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Latest Sonos App - Do not Upgrade

Just upgraded to the latest, new and improved Sonos app on my mobile phone (iPhone) and it has led to my losing my complete music library which is on a NAS.

After some discussions with support, they confirmed that this option is not available - only the commercial streaming services (and it does recognise Plex) are visible and accessible but no proprietary My Music Library.

Allegedly this will be rolled out in a future iteration, but no timeframe provided.

Beware if you are considering upgrading

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171 replies

Userlevel 3

too late, my app already updated and now I can’t search music or play radio


Same as aswooi, the ‘old’ (and free!) TuneIn service seems unavailable for the new version of the Sonos app - only the TuneIn(new) can be added.  Who pays $9.99/month to listen to live radio???

I’ve added RadioPlayer, but it’s behaviour is inconsistent: sometime works, other times states an ambiguous error.

Music Library is available as one of ‘Your Sources’, almost as an afterthought.

Sonos marketeers say they have updated the app after listening to their users.  I can’t imagine many people have asked for this setup...

I thought so too. But you can add it without paying. It asks you to login or register but after that you can choose to use the free version.


I have the Sonos app on both my galaxy phone and tablet. I deliberately only upgraded the app on my phone, leaving the tablet untouched for the time being. I'm glad that's what I did, mo access to my Synology NAS now via the updated app on my phone.


I have to say, I am disgusted with Sonos. For a premium brand their utter lack of understanding about the experience users of their products are looking for beggars belief. We have all spent literally thousands of pounds/dollars on their products and they absolutely could not care less about providing a seamless enjoyable experience with them. Will absolutely not be updating the app on my tablet and will not be recommending Sonos to anyone who asks me about them 

I use Synology's DS Audio app to play the music on my NAS on my Sonos speakers. Works like a charm. I began using it cause I reached the song limit off the Sonos app.



"In March 2016, CEO John MacFarlane announced the company's shift to focus on streaming music services and voice control instead of local playback, and laid off some employees"

Mostly I play radio and local music on my NAS as many of you here. They really don't care about us.

Userlevel 4

For them to promote this as such a great app improvement, and then remove most of the useful features and break many functions with their system is an unmitigated customer experience disaster.


What I also miss: when changing the volume there used to be numbers. For the radio I always used the same volume. That's impossible now.

I have the Sonos app on both my galaxy phone and tablet. I deliberately only upgraded the app on my phone, leaving the tablet untouched for the time being. I'm glad that's what I did, mo access to my Synology NAS now via the updated app on my phone.


I have to say, I am disgusted with Sonos. For a premium brand their utter lack of understanding about the experience users of their products are looking for beggars belief. We have all spent literally thousands of pounds/dollars on their products and they absolutely could not care less about providing a seamless enjoyable experience with them. Will absolutely not be updating the app on my tablet and will not be recommending Sonos to anyone who asks me about them 

I use Synology's DS Audio app to play the music on my NAS on my Sonos speakers. Works like a charm. I began using it cause I reached the song limit off the Sonos app.

I will look into this, thank you. Shouldn't have to but unless and until Sonos restore functionality might not have a choice 

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

CarolS’s suggested URL to reinstall the S2 app has, sadly, been updated.  The logo is the S2 (Gold) one but what you get is the dreadful new app which - perhaps symbolically - has a Black logo.

It’s just awful, for all the reasons enumerated in this and many other threads.  

One can only hope that the “upgrades” to restore lost functionality won’t take too long.  In the meantime, thank goodness I have one of my four Android devices which did not auto-update so it’s still running S2.  it will be getting a lot of use!

No longer have access to my music library on my NAS via the Android app after the update automatically installed.  Simply astounding.  

Userlevel 2

Update: Well, my NAS library is popping in now under “Your Sources.” It was not at first. I still can’t search the NAS library and (as others have mentioned) there is no scroll bar or alphabetical jump points. There is also no cover art or way to index new music on the NAS. Luckily, the Windows desktop controller is still active so I can control all functions from there. Strange what Sonos did...

Userlevel 2

CarolS’s suggested URL to reinstall the S2 app has, sadly, been updated.  The logo is the S2 (Gold) one but what you get is the dreadful new app which - perhaps symbolically - has a Black logo.

