I cannot seem to find a way to add songs to playlist in the new app. when I click on the ••• next to a song while another is playing, the only option now appears to be Replace Queue, and no ability to insert the song. what am I missing?
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- New App: how do I add songs to a playlist currently playing
New App: how do I add songs to a playlist currently playing
- May 9, 2024
- 188 replies
- Contributor II
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188 replies
- Enthusiast II
- 55 replies
- May 24, 2024
Pearl83, if you find something that works please let us know. Sad we have to look at a third party to run our Sonos products. They screwed a lot of us and don’t seem to care, they are focused on selling the headphones and getting new customers instead of taking care of their most loyal customers. Reminds me of when Bed Bath and Beyond did away with their coupons and lost their most loyal customers, and went bankrupt shortly after. I won’t be surprised if the same happens to Sonos, and I say serves them right. I don’t feel mad over all this, anger fades away in time. I feel betrayed, and that stays forever.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- May 25, 2024
Please Sonos, can you add back the feature that lets you add tracks/songs in to specific playlists? I have so many playlists that I built in the previous version of the app, now I can't add any songs to them. They are progressively becoming stagnant. I love my music and my system that I spent a lot of money on, please add this basic feature back in to the app.
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 25, 2024
I think the common denominator for all of the recent problems is a failure of leadership. The CEO didn’t offer, but forced everyone in to an app he knew had problems and wasn’t ready. I in his statement he refers to this decision as “courageous”. I’ve read hundreds of responses to the new app, not one person used the word courageous. The CEO is completely out of touch with his fan/customer base. Management became singularly focused on rolling out the headphones, this is why they rushed out a not ready app. The attitude of we already have the existing customer’s money just focus on new money (the headphone) will undoubtedly lead to a consistent degradation of existing support for their products. Personally I think this new attitude will spell the end of the company, but by then the CEO will be on an island with his pay package. He came from blackberry, kind of tells you how he thinks, he needs to be replaced to restore the lost faith in Sonos. If you read his comments he said 99% of the people love the new app. A leader who believes that will only lead the company in one direction…
Nobody even likes this new app. Not being able to rearrange a queue is enough to tick off pretty much everyone I know. Typical CEO out of touch with reality.
- Contributor I
- 1 reply
- May 25, 2024
I am very annoyed and frustrated with Sonos as I spent over £2000 upgrading my Sonos system last month. The new controller was automatically upgraded with no choice this morning over a public holiday wkd in us and uk. As far as I can see all my personal playlists have disappeared - some of these have been compiled over 10 years for parties and with 700plus songs! this was a major reason for keeping Sonos! I use Napster rhapsody.
I also notice everything takes much longer to load preceded by ‘not found’ error messages! Yet I am on super fast broadband! In addition to that you now don’t seem to be able to queue multiple albums from different artists up and then put them on random play. Again provides a whole even g of music without keep reprogramming. So this seems to be a truly trash ‘upgrade’ and can’t see any benefits as yet.
Like many others I was very annoyed with Sonos forcing upgrades of equipment then upgrading the controller and reducing its functionality makes me want a huge refund and possible return of equipment!
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- May 26, 2024
After years of building and using a playlist in the old app I can no longer add new music to it.
The new app is absolutely horrendous, in no way intuitive and it’s not just because I’m not used to it, it’s because it’s a terrible app
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 26, 2024
After years of building and using a playlist in the old app I can no longer add new music to it.
The new app is absolutely horrendous, in no way intuitive and it’s not just because I’m not used to it, it’s because it’s a terrible app
The new CEO is clearly a completely out of touch jackhole…a malignant shitfunnel, for lack of a better term.
- Lyricist III
- 6 replies
- May 27, 2024
How can I create a playlist in the Sonos update. I also have some Spotify playlists missing in Sonos update.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 27, 2024
Absolutely terrible! I lost all the playlists I’ve been making for years. Is there no way to acces them again? I think I need to restart all my music somewhere else. F Sonos!
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 28, 2024
I’m beyond disgusted with this new app. You cannot add music to a playlist anymore, nor can you have a random playlist just play. Every song has to be selected separately! What kind of BS is this? I cannot get Tidal or Spotify to play artist radios at all. I’ve been a customer since 2013, never saw this coming. How long can it possibly take to fix/upgrade an app? Please give the old functionality back or give your supporters their money back. Most of us purchased these systems because they sound great and the app was user friendly.
- Enthusiast II
- 55 replies
- May 28, 2024
I have lost all my playlists that took years to develop. One day I am listening to my music and enjoying my thousands of dollars of Sonos speakers the next day a new app comes out and nothing. All my music just gone and I’m left with expensive speakers in every room which can’t play one song I want to hear. Sonos response is maybe we will be able to fix that in a month, maybe, but in the meantime time wouldn’t you like to buy some new headphones?
- Contributor I
- 3 replies
- May 28, 2024
Unable to add to existing playlists
recently played options fails adhoc
No balance or bass treble anymore
and this is just for starters I’m now trying to find old app I hate this one, the new features do not justify the misery of what they’ve removed
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 30, 2024
To be fair, the playlist issue that I describe below (and that others echo) seems to be in the process of being resolved. Some of them are appearing in the app as a subcategory of Sonos Favorites.
