and quick by comparison. The Move is now working in both apps although I have rolled back the new one to 16.1 - good old Android 👍. 


Just goes to show it IS the new, improved, quicker and easier to use app (or at least the architecture it runs on) that causes the speaker enrol issues and NOT our trusted and historically fully operational networks!


Who'd have thunk it 🤷🏼‍♂️...

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Major upgrades of greatest importance to me — access to My Library and local searching — have slipped into July. 

Not encouraging. 

I remain skeptical Sonos will recover from this mess. 

My BluOS/BlueSound/NAD gear runs fine. Given the choice between sparkling but broken promises vs solid albeit less shiny functionality, the choice for me has been an easy one. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I didn’t say people don’t have the right to complain. It’s the effectiveness of where they are directing their complaints, and the repetition of the same complaints expecting a different outcome that I was talking about.

Let’s see how quickly what I’ve said can be bent out of shape!

This thread was setup by Sonos Support to invite feedback, and that is what they have got. The 2 or 3 cult worshippers that oppose any feedback and go on about ‘1st World’ problems are patronizing, arrogant and unhelpful (about the whole concept of ‘1st’ and ‘3rd’ Worlds apart from anything else. Plenty if you take notice of feedback from India and Asia). If this is not the place to direct invited feedback, where the hell is? And you’re getting the same responses from many different people because they are encountering the same problems and there is no support and no fixes suggested by Sonos Support or people like you. 

Didn’t take long to get bent out of shape, did it?

“This thread was setup by Sonos Support to invite feedback, and that is what they have got.”

Yes, adding a complaint on a page of ten posts ensures the complaint visible and impactful. Adding a complaint to 100 others means the complaint is diluted. Adding a complaint to a thread containing 2,333 others is next to pointless. That is the point I am making.

I don’t know who you are referring to as “edit: fanboys” or making 1st and 3rd world comments, but I’ve not said anything of the sort so presumably aimed elsewhere.

“If this is not the place to direct invited feedback, where the hell is?”

It WAS the place to direct feedback. Who knows where it needs to be directed now. 

“And you’re getting the same responses from many different people because they are encountering the same problems”

Do you not see that this is my point? It doesn’t matter how many different people complain about the same problem, it is still the same problem, so what good does it do to repeat it on a 94-page thread? 

“and there is no support and no fixes suggested by Sonos Support or people like you.”

Lazy comment. Whilst I agree that help on here from Sonos folks is currently rare, there is ENDLESS support on here from dozens of willing people (who end up unfairly taking the weight off Sonos). 90% of my presence on here is helping to make suggestions to remedy issues. I had two posts marked as answers today.


EDIT: And it makes forum users fall out with each other!! No-one wants that! Let’s be friends!

"ENDLESS" support - ridiculous hyperbole. 

And this "I’ll wager petitions about human rights issues in war-torn regions have struggled to inspire this many signatures" managing to trivialise the situation with this AND human rights at the same time, all with pretentious, faux Dickensian language thrown in. 

"Who knows where it needs to be directed now." Seeing as you are the one whining and whinging about feedback on a thread asking for feedback I suggest you speak to your leaders and find out? Or even better start your own thread on what you want to talk about and go there. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I would wager that suggesting those who give up their time, like me, to help out people like you or others, would object to you disagreeing that they offer endless support. There is always someone on here from somewhere in the world willing to help out. 

Userlevel 4

I would wager that suggesting those who give up their time, like me, to help out people like you or others, would object to you disagreeing that they offer endless support. There is always someone on here from somewhere in the world willing to help out. 

Yep in 10 years most likely your friend will just give you another $5 speaker off amazon and say.. here.. this will at least work. Sonos probably won’t be in business because it might have always been the plan to exit when it was good! Endless helpless support isn’t going to help anything… you’ll be technically on hold for the rest of your life while they show you how your speaker “could” work after trying millions of ways to “make it work.”🤣 That’s assuming they stay in business and it’s a big assumption.



Your app is unable to find my Sonos system… again. Arguably it did the same thing in the past with the old app. The lip sync is still out of sorts despite me getting a new tv… you’d think after spending 1k on something, it would work. And no I don’t need help or support to reset the whole system and start all over. I’ll just short the stock until you guys go out of business as I’ve had Sonos for years and nothing has changes. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

The lip sync issue is highly likely to be your TV settings (even if it’s new) and/or, if applicable, the source of the sound (eg a Fire Stick or Apple TV). 
But have you tried adjusting TV Dialog Sync in the Sonos soundbar settings? And also the lip sync adjustments on the TV?

Have you matched your TV output to the sound format being played (eg TV set to output Dolby Atmos if it’s an Atmos sound bar)…?

Also how is your soundbar connected (is it to the HDMI ARC/eARC port)?
