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Era 300 rear driver is silent (with Arc Ultra)

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392 replies

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • December 17, 2024
da3wilson wrote:
Chiliuk wrote:

If it is intentional I am expecting a detailed, in-depth technical explanation on the Sonos blog to explain the reasons why.  I'm not convinced at all how this could be more accurately immersive than what was happening before but I'm open to reason.  

It's great that people think their set up sounds amazing as is, my Era 300 surrounds sound good as well.  However, the point is they could sound even better, if this change was reversed. 

This 100% for me also. If it sounds better in the test rooms/setups they have then give us a chance to see what is best for our specific setup. Instead they just force the updates/possible bugs onto us and hope we are happy with the results.

However after more thorough testing I have been able to get the 300s to play out of the inner sides with this test file - found through this thread If you download more of the atmos test files maybe you will find others that allow the 300s to play out of the inner woofers also. I did have to download the files to a pc and connect them to my soundbar through e-arc to get them to play correctly. ​@dominiklei ​@Snoomuffin and others if you have a chance to test some of these files and please post your results. For me this is still a step backwards as this means that usual sources will not provide any sound out of the inner woofer of the 300.


If the inner side tweeter’s working for you when playing this file (I’ll be able to test this weekend), then Sonos has more explaining to do haha. Will they say that your system goes against their design and is therefore bugged?

  • Enthusiast II
  • 181 replies
  • December 17, 2024

FYI, someone on Reddit has posted a video of the product manager for the ERA 300 explaining that both sides of the ERA 300 fire when used as surrounds. Just in case anybody didn’t have a chance to see the earlier YouTube video before Sonos took it down.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 77 replies
  • December 17, 2024
ProfessorFrag wrote:

FYI, someone on Reddit has posted a video of the product manager for the ERA 300 explaining that both sides of the ERA 300 fire when used as surrounds. Just in case anybody didn’t have a chance to see the earlier YouTube video before Sonos took it down.

Sonos was all for explaining the front firing and it made sense why they did it. But now there’s really no explanation as to why rears are disabled and route to the top aside from “it sounds better” all of a sudden. 

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 20 replies
  • December 17, 2024

Sonos, you really expect us to believe you made a speaker with 6 drivers and you willfully deactivate 3 of them in a way that also does not support the speaker placement/arrangement for 9.1.4 surround. I am calling your BS. Otherwise all we needed was a height channel on the era 100s. 

Not to mention, I did extensive testing a few months ago on the old Arc, each individual channels had each speaker (outside the actual intended center driver) working in surround tests. Now there is a noticeable hole behind the listener.  IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS COMPANY RUNNING, OWN YOUR MISTAKES, FIX THEM AND LEARN FROM THEM.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 77 replies
  • December 17, 2024
sixoversix wrote:

Sonos, you really expect us to believe you made a speaker with 6 drivers and you willfully deactivate 3 of them in a way that also does not support the speaker placement/arrangement for 9.1.4 surround. I am calling your BS. Otherwise all we needed was a height channel on the era 100s. 

Not to mention, I did extensive testing with individual channels and had each speaker (outside the actual intended center driver) working in surround tests. Now there is a noticeable hole behind the listener.  IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS COMPANY RUNNING, OWN YOUR MISTAKES, FIX THEM AND LEARN FROM THEM.

Sonos really s*** the bed on this. It’s weirdest feeling when nothing comes from behind and only shoots off to the sides. 

as I mentioned before this system now acts like a 5.1.4 system. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Lyricist III
  • 15 replies
  • December 17, 2024
Snoomuffin wrote:
sixoversix wrote:

Sonos, you really expect us to believe you made a speaker with 6 drivers and you willfully deactivate 3 of them in a way that also does not support the speaker placement/arrangement for 9.1.4 surround. I am calling your BS. Otherwise all we needed was a height channel on the era 100s. 

Not to mention, I did extensive testing with individual channels and had each speaker (outside the actual intended center driver) working in surround tests. Now there is a noticeable hole behind the listener.  IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS COMPANY RUNNING, OWN YOUR MISTAKES, FIX THEM AND LEARN FROM THEM.

Sonos really s*** the bed on this. It’s weirdest feeling when nothing comes from behind and only shoots off to the sides. 

as I me ruined before this system now acts like a 5.1.4 system. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Suggest you test Star Wars Andor S1E5 after 19:25. I don't understand why certain sounds come out of the inner woofers but many that should don't. I haven't gotten around to testing other recommended Atmos scenes yet but this one performs differently than expected.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 77 replies
  • December 17, 2024

Yeah I notice the woofer is operational at times but it’s the tweeter that permanently off. 

I don’t understand what Sonos did and won’t fix the damn thing. It’s not like the system sounded like pure garbage before or that anyone complained about the era 300’s…

  • Enthusiast II
  • 181 replies
  • December 18, 2024

Chris Welch of The Verge posted over on Reddit. Sonos told him that the inner tweeter is working and always was working.


