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New SONOS App - Adding to queue

I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?

I have been sitting and fuming since this app update was released, until I finally read the threads here - glad to know I am not alone. 
This update is so deeply flawed in so many ways that the best thing Sonos can do is put it back on the shelf and re-release the earlier version. What WERE they thinking?

see the link I posted to the article on forbes. titled “4 lessons from sonos’s app upgrade fiasco:

I can’t believe the app would be released without basic song queue management. Bring back the previous version of the app or update this new one asap.

I must be missing something? How do you use the speakers if you can't load music?????

Sonos what were you thinking of? Just sat down to play some music and faced with trying to get the new app to work. Where’s the Queue? Where is play next? Right now I hate you.

I must be missing something? How do you use the speakers if you can't load music?????

One track at a time

Sonos what were you thinking of? Just sat down to play some music and faced with trying to get the new app to work. Where’s the Queue? Where is play next? Right now I hate you.

Coming back mid June probably. 

I am trying to play Music off of Amazon Music.  Nothing shows up to play at all.

This new app is garbage. I know The issue with adding music to a queue or saving a queue with a playlist has already been made apparent, but I just need to iterate how disappointing it is that this functionality was taken away. I work for Best Buy and I was at a client's house today trying to show them how to use the app after installing a new Sonos Amp and it was difficult even for me to navigate because I haven't used it much on my own system since the update and it is not as intuitive. Then to make matters worse, they went to their music service, started playing some music and asked how they can add more music to that. I tried to show them and ended up looking like an idiot because it turns out you can't do that anymore. They want from being very excited about their first Sonos product to being little disappointed. I can't recommend the product at this point until this app gets fixed.

In the new mobile app, how can I add a song to the end of the queue? This was possible in the old app…



Thank goodness i can add & play songs direct from most streaming service apps through my Sonos speakers, as well as edit the queue.

Maybe that's why Sonos haven't given this app the time, design and testing effort it needed?

Will many people bother returning to the Sonos app after this?

I’m still looking for it. It’s has to be there somewhere. Sonos could not possibly have removed the queue edit on purpose. 

I’m still looking for it. It’s has to be there somewhere. Sonos could not possibly have removed the queue edit on purpose. 


The new app was built from scratch.  Anything that appears “removed” is more accurately described as “left out” or “not finished”.  By all appearances, this app was rushed out in order to meet a deadline (End of fiscal year?) for the coming hardware release.  This isn’t on the developers, the testers or even the beta testers.  That’s a decision made by bean counters and executives.  

I totally echo the centiments of everyone here. One of the things I loved about the previous sonos app was to flick through the queue, and play a song next if I wanted to. Not possible here and very disappointed. Really? Snooze alarms before queue management? I think someone was snoozing when they developed this. I thought before, that it might have been something voiceover was missing. When I had a sighted person confirm not there, I was very disappointed. Bring it back or give me my older version, please.

Honestly, whoever said this app was ready for release without the queue feature working should be fired with cause…I just updated and the new app is awful and it takes away features.

This is exactly why people don’t trust buying technology like this anymore, because features get taken away with “updates” and the product is not even a resemblance of when you first bought it. 


This new interface is horrible I have been using Sonos for over 6 years and it has been wonderful now its glichy, it does not respond as quick, some of the features that made it great are gone such as being able to add music to the queue in different orders even the volume is slow to respond 

I am having an issue with a zombie queue. The app says the queue is empty but, playlist still playing. Can’t ungroup the rooms or pause. New app is junk. Less time developing headphones more time on app. 

So this morning i woke up to find my phone app had updated even though i said dont 

we seem to have lost many functions baring in mind this is a music system 


no playlist 

cant add a song to a queue 

there for you cant create a play list 

plex no longer working 



sonos provide the basic functionality of a music system 


i not worried about alarms alexa function great if its avalibel but we ned to start at what does sonos stand for is it a music system for the home or a alarm clock ? 


very disappointed i been with sonos for over 15 years great products and up to know i never really 

had a problem and i one time i did support fixed it quickly 

lets get back to the app working as a music system 

many thanks 




THIS UPDATE SUCKS!  Forget all the other items on the todo list with pending delivery dates.  Editing the queue should be PRIORITY #1!!!!  Immediately!!  This is so frustrating.  There’s no way this was sent to beta before launching.  

I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?

Sonos. You’ve forced this his new app upon me and it’s absolutely trash. It’s doesn’t respond. I was so happy with the previous version. What on earth are you playing at. You’ve shown yourself to be a bunch of amateurs.

The old version of the app showed the name of the current song that is playing (highlighted in white) in relation to where it was in the queue. The new version of the app doesn’t do this. Is there a setting to change this back to the old way of showing where you are in the queue? 

ok, so there is clearly an executive making important decisions at sonos who does not use sonos speakers personally. strange.


they should be reverting to the old app until this one is finished. why do i even own these speakers rn?


has anyone tried downloading an apk of the old app? i presume sonos would force update / block access, but trying to stay optimistic 

Just for quantity's sake, wanted to pile on the shock of the inability to load a que. I imagine other veteran Sonos users, like me, have a habit of starting the day off by loading up the sonos so it plays from morning to night, without having to think about it again. 


It really does devalue all of sonos, unfortunately. 


I honestly thought the team at Sonos were music lovers. Releasing this app, as ready-to-go with “updates” coming, seems to debunk my theory.


Please let us access the old app until the new one is ready for public use.


Absolute rubbish new app!
Probably concentrating on their new headphones…

Awful service and no warning with the update…

Bring back the queue function now…


And forgot to turn off the auto update feature on my iPad (my bad) and it got upgraded to the newest version. So super annoyed I’ve lost the ability to edit queues on that device.  BUT on top of that, apps a piece of crap for other reasons too now - hangs on startup most of the time.  SONOS get your actual s**t together please!!
