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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Please give me the opportunity to switch back to the old S2 app!!!

It is not only the missing basic features of creating and mutating personal playlists but the overall performance is terrible. I read this in the statement from Sonos: “For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.” Non of this is achieved!!!

Not to speak of the advertisement banner in the app (the only feature in the new app that seems to work well somehow) and the spam in the mailbox about all kind of new very expensive products!

I am seriously considering to purchase a Denon DNP-2000NE and put all my SONOS components for sale on eBay.

I need ton say that I'm getting OK.

Yesterday I bought a Sonos Roam (1 gen). The connection process to the new app went well.


Today I have:

2 Play:1

2 Sonos Era 100

1 Sonos Roam



Everything works OK. I miss the sleep-timer, I don't think my library on my PC works yet (but it do through PLEX). However this seems to be fixed in mid-june. I also miss a shortcut to the EQ.


My services in the system are:



myTuner Radio (had to add it through my PC)

RadioPlay (had to add it through my PC)




Sveriges Radio (Swedish public Broadcasting)


... Everything works fine except "myTuner Radio" and "RadioPlay" that was impossible to add in the new app but it was possible in the Windows PC App... Everything else works fine.



I need ton say that I'm getting OK.

Yesterday I bought a Sonos Roam (1 gen). The connection process to the new app went well.


Today I have:

2 Play:1

2 Sonos Era 100

1 Sonos Roam



Everything works OK. I miss the sleep-timer, I don't think my library on my PC works yet (but it do through PLEX). However this seems to be fixed in mid-june. I also miss a shortcut to the EQ.


My services in the system are:



myTuner Radio (had to add it through my PC)

RadioPlay (had to add it through my PC)




Sveriges Radio (Swedish public Broadcasting)


... Everything works fine except "myTuner Radio" and "RadioPlay" that was impossible to add in the new app but it was possible in the Windows PC App... Everything else works fine.




Thanks for actual feedback in the feedback thread!

I need ton say that I'm getting OK.

Yesterday I bought a Sonos Roam (1 gen). The connection process to the new app went well.


Today I have:

2 Play:1

2 Sonos Era 100

1 Sonos Roam



Everything works OK. I miss the sleep-timer, I don't think my library on my PC works yet (but it do through PLEX). However this seems to be fixed in mid-june. I also miss a shortcut to the EQ.


My services in the system are:



myTuner Radio (had to add it through my PC)

RadioPlay (had to add it through my PC)




Sveriges Radio (Swedish public Broadcasting)


... Everything works fine except "myTuner Radio" and "RadioPlay" that was impossible to add in the new app but it was possible in the Windows PC App... Everything else works fine.




Thanks for actual feedback in the feedback thread!

Is there a good tutorial on adding my music library to my Plex account, and another to add Plex to Sonos? 

I am struggling to find the words to explain my issue and have searched and searched on all the likely terms.


So, the “panel” at the bottom of the new app. It always defaults to one set of speakers. I can, with some trial and error, switch outputs from the screen “below” the panel. And back out of that screen, with some more trial and error I can switch sources. But the app then defaults back to the wrong speakers. So, I’m then forced to fiddle with things again and select/deselect speakers until finally I have the source I want on the speakers I want. 

Is this a known issue and what’s it called? It is extremely frustrating. Today’s update made it worse if anything. 

I see this many times every day in the new app. Is it the new Sonos company slogan?


Is there a good tutorial on adding my music library to my Plex account, and another to add Plex to Sonos? 


Don’t know about the first, here’s the second:

Moderators keep deleting my posts. Truth hurts, doesn’t it Sonos?  You’ve lost all credibility. Even if you now rolled out the best app known to humans, I will never spend another penny with you based on the way you are treating your customers

@boardmomkey I have had this exact problem intermittently as well.

Moderators keep deleting my posts. Truth hurts, doesn’t it Sonos?  You’ve lost all credibility. Even if you now rolled out the best app known to humans, I will never spend another penny with you based on the way you are treating your customers


If you are never going to spend another penny with Sonos, why should they care what you think?

Slow, loses connections, loses devices

SLOW, errors out that there is no system



Amazon Music ::  Search for an artist.  Select their top songs.  Why do I have to play them one at a time?

Where did the “▶️” Play button go for the whole list of top songs.  it’s not fun when the music stops and you have to go back to the app and then play another song one by one by one………………………

Can we just revert back to the old app?

Amazon Music ::  Search for an artist.  Select their top songs.  Why do I have to play them one at a time?

Where did the “▶️” Play button go for the whole list of top songs.  it’s not fun when the music stops and you have to go back to the app and then play another song one by one by one………………………

Can we just revert back to the old app?

I was literally going to post the same thing. I played the entire list of “Top Songs” from various artists in Amazon Music in the old app pretty frequently. I have been trying to do so today but it’s clear that option is now gone. I have to select each song manually to play them one at a time. Ridiculous. 