  • Enthusiast II
  • 53 replies
  • December 18, 2024

This joke keeps getting less and less funny.


Now they’re saying that the inner driver is indeed emitting sound, which is a complete lie. They do say that it’s supposed to be lower than the outwards driver, which has always been the case. Except now it’s either silent or is like 5% of the volume of the outwards/upwards drivers, so at that point it might just be totally silent since nobody’s gonna hear it anyways.

I have my 300s about 1.2m on each side from my listening position and I absolutely cannot hear any sound coming from the inner drivers.

  • Lyricist III
  • 15 replies
  • December 18, 2024
superlollo wrote:

This joke keeps getting less and less funny.


Now they’re saying that the inner driver is indeed emitting sound, which is a complete lie. They do say that it’s supposed to be lower than the outwards driver, which has always been the case. Except now it’s either silent or is like 5% of the volume of the outwards/upwards drivers, so at that point it might just be totally silent since nobody’s gonna hear it anyways.

I have my 300s about 1.2m on each side from my listening position and I absolutely cannot hear any sound coming from the inner drivers.

The inner driver and/or woofer is emitting sounds with certain signals. From the test videos that I suggested it is definitely firing inside.

So is this statement by Sonos still accurate?

The Era 300 plays rear channel audio through its height array.
This, too, is by design. The Era 300’s DSP (Digital Signal Processing) leverages either the rear height tweeter OR the outward-facing tweeter/woofer to create the intended sound experience. Because of this, when you play the Dolby test track, you might notice that rear height channel as being active during rear-channel playback. This is expected.


  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • December 18, 2024

Contradicting statements one after another. They could have just avoided this mess by acknowledging that it’s a bug that needs fixing.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • December 18, 2024

The statement from last week (which blew up this Era 300 issue backlash against Sonos)

"The Era 300 plays rear channel audio through its height array."
This, too, is by design. The Era 300’s DSP (Digital Signal Processing) leverages ***either the rear height tweeter OR the outward-facing tweeter/woofer*** to create the intended sound experience.


VS the statement now:


The rear surround audio channel is emitted from both the inner speaker and the up-firing tweeter.


So which one is it? Two statements, just one week apart.

  1. Rear audio channel = up-firing tweeter OR outer tweeter? Or
  2. Rear audio channel = up-firing tweeter AND inner tweeter? Or
  3. Rear audio channel = primarily just the inner tweeter (understanding since Era 300 launch)

Can they make up their mind?

  • Enthusiast II
  • 92 replies
  • December 18, 2024

I bought a pair of ERA 300 a few days ago as surrounds for my ARC, and the experience is really underwhelming.

I bought it to replace my old pair of One Gen 2, and see no difference at all.

Wasn’t it always the case with them? Is it only a recent update that made them like that?


  • Enthusiast II
  • 53 replies
  • December 18, 2024
arcosin wrote:

I bought a pair of ERA 300 a few days ago as surrounds for my ARC, and the experience is really underwhelming.

I bought it to replace my old pair of One Gen 2, and see no difference at all.

Wasn’t it always the case with them? Is it only a recent update that made them like that?


Yes it did sound better before they f’ed it up with an update 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 92 replies
  • December 18, 2024
superlollo wrote:
arcosin wrote:

I bought a pair of ERA 300 a few days ago as surrounds for my ARC, and the experience is really underwhelming.

I bought it to replace my old pair of One Gen 2, and see no difference at all.

Wasn’t it always the case with them? Is it only a recent update that made them like that?


Yes it did sound better before they f’ed it up with an update 

Oh man, it’s probably gonna take 6 months for Sonos to fix it, if at all. I still remember the terrible firmware update from 2-3 years ago when surround sound stopped working randomly. 

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 20 replies
  • December 18, 2024
krion wrote:

The statement from last week (which blew up this Era 300 issue backlash against Sonos)

"The Era 300 plays rear channel audio through its height array."
This, too, is by design. The Era 300’s DSP (Digital Signal Processing) leverages ***either the rear height tweeter OR the outward-facing tweeter/woofer*** to create the intended sound experience.


VS the statement now:


The rear surround audio channel is emitted from both the inner speaker and the up-firing tweeter.


So which one is it? Two statements, just one week apart.

  1. Rear audio channel = up-firing tweeter OR outer tweeter? Or
  2. Rear audio channel = up-firing tweeter AND inner tweeter? Or
  3. Rear audio channel = primarily just the inner tweeter (understanding since Era 300 launch)

Can they make up their mind?