It’s just awful, for all the reasons enumerated in this and many other threads.  

One can only hope that the “upgrades” to restore lost functionality won’t take too long.  In the meantime, thank goodness I have one of my four Android devices which did not auto-update so it’s still running S2.  it will be getting a lot of use!

If you're on Android I used APK Mirror


New android app is appalling l have over a dozen speakers can barely play any song without music  stuttering or stalling on any single speaker, grouping speakers is very much worse barley play any noise at all sound hunts up and down across speakers or stalls to silence for 10 of seconds at a time making , these speakers as much good as a pile of bricks 

SONOS get the app withdrawn and get the old one back

Besides seeming to have lost access to my music library on the NAS (which is why I chose t go with Sonos in the first place around 12 years ago), now I can’t access most of my subscription services like SXM or nugs, despite repeated attempts to reauthorize the accounts.  The wonderful message displayed is “An error occurred with xxx.  Try again later.”  Kind of surreal.  

I’ve got an iPhone and am getting the “Sonos needs local network access for setup. In iOS settings, tap Local Network, then return to the Sonos app.” that others have mentioned (despite it already having access).  

I can’t find a way around this: tried rebooting, uninstalling and reinstalling app, resetting router. Nothing works.

But my wife’s iPhone connected right away on the same network? The problem she’s having is the speakers disconnect and go back to the first speaker on the list while playing on other speakers stops. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

These idiots at Sonos are completely tone deaf. They actually had the nerve to send me an email thanking for my beta participation and the successful rollout.  They must really think I'm stupid. 

Userlevel 3

Nice update. Can't clear any queues, can't access my local NAS music library, running SMB3. 

New version uninstalled and rolled back to that version by downloading the apk.

What a complete mess.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Thinking of taking my system out to the driveway to film myself driving over it with my truck. What are the chances it goes viral ?

Userlevel 1

Lost my local music library. Also lost the line in functionality on my port. This kit will be going to the local dump if Sonos don’t sort it soon and there is a lot of kit

Userlevel 1

I can’t imagine anybody wanting to buy any of this kit. Whilst this situation exists. It is absolutely appalling. Why did not Sonos store the release because it is obviously a bag of *


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Userlevel 3

I can’t imagine anybody wanting to buy any of this kit. Whilst this situation exists. It is absolutely appalling. Why did not Sonos store the release because it is obviously a bag of shite.

It's real mess, lots of topics in the forums, lots of unhappy people.

I lost access to my NAD library so have reverted back to the older version of the app 

Userlevel 1

Just upgraded to the latest, new and improved Sonos app on my mobile phone (iPhone) and it has led to my losing my complete music library which is on a NAS.

After some discussions with support, they confirmed that this option is not available - only the commercial streaming services (and it does recognise Plex) are visible and accessible but no proprietary My Music Library.

Allegedly this will be rolled out in a future iteration, but no timeframe provided.

Beware if you are considering upgrading

Same here. I wanted to listen to some music, and without thinking agreed to the update. Now I’ve spent two hours of valuable time searching without succes for a way to reconnect to the music library on my nas. Now I understand why.

Are these people out of their minds???
How can you be this arrogant and/or stupid? ‘Oh well, this function is no longer needed, so we’ll just kill it’.


Is it possible to go back to a previous version of the app (ios)? If anyone knows a solution I’d be very grateful.

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Nope - you are stuffed 😝. Only android can be rolled back

spent 48 miniutes on hold waiting for sonos customer support, then 15 minutes talking to support only to learn that this, “Sonos needs local network access for setup. In iOS settings, tap Local Network, then return to the Sonos app” loop/issue is a known problem with no solution. why not have that be part of the hold music?! now i can’t listen to the speakers i’ve bought and paid for until sonos gets off their ass and fixes something that shouldn’t have been broken to begin with?

It's also taken the widget shortcut away from Android phones too!!!!

What a joke.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Don’t worry people. The features are coming in the next few months!

Oh wonderful.


24 hours ago I had the features already!!


I honestly hope they sort out the crap with local libraries. My locally stored music library is huge, and I’ve no interested in already expensive devices that railroad me into using streaming services.