NTLMv1 Authentication was required for Sonos when using SMBv1 on DSM 7.0.1
Any progress on this problem. I still have the issue of sporadic or non existent artwork.
Not for me, only my library that plays up, Spotify and Amazon no problem. Recent S2 v. 14 update has not affected this issue.
Same issue for me. At most, up to 2 albums artwork loads per artist and then stops trying.
And today I took my iPod 4 out of storage (used only to trueplay Sonos) for charging and updates and noticed I had album art. Checked my Android tablets and it was there too.
Aside from connecting with the iPod no changes were made (not even an auto index) aside from just time passing.
Same issue for me. At most, up to 2 albums artwork loads per artist and then stops trying.
I’ve been fine the last couple of weeks but there are times when I experience the same. Hoping the next update will help with this a few other issues.
@Stanley_4 all that being on a Synology NAS using SMBv2/v3 ?
Yes, same for me, just a wait I guess.
Tweaked a couple of settings on NAS, set up a completely separate shared folder just for music so Sonos app only reads that and not ALL media. A little more consistent, but not at the rock solid delivery of S1. Noticed quite a bit of comment on NAS forums that SMB version 2/3 were thought to be issues with S2.
I’m using Synology DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 2 and I can flip between SMB’s without any fuss, even while music is playing. There is no need to re-index my library.
I find that album art fetch is much slower on SMB2 and the SONOS controllers can be impatient. If the controller times out default artwork will be displayed. I don’t use imported playlists and therefor have no experience with missing tracks.
The last missing track could be due a classic programming flub. If items in list ‘A’ are numbered 0-1-2-3-4-5 and list ‘B’ is numbered as 1-2-3-4-5-6, how many itiems are in each list? An obviouls way to determine this is to use the top number as the list length. Unfortunately, this results in list ‘A’ having a length of ‘5’ and list ‘B’ having a length of ‘6’.
maybe I am just lucky or have more patience but I added my 25k tracks music library on my Synology NAS and all album art displayed well - same for the flac and mp3 directories I added - maybe this is because I only use macOS and Apple gear or my Sonos speakers are relatively new
album art loads! I've watched with joy as every single piece of album artwork appeared on its album in the Android controller as I slowly scrolled through the whole list.
Laughed too soon. No idea why it worked for a little while on Thursday. Problem is back in all its glory today. Even going back to SMB1 doesn't fix it.
Welcome to the “sometimes” club, mine come and go too.
Just to make it more frustrating the queue entries often get images while the currently playing image is blank.
I haven’t done a full-system power off and back on yet, maybe that would help?
Album Art is very erratic for me also. Definitely a controller issue - almost like an afterthought for the software or if it times out displaying simply gives up until there is another input to the controller. Comically my ancient iPad 1 with Sonopad will always display the artwork faithfully (I use this to display the song playing only)
I just put some songs from my music library up to be played and I’m seeing no album art too. All my covers are saved as folder.jpg and have been working fine up to now.
Tried restarting the controller and running a fresh library index with no change.
Here are some artwork considerations.
I unplugged all players. (But not the router, that makes no sense). I plugged them in again. I updated the music index. No change. Still no cover art for albums where there is a single folder.jpg in the folder (as stated in the article buzz linked to).
So it seems like Sonos broke something. These are my zones:
A: 2 Play3 + 1 Sub (Gen one). One of the Play3 is connected with network cable to the router.
B: Port.
C: Two Sonos Five
D: Two Sonos One SL
E: Two Play1.
Read the above posts and am experiencing the same inconsistency and lag in loading album art. Best is app on Windows, everything else slow and often just never actually loads. Wired Boost set up rock solid on S1, but I've just ditched my original 2005/6 system for upgrade, supposedly, two weeks ago.
Sound definitely better, but the glitches, and there are plenty, are making me look towards decently quality wireless speakers and small streaming all in one as I only do music and not surround TV etc.
When you use your android constantly to find different music, the covers and album art are a real visual short cut, so just staring at text is not really a help. Sonos need to sort it soon.
Router reboot is valid. If the router has got is IP addressing in a mess then it could be slow in giving info to the Sonos products and as i found when using extenders the past, Sonos plays music but gives up on providing the artwork. Embeded artwork seems to be a simpler task to display, I presume as it is delivered as part of the playing file. The folder.jpg needs to be matched with the file playing and it seems if the network is poor Sonos gives up on this if it exceed a certain response time. These are my assumptions when I had the same issues. I was using powerplugs at the time, now I have Ethernet connectivity it rarely becomes an issue.
I have given up on managing playlists by the Sonos App, not only because of the Album artwork flaws but also because of the poor playlist management features. Best alternative I found so far was to manage all tracks in the Apple Music App and use the AirPlay2 streaming. Artwork stored in the track metadata are nicely displayed by the Sonos App.
OK, so now I see cover art in the queue on my desktop controller for most of the tracks - but not all. Now playing is empty. The queue is one single imported playlist. (I basically only use imported playlists, as I have a program that makes a random selection of album every day.) There is a folder.jpg in the folder for the playlist; no embedded cover art.
I also had an imported playlist open in the browser - no cover art.
Note that Sonos had been idle for the last six hours or so.
I also noticed that on the embedded ones, the art is kind of slow to turn up, like 15-20 seconds after the upgrade. It used be faster.
I’d still recommend a router re-boot. If the router has invalid or duplicate ip addresses stored it will slow down your lan and delivery of info to Sonos units. I found that after a Sonos update especially, as each speaker is restarted as part of the update and the router may no have refreshed the Ip addresses properly.
OK, I give in. I downloaded and installed new firmware for the routers. Cover art for folder.jpg appeared instantly in the Sonos player. Interesting enough, it still takes some time for the cover art to appear with the album that has the cover art embedded.
Thanks for being persistent in leading me in the right direction!
There is another thread here where I have the same issues and I referenced this thread. Does anyone have any updates on this long standing bug for users that use a NAS and have a local music library?
Artwork Now Playing Not Updating in App, S1 Works, S2 Doesn't
Your final comment aligns with my existing understanding, which is that the folder.jpg route is quicker to load than art embedded in each file, all otber things being equal.