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New Sonos App broke my entire system. It is unstable

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221 replies

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • May 30, 2024

So as of 5/30/24 there is an App update to fix a couple small issues.  Did anyone update?  I’m scared to do any updates for a while since we all see how much they have failed their customers on this last horrific update.  

My system is now also completely broken. I might as well throw them all out, until/unless this is fixed.

Sonos, please at least allow us to “downgrade” our compatible products to S1 again ASAP, so we can use the old - but functional - S1 software which at least worked.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 12 replies
  • June 2, 2024
GuardDog32 wrote:

So as of 5/30/24 there is an App update to fix a couple small issues.  Did anyone update?  I’m scared to do any updates for a while since we all see how much they have failed their customers on this last horrific update.  

And if one wanted to update (IPhone), exactly how is this done? If “no system found” and settings will only allow “set up new system” and “products not found”, I see no way to update. If I go to the App Store there is no update. Incredible!

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Sonos has successfully destroyed their brand. There is no way to go back to a working version of their software. I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled the desktop and iOS Apps, restarted my router and spent hours on customer support waiting for them to pick up the phone. Finally I was abruptly disconnected waiting for a person to pick up. Their online chat support spits out idiotic boiler plate nonsense.  Since Sonos will not address this here and shows utter contempt for their customers, I suppose we have to fend for ourselves to find working alternatives. Fortunately I have a pair of working bookshelf speakers. This is no replacement for what Sonos used to do but it’s a start. 

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • June 2, 2024
GeeeehArt wrote:
GuardDog32 wrote:

So as of 5/30/24 there is an App update to fix a couple small issues.  Did anyone update?  I’m scared to do any updates for a while since we all see how much they have failed their customers on this last horrific update.  

And if one wanted to update (IPhone), exactly how is this done? If “no system found” and settings will only allow “set up new system” and “products not found”, I see no way to update. If I go to the App Store there is no update. Incredible!

I have the new Sonos update app on phone. The other day (iPhone) said I had an update available.  It was to “fix” a couple issues but I didn’t update because it may mess up the little bit of stuff that is working.  I didn’t know if anyone else attempted to do the update. 
Looks like it’s time to call the Better Business Bureau and make a complaint with this mess their developers have caused 

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 2, 2024

I just updated all my desktop and iOS Apps today June 2nd. It is still broken. Keeps defaulting to my Beam system (overriding my TV input which has to be painstakingly reconnected.) Will not stay connected. I have reverted to playing albums on wired hardware. Thankfully I have that as an alternative. I realize most Sonos users don’t have that as an option. Damn Sonos has really screwed the pooch on this. I can’t believe no-one from the company hasn’t weighted in on this train wreck!

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Did you unplug EACH speaker where they are all unplugged at the same time?  Then wait a couple mins then start plugging each one back in. I have a Sonos ONE that is hard wired (Ethernet) to my router.  I use it as my HOST for a more stable system.  I plug it in first, let it boot completely up to the solid white light, then start plugging others in 

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 2, 2024

No. I did not try that.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Okay, I give up, between trashing my home system and only having one of my two roams work on the road, I'm ready and willing to invest into an entire new system.  

Is Sonos the best we got or is there a better option? 

Hopefully a class action suit will reimburse some of the replacement cost.  

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • June 3, 2024

I understand.  I had planned to purchase a Move 2, Two of the Era 300’s and one more Play 5…. Glad I was waiting until July.  Not happening now. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 3, 2024

Sonos no doubt has a product manager and a head of engineering responsible for its software apps. Those two are utterly incompetent and should be fired immediately. They should replaced with people with a strong track record in making and shipping usable software.

This latest issue is the worst of recent issues with the software. But it is by no means unique, and over time, we have seen steadily worse issue with the Mac and Android apps, and no doubt other apps, being unable to find and connect to speakers, or to users’ music libraries. This is elementary functionality. What a joke.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • June 3, 2024

I agree with you and am experiencing the same thing, so many speaker dropouts, poor connections etc. In terms of the features of the new update, such a loss. Updates are meant to improve the user experience, but this update has made it a million times worse. 

