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New SONOS App - Adding to queue

I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?

FIX THE QUEUE!!!  I want back the ability to add songs to the queue or “play next”. “Replace queue” is not acceptable.  I am tired of you all messing around with the app and taking away features that were important. 

Quite frankly, I want the version of the app that we had a year ago. I cannot stand this version and it just makes me not want to buy anymore Sonos products. 

If you can’t make a queue how can you play music from different artists without one song finishing and then having to go to your phone to put on another. Or have I missed something?

Is there any way to revert back to the old version of the app?

Sonos has for years proven it doesn’t know how to create a stable application to support their hardware. Now they have shown they have no idea how to design a user interface.

Companies that roll out garbage applications like this have a total disregard for their customers.

The question is, do their developers even use their products? If they did, the interface would be cleaner and the most useful functions wouldn’t be stripped.

Get off Sonosnet.  If you have a boost, get rid of it.  Start over with a wireless se-up.  Worked for me.  Yes, the app is junk!  Hopefully it gets better.  The music part of the app is beyond clunky!

Why are your best customers unwitting beta testers? Please follow the big kids and release as beta products rather than the finished updates. 

FIX THE QUEUE!!!  I want back the ability to add songs to the queue or “play next”. “Replace queue” is not acceptable.  I am tired of you all messing around with the app and taking away features that were important. 

Quite frankly, I want the version of the app that we had a year ago. I cannot stand this version and it just makes me not want to buy anymore Sonos products. 

I'd be more than happy with the app we had a month ago!

If you can’t make a queue how can you play music from different artists without one song finishing and then having to go to your phone to put on another. Or have I missed something?

Is there any way to revert back to the old version of the app?

If you use an android phone, I believe you can revert to an earlier version. For us that use iOS, we are sort of screwed, unfortunately. 

Please add the queue back.  Impossible to have a music app without a queue but somehow Sonos managed to do it.

Please add the queue back.  Impossible to have a music app without a queue but somehow Sonos managed to do it.

Should be in today’s update...

Nice to see the Play next & Add to end of Queue back.

Nice to see the Play next & Add to end of Queue back.

You're lucky!  You must be on iOS but I'm on Android.

I got all excited when I saw your post and updated. What happened was a firmware update (I know this because it took several minutes to install around my system) to 79.1-53290 but the latest Android controller app is still 80.01.08 for 25 May. 

Still no search, still no queue management.

Still a bummer.


I want to add to the list of disgruntled Sonos owners that the new App does not have added features but has less features.  I’m still trying to figure out what improvements have been actually made.

Queue management is terrible by not being able to edit or add to a queue.  This needs to be brought back ASAP.  please, please, please bring back soon.

Personally, I like a mute button so i can quickly turn volume off when needed rather than slide and slide back to a preferred volume level.  I use my Sonos everyday at work-from-home but need to turn off quickly for calls/meetings etc,

I find it very surprising that a new updated App would roll out with less features.  Does anyone test these things or is it basically done for simplicity.  There are a lot of upset customers for what is branded as a High-end product but has a low-end App.

I want to add to the list of disgruntled Sonos owners that the new App does not have added features but has less features.  I’m still trying to figure out what improvements have been actually made.

Queue management is terrible by not being able to edit or add to a queue.  This needs to be brought back ASAP.  please, please, please bring back soon.

Personally, I like a mute button so i can quickly turn volume off when needed rather than slide and slide back to a preferred volume level.  I use my Sonos everyday at work-from-home but need to turn off quickly for calls/meetings etc,

I find it very surprising that a new updated App would roll out with less features.  Does anyone test these things or is it basically done for simplicity.  There are a lot of upset customers for what is branded as a High-end product but has a low-end App.

You can now mute by tapping the little speaker on the left side of the volume slider.

Some queue features are back (add to end and play next) for some people.

Hurrah! The queue management is back on my IOS device. Should NEVER have disappeared on the initial incarnation on the new app but thanks to the devs for getting it back despite your management structure deciding it could originally ship without it. I’m sure all is not perfect but that was the main feature I used so for now, I am happy

Hi all,

I have gathered your feedback regarding queue management and other features in the Sonos app from your individual threads and compiled it here. I understand your frustration and can assure this feature will return in a future update.

