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New SONOS App - Feedback

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  • Lyricist III
  • 13 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Up until two days ago, I could still see my music library on the Sonos Mac app.

Today, it’s gone. The music is playing and the queue is showing on there. But other than allowing the current selection to keep playing, we can do nothing else.

Surely these symptoms mean something to someone who can do something about it? It just confirms that they’re not listening, not interested.

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 63 replies
  • May 21, 2024
Gav_Sonos wrote:
krez56 wrote:
Gav_Sonos wrote:

I just would not want somebody wasting even more money buying a new NAS drive thinking that will fix the problem, as it will not. It’s a pure issue with Sonos. 

This might work for you. It worked on my Mac;

The downside is that the xml file has to be exported and renamed whenever changes are made. But at least I have my music back.

Thanks @krez56 I’ll give that a go. Like you say, anything to get my library of 30,000 songs back from the Music Library (my old CD collection converted), as right now I effectively have a bricked system as don’t use music streaming services. 

That is my situation. I’m old, and most of my music is imported from CDs. Even copied over from albums (yes, I’m that old) when the music was completely unavailable. So glad to have it back - at least until something else gets screwed up.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

How do they do it, folks? They took a janky crap app and made it so much worse. It’s really a piece of f?:&-!:)ng $h!t, like, incomprehensibly awful. 

You’d have to really try hard to create a worse UI. It’s the least intuitive, most awkward app I’ve ever had the misfortune of needing to deal with. 

is there any way to revert to the previous version?? As mediocre as it was, I desperately want to return to it. 

What a joke. 



  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • May 21, 2024

I had one Sonos Port within the return window. It’s going back today.

I have lost patience

  • Enthusiast II
  • 34 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Does anyone know how you can remove Sonos Radio? I've selected another service as my preferred service, but Sonos Radio is still at the top of the search results for some reason.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 27 replies
  • May 21, 2024
krez56 wrote:
Gav_Sonos wrote:
Andre_Breton wrote:


My main issue same as yourself is number 3. But I wanted to warn you - DO NOT BUY A NEW NAS. Reason being that I have one and that is where my Music Library is stored but since the updates I have been unable to reconnect. Tried everything such as deleting library re-adding etc. Just to be clear, this was working fine for years, and I can connect to the NAS drive through every other device that is not Sonos. 

I just would not want somebody wasting even more money buying a new NAS drive thinking that will fix the problem, as it will not. It’s a pure issue with Sonos. 

This might work for you. It worked on my Mac;

The downside is that the xml file has to be exported and renamed whenever changes are made. But at least I have my music back.

Unfortunately, this has not worked for me as my music is on a NAS and this fix is for music libraries that are situated on the local mac hard drive. Alas, I shall have to wait until their fix in “Mid June”… frustrating. Thank you for sending though @krez56 it was worth a try 👍

Interestingly, I can add an empty music library, but as soon as I add music and then try updating the index, it bombs out saying it “Cannot find the music library” even though I can connect everything non-Sonos to it. 

It’s clearly a bad problem that they did not test. Praying their fix actually works. I sold the investment in this system to my wife too! 💀💩

  • Enthusiast II
  • 27 replies
  • May 21, 2024
IvPo wrote:

Does anyone know how you can remove Sonos Radio? I've selected another service as my preferred service, but Sonos Radio is still at the top of the search results for some reason.

I had a look. Don’t think it’s possible. looks like another default forced on us by Sonos. I tried amending, but Sonos Radio still appears top. Another bug to add to the list.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Can we roll back to the previous version of the Sonos App please? At least True Play actually worked on the previous version??

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

Sonos: Single-handedly making me long for the days of cassette tapes and speaker wire….

My favorite part of the downgrade….I mean update? 5 second delays turning up and down volume.  Super fun when the phone is ringing but I can’t answer until the app eventually syncs with the speakers. 

How much (more) begging does it take from your customers to give us the option to revert back to the prior (aka actually user-friendly) IOS version???

If never, how about implementing a speaker buy back program and we’ll just move on.

Over a week since I updated the iOS app and I still have nothing. All my products have disappeared and attempts to re-add them in the app result in an error message about enabling Local Network, which I have already done. You have literally made £1000+ worth of kit redundant.

Oh, and please don’t insult me by marketing your new headphones at me. Spend your time fixing what’s broken. You’ll get no new spend from me till you do.