The problem with Sonos, is ever since I invested in their products, I’ve had nothing but issues, and those issue are so hard to resolve, they’ve tried to make things intuitive and user friendly, but failed so badly. For example;

  1. No way to update your network for each speaker easily, rather than having to reset the whole speaker (in the new update, you can’t even manage the networks properly). 
  2. No way to manage the devices connection settings, any other product that connects to WIFI, has some form of management for savvy users, not Sonos, they restrict it all, probably in an effort to prevent users tweaking, but instead, what it means is that when you run into problems, you’re at the mercy of the company. 
  3. No support, whenever I’ve contacted Sonos, I’ve got absolutely nowhere. 

Any other large multi media giant can do all of the above seamlessly, connecting to WIFI on any of my other devices is a breeze. I can honestly say Sonos is the worst piece of high end tech I’ve ever used. 

My whole system was stable for about three months, but with the latest updates it’s all gone to poo again, and this just keeps happening with the products, I get it all working then a few months down the line, it’s back to trying to figure out why my speakers are cutting out, and why I’m having problems just enabling music between rooms. 

I give up, I’m selling everything I have and going elsewhere, not point throwing good money after bad. Worst company, load of crap, see you later Sonos. 


Bigfootrick wrote:

I had a 1 ½ conversation with tech support. it seems that by resetting the app it would ask to re add the system. it did it and the rep was able to see my system on their end but it still did not show on my end. it does show on my old Mac app but it doesn't work properly. the did this 4-5 times but could never get it to appear on the app. He  filmed the entire session using a program so he saw what I was seeing. I can still use speaker under voice control but the app is useless. he was going to the higher level support and get back to me but as of now hasn't. I think the app is broken which bricked the system . no easy answers so I think I may give it until Monday . he did tell me there is no way to go back to old app which worked fine.


Do a search on here for it, there is a way. I did it. There are some hints on this site on how to find the info on another site. It’s using a program called charles and it does require you to be quite technically abled and FYI if you use a VPN remember to disable it while doing the download. 3 hours of download fails,      then one thought - 1 minute later I had the old app, first time doh!

Splonge wrote:

Sonos has successfully destroyed their brand. There is no way to go back to a working version of their software. I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled the desktop and iOS Apps, restarted my router and spent hours on customer support waiting for them to pick up the phone. Finally I was abruptly disconnected waiting for a person to pick up. Their online chat support spits out idiotic boiler plate nonsense.  Since Sonos will not address this here and shows utter contempt for their customers, I suppose we have to fend for ourselves to find working alternatives. Fortunately I have a pair of working bookshelf speakers. This is no replacement for what Sonos used to do but it’s a start. 

See my previous comment 

GuardDog32 wrote:

So as of 5/30/24 there is an App update to fix a couple small issues.  Did anyone update?  I’m scared to do any updates for a while since we all see how much they have failed their customers on this last horrific update.  

The words ‘Not a chance in Hell’ are my thoughts to this Q

Spyder14 wrote:
davelby414 wrote:

If it’s any help the new app bricked my S1 Play:3 pair and they simply would not connect and register with build 80. Multiple resets and swearing later I used another emaill address, created a new account and got the 3’s, Move and Amp on build 80. A day wasted and support tried to blame my router.

My router’s feelings were so bruised after getting reset so many times that I had to take it out for dinner.


my cat just thought I was having a coronary 😆

mikepaulsen12 wrote:

What a mess! Definitely not put through any serious level of QA. I’m a software engineer, and this is a total facepalm. I would never have let so many features slide. Time and time again, it truly does seem like Sonos would prefer that you simply use a streaming service and forget about local music libraries.

UI-wise, Sonos seems to be all in on the concept of the expanding/collapsing room pane that sits at the bottom, the problem is that it’s way too easy to accidentally collapse the pane when you don’t want it to (e.g., scrolling down in an open queue). It should only collapse when you pull the top handle down, not when scrolling further down inside the pane.