15 minutes to search for an artist. When the services finally appeared, the station wouldn’t play. I hit the play button over and over, but nothing happened. 

The moderators keep sending me private emails saying they’ve deleted my posts. I guess my feedback isn’t welcome and I hurt their feelings. Really highlights that Sonos doesn’t care about their customers. 

Moderators keep deleting my posts. Truth hurts, doesn’t it Sonos?  You’ve lost all credibility. Even if you now rolled out the best app known to humans, I will never spend another penny with you based on the way you are treating your customers


If you are never going to spend another penny with Sonos, why should they care what you think?

What a great question. Hmmmmm let’s see, maybe customer service for  someone that is in for $20k in their products?  Too much to ask?  


Do the following:

  1. Select Amazon Music
  2. Search Artist
  3. Select Artist
  4. Select Top Songs
  5. Select Three Dots to Right of Top Songs (…)
  6. Pin Collection To Home
  7. Go To Home
  8. Under Sonos Favorites Find Top Songs for Artist Selected
  9. Tap To Play
  10. Optional: Select Cross Fade to Play Song’s in Random Order



Do the following:

  1. Select Amazon Music
  2. Search Artist
  3. Select Artist
  4. Select Top Songs
  5. Select Three Dots to Right of Top Songs (…)
  6. Pin Collection To Home
  7. Go To Home
  8. Under Sonos Favorites Find Top Songs for Artist Selected
  9. Tap To Play
  10. Optional: Select Cross Fade to Play Song’s in Random Order


Thank you. I’ll give it a try. 

The app is so bad I was moved to create an account in the community to post here… “This app is so bad I am considering different products from a competitor. Do better Sonos. Perhaps next time beta (more beta than you did) or trial the app with more active users who provide tangible feedback. LISTEN TO YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS!”

What a great question. Hmmmmm let’s see, maybe customer service for  someone that is in for $20k in their products?  Too much to ask?  


They ‘ve already got your money, and you are doing nothing at all to get them any more in the future.  Matter of fact, it seems you are meaning to bash them at every turn.  Personally, I’d cull you out and ignore you, knowing you will eventually go away (or show yourself to be nothing but an outlier). 

And $20k in products, even if you bought all Sonos Arcs, is 32 total (and nobody buys 32 Arcs).  The most a Sonos system can support is 32.  Like to try again?  

What a great question. Hmmmmm let’s see, maybe customer service for  someone that is in for $20k in their products?  Too much to ask?  


They ‘ve already got your money, and you are doing nothing at all to get them any more in the future.  Matter of fact, it seems you are meaning to bash them at every turn.  Personally, I’d cull you out and ignore you, knowing you will eventually go away (or show yourself to be nothing but an outlier). 

And $20k in products, even if you bought all Sonos Arcs, is 32 total (and nobody buys 32 Arcs).  The most a Sonos system can support is 32.  Like to try again?  


You know what currency he is talking about because the aussie dollar is really low right now? Haven’t done the maths myself but the aussie is only .65 .66 right now?


You know what currency he is talking about because the aussie dollar is really low right now? Haven’t done the maths myself but the aussie is only .65 .66 right now?


I’ve no idea really.  I’m just having a little fun with an obvious troll.


This is a pretty appalling situation I’d be wary of throwing the troll word around. People have good reason to be upset. I’m not happy but I can still queue up an album, my brother that got interested after I bought my Playbase is not so lucky. He not only bought a lot of stuff but upgraded a little while back. Not sure if he got sorted yet.

Seems my iPad app can’t see the recently played from my android phone app. That’s odd. Would’ve thought that was on the speakers.

Thought I’d give an update on my Sonos Exit

2 eras cancelled from buying  

arc. Sold

sub. Sold

2 x ikea lamps used as rears. Sold

Sonos Move. Sold


still have one move and a roam to go. 


The most efficient approach would be to rollback to the „old“ SONOS App (was not ideal, but much better then the new one), then do proper design (hire new UI designers), development and QA and only then launch the new App. Otherwise SONOS will continue to make the clients very unhappy - without the sleep timer the App is pretty useless for me and there are other known bugs, problems. The main issue is however that the design is terrible, not ergonomic, cumbersome, not intuitive… this new App will be never accepted by the community, sorry…

The new app simply does not work. Switching to blue tooth means the app takes forever to connect my system and use. It also causes mobile battery drain. 

Please provide

1. Option to use old app

2. Option to switch back from Bluetooth to wi-fi 

3. Offer a Sonos remote control or very simple and fast control app

4. Automatic speaker detection per source, like when the TV starts the Sonos audio works. This is not the case when I play a record or other source. 

Immediately to solve the day to day use of my system and not consider replacing everything, PLEASE make the old app and option again.

