I do have a beam 2 , sub min and 2 x Era 300 which I replaced with 2 x Era 100.
I can’t say I like to listen to music when my setup for ERA300 is combined with my beam 2 and sub mini.
On weekends I try to listen to good music and pair 2 x 300 as stereo.
When I do that, I use apple music via Sonos app.
This is where it starts to suck big time.
When I start a music, I hear only sound from the right side , about after 10-15 seconds left side also starts but one side drops all the time and comes back.
When I switch to another track, one side is continuing with the previous song and the other side moves to the next song and about a few seconds later they meet somewhere.
Every time you change the music and push the button on the app it takes time to move to the next song and above mentioned issues happens every time. Even when I change the volume it doesn’t react immediately only after a few second.
Don’t know if I am doing something wrong and if anyone else facing same issues but ERA 300 as stereo pair just sucks !
They are definitely not worth the money if this can't be fixed