In the 10-15 minutes I attempted to interact and navigate the new app, I found the following missing or broken features:

  • Frequent and inconsistent errors like “unable to load” or “there are no connected products”
  • Volume control wouldn’t work. It kept resetting to 50% -- too loud.
  • Can no longer “add to queue” for any playlists; only “replace queue”
  • Missing artwork
  • “Power scroll” bar no longer works when perusing large playlists
  • When you tap the queue icon in the lower left, it no longer jumps to show you where the current song is playing in the queue. You have to search for it.
  • When scrolling down in the queue, it’s way too easy to accidentally collapse the expanded pane, and then when you tap the expand the pane again, the queue is not longer open.
  • Shuffle feature seems to be broken

But hey, maybe there’s a free U2 album hidden here somewhere if I keep digging!



And another *hidden feature* I found is that Boost support has been dropped silently. Found it was no longer seen on the system info page. Yeah (also a former QA/Test Lead) this looks like a first build from dev that gets kicked back with the note that most of the spec is missing. Which usually gets a return of ‘here’s the plan of when the rest of the spec is getting added and a request of can you test these bits while we do it’. Hey Sonos - NO, employ your own testers, I’m not doing it for you!    

Pighowee wrote:

How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.



Just to remind you what the E Mail from Sonos said about the May 7th update, might be worth reminding them.



oh, my bad! sorry Sonos, 🤦I thought this was a joke!!!!!!! unlike your ‘new and improved’ app which is definitely no joke. I’m not laughing Sonos !!!!!!!!!!! 😡

  • Contributor II
  • 9 replies
  • June 3, 2024

How is this possible! 
The new app sucks.  

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • June 6, 2024
Eking708 wrote:

Dear Sonos,

The new app uploaded itself on apple devices and now my system is completely bricked/useless. I have ZERO components in my system. I have tried to factory reset it, doesn’t work. Tried resetting the app, doesn’t work. Tried to get hold of support to no surprise ZERO chat reps available at 10:30 eastern time, and 50 minute wait for support.

Do you people sit in a room and make up ways to piss your consumers off, because you are AMAZING at it? This entire system is about 24 hours outside of going in the garbage can since i can’t use them anymore.


  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • June 6, 2024

After almost 10 years of faithfully listening to a non U.K. radio station via a choice of streaming services on my Sonos system, I now have absolutely no way of accessing it! Gone from every angle. It’s ridiculous! The be app is horrible to look at, nowhere near as good as before and customer support is non existent. I always used to be so happy with the support offered, but now you can’t even get through, much less get the issues addressed! Is Sonos going down the pan? I am disgusted with the lack of care and understanding by Sonos as well as the lack of urgency in addressing the issues we are all facing! BAD JOB SONOS. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 7, 2024
Ymedik wrote:
MTfudibygib wrote:

17 years…first 5 were great…second 5 okay…last 7 nothing but pain and this new App is a disaster. Great idea to Beta test on your customers. No idea where several of my components are and impossible to play music in the room selected. The person/team that rolled out this App should be fired. If I didn’t own so many components I’d make the switch. But even if I’m stuck, no one I know will ever be in this position…RUN AWAY…SO NO SONOS!!!

If this Will not change within a view weeks i Will Switch to.


Switch to what?

im ready to do so too. Things are getting worse for me, not better as they roll out small updates. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 7, 2024

The app needs to be re-designed. Alarms are no longer working. Setting the alarm on the computer used to flow through to the app and you could configure it from either one. Now they seem to both give conflicting settings. 


Even finding the alarm setting on the phone app is an exercise of trying to remember the secret taps to get to it. 

The app needs to be made simpler its destroying the system.

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • June 7, 2024

I just want to play music. My system is now utterly unreliable and completely useless. Please Sonos help us or put the old app back. Funny how the only thing that seems to work on the new app is the adverts. I know Sonos are trying to fix things but disabling our equipment in the mean time is not on, please put the old app back I need to use my system.

  • 27687 replies
  • June 7, 2024
PJM47 wrote:

I just want to play music. My system is now utterly unreliable and completely useless. Please Sonos help us or put the old app back. Funny how the only thing that seems to work on the new app is the adverts. I know Sonos are trying to fix things but disabling our equipment in the mean time is not on, please put the old app back I need to use my system.


What is preventing you from playing music?  What source are you trying to play?  We are going to need some more detail to narrow down your problem. 

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