Google Assistant - Vanished and cannot be added back on Beam (Gen 1)
As of November 20, after a long power outage of 12 hours, I noticed the following:
Google Assistant (GA) vanished - first noted with inability to turn on microphone, verified on Sonos App, on the Sonos Beam Gen 1.
Any attempt to re-add GA via either android or ios fails with different symptoms depending on the OS. Android will not be able to locate any google assistant capable device in the ‘google assistant’ phase post linkage (SSO/OUTH) between google sonos; IOS will get there error message ‘There may be a problem’.
Verified no former linkage exists in Google Home.
I added / removed the SONOS voice control successfully so the Beam is not mechanically challenged.
I’ve reviewed threads, cleared the beam to factory defaults and rebuilt, rebooted the router / sonos devices, all to no effect. All Sonos devices and controller are up to date. Still, no ability to add Google Assistant to the beam.
I’ve seen an email thread from three months ago that the GA feature / addition is currently not functioning, but I see no formal announcement of this. With the value of time, it’s just cheaper to buy a google nest mini and get used to saying ‘hey google’ for home control and ‘hey sonos’ for music … which is honestly rubbish.
Before I waste hours on the phone, can I get an official word if Google Assistant is formally supported.
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I’m having the same issue trying to add Google Assistant to any of my compatible products (Move, Roam, Beam). The process fails on both my Android and iOS devices as you described above. I’ve tried just about everything as well, nothing works. Replying just to say you’re not the only one and hopefully someone from the support staff sees this and can advise.
Mike, I'll try the long slog / voice support queue tomorrow and see if I have verifiable, objective evidence or root cause and solution.
Just sat this from 5 months ago - not sure if they have resolved the issue yet - still digging.
Identified - We've identified a problem with Google Voice Assistant on Sonos and are working with them on a fix. You may not be able to sign in to your Google Voice Assistant account on Sonos until it’s resolved. Nov 24, 2024 - 18:31 UTC
What note? All I see is a page of all green statuses and no notes.
I just bought a Sonos Arc, plugged it in a few days ago... Generally it's all great, but I'm going in circles with Google Assistant. (I'm also frustrated by the HDMI-CEC issue, but that's off-topic here!)
I've tried two routes:
- Following Sonos's instructions adding a new voice assistant through the Sonos app. The furthest I have got with this is the point where it launches the Google app to search for a device, but it never finds one. (More often than not I can't even get to this stage - most often, the Sonos app gets to the point where it says to continue in the Google Assistant app but it doesn't actually launch the app.)
- From the Google Home app, via Devices > Add Devices > Works with Google and searching for Sonos. This takes me to the Sonos login screen, but after it returns to Google Home an error message pops us that says "Could not reach Sonos. please try again."
The status returned to green, no change in lack of ability to add GA to beam with iOS or Android and can replicate the errors from smilerish.
To moderators, this is not ANSWERED as a status as there is no change in lack of ability to add a Google Assistant feature to SONOS products. I’ll call with my ticket id and see where this leads and document here.
Same here… any news from Sonos would be great
Can confirm that Google Home will error upon trying to add Sonos back. Been happening about a week now. I've tried just about everything and from both iOS and Android.
Hi @FrankOwen et al
Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with adding Google Assistant to your speakers.
There was an issue, as was reported on the status page, but it is now resolved - I was just now able to add Google Assistant to my own speaker without issue.
What error(s) do you see please?
Have you tried rebooting the device running the app, the speaker you are trying to add Google Assistant to, or your router? If not, please reboot all of these devices and try again afterwards. Please reboot your router by switching it off for at least 30 seconds, and reboot the phone and speaker while waiting for the router to boot back up.
I hope this helps.
I too am unable to add Google Assistant to my Sonos Beam. Same issues as above in that I cannot connect it through the Sonos app nor the Google Home app.
I get the message "Could not reach Sonos. Please try again" when attempting to add via Google Home process.
If I try through the Sonos app, it hangs at the "This may take a minute. If it's taking too long, try again". Clicking try again continues the loop.
I have reset, router, beam and phone to no avail.
Cory, have rebooted device, router (plume) and both Android and iOS devices. Also have factory reset beam and readded. Will repeat reboot of all three this AM PDT. Thank you.
Hi @FrankOwen
Also have factory reset beam and readded.
I consider this overkill, but at least we now know that it did not help - I do not recommend that anyone else reading this try a factory reset. It just creates more work.
I've got the same issue as well on my beam as on the One.
It worked before, but I did a factory reset to change network settings. Now I'm not able to set up GA.
I've already tried to remove the services from the google home app and Sonos.
During the set up proces i've got the message in the GA app (After logging in my sonos account: “There may be a problem”.
Same here with Roam... Vanished... Switzerland
This is ridiculous.
Cory …
“Have you tried rebooting the device running the app, the speaker you are trying to add Google Assistant to, or your router? If not, please reboot all of these devices and try again afterwards. Please reboot your router by switching it off for at least 30 seconds, and reboot the phone and speaker while waiting for the router to boot back up.”
Ok, have rebooted the router (plume superpod), rebooted the beam gen1, and the android and ios device.
On Android - error after the sonos->google assistant->sonos SSO/OAuth → google assistant of ‘No devices found, make sure your wifi is on and that your Assistant and Sonos devices are on the same network’ … they are, I can manage the devices on sonos. Have screenshots.
On IoS - error after the final google assistant in which the error says only ‘There may be a problem’ in the ios google assistant app (this matches Esme’s error).
Some data:
Google Home does not show a link to Sonos.
If I try to link in Google Home with ‘Works with Google’ in IoS it errors with ‘there may be a problem’.
If I try the same in Google home in Android it errors with ‘Could not reach Sonos’ as an error.
Nothing else to try, seems like a litany of similar issues from reading above with repeatable symptoms without an accurate diagnosis / fix. I have submitted the following diagnostics *********.
Moderator edit: Diagnostic number recorded and removed
Cory, you’ll see my detailed note note after moderation. Followed process, submitted diagnostics **********. No resolution on both ios and android SONOS client.
Moderator edit: Diagnostic number recorded and removed
Currently facing the same problem with my Beam (Gen 2). Nothing currently works to setup Google Assistant.
Same issue. I was trying to get Google Assistant set up on my new Beam, but it wasn't working. So I followed troubleshooting which had me unlink Sonos from my Google Home account. But now I am unable to reconnect it; experiencing the same issues above. So now none of my speakers are controllable by Google. It seems that the Google/Sonos integration setup is down. I chatted with support, but they had me do the same troubleshooting steps with no resolution.
I think there are enough issues with repeatable symptoms across the user community to announce degraded service for GA support for the Sonos platform.
I think there are enough issues with repeatable symptoms across the user community to announce degraded service for GA support for the Sonos platform.
Agree. And if GA stay green on the status page info from Sonos even if the service does not works (and it does not!) then this page is completely useless, and this for all services!
Please Sonos, wake up and try to understand that Sonos users have understand that the issue is coming from your side (cloud) and not from our side… We waist time to open ticket…
Sounds like the app disaster story where we were asked to contact support in case of troubles with the new App… Please, learn from the past...
Hi Everyone
As we have so far been unable to recreate this issue in our own testing, in order to better understand it, we need to see more data - as a result, can I please ask you all to recreate the issue and submit a support diagnostic afterwards, then reply here when you have done so, but please don’t share the number given. Thanks for your assistance.