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Latest Sonos App - Do not Upgrade

Just upgraded to the latest, new and improved Sonos app on my mobile phone (iPhone) and it has led to my losing my complete music library which is on a NAS.

After some discussions with support, they confirmed that this option is not available - only the commercial streaming services (and it does recognise Plex) are visible and accessible but no proprietary My Music Library.

Allegedly this will be rolled out in a future iteration, but no timeframe provided.

Beware if you are considering upgrading

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171 replies

Same as aswooi, the ‘old’ (and free!) TuneIn service seems unavailable for the new version of the Sonos app - only the TuneIn(new) can be added.  Who pays $9.99/month to listen to live radio???

I’ve added RadioPlayer, but it’s behaviour is inconsistent: sometime works, other times states an ambiguous error.

Music Library is available as one of ‘Your Sources’, almost as an afterthought.

Sonos marketeers say they have updated the app after listening to their users.  I can’t imagine many people have asked for this setup...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

There was no listening going on. But lots of ignored feedback. 

there’s a new version of the iOS app on the AppStore. Not sure yet of any improvements. 

Userlevel 2

I can't even add the new version

Userlevel 1

I got the new version this morning and the first thing I noticed was my widget (which is the primary way I use my speakers) was gone. No problem I thought, I will just add it back….nope, no widget anymore. They removed it completely.

I opened the app and first thing I noticed was this “huge update” was nothing more than a cosmetic overhaul. Same garbage app, now with nicer looking screens.

Sonos, you should consider outsourcing the software side to a company that knows how users actually use an audio app. Also, don’t release an “update” with less functionality without a clear explanation as to why. 

Luckily I could side load the previous version back onto my Android phone. I will not be updating to the new app until it is at least like for like in terms of functionality. Especially the widget which is how I use my speakers all the time. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

I got the new version this morning and the first thing I noticed was my widget (which is the primary way I use my speakers) was gone. No problem I thought, I will just add it back….nope, no widget anymore. They removed it completely.

I opened the app and first thing I noticed was this “huge update” was nothing more than a cosmetic overhaul. Same garbage app, now with nicer looking screens.

Sonos, you should consider outsourcing the software side to a company that knows how users actually use an audio app. Also, don’t release an “update” with less functionality without a clear explanation as to why. 

Luckily I could side load the previous version back onto my Android phone. I will not be updating to the new app until it is at least like for like in terms of functionality. Especially the widget which is how I use my speakers all the time. 

Well said

Userlevel 1

Agree with all comments. Updated and lost most of my radio favorites as the streaming channels are acting inconsistently. Music library is available but comes and goes (was there then went and had to play a song from the PC app and it appeared in the mobile app). I have no search facility for the Music Library option. I also noticed that ‘Playlists’ option is now not available (unless it is somewhere else). Fortunately I use Deezer for my playlists which is available on the app. PC app seems to be working ok. I have to say a big step backwards for the mobile app

Userlevel 1

Unfortunately, I too quickly downloaded the app on my iPhone.
What solutions are there to retrieve the old app? I'd like to avoid having 6 unnecessary speakers to sell.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Unfortunately, I too quickly downloaded the app on my iPhone.
What solutions are there to retrieve the old app? I'd like to avoid having 6 unnecessary speakers to sell.

Do an online search for "sonos apk mirror. There you can download the previous version. I suspect eventually sonos will force an update. At that point I'll gift my system you my son and replace with BOSE.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Unfortunately, I too quickly downloaded the app on my iPhone.
What solutions are there to retrieve the old app? I'd like to avoid having 6 unnecessary speakers to sell.

Do an online search for "sonos apk mirror. There you can download the previous version. I suspect eventually sonos will force an update. At that point I'll gift my system you my son and replace with BOSE.

Opps...I missed that you have a iPhone. Forget what I advised. You can't get anything apple doesn't want you to have. Get yourself an android.

Userlevel 1

I have reverted to the S2 version on Android using the  "sonos apk mirror (thanks Gogolhelvete) and all back to normal. Will wait until I have to change :)

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I wish I had seen this thread before I upgraded on my iPad. I can’t even connect to my local wifi network. When I pull up the ‘Network’ screen, it is completely blank, and there’s no way to initiate a network search. The network I used for my previous version Sonos version if up and running. It looks like there is no way to get past this impasse. Sonos needs a way to revert to at a minimum the last S2 version. This truly sucks

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I have reverted to the S2 version on Android using the  "sonos apk mirror (thanks Gogolhelvete) and all back to normal. Will wait until I have to change :)

The Android release doesn't seem to have made it to too many yet.  No idea if there is a reason or any logic to it.

