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Sonos no longer recognizing folder.jpg for cover art?

After the most recent upgrade to Sonos 13.4 (S2), I don’t see much cover art in the Sonos controller. More precisely, it seems that I see cover art if it is embedded into the MP3 file, but not if the cover art in a separate file called folder.jpg. In my collection, most albums have a folder.jpg, and only a minority of albums have embedded cover art. There are two reasons for this:

  • Albums that originally had on CD, cassette or vinyl.
  • For several years, Sonos was not able to display cover art that was embedded into the MP3 files that I bought, so I had to extract them to folder.jpg and remove them from the MP3 file.

Is any one else seeing this? Or is this just some accident on my system?


One observation, not directly related to album art, but well to SMB2/SM3, and I’m too lazy to start a thread.

I have had some problems lately with adding imported playlists to the queue. I’ve added them, and after some seconds it has said that the last track could not be found, and nothing was entered. I’ve needed a couple of attempts. I’ve had some other problems recently which indicates that more general network problems, so it may not be related to SMB2/SMB3, but it seems that things work better since I re-enabled SMB1 on my NAS. It’s still a little funny, because if I add three albums (i.e playlists), it first says that the queue is only the songs on the first album, but the others shows up later.

Maybe Sonos still have some fine-tuning to do with their SMB2/SMB3 support.