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Support Windows 8 RT for Surface Tablet and Windows Phone 8 for Mobile Devices

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  • Lyricist I
  • March 21, 2013
Any update on this? Last official response I saw was 5 months ago. Still under consideration?

I've started my Sonos experience very recently and love it, with intention of adding everything Sonos have in the fullness of time. I'm also about to embark on Windows Surface RT and Nokia Lumia Windows 8 smartphone, and want to add my desire and request to Sonos for Windows 8 for phone and Windows RT for Surface. I agree with the contribution by DrFlick; please develop it Sonos, but do it well and maintain the quality.

  • Lyricist II
  • March 23, 2013
I would like Sonos to add an app for Windows RT.

  • Lyricist III
  • March 25, 2013
Does it still under consideration, I'm just waiting for Windows Rt and Windows phone support to make the purchase, or should I consider a different option?

I too would like my Windows phone to work with my Sonos system. I'm hesitant to buy any more Sonos gear without knowing that they will support use through a Windows phone because I really don't like having to lug my laptop from room to room to control my speakers rather than having an app on my phone.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • March 25, 2013
I have to say, its one thing to not support Windows in any meaningful way, its another not to share your short term roadmap with customers and lead them on with vagaries. I am tempted to get a cheap Android tablet just to get me by, but as I have no idea when any Windows RT\Phone\Metro support is coming, I don't know if that's worthwhile or not. As far as I can see, there is no reason not to share this information, its not going to give any competitors an advantage. I don't think anyone is asking for a cast iron release date, just a vague idea of the plan. I cant believe that being honest with your customers (even if the news is bad) will give you as much bad feeling as is obvious in this thread. If "under consideration" means "we are thinking about it", ether no one has read this thread, or there is a plan but you don't want to share it with us.

Marco wrote:
I have to say, its one thing to not support Windows in any meaningful way, its another not to share your short term roadmap with customers and lead them on with vagaries. I am tempted to get a cheap Android tablet just to get me by, but as I have no idea when any Windows RT\Phone\Metro support is coming, I don't know if that's worthwhile or not. As far as I can see, there is no reason not to share this information, its not going to give any competitors an advantage. I don't think anyone is asking for a cast iron release date, just a vague idea of the plan. I cant believe that being honest with your customers (even if the news is bad) will give you as much bad feeling as is obvious in this thread. If "under consideration" means "we are thinking about it", ether no one has read this thread, or there is a plan but you don't want to share it with us.

Sonos releases between three and four software updates in a year, typically one per quarter. The feature sets and release dates of our software updates are not communicated in advance. While Sonos does not publish our roadmap, we do intend to share information about some of the new features we're busy working on through this community. The statuses in use for Ideas and our definitions of them can be found below: Under Consideration Under Consideration indicates that Sonos is aware of the idea but has not yet made a decision on whether or not to pursue development. Ideas marked as Under Consideration are regularly reviewed and evaluated by Sonos. We encourage continued discussion and voting for these ideas. Planned Planned indicates that the Idea is currently under development or on the Sonos development roadmap for a future release. Please be aware that we do not communicate release dates in advance, and that Planned status does not necessarily indicate that the feature will be included in a specific or the next available software update. Implemented Indicates that the feature is released and available. Not Planned Not planned indicates that, at the current time, Sonos has made the decision not to pursue immediate or future development. Topics marked as Not Planned do remain open to allow for continued discussion and voting.

Would like to see a Windows RT and WP8 version soon. Sure, most of us would pay for it.

  • Lyricist I
  • March 26, 2013
Same deal, will not expand my SONOS system unless viable apps for Windows Phone and Windows RT are produced. These are major operating systems after all!

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • March 26, 2013
Marco wrote:
I have to say, its one thing to not support Windows in any meaningful way, its another not to share your short term roadmap with customers and lead them on with vagaries. I am tempted to get a cheap Android tablet just to get me by, but as I have no idea when any Windows RT\Phone\Metro support is coming, I don't know if that's worthwhile or not. As far as I can see, there is no reason not to share this information, its not going to give any competitors an advantage. I don't think anyone is asking for a cast iron release date, just a vague idea of the plan. I cant believe that being honest with your customers (even if the news is bad) will give you as much bad feeling as is obvious in this thread. If "under consideration" means "we are thinking about it", ether no one has read this thread, or there is a plan but you don't want to share it with us.

So if Under Consideration means "... that Sonos is aware of the idea but has not yet made a decision" can we have an explanation as to why it is taking so long to make a decision when its the highest requested thing on your own forum?

  • Lyricist I
  • March 27, 2013
Can we add the Idea Likes of this thread here also? And it has been 5 months... ? still considering?

  • Lyricist III
  • March 27, 2013
It's so annoying: "Although Sonos does not formally pre-announce future products or Features..." When do you realize the Windows community? There are already tones of apps in the stores for phone8 and RT. Come on SONOS - you know that a development environment for phone8 and RT is just a chicken feed. You already have the code for a Windows controller - so please compile it once more for ARM and put it to the store. Where is your problem?

  • Lyricist III
  • March 27, 2013
And this one here is a shame Tom Cullen! > Sonos co-founder considering BlackBerry 10 app >

  • Lyricist I
  • March 29, 2013
I check the store daily for RT and Windows Phone apps. Love lugging my laptop out just to turn on some music. Oh, that's WINDOWS too! Get on the bus or get left in the distant (soon very distant) past.

  • Lyricist I
  • March 29, 2013
Should mention that I do run Phonos, and while I was happy to help some guy trying to make a living $4.99 at a time the app does not compare to what Sonos native has released for iPhone and Android. Response is very much delayed, Radio stations are limited, and UI design is entry level. That said, it does work and I am grateful for it. Sonos should partner with the guys from SoundHound and integrate streaming lyrics to the controllers :)-

  • Lyricist III
  • March 29, 2013
Well it really looks that this won't happen any time soon, and I need to Mena a decision by next week if I get my house wire for a regular multiroom system or not, so here are some questions, Has anyone used any of the 3rd party apps for wp8 and Windows Rt? Do they work? Is there any other brand that will allow me to stream wirelessly from my surface?

Windows 8 Tiles: Sonos please make an app for windows 8. The current UI for android and windows 7 is basic, very dated and awkward to use, especially on a Kindle fire. Those tiny arrows to get back to a previous menu, is like something from 1995.The Sonos controller is a perfect candidate for windows 8 tiles. I love Sonos hardware, but the controller software needs a complete redesign. Here's hoping.....

I am another customer who wants to expand their Sonos system, but wont until this is addressed. I'm interested in purchasing a sub, playbar and another play 5. However, I refuse to make those purchases until Sonos gets their act together and starts supporting the window's ecosystem better. Here's to waiting for a competitor to come along and steal the market share. These guys are clowns with their "Under consideration" for over 5 months. Terrible customer support and service.

  • Contributor III
  • April 5, 2013

  • Lyricist I
  • April 7, 2013
+1 for a Windows Phone 8 app please! My aging "brick" controller is past its best and the CR200 appears to be missing in action... Thanks guys 🙂

  • Lyricist II
  • April 9, 2013
Adding my support for this thread, for what it's worth...

Add another voice for a windows 8 phone app.

  • Lyricist I
  • April 10, 2013
And yet another supporter for what it's worth. I also agree with the other posters in having some better updates from the SONOS team.

  • Lyricist I
  • April 12, 2013
Add me to the list of those wanting Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Xbox Music & Nokia Music support

  • Contributor I
  • April 16, 2013
+1 for a Windows Phone 8 app and Surface Pro controller please!

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