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Playlists completely broken with new app.

I searched the forum with no similar experiences. Am I the only one whose playlist editing disappeared with the new app? There isn’t even an Edit option anymore. I can’t add or delete individual songs for the current playlist. I can only replace the entire queue. It is the same for all music sources. This new version so far has done nothing better and many things much worse, this one  being the biggest for me so far. What gives? Anyone else experiencing this?

I hope Sonos are really listening here as their customers are not happy. I won't buy anymore Sonos products and will not recommend them anymore. I used to tell people how great they were and upsold my family members to purchase products, that is now gone.

Still deciding how to react to the email from the CEO. They released the crappy app in early May and now the email shows playlist edit support being returned in September and October - FIVE MONTHS of putting up with crappy app destruction of playlists. It is their lowest priority issue to fix, basically. The mismanagement of this app rollout is off the charts bad. And that is with the attitude that fixing the app is “their number 1 priority”. I guess they aren’t selling enough headphones so they are sort of acknowledging that maybe some users aren’t happy and maybe they need to work on this disaster. That’s about the only positive I can take from his email. 

I searched the forum with no similar experiences. Am I the only one whose playlist editing disappeared with the new app? There isn’t even an Edit option anymore. I can’t add or delete individual songs for the current playlist. I can only replace the entire queue. It is the same for all music sources. This new version so far has done nothing better and many things much worse, this one  being the biggest for me so far. What gives? Anyone else experiencing this?

Hey Sonos, if you’re reading his - give us back Playlist editing NOW!!!   FFS this has gone on too long!!! 

timbytes wrote:

Hey Sonos, if you’re reading this - give us back Playlist editing NOW!!!   FFS this has gone on too long!!! 

According to the most recent communication from the CEO of Sonos, ‘playlist editing’ will be restored in September or October. I will refrain from further comment to avoid being branded a ‘disgruntled’ and ‘toxic’ Sonos owner.