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Just like @gregwatsonuk - I was fully annoyed receiving marketing information about a new product when my 14 Sonos products still don’t work.  The only thing I got from support was an email saying “we’re here to help” and no way to continue the communication.  I do have a case number now.  

But still have not had any conversation or response from anyone at Sonos.  

Over a week without being able to use my sonos systems as anything other than a soundbar.  I’m so disappointed, dejected, and done.  

Your case number is: ********  -  LOL….


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  • Enthusiast II
  • 27 replies
  • May 21, 2024

In complete agreement with @gregwatsonuk and @keithgowan. Same scenario for me guys, nothing works apart from my soundbar. 

9 pieces of Sonos kit all but one effectively redundant. Spent a lot of time trying to find fixes for my NAS connected Music Library. 

Got really frustrated this morning receiving an email about some new headphones (how would they even work with the broken app?) that I jumped onto chat support to find I was 78th in the queue 😂….seems Sonos is getting hammered which I’m glad about. The more noise that customers make the better. 

This is expensive kit that everybody has spent their hard earned money on, I would also go so far as to say the Sonos customer base is different to others as we are all audiophiles to some degree, so I don’t feel they will be able to fob off the masses until they release a fix. 

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • May 21, 2024

New app is beyond terrible. Sonos need to revert to 16.1 and pull this app version.  I've downloaded a dodgy copy from the internet to reinstall. Should this version ever become obsolete my Sonos relationship shall be over. Been with the brand for over 16 years, back when products just worked out of the box and the quality was amazing. The CR100 was far superior to this android app....and that got binned off. Bin this app off urgently. 

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 63 replies
  • May 21, 2024
JB12345 wrote:

New app is beyond terrible. Sonos need to revert to 16.1 and pull this app version.  I've downloaded a dodgy copy from the internet to reinstall. Should this version ever become obsolete my Sonos relationship shall be over. Been with the brand for over 16 years, back when products just worked out of the box and the quality was amazing. The CR100 was far superior to this android app....and that got binned off. Bin this app off urgently. 

Mac user. I was able to get the previous app back using Time Machine, but somewhere in the user library is a setting that does not have Sonos in the name (I also restored all of those), that remains messed up. I was still unable to add my local library back. I was able to get it back using the instructions on the link I posted on page 29 or 30, but for that I have to pretend my music is on a NAS. But at least I have it.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

On the old Sonos app if you turned off true play you could adjust the distance between the surround speakers but now I can’t seem to do that with the updated app? 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

Wereld the .... is the sleeptimer? I Will charges to apotheek brand in it isn´'t adder soon!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

I have called multiple times and tried to resolve the issues but nothing fixes the current problems created by the Sonos 2 update. I can not enjoy my music which is the whole reason I purchased the wireless system. How is Sonos going to compensate all the people you are creating stress for instead of letting us the consumers with issue after issue and no easy way to solve the current group of problems and no end in sight.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 198 replies
  • May 21, 2024

I have a 12 component Sonos system that we’ve grown over many years now.  I am beyond dissapointed with the new App and more importantly that Sonos is refusing to let us rollback to a working app that is readily available. This is an astonishingly cavalier, arrogant move.  However, I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater or cut my nose off to spite my face...just yet.  Sonos users need solutions and a path forward.  I do not believe or trust that Sonos will provide that - they could easily, but they refuse to.  Headphones are NOT the answer. So, then what?  

I’m thinking:

  • SonoPhone / SonopPad app for iOs users who cannot rollback.  I’ve done this and recommend it before otherwise pulling your hair out.  Android users just Rollback.
  • complete dump and replace (Bluesound or Wiim or Heos or ???) - some may, but for me that would be expensive and risky - could be the devil I know vs the devil I don’t. But it could be a migration path.
  • Roon - a hybrid approach that can integrate Sonos components with other brands of speakers and audio components allowing for a gradual unwinding of Sonos ownership.  Looks attractive, but expensive and requires a server.
  • LMS - similar maybe to Roon, but apparently free.
  • Plex - only read about it, have no idea if that’s viable.
  • Wait it out and suck it.  The Sonos recommended path. Right. F them.