If you have any other suggestions or comments, please let us know by replying here or by posting in the Sonos app announcement thread linked below:

That thread, along with all other feedback, threads, and comments regarding the Sonos app, will be closely monitored and forwarded to the relevant teams.

Please let management know I will not buy another Sonos product until this queue feature is fixed. It is the entire reason I switched to Sonos in the first place and your hardware update today stopped the old version of the app from functioning at all, forcing me into an app that doesn't work as was described when I spent thousands on this system. 

Experiencing the same dislike for the new app as everyone here, however from what I have read so far (which is not everything) I am fighting different issues.

If I play from my main streaming service (YouTube music), then all songs jump from speaker to speaker (while I’m trying to play over all speakers) for about 1 or 2 minutes before it automatically skips to the next track. Or it does not skip but will go silent for a while and then pop back on whatever speaker it likes at that moment. 

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app with no change. When I open the YouTube music app and airplay/bluetooth to my Sonos speakers, there is no issues. 


Can we uninstall the update ?? Need to go back to the old version until the new version is fixed….

this is rubbish, ruined our whole work environment.

looking at other options if we cant

Can we uninstall the update ?? Need to go back to the old version until the new version is fixed….

this is rubbish, ruined our whole work environment.

looking at other options if we cant

I used an app called aptoid that let me download the older version and then I turned off auto update on my phone. But yesterday they forced a hardware update on my amps that required me to update the app in order to use them at all. Not happy. 

SONOS user since 2013 and I’m blown away that they would create an app update without the ability to add/edit the queue, one of the key, if not defining features of SONOS.

Based on what I’ve seen, that’s one of the last expected patches to the new app. I’d like to add my vote for moving that patch to the most urgent category.

I like the new interface, but the lack of utility is jarring.

In the IOS App, the features Play Next and Add to End of Queue appear to have returned. However I can only make them work partially…


The feature seem to work in the way that we remember in the good old app but only if picking tracks from external streaming services.


If however I try either of these features with tracks from my local music library, all it seems to do now is repeat extra tracks from the album that’s already in the queue - either at the next track or end of queue location respectively.


Anyone else experiencing this happening or am I somehow trying to do it wrong?

ANDROID UPDATE 6/4… the app on the Android phone now has “add to queue’ function. BUT THE APP ON TABLET does not; both updated.

SONOS< pls respond or tell the truth on your app page - this functionality has NOT been universally restored and when will it be?????????

I can’t add an album to the queue either from my android app nor my iOS app. I can still do so from Windows.

Sonos, your updated app SUCKS! I want the queue features back. Every time I look at that stupid black sonos button I get angry all over again. Every night when I am listening to the music that helps me sleep I wake up when the music stops.  I don’t want to make new Apple Music queues for every single night! I used to love the old system. Now I  am not recommending sonos to anyone. Bring back the old system, I don’t want to wait for the changes you are promising. I feel ripped off by this new app, which btw updated automatically, which was not what I wanted to happen. Your app developers need a lesson on communication with your customers. Are you trying to go out of business?  Bring back queue editing! Immediately. Also your customer service is not a service if there is no one to talk to. 

I've had these Sonos products which I'd invested thousands of dollars on.  They worked great for years.  Then, in May someone decided to remove all functionality from the app. 

Now, in June another update has restored the meager 2 band eq, and adding songs to a play queue.  However I still cannot edit my play queue and after 10 minutes, the app still hasn't fully loaded.

The only images that have loaded in the app are advertisements for the headphones and the roam 2.

Try having a controller that actually loads and functions if you want me to buy more Sonos products.

What is the point of owning more Sonos products if your app doesn't even work for the ones I own already?  And the people I've gifted your products to are mad at me because I gave them garbage that doesn't function.

Everyday I queue up the podcasts I want to listen to using Pocketcasts. That functionality isn't there any more which seems like such a basic omission. 

No alarms, no local library search, no podcast queuing, did you even Beta test this update Sonos? Terrible.

They don’t; went public and lost all understanding of application development
