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Today my Sonos is refusing to load any playlist I created on Amazon Music Unlimited that has more than 100 songs. I’ve reset router, cable modem, all speakers/amps, controller, deleted and reactivated the amazon account. All apps and Sonos controller are up to date. I verified my amazon account is active and still at the unlimited level, which it is. 

What is really odd is I can load any playlist, no matter what size, if it was created by amazon. I just can’t load my playlists, unless they have 100 or less songs. I contacted Sonos support and was told amazon limits playlist to 100 songs on Sonos, although only my personal playlist are not working if over 100 songs. I contacted amazon and they said they do not limit playlist songs to 100 on Sonos.

I really don’t want to switch from amazon, I have been happy for a couple of years with their unlimited service.

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

The attached pictures shows what I see when I try to load a playlist with over 100 songs. Song 100 shows then just blanks for all the remaining songs. This is the PC app but it does the same on my iPhone app.




It's the same for me but a while ago, I could definitely play my own Amazon playlists if they were over 100 songs. This seems like a new bug. Cannot say when this change happened as I only have 2 playlists over 100 songs and I have not tried playing them for some time now. All I know is they used to play just fine. I use the android app. 

@Corry P - is there an issue playing Amazon playlists that are over 100 songs?

This definitely used to work fine so is this a Sonos issue or an Amazon issue?

I’m seeing the same playlist-limitation issue here too. It surely must be an error, as 100 tracks is too low in anyone’s book and I would have expected to have received advance-notification from Amazon about such a change to their T&C’s - If it’s a deliberate change, then it’s frustrating, particularly as I’ve just recently renewed my annual music subscription with them. Here’s hoping that it’s just a glitch.🤞

Hi @SarahN 

There is no limit of 100 tracks in an Amazon Music playlist that can be played to Sonos. There is, however, a limit of 100 playlists that can be added to Sonos from Amazon Music - I think this must be where the agent that @GregBel spoke to went wrong, so apologies to @GregBel for the misunderstanding!

The limit for an Amazon Music playlist is ~5,500, but it varies with metadata. Or, up to 500 tracks from Amazon Music can be added to a speaker’s queue (a Sonos playlist containing AM tracks).

In addition, there is a 10,000 track limit for all playlists - so if other playlists add up to 9,900 tracks, it’s conceivable that there could be problems with the last playlist when it reaches more than 100 tracks.

Thanks to @Ken_Griffiths for reproducing - I’m working on getting it confirmed in-house.

I hope this helps.

Thanks Corry - we will await your update hopefully a bit later on 😊

Hi @SarahN 

There is no limit of 100 tracks in an Amazon Music playlist that can be played to Sonos. There is, however, a limit of 100 playlists that can be added to Sonos from Amazon Music - I think this must be where the agent that @GregBel spoke to went wrong, so apologies to @GregBel for the misunderstanding!

The limit for an Amazon Music playlist is ~5,500, but it varies with metadata. Or, up to 500 tracks from Amazon Music can be added to a speaker’s queue (a Sonos playlist containing AM tracks).

In addition, there is a 10,000 track limit for all playlists - so if other playlists add up to 9,900 tracks, it’s conceivable that there could be problems with the last playlist when it reaches more than 100 tracks.

Thanks to @Ken_Griffiths for reproducing - I’m working on getting it confirmed in-house.

I hope this helps.

From this info given, there is definitely an issue with the app then, as I only have 10 playlists in Amazon, with only 2 over 100 songs. Where I could queue them on a speaker before, now it comes up with this message, when I try - ‘Unable to add songs to the Queue’

Hi @SarahN 

Is that from a mobile device, or from a PC/Mac as with the thread author?

From my android mobile phone

Thanks @SarahN!

There is a ten second timeout for loading all playlists, if it takes longer than that will will not work.

I'm having problems,my own personal playlist won't play on amazon music,everything else plays fine just won't add my playlist of 400 odd songs says unable to add to queue, playlist plays on Spotify,definitely was working OK before,something not right between sonos and amazon unlimited!!!

I'm having problems,my own personal playlist won't play on amazon music,everything else plays fine just won't add my playlist of 400 odd songs says unable to add to queue, playlist plays on Spotify,definitely was working OK before,something not right between sonos and amazon unlimited!!!

That is the exact thing that is happening to me too! Very annoying as it used to work ok.

Same issue here. Sonos will only load the first 100 songs of my Amazon Unlimited Playlist of 211 songs. Seems to have only been an issue within last day or so (10 - 12 April) so possibly brought in with new App release. 