This sounds like the classic case of each department being in a silo and not talking to each other. Which is horrible for problems such as this, as it tends to mean fractured priorities and views of their internal workings. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 77 replies
  • December 18, 2024

Keith replied on the Reddit open forum:


“Hey there ~ Appreciate the question. I spoke with one of the Product Managers on the Audio Team about this, and here's what they said:

Sonos soundbars and multichannel speakers use a variety of rendering, arraying, and psychoacoustic techniques & effects to create an immersive sound experience. It is not sufficient to assume that one audio channel in a spatial audio mix will map to one driver or speaker in a Sonos home theater set.  In the case of Arc Ultra bonded with Era 300, both the soundbar and the Era 300 take advantage of these techniques.

The inner speaker (tweeter + woofer) IS NOT disabled on an Era 300 surround when bonded to any Sonos soundbars with Dolby Atmos support (Arc Ultra, Arc, and Beam Gen 2). The inner speaker is primarily responsible for rear surround channel content, however, the rear surround channel is also mixed into the up-firing tweeter with the rear height channel.

The inner speaker is notably lower [in] volume than the up-firing speaker due to the direct path of sound propagation to the main listening position compared to the indirect path from the up-firing tweeter.  The choice to share rear surround content between the inner speaker and up-firing speaker was made to improve the immersive and environmental quality of the rear surround sound stage.

For the Sonos Arc Ultra soundbar, Dolby Atmos content is rendered to 9.1.4, while 7.1 and 5.1 content are up-mixed to 9.1.4 content. In all cases, the inside-facing, outside-facing, and up-firing speakers are active while the front-facing speaker is inactive.

The behavior of Era 300 as surround speakers with a Sonos soundbar has not changed since it was first introduced.  The Arc Ultra is capable of higher fidelity rendering at 9.1.4, compared to Arc and Beam Gen 2 which render surround content at a max 7.1.4. With all supported Sonos soundbars, the Era 300 can utilize the inside-facing, outside-facing, and up-firing speakers.

Broadly speaking, the best way to judge the immersive sound experience of an Arc Ultra with Era 300 surround speakers is to listen to a high-quality Dolby Atmos mix, either music or cinema content. A full mix will produce an experience that single-channel pink noise and frequency sweeps from home theater test tracks can never deliver.

All that said, I still think that there's room for conversation. We are listening and will continue to take that feedback to the team for consideration.”

  • 27630 replies
  • December 18, 2024

As I suspected, we cannot expect a discrete channel analysis of a positional codec to be the same for every room, or even be of any use. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 17 replies
  • December 18, 2024

TBH I’m not going to lie but this last explanation kind of makes sense to me? I sit fairly close to my 300’s and if the inner driver was as loud as the rest of the speakers/drivers I guess it would be an issue for my specific setup….

Also every time I tested listened close to the inner driver (this was before I became aware of this supposed issue) I always thought I was getting audio if a little quieter than the outer driver but after I became convinced something was wrong I thought that the sound I was getting from the inner driver was just the upward driver audio leaking through but with this latest explanation everything makes more sense to me. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 77 replies
  • December 18, 2024
AR_S34 wrote:

TBH I’m not going to lie but this last explanation kind of makes sense to me? I sit fairly close to my 300’s and if the inner driver was as loud as the rest of the speakers/drivers I guess it would be an issue for my specific setup….

Also every time I tested listened close to the inner driver (this was before I became aware of this supposed issue) I always thought I was getting audio if a little quieter than the outer driver but after I became convinced something was wrong I thought that the sound I was getting from the inner driver was just the upward driver audio leaking through but with this latest explanation everything makes more sense to me. 

Yeah but not everyone has the era 300’s close to their head. This idea only helps some people. M

if sonos actually let us control the volume of the rear channels that would definitely help…

  • Enthusiast II
  • 53 replies
  • December 19, 2024
Snoomuffin wrote:
AR_S34 wrote:

TBH I’m not going to lie but this last explanation kind of makes sense to me? I sit fairly close to my 300’s and if the inner driver was as loud as the rest of the speakers/drivers I guess it would be an issue for my specific setup….

Also every time I tested listened close to the inner driver (this was before I became aware of this supposed issue) I always thought I was getting audio if a little quieter than the outer driver but after I became convinced something was wrong I thought that the sound I was getting from the inner driver was just the upward driver audio leaking through but with this latest explanation everything makes more sense to me. 

Yeah but not everyone has the era 300’s close to their head. This idea only helps some people. M

if sonos actually let us control the volume of the rear channels that would definitely help…

it doesn’t help anybody. 20% less volume on inner driver array would make sense, currently it’s -95% lol

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 50 replies
  • December 19, 2024

“The behavior of Era 300 as surround speakers with a Sonos soundbar has not changed since it was first introduced”


Does this not put this issue to bed? Everybody on Reddit making out like some big bad update came out at some point and nerfed them.

