All my music is located on my computer, organized in iTunes. It is very messy, with files located under 2 Users...if I click on a song file and select Properties, iTuues shows me the path to the song on my hard drive. But also, I can look in File Explorer and see that many if not all songs are stored in both Users.
Everything was working fine for a while, then I noticed that Sonos was skipping songs in many of my iTunes Playlists...”access denied”.
I have been trying to add more song folders to my Sonos Music Library but it won’t let me. I have been all over the internet looking for help. I have looked at tons of my folders and Shared them. I don’t know what else to try. For the time being, I just want to be able to listen to ALL my songs, like I could before.
Another question: At a later date I want to clean up and re-organize so that everything I do is under only one User. And I want to re-organize iTunes so that my music is all in one folder. These are separate problems, not to be solved here. BUT I am thinking I will need to do a complete and fresh re-install of Sonos. When I do that, how can I be sure that EVERYTHING has been uninstalled? I don’t want old files and directives to be brought to the new installation.
Thanks in advance.