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I searched the forum with no similar experiences. Am I the only one whose playlist editing disappeared with the new app? There isn’t even an Edit option anymore. I can’t add or delete individual songs for the current playlist. I can only replace the entire queue. It is the same for all music sources. This new version so far has done nothing better and many things much worse, this one  being the biggest for me so far. What gives? Anyone else experiencing this?

It’s a known issue. See this support link:

Thanks for the quick reply Ken. I am stunned that they released software with features knowingly removed and then make us wait several weeks to a month to get some of them back. Unbelievably bad. 

Thanks for the quick reply Ken. I am stunned that they released software with features knowingly removed and then make us wait several weeks to a month to get some of them back. Unbelievably bad. 

Yes, I wasn’t happy about it, but some things were restored in todays App update - Alarms, so they are now available, that’s a week earlier than forecasted.👍

Thanks for the quick reply Ken. I am stunned that they released software with features knowingly removed and then make us wait several weeks to a month to get some of them back. Unbelievably bad. 

It’s going to be a while before we are feature parity with the old app, let along the dozens of bugs and stability issues. In the ama they were asked they released it knowing the app sucked and the answer was basically they DGAF. No apology or regret. 

I understand bugs creep in (usually due to lack of sufficient testing), but a basic fundamental feature like playlists that any music app has to have? How can you release with that broken? Something must have driven this POS rush job and quality was tossed in the trash. I did software development for over 30 years and a DGAF attitude is the kind of pure arrogance that points to bad  management rather than bad developers in my experience. Too bad it appears Sonos has gone down that slippery slope. I may be wrong but I feel bad for the developers, they must feel a lot of pressure to fix this piece of cr*p. 

This New app blows!!!!!!!!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I can only assume they are overwhelmed.  Why wouldnt they just roll back the last version right now.  


Internet connected products is BS,  this started with logitech way back when,  its our stuff!  get your ands off

I searched the forum with no similar experiences. Am I the only one whose playlist editing disappeared with the new app? There isn’t even an Edit option anymore. I can’t add or delete individual songs for the current playlist. I can only replace the entire queue. It is the same for all music sources. This new version so far has done nothing better and many things much worse, this one  being the biggest for me so far. What gives? Anyone else experiencing this?

There is no playlist functionality. I don't see it as a listed known issue on Sonos or plans to fix.

I have had Sonos products for years and have built over 50 playlists, all my old CD’s and purchased downloads are stored on an external hard drive. This update has wiped out all my efforts and left with me limited listening ability with just access to streaming services only. The interface is awful and far too many screens to navigate. Being unable to choose music and line it up for play is a basic function for all players, it is impossible to choose an individual track off an album without the whole album being added to the queue, no function to edit the queue either!! I don’t believe this was ever tested before being released, I am seriously hacked off that there is no way of going back to the previous version until these items are ironed out. 😡


Update: I have a few personal playlists on Qobuz, these have also disappeared despite the fact there is an option, when selected there are no playlists listed. This “upgrade” has nothing for me, it's a downgrade as far as I'm concerned. 

I can’t see the content of my playlists but if I start playing one and skip forward it goes through the tracks so the information is in there its just not displayed which absolutely ridiculous.


For my purposes, as I don’t use streaming services and have my music collection on a NAS, this update is useless now. Disgusting, and if I could get my money back from Sonos I would because this has ruined the functionality that I bought the hardware with.


This is the one indication I saw in the link provided 

  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June

I have a playlist with 2000 plus songs which I like to add to and then shuffle play. I can still play this but can’t add any new songs? This was so easy in the old app. 
Trying to remain positive about Sonos but this really is a disaster/ backward step in my opinion as nothing is improved just frustrating and not user friendly. Probably will downgrade to S1 until they sort it.

​​​​​​I had Error 913 (Music Library) Issues where, after my music was removed from access on the latest Sonos update, the new Sonos software would not access my music file.  I finally found some in the community that figured out a work around for now.  But that only gives access to the iTunes library as a whole. It imported my iTunes library, but it did not import my iTunes playlists. Any suggestions?

Virtually the only need we have Sonos for is to play music off our personal library - a portable hard drive with over 40,000 titles. Not a big fan of most radio stations and would prefer to listen to what I pick out, not some other dj. As of yesterday, May 19, I can no longer access that music and have been told that this most basic function will not be available until mid-June, a month from now (!?!) That’s insane. Music is an integral part of our daily lives. However this decision was made shows an absolute lack of imagination and business sense. What do I do with the four speakers in the mean time - play ring toss?