Have the same issue AGAIN! Comes and goes. So tired of this platform and the Sonos app, I have reinstalled and rebooted apps and systems too many times to count. Works fine with Pandora right now, but of course when i have company it never works. Trying to manage the music between zones on the app is an absolute nightmare. When is Sonos going to get this stuff right, what a frustrating system this is. Who has time to put in for constant tickets and troubleshot all this nonsense?

Same issue seemed tl start this morning. Spent 4+ hours between sonos and amazon support no help so far.


Can play anything except for playlists which i have created.


Amazon preset playlists work fine 

Individual songs in playlist work if i hit play now


Albums work fine. 


Issue seems isolated to user created playlists very frustrating 

I’m having the exact same problem, which just started today. I’ve done similar troubleshooting to what was mentioned above.

Before today, if I had a playlist with more than 500 tracks, the first 500 would load on the queue and play. For playlists smaller than 501 tracks, the entire playlist would load and play.

As of today, only playlists of 100 tracks or less will load and play. If the playlist has over 100 tracks, none of the tracks will load.

Most of my playlists are over 100 tracks, which means most can now not be played at all.

It’s still not clear whether the problem is on the Sonos side or the Amazon side, but some recent change is limiting Sonos from adding Amazon playlists with over 100 tracks to the Sonos queue. This is true even if the queue is empty. The last update on my Amazon music app was 2 days ago, and the last update on my Sonos app was on 4-5-23. I’m using an iPad as my Sonos controller.

I wanted to test whether the problem was that the queue loading process was timing out. I was able to add a particular playlist with 100 tracks, but then when I added one more track to it, the entire playlist would not load to the queue. Since this would have made a minimal difference time wise, and since so many others are reporting this problem, I don’t think this is the issue.


Does anyone from sonos actually look at these community problems and respond to them otherwise they are pretty pointless,as we need some sort of response as to where the problem is,or it's just a waste of time posting here!!!

This is a community website. There are moderators, but the large number of posts would make it difficult to cover everything. If you want to communicate with Sonos, rather than with the community, your best bet is to call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

@Airgetlam I did contact Sonos Support

Here is an exert from my chat with Sonos Support:

Jose B (4/12/2023, 11:48:11 AM): We apologize for the inconvenience, Greg. We've been experiencing significant changes with this music service since November 2022 that have an impact in the way customers access their playlist and music for the Sonos app. However, Amazon Music Unlimited has always had the limitation of 100 song from playlists within the Sonos app.
null (4/12/2023, 11:49:06 AM): That's odd because I've had Amazon playlist with over 100 songs for a long time without issue.
null (4/12/2023, 11:50:05 AM): I will verify with Amazon that this is in fact the case. If it is does Spotify have the same limitation?
Jose B (4/12/2023, 11:52:14 AM): Got it, it will be better that you please contact Amazon in this case. Spotify allows 500 songs per playlist within the Sonos app.
null (4/12/2023, 11:52:46 AM): OK thanks I'll see what Amazon has to say.
Jose B (4/12/2023, 11:53:48 AM): You're welcome, Greg!  It's been a pleasure assisting you today. Feel free to note your case number for future references. If you need to reach out for further assistance, you can provide that number to pick up from where we left off. All your case information will be documented, and you may also download a transcript of this chat once the session has ended. Thank you so much for contacting Sonos technical support today. Have an amazing and blessed day, take care!
null (4/12/2023, 11:54:29 AM): Just to verify, Amazon paid for Unlimited account only allows 100 song playlist on Sonos
Jose B (4/12/2023, 11:55:34 AM): That is correct, Amazon Music Unlimited will only show 100 songs per playlist within the Sonos app.
null (4/12/2023, 11:55:46 AM): OK thanks bye
Jose B (4/12/2023, 11:56:26 AM): You're very welcome! Goodbye.

As you can see Sonos Support was not much support unfortunately. I have used Sonos for years with Amazon music without issue. I really hope this gets solved. Maybe if others here contact Sonos Support Sonos may do something.

@Corry Pis Sonos Staff and has seen this post. He said he would look into it, so I hope he does.


Moderator edit: removed case number

It makes no sense that it's true that Amazon limits to 100 songs,as it was all working fine and playing my playlist on sonos last week,and my playlist still plays fine on my phone and in my car etc,so it was working last week,and stopped the same day as others reported,so obviously something must have changed between sonos and amazon in that time!!!