Small mercies.

I, too, foolishly believed the claim that this app would be an improvement and installed it right away. Instead, I lost what little functionality I had before. I uninstalled it and reinstalled the Sonos S2 app, which is still available on the downloads page: Then I set the app to not auto-update (just in case).

Fortunately, the apps are helpfully color-coded. The old one is gold for “has some value” and the new one is black for “death of all functionality”

Same as aswooi, the ‘old’ (and free!) TuneIn service seems unavailable for the new version of the Sonos app - only the TuneIn(new) can be added.  Who pays $9.99/month to listen to live radio???

I’ve added RadioPlayer, but it’s behaviour is inconsistent: sometime works, other times states an ambiguous error.

Music Library is available as one of ‘Your Sources’, almost as an afterthought.

Sonos marketeers say they have updated the app after listening to their users.  I can’t imagine many people have asked for this setup...

The Sonos radio free tier has basically all of the content that tunein has afaict so if you don’t like the new tunein you can try that. If you have custom radio links saved these don’t work though, at least not for me. The really annoying thing about Music Library is that it can take a long time for it to load and sometimes requires a force close for it to appear again.

Userlevel 2

Hi All, I made the mistake of updating the Android app. I can no longer access my NAS drive, which is where all my music is stored. Also, they removed the index music feature, which is odd. The good news that the Windows Desktop Controller still works as usual. I can control all functions from there. 

As a software engineer, this update would be embarrassing. So much doesn’t work reliably. It was a bunch of restarts before I could even play anything. Now, it’s hit or miss whether I can play a playlist. For example, if I use Tidal, first playlists didn’t work at all. Now, I can play some playlists, but artist radio is not available to play (artist radio is just a playlist). There is no play button or ability to add all the songs to the queue.


I wish I had seen this thread before I upgraded on my iPad. I can’t even connect to my local wifi network. When I pull up the ‘Network’ screen, it is completely blank, and there’s no way to initiate a network search. The network I used for my previous version Sonos version if up and running. It looks like there is no way to get past this impasse. Sonos needs a way to revert to at a minimum the last S2 version. This truly sucks

Agree totally, had a fully functioning app and Sonos speakers, then stupidly decided to accept app upgrade . Now app won’t connect to local network and I see none of my speakers.. total rubbish..

I’m not so much bothered about music lists, but the whole interactivity of the new app is just plain awful. Why is it that you now have to go into settings to check the battery power level for the Roam and Move? Also, why did they remove the Equalizer function when you touch the volume control? Again that functionality has been relegated to settings. It makes absolutely no sense. Sort it out Sonos!!

Userlevel 1

Many services are missing in the new App. For me it is useless. A disaster. Get back the previous app!

ios users may still be able to go to S1

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

These Sonos employees need to get out from behind their desks and pay a visit to the real world where the rest of us live.

Userlevel 2

Unbelievably disappointing. I listen exclusively to music in my local library. The new app has almost no support for local libraries. As far as I can see it is not possible to scan the library to add new music via the app. Normally, I would select music to listen to using the artist list which used to have an a-z that allowed you to jump to the artist you wanted but now you have to scroll. There is an icon that is meant to allow you to view the queue (previously the queue was displayed next to the artwork) but it doesn’t work - “the queue is empty” it says. In the old app, in album view, artwork was presented in a grid but now it is a list view, making it much slower to find stuff to play. You have to scroll. If I could go back to the previous app I would but this is not possible. A very frustrating disheartening experience 

The music service 'familystream' is broken. Since 7 May (new sonos app). Sonos know this and make a fix (when is it solved?). Only there is no outage message on strange! 

I have the Sonos app on both my galaxy phone and tablet. I deliberately only upgraded the app on my phone, leaving the tablet untouched for the time being. I'm glad that's what I did, mo access to my Synology NAS now via the updated app on my phone.


I have to say, I am disgusted with Sonos. For a premium brand their utter lack of understanding about the experience users of their products are looking for beggars belief. We have all spent literally thousands of pounds/dollars on their products and they absolutely could not care less about providing a seamless enjoyable experience with them. Will absolutely not be updating the app on my tablet and will not be recommending Sonos to anyone who asks me about them 


Latest Sonos App - I cannot add songs to a playlist. Am I missing something?