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the new Sonos ios app update is TERRIBLE! DO NOT UPDATE!

Sonos, why would you release an app upgrade with so many problems!? Where are my playlists? They're gone! Where are my alarms?  I can no longer edit or save the queue! Where are my albums? I can't change the home interface! I can delete some of the things you guys added automatically but there's nowhere I can see to add anything. What a mess!

Don't you guys check your work? I've been reading some other letters and there are many more problems.


Came on here to check I wasn’t going mad. Updated the app and now can’t play through the speakers unless I go direct from Spotify. Can’t disconnect speakers either...can’t do anything. Appalling ‘upgrade’. Quite how the tech bros allowed this release is beyond me. 

Sort it out Sonos. 

The programming team of this app does not have a full understanding of the SONOS user base, and there’s no way they thoroughly tested this mess of an app.

Like many here, I use streaming services, and a local library of FLAC files on a Windows server.  All my SONOS devices are hardwired ethernet for speed and dependability.  I only had a few minor issues until this worthless app.  I’ve been a SONOS user since 2006.

  1. This app will not connect to my library server.  The old SONOS app on devices not updated still works fine.  The letters on the right side of the server album/artist menu, when it worked for a few seconds, are now gone.  Now your only options are to manually scroll through 1000’s of albums or artists.
  2. It takes a while to fully open on my iphones or ipads, sometimes losing the connection to the SONOS system.  My phones and iPads are no more than 2 years old.  It’s trying to load way too many items on the home screen to process in a reasonable amount of time.  Useless fluff chosen over performance.
  3. The queue is just a useless blank box, cannot be added to, modified, or any other queue related function like the last list of streamed items.

The only real solution to this is to put the old gold S2 app back on the download sites so at least we can use our systems.

I didn’t even know new app was out. Already updated on my phone.
It’s a total cluster F. 
playlists? Issues with speaker selections? 
im just gonna stop typing because im do frustrated and pissed right now. 
This absolutely sucks!!!!!😵💫

Have tried all the available third party apps for iOS and the clear winner is SonoPhone.

Will be using that until Sonos get their act together or I move on to a different system. This update has ruined my whole experience and I am so angry - leaving poor (accurate) reviews wherever I can...

Agree, Ive tolerated the increasing obsession with selling new product and forced obsolescence on old stuff that still works fine, but this is really pushing it .. do they really believe we are a captive market ripe to be exploited?

Its terrible.

Clearly an attempt to push SONOS MUSIC and make it harder to find my SiriusXM and Local FLAC files on NAS.

Its the total opposite of user friendly.  Hard to find playlists.  Playlists with my FLAC files looks empty.  Artwork for FLAC files rarely loads.  its a disaster.

I just did the upgrade and now the app doesn’t work at all as it’s telling me that it cannot access the network. But in the iOS settings, the network is clearly turned on. This new app upgrade sucks.

When I called for support, they told me it would be 80 minutes until I could talk to someone.

When I called for support, they told me it would be 80 minutes until I could talk to someone.


Sonos get your **** together.

I have the exact same problem. Cannot access the network. I am using my speakers as doorstops now.


The recent Sonos iOS app upgrade has left us frustrated and disconnected. Many report the app failing to connect to our systems, rendering it essentially useless. This glaring flaw not only disrupts our user experience but also undermines the core functionality of Sonos products.

The inability to connect to our audio devices tarnishes Sonos's reputation for reliability and convenience. Urgent attention is imperative to rectify these issues, we the users demand a swift resolution.

Sonos must prioritize restoring this basic functionality to ensure we can enjoy our audio systems without interruption. Right now my entire system is nothing more than expensive paperweights and door stops. Finally an 80 minute wait for telephone help is an insult. Get your *hi* tofether.

New app is appalling. Selecting and displaying single speakers in different rooms is not functioning properly eg music playing on living room speaker yet bedroom speaker is selected with the tick. Apply a new speaker to move the music to a different room and the track resets to the beginning. Interface with Apple Music seems like a step backwards too. Seriously Sonos should not have pushed an upgrade with so many bugs to be ironed out. 

New app is appalling. Selecting and displaying single speakers in different rooms is not functioning properly eg music playing on living room speaker yet bedroom speaker is selected with the tick. Apply a new speaker to move the music to a different room and the track resets to the beginning. Interface with Apple Music seems like a step backwards too. Seriously Sonos should not have pushed an upgrade with so many bugs to be ironed out. 

Is that whilst using the ‘grouped rooms’ screen in the new App, as shown here (attached)? Only it seems to be working okay here for grouping/ungrouping our speakers/rooms.


New app is appalling. Selecting and displaying single speakers in different rooms is not functioning properly eg music playing on living room speaker yet bedroom speaker is selected with the tick. Apply a new speaker to move the music to a different room and the track resets to the beginning. Interface with Apple Music seems like a step backwards too. Seriously Sonos should not have pushed an upgrade with so many bugs to be ironed out. 

Is that whilst using the ‘grouped rooms’ screen in the new App, as shown here (attached)? Only it seems to be working okay here for grouping/ungrouping our speakers/rooms.


You’re lucky!! I cannot even connect!


Problem for me is the following:

  • playing a track in two rooms (lounge and study) - all working fine (Beyoncé in example below)
  • then decide to change the music - press play on new track (honey Dijon in example below) from Apple Music interface in Sonos App
  • The Lounge and Study continue playing and new music default starts on Bedroom speaker when it has not been selected. It default starts on bedroom and leaves other speakers running with original track
  • perjaps it’s new settings and functionality I’m not aware of but is happening all the time when I change music - I just want to swap music playing in the speakers I’m already using. 