It makes no sense that it's true that Amazon limits to 100 songs,as it was all working fine and playing my playlist on sonos last week,and my playlist still plays fine on my phone and in my car etc,so it was working last week,and stopped the same day as others reported,so obviously something must have changed between sonos and amazon in that time!!!

This is an Amazon-SMAPI-only change, for some reason. Nothing to do with Sonos. No idea why they did this though, could be accidental like the no-searching-Audible change a few weeks ago seems to be, and if no-one tells them, it doesn’t get fixed. So, please yell at Amazon.

Neither Sonos or Amazon have a way to report a problem. They only have agents that are trained to help with setup problems, but no way to report a problem, There is  no way to get a trouble ticket of any kind started like other companies have. You can only complain and hope that gets reported. There is no way to follow up or even see that the problem has been reported.

Today I took one of my Amazon playlist with 388 songs and using Amazon Music web site I split the playlist into 4 playlist each with 100 or less songs. I then used the “Sonos App” and added each of those playlists into a “Sonos Playlist” Took me about 20 minutes.

The new “Sonos Playlist” has 388 amazon prime songs now. I added the new Sonos playlist to my Sonos Favorites. I can play that playlist just fine, all 388 songs load into the sonos queue and the queue plays.

If’s funny that only My Amazon Music Unlimited Playlists of over 100 songs just won’t load anymore. I doubt Amazon is doing this. When I did contact Amazon they said they did not limit playlist on Sonos to 100 tracks.

Seems to me the Sonos App is having a problem and needs a fix. Hopefully enough others complain that a fix will come soon.


Neither Sonos or Amazon have a way to report a problem. They only have agents that are trained to help with setup problems, but no way to report a problem, There is  no way to get a trouble ticket of any kind started like other companies have. You can only complain and hope that gets reported. There is no way to follow up or even see that the problem has been reported.

Today I took one of my Amazon playlist with 388 songs and using Amazon Music web site I split the playlist into 4 playlist each with 100 or less songs. I then used the “Sonos App” and added each of those playlists into a “Sonos Playlist” Took me about 20 minutes.

The new “Sonos Playlist” has 388 amazon prime songs now. I added the new Sonos playlist to my Sonos Favorites. I can play that playlist just fine, all 388 songs load into the sonos queue and the queue plays.

If’s funny that only My Amazon Music Unlimited Playlists of over 100 songs just won’t load anymore. I doubt Amazon is doing this. When I did contact Amazon they said they did not limit playlist on Sonos to 100 tracks.

Seems to me the Sonos App is having a problem and needs a fix. Hopefully enough others complain that a fix will come soon.


My feeling is it's a Sonos app issue too. I only have 2 Amazon playlists that are over 100 songs and funnily enough, only the other week I was fiddling about and managed to copy one over to a new Sonos playlist of the same name. So that one at least, I can still play fully on Sonos. If I do add any songs on it via Amazon, I will just duplicate with its equivalent Sonos playlist. The other one - I may do what you did and split it to copy over. It's only just under 200 so will only require 2 splits. What a pain though! 

I have too many playlists over 100 tracks, and some of them have hundreds of tracks, so I don’t have the patience to split them all. For now, I’m starting the music in the Amazon music app, then using Airplay to send the music to my Sonos speakers and controlling the volume via the Sonos app.

I often use Countdown playlists, where I manually remove the tracks I’ve just listened to, then re-save the playlist. If even 100 tracks would load and play on the queue, this would be sufficient for my needs, since I would hardly ever listen to more than that number in one listening session. But once the track count goes over 100, none of the tracks will load, even the first 100.

Right now I’m about halfway through my annual Amazon Music Unlimited subscription. Because of all the glitches the last few months and now this Over 100 problem, I’ve decided to give Spotify a try. I don’t know if I’ll be happy with that or not, but given that Amazon seems to be paring down their services and employees lately, I’m not sure these music problems will ever be fixed.

(I can actually get Apple Music for free through my phone plan, but I’m so worried it will corrupt my large and heavily customized music library that I’m afraid to try it. No magic answers here, I’m afraid.)


This is a new issue for me too with Amazon Music and playlists containing more than 100 songs. Used to work absolutely fine. Now I get "unable to add songs to the queue” error when I try and play an Amazon Music playlist with over 100 songs using iOS Sonos app.

Only workaround is using Amazon Music app and connecting to speaker and playing from there. However not sure if I get Dolby Atmos playback with this method.


Hope it gets looked into and fixed soon.