And this is just one of several major defects I’ve encountered. For me this is hands down the most outrageously bad software release in terms of feature disruption I have ever experienced. To dump this crap on their customers is inexcusable. Between this and the broken device selection the system is now just barely functional. I paid good money for these devices and Sonos needs to make them work ASAP. 

There is no longer a Sonos app in the Apple App store for a computer.  I still see it in the App Store for iPhone or iPad.

To All: There is no playlist feature or playlist functionality any longer on the Sonos app. So the Sonos player functionality is minimal. I am also a big music fan like all of you and utilize playlists daily. But not anymore on Sonos. I don't see it on there known issues list or future action steps either. This is no longer an app for music lovers.

I really hope you’re wrong, because if playlists are gone so is my Sonos system. It will be replaced and I will find a new system.Which infuriates me because these devices were not cheap, and I bought 5 of them! Between this and the stupidity of not letting me reliably select the device I want, the app is total junk, and renders the speakers essentially unusable for me. I will absolutely not buy another Sonos product if this remains the new user experience. I just don’t get it. What in the world could motivate such a ridiculous choices?

Terrible “update”. All my Sonos Playlists disappeared. Waiting time on their Help line is hours. Customer disservice? 

I am hopping mad. I have Sonos speakers in stereo pairs in three rooms of my home… and out of nowhere, the sonos app did an auto-update that has completely changed the interface and eliminated my playlists… the entire music library I accumulated over a number of years. And the best Sonos support can do is say ‘bear with us… we’re working on it.’ There doesn’t seem to be a way to go back to the pre-existing app either. 

It’s about time to toss the Sonos hardware and start over. This is just ridiculous. What on Earth were these tech nerds thinking? They ‘fixed’ a system that wasn’t broke… and now it’s badly broken.

I’ve been struggling with this equipment for years, I have a Playbar that needs to be turned off about every fourteen days. If I don’t do that, the streaming music starts “dropping”. I have been told to be, “patient”, it’s a known problem they are “working” on it(it’s been years). 
Now all my hours of effort in building my Playlists have just disappeared. 
I’ve attempted to contact their help desk but the wait list is hours long. I’m sure if I ever get through to their service desk, I’ll be told to be patient. 

I can see the my sonos playlist but it will not play. On first glance several features are missing, a real backward step, and looks like a lack of proper beta testing. Time to dump Sonos?

It has been about a week since I opened the Sonos app on my ipad intending to listen to music from one of my playlists, only to discover my playlists had disappeared without a trace; that I could not access any of my subscription streaming services; and that my thousands of dollars in Sonos speakers might as well be doorstops.

I was able to open the S2 app on an old iphone, which still had access to some playlist content, but kept demanding that I update to ‘reauthorize’ the service from which much of my playlist content had come.

I was able to access Sonos support in a live chat. Unfortunately, support had no answers, other than ‘please be patient’ and a canned response assuring me that I was going to love the Brave New World of fantastic features Sonos will be creating. 

There is still no assurance that the Sonos features I rely on most will ever come back. Those include the ability to save favorite albums, create a queue of music selections from linked streaming services, save those queues as playlists and freely edit the playlists to add and subtract new music. Without those features, Sonos is basically of no further use to me.

Sonos management seems blithely unconcerned about this; is in no hurry to rectify the situation; and arrogantly declares it is moving on to a ‘new world of expanded features.’ It declares only a ‘vocal minority’ of us fail to recognize how wonderful it all is.

At this point, I suggest some enterprising young lawyer might consider commencing a class action lawsuit against Sonos on behalf of affected customers. A class action suit on behalf of stockholders might also be in order, as one would expect the share price to take a tumble as Sonos business takes a nosedive.

This has been and remains a fiasco. And I’m stuck with some rather expensive doorstops.

I had to laugh out loud when I got the email trying to sell me their new headphones. If the new app does not restore basic playlist functionality that EVERY SINGLE MUSIC APP I HAVE EVER USED HAS, I will not ever buy ANY Sonos products again and will dump the ones I have for something else. It is completely unacceptable that they took basic features away for an interface that is inferior in every way. It is lazy and just plain horrid software development. A lawsuit sure sounds appropriate to me. I am furious beyond words. 