You’re lucky!! I cannot even connect!

Dunno then? …FWIW, I’m not using SonosNet here and our family & friends have had no issues connecting to their Sonos devices at their Homes too since the App update  - although some are complaining about the missing ‘widely-mentioned’ features and find the App slow in places, but no issues with their speakers being connected/working AFAIK.

I guess some routers/networks may not be compatible aswell then, or ‘perhaps’ there’s some SSDP multicast device discovery issues across your LAN subnet… I personally didn’t think that much changed recently in terms of the device firmware/software, just a (‘remote’) controller app update for the most part, I thought🤔?


Problem for me is the following:

  • playing a track in two rooms (lounge and study) - all working fine (Beyoncé in example below)
  • then decide to change the music - press play on new track (honey Dijon in example below) from Apple Music interface in Sonos App
  • The Lounge and Study continue playing and new music default starts on Bedroom speaker when it has not been selected. It default starts on bedroom and leaves other speakers running with original track
  • perjaps it’s new settings and functionality I’m not aware of but is happening all the time when I change music - I just want to swap music playing in the speakers I’m already using. 
    - and when selecting new speakers it takes the existing music back to the start of the track 



And one extra thing - when I change 


Problem for me is the following:

  • playing a track in two rooms (lounge and study) - all working fine (Beyoncé in example below)
  • then decide to change the music - press play on new track (honey Dijon in example below) from Apple Music interface in Sonos App
  • The Lounge and Study continue playing and new music default starts on Bedroom speaker when it has not been selected. It default starts on bedroom and leaves other speakers running with original track
  • perjaps it’s new settings and functionality I’m not aware of but is happening all the time when I change music - I just want to swap music playing in the speakers I’m already using. 
    - and when selecting new speakers it takes the existing music back to the start of the track 





Problem for me is the following:

  • playing a track in two rooms (lounge and study) - all working fine (Beyoncé in example below)
  • then decide to change the music - press play on new track (honey Dijon in example below) from Apple Music interface in Sonos App
  • The Lounge and Study continue playing and new music default starts on Bedroom speaker when it has not been selected. It default starts on bedroom and leaves other speakers running with original track
  • perjaps it’s new settings and functionality I’m not aware of but is happening all the time when I change music - I just want to swap music playing in the speakers I’m already using.


Just to clarify, are you looking just to switch the playing audio on ‘lounge’ & ‘study’ to play just on the ’bedroom’?

If so, do these steps perhaps work…

  1. Play music on ‘lounge’ & ‘study’.
  2. Goto ‘grouped rooms’ screen and add ‘bedroom’ and select Apply.
  3. Return to group rooms and deselect ‘lounge’ & ‘study’ and select Apply.

No. The issue is that I’m playing audio in the lounge and study. I want to replace that audio with a different track. When I start playing the new track the old track keeps playing on lounge and study AND the new track starts playing in the bedroom when I have not selected or grouped that speaker. Previously selecting a new track would interrupt playing music and play thru those speakers. Have found an “interrupt queue “ selection when selecting track but it does not change the behaviour. Very strange. Hopefully a glitch that can be fixed with software update.. 

I can’t say I’ve come across the issue @Syd_Elan - Any music I choose to play, just always plays to the room ‘in focus’ at the top of the (slide up) ‘room picker’ … the room that’s showing in the mini-player at the foot of the screen in the App.

Thanks Ken. Hopefully it’s a software glitch. 

Not sure if this may help here too @Syd_Elan, but…

The selected room (or group) at the top of the slide-up ‘room picker’ is the group co-ordinator for any audio playback you select - You can select another room/group from the slide-up list of rooms to bring it to the top (in focus) and then any music playback you start after that selection, will then play on that ‘other’ room, or group, instead.

Whilst the slide up ‘room picker’ screen is fully open you can control the playback on any room/group and goto each of their ‘now playing’ screens and/or access the ‘grouped room’ screens for each ‘co-ordinated’ group.


The local library folders are available in the new App, including the Web App? Ensure its setup as an SMBv2 or higher share over the LAN. Screenshot attached showing it’s available to both.

I’ve rolled back to 16.1 and there I’m staying. Not up to me to rejig my library because they’ve broken it without announcement or helpful error message (I just get “something went wrong” when I try to access my library).  Phone will see/play the current track/album but not the library, which to me suggests the issue is with the library management not the library folders.


The local library folders are available in the new App, including the Web App? Ensure its setup as an SMBv2 or higher share over the LAN. Screenshot attached showing it’s available to both.

I’ve rolled back to 16.1 and there I’m staying. Not up to me to rejig my library because they’ve broken it without announcement or helpful error message (I just get “something went wrong” when I try to access my library).  Phone will see/play the current track/album but not the library, which to me suggests the issue is with the library management not the library folders.

I’m not here to placate your feelings here, but just to say it wasn’t without announcement there were messages in the S2 App, emails to users and it was widely discussed here in the community too.

I’m just attaching one example screenshot from the S2 App. I do understand that you’re upset though and I can only suggest you contact Sonos direct and discuss it with them.


Uh-huh. Except I don't believe my problem is ability to connect to the library because it plays the current album. The problem is the Sonos app.

As for contacting Sonos, I still haven't recovered from the BS they tried to feed me last time my library suddenly stopped working.

Uh-huh. Except I don't believe my problem is ability to connect to the library because it plays the current album. The problem is the Sonos app.

As for contacting Sonos, I still haven't recovered from the BS they tried to feed me last time my library suddenly stopped working.

Ah okay. Hope it gets sorted for you at some point.👍

This update is a nightmare . I lost my music library now it won’t connect . No service all weekend as tech support is shut 

super annoyed with Sonos 