We, before Sonos, used a product from Turtle Beach - AudioTron AT-100 - that looked about the size of a Blu-ray player.  It was able to stream all our NAS tunes and we could finally rip and box up our CDs. They discontinued it and eventually support stopped.  However, there were 3rd party solutions and scripts that would allow for updating the library, so we milked that thing for years in a very non-user friendly way, but there was not much else.  Whole house audio was done old school, but everyone had to listen to the same thing. But we made it work until the hardware finally gave up.  Enter Sonos.  What a game changer.  Finally, my wife could play music without busting out the CDs. 😊

I feel like this is potentially the stage we’re entering now.  Not that Sonos is being discontinued, although I think they are heading down an odd dubious path.  I’d be more than happy to see them collapse and get bought out.  Time will tell as they seem to be scrambling right now or else why pull off such a bone-headed maneuver to hawk headphones that I surely won’t be buying.  They must think this will be some needed fast cash. Ironic that a completely deaf company is releasing headphones.

However, there are the 3rd party solutions that might relegate Sonos hardware to essentially what the AudioTron AT-100 became - nothing but hardware I own and one day, like AudioTron, just a memory of how we did things in the early 2000s.  That’s my goal.  As the Sonos hardware dies, migrate away from Sonos as cost effectively as possible.  They’ve already screwed me, but I want to react in a way where I don’t screw myself as well - anymore than I already have by buying into their last cash grab with S2.

With my iPad on S2, my Desktop PC app still working, and SonoPhone on my phone, I’m not desperate, just a bit flustered and realizing that Sonos is not who I want to be involved with anymore...any more than I have to during the unwinding.

So, please add any potential short- or long-term solutions and alternatives for robust music library playback and streaming solutions similar to what Sonos used to be interested in providing.

While I use streaming services my primary use of Sonos to to find and access the thousands of music files on my NAS.  Like the comments here I find the new app to be not only useless for that purpose but also sloppy and not easy to use in other respects .  I am using Sonosphone quite happily but would rather use a Sonos app that recognizes the thousands of customers who have supported the company over the past decade.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 28 replies
  • May 21, 2024

When I first saw that they were coming out with Sonos headphones I thought they would be cool except for the fact that last year Sonos removed my ability to play music from my phone. And since most of my headphone usage is when I'm out on walks and things like that headphones would be pointless for me.


Now that they've gotten rid of the ability to play my music at home too Sonos headphones have absolutely zero functional usage for someone like me.


Those headphones are for people that want to play Spotify music. Which seems very niche to me. I use my earbuds Now to play music on my phone, YouTube videos, audiobooks and podcasts. Sonos doesn't offer multifunction products like that anymore.


Not to mention the fact that I could get earbuds for under $100 and Sonos headphones to play Spotify cost $500. Genius.

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • May 21, 2024

As promised, I’ve implemented the AutoPlay feature myself. Literally took me 1-2 hours of tinkering (went into this completely blind - 1st interraction with the Sonos API).

I’ll probably dump this on github when I get a bit of time to clean up the code.

Sonos, you probably need to fire the PM that released this version and probably hire more devs to somehow salvage this debacle.


  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • May 21, 2024

I am glad it was not only me that thought this new app is bad. I cannot find the timer and I cannot use one slicer to increase/decrease volume of a group. The explanations in support says just click on the XXXX OR WHATEVER but it does NOT do anything and it does not take me to the correct area. THIS APP NEEDS A LOT OF UPDATING TO MAKE IT WORK. NO WONDER I COULD NOT GET THROUGH TO A LIVE SUPPORT AGENT

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Compared to all of the other problems I've heard about the new Sonos app this may sound trivial, but I have to ask, why did Sonos eliminate the volume level number indication?  I used to be able to fire up my speakers on the patio from anywhere and know the volume level based on the volume number.   Now I have to go out to the patio to set the volume.  Sonos, you have failed us!!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

1hour 30 waiting for my call to be answered, 45 minutes speaking to someone trying to get my Sonos to work, still no music in my house!!  Did the software update and my system hasn’t worked since.  Have I got time to spend another 3 hours on the phone to Sonos??  No.  I was told the glitches won’t be fixed before mid-June so will need to abandon Sonos and get myself a better sound system

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • May 21, 2024

Whatever you people did in this new app is a disaster! Go back to the old app because this new app stinks beyond anything we’ve ever used.

It’s a total disaster and you should’ve never released it


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