Mr. T
  • Enthusiast II
  • 1356 replies
  • December 19, 2024
iBoyley wrote:

“The behavior of Era 300 as surround speakers with a Sonos soundbar has not changed since it was first introduced”


Does this not put this issue to bed? Everybody on Reddit making out like some big bad update came out at some point and nerfed them.

Except the sound profile from the Era 300s as surrounds has changed recently.

  • 6544 replies
  • December 19, 2024
dominiklei wrote:

First things first. This is not a rant. This is an expalation of a problem, which reduces the experience in 3D audio a lot. For background: I'm a sound engineer and music producer and I don't wanna sound arrogant, but I know what I'm talking about. (I'm a really nice and funny guy :D)

So lets get to the problem then :D


for better understanding watch this VIDEO

This bug appeared the moment I switched the Arc with the Arc Ultra. Before I made the switch I was on the 16.1 app and firmware. So I don't know if the Ultra causes the problem or the app/firmware. Before the switch everything was running as it should.

So, since there is not much of a topic around this, I'm curious if I am still one of a few who have this bug or one of a few who noticed it.

I made this post in Reddit, but not everyone is on Reddit and the more people know, the faster Sonos can work on it. Reddit discussion

I didn't saw any review which mentioned it.
As you can see in the video, the rear driver is completly silenent when the Era 300's are paired with the Arc Ultra. Also Truplay isn't "sweeping" the driver either. (Timestamp 0:44)
So the mesurement isn't right.
First I thought it could be a feature instead of a bug, but it doens't fit the Dolby Atmos recommendations like this. You won't get sound from "behind" your seating position.
And I remember Sonos self promoted it how it should work, where the rear driver is playing.


Sound from side driver/channel should boucing off your side walls, rear driver/channel bouncing off the back wall of your seating position and height channel obviosly bouncing off your ceiling. Thats why you should position them facing forward. At the moment you don't get the immersion that sound is coming from behind you, since the driver is silent.

I tested every setting, played the Dolby Atmos testfile (MKV [TrueHD Atmos] and MP4 [EAC3 + joc Atmos]) from different sources (TV Plex app, Nvidia Shield, from a USB through TV) Same result everytime.

If someone could test this behavior and can confirm this, it would be very nice. Sonos can't fix something they don't know and if most people doens't recognize doens't mean something isn't wrong.

Currently I'm running app version 80.12.04 (Android) and 80.12.03 (iPhone) and firmware version 81.1-58210.
If you don't have this problem, what version are you running?

And last but not least: IF this ever getting fixed, the experience with Arc Ultra and Era 300 will be much better! I love my Sonos products soundwise and Arc Ultra is sounding really good, but it could be much better.

Have a nice day

To All

My apologies that I have to quote the OP in this manner as the OP is entitled to their opinion. However, IMO the OP regardless of their credentials should not have taken it upon themselves to unequivocally characterize their opinion as a “Problem” that Sonos should fix.

Humans have a tendency to automatically lend credibility to people who are supposedly an authority on a subject. In some instances the credibility bestowed is warranted as others in the specific field with equal credibility have given their approval to the additional findings. You don’t just cut your leg off because one physician says it’s necessary…to the contrary you would seek a second opinion.

Granted the OP goes on to present videos of sound tests they have chosen to justify their claim. Others in the community have allegedly made their own test using test sounds. However, the fault in doing so is that no one has a baseline of sound to say that the supposed lack of sound from the inner drivers is a fault. Furthermore there is no standardized sound test that everyone uses over another or has access to.

I mentioned in another post to this thread that I watched the movie Twisters and was thoroughly impressed with the Atmos sound in my space. That’s not to say that you watching the same movie will achieve the same enjoyment; as the accuracy of the Atmos “bubble” is heavily dependent upon the parameters of your space. That said one’s opinion as to how Atmos sound is reproduced in their space is not an inditement of a faulty design of the Era 300’s.

Your next comment may be that how is it so many in the Community are indicating the same issue. That’s a fair statement. However, I ‘d ask how many who claim they have the same issue may have been unconsciously convinced there is an issue based upon what the OP has presented as “gospel” because of their credentials that were presented at the start of their post.

@Jamie A has presented an answer from the Sonos engineers that the audio behavior of the Era 300’s is as to be expected. So until Sonos reverses that decision all of the Sabre rattling in this thread is pointless, IMO.

There has been talk of making the volume adjustment for the inner drivers a feature request. The potential issue with such is that more issues may be created than resolved. One has to remember that the Era 300’s act in unison with the soundbar to create a balanced listening experience. Tweaking one aspect of sound has a direct impact on other sound parameters. I believe that Sonos has determined that some adjustments should be limited in scope or not offered at all. You might call such as “Big Brother” exercising too much control. However’ I would ask…”do you control everything in your life or are some factors limiting or beyond your control”. 

No need to keep beating a dead horse so I’ll leave it to you to make your own decision as to how you move forward (or not) regarding the Era 300 inner drivers.

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