Playlists that I have created over years can’t be found. Awaiting information about this -- hopefully how to access the playlists and not that they’re forever gone. I don’t want to be the “get off my lawn” guy, but the previous version was just fine. Most of us weren’t asking for an update. Perhaps the solution is offering the option to revert to what we had.
- Contributor II
- 3 replies
- May 31, 2024
Absolutely incredible that basic song/playlist management isn’t in this shockingly bad update. No more adding a song to my curated, several years old sonos playlist, no deleting, no knowing what the hell is coming on next.
Honestly - who sat down in a round table discussion with developers on this and thought yeah I think our customers want all playlist management removed, and the inability to add/delete from the playlists they created over all those years of buying and owning our products. Bravo Sonos, bravo…….
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 1, 2024
Absolutely incredible that basic song/playlist management isn’t in this shockingly bad update. No more adding a song to my curated, several years old sonos playlist, no deleting, no knowing what the hell is coming on next.
Honestly - who sat down in a round table discussion with developers on this and thought yeah I think our customers want all playlist management removed, and the inability to add/delete from the playlists they created over all those years of buying and owning our products. Bravo Sonos, bravo…….
Its absolute madness. A large portion of their customers are audiophiles. Meaning, they should no better than to perform stunts like this on such basic features. The Ferrari F1 team is run from the very top, which results in incredible decisions that are detached and unrelated from the 4 wheels on the tarmac. Sadly, it feels Sonos is run like this. My system is worth a small fortune which I now consider almost useless without this feature, in particular.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 1, 2024
Absolutely incredible that basic song/playlist management isn’t in this shockingly bad update. No more adding a song to my curated, several years old sonos playlist, no deleting, no knowing what the hell is coming on next.
Honestly - who sat down in a round table discussion with developers on this and thought yeah I think our customers want all playlist management removed, and the inability to add/delete from the playlists they created over all those years of buying and owning our products. Bravo Sonos, bravo…….
Its absolute madness. A large portion of their customers are audiophiles. Meaning, they should no better than to perform stunts like this on such basic features. The Ferrari F1 team is run from the very top, which results in incredible decisions that are detached and unrelated from the 4 wheels on the tarmac. Sadly, it feels Sonos is run like this. My system is worth a small fortune which I now consider almost useless without this feature, in particular.
By the way, you can buy some headphones, if you want!
- Lyricist III
- 6 replies
- June 1, 2024
Someone quoted the “it took courage to release this update”. Their further comment about it actually taking stupidity is way more apt. I am pretty sure some people lower down in Sonos were thinking “NO!!” but some other more senior people decided it was “yes…”. Sonos need to step back from this - and they need to remove those who gave it the green light - they are unbelievable idiots. Right I’m off to slate Sonos on every site I can - simply with an honest review of a borked product from a company that obviously don’t care about their customers and couldn’t organise a p*** up in a brewery.
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- June 2, 2024
I cannot seem to find a way to add songs to playlist in the new app. when I click on the ••• next to a song while another is playing, the only option now appears to be Replace Queue, and no ability to insert the song. what am I missing?
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- June 2, 2024
I cannot seem to find a way to add songs to playlist in the new app. when I click on the ••• next to a song while another is playing, the only option now appears to be Replace Queue, and no ability to insert the song. what am I missing?
You're not doing anything wrong. The option doesn't exist. Read through this thread, you will see the frustration of others, including myself.
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- June 3, 2024
Stationtostation, I’ve fixed it by resubscribing to Spotify and casting all my music through it to my speakers. Ive now been able to create playlists again. I’ve found I no longer need to use Sonos app at all (thank goodness). What a b….. fiasco. The CEO says he has courage. The courage to alienate Sonos customers; courage to destroy the brand. Coming from Blackberry he obviously knows all about that. If I were a Sonos shareholder I’d be demanding his exit.
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- June 3, 2024
Oh and they can stick their headphones
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- June 4, 2024
I note Sonos is still “gathering” our comments and will reintroduce “these features” in a “future update”. Like when? Our complaints have been going for a month or more now.
- Collaborator I
- 28 replies
- June 7, 2024
Well, if you have a Windows computer you can dowload the Windows App and that will let you add songs/albums to a playlist. Or pick up an old IOS device that can run IOS 15 but not later as that version still lets you manage a playlist (e.g. iPod Touch). The latest Android update will play my existing playlists.
One thing SONOS needs to do after this disaster is NOT make updates mandatory. Let a few users try it and if it fails big time (like this did) others won’t be installing and complaining.
I have no idea how SONOS is going to sell new products during this disaster though - Customer - “Hey, can you show me how this SONOS system works?” Salesman - “I’d love to if their app worked” Customer !?!?!?!
Guess SONOS won’t be selling new systems until July - when (hopefully) they will have a stable app. I’m still getting a lot of “Something went wrong” messages
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- June 8, 2024
I did accept the new software release and cannot control my playlist anymore. is there a way I can go back to version 16.1 on my apple cevices
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- June 8, 2024
SONOS sold me their products with the promise of easily being able to create and edit playlists.
And now it’s gone. So how do I apply for a full refund?
I really wouldn’t be surprised to see this Sonos clusterf**k end up in some kind of class-action lawsuit.
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- June 8, 2024
I agree. It shows he hasn’t got the faintest idea and angry customers spelling it out hasn’t made the slightest impression.
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