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New SONOS App - Adding to queue

I’m unable to add an album to existing queue. Is this feature gone or am I missing it?

I know this helps nothing, but I bought $3k for a whole household of Sonos three days before the app change. 


just want to complain 🤷

Yea, I think I may have more than that invested….im super pissed

I too am outraged by Sonos removing all of the best features in their app. The inability to add to a queue and therefore create or update a Sonos playlist and not being able to connect to my Music Library on my NAS is unforgivable. Please provide a rollback option so that we can use the Sonos features we have paid for. After the Sonos fail a couple of years where they said they were stopping all support for older speakers and then had to recant, you would think they would tread very carefully with new updates. My own company tests our company app in a pilot rollout with actual users to prevent things like this from happening. If nothing is done quickly, we may have to change our system. 

I discovered today that if I start a playlist in SonoPhone it now gets added to the queue in the POS new Sonos app.

You can chose what song to play and shuffle but there is no option on the queue screen to clear the queue.

At least, until they get their act together it’s better than nothing. 

Baby Steps 😠

Just went to add an album to the end of the queue as I’ve done for years and sadly, not surprised that functionality is gone… what a fail…

Can’t clear playlist like in the old app that worked .. any help ?

I’m not a heavy sonos user. I have just the amp and use it for TV sound and the occasionally spotify connect. So I hardly use the app.

Yeah even that isn’t working anymore. The amp isn’t connecting to my wifi anymore. 

...tried all kind of factory resets, hooked it up via ethernet for a fresh setup, etc.

The stupid app is either crashing or I’ll get to see blank pages under “manage network”

Absolut horrible user experience!

I have used Sonos since its inception.  I have several units and had to replace older ones simply because the software was updated and now this new S2 app appears to be the product of a high school project. If I didn’t have so much invested in my system I would find something else.  The main addition to the new app is the appearance of more “app ads” to sell their hardware along with the free addition of new sources of frustration

Hah! I just looked at the CEO’s video … “9 out of ten products ever sold are still in use today” …. Well if the “products” are 1st gen …. They make good bookends  

In addition to the queue management feature issue, which I agree is a significant problem, I have another queue-related issue. I often switch back and forth between whatever is in my queue and a radio station. When I was done with the radio, I could go back to the queue and play something from there. But I don’t see any way to do that now - the queue is not showing up at all. Instead, I have to go back to  Sonos Favorites and pick a playlist or whatever from there; so, start over, basically. Please add this to the list of former features that will come back. Thanks. 

I joined the community just to complain and you all beat me to it.  How does this new version clear QA? Who wrote it, the CEO’s kid?  Why release it until it’s ready?  Did you test it with your user audience?  Hey, we know you really liked the Ford Mustang, so now we are going to make an electric SUV and call it…Mustang.  Yikes.  I spent a lot of $$ on putting Sonos into my house when I could’ve chosen many other solutions.  Until this, its worked pretty well, maybe except Alexa stalking and creeping on my family.  I appreciate all of the other users listing the specifics so I can just vent and be a d—k about it. Hey, at least a light beer wasn’t involved in this product…

Hurry up and fix the app so that we can utilize the queue again. I wanna be able to add albums and songs to the queue. Removing this feature is a total fail. Get with it Sonos and fix it now!

Sonos App Product Mgr & SDM mtg with management:


a pitcher of water sits deep in the middle of a long table with product leads on one end and management on the other, the water a symbol of separation 

Sr. Product Mgr. 

We're on schedule


(Oddly, eerily, and ominously sounding exactly like Bane) I understand there will be a few features...that currently shall I say...will not exist at launch of our new experience?

After a long silence and some seat shifting

Sr. Product Mgr.

Well uhhhhhhh yes, our Sprint was very packed and

VP interrupts

...and down on your "prioritized" list (in air quotes) I see an "add to end of queue" and "play next" (incorrect use of air quotes which evokes a chuckle from the SDM) is something funny SDM!? (Pounds fist on table which somehow echos thru mtg rm 701). These features are icons of our institution here at Sonos!!! Yet I see these features as.............................."incomplete". Did you not see fit to prioritize these institutions of our in-home legacy product or did you do no prioritization whatsoever!? Answer me or suffer!


Well (clears throat) we did have a few ooto's and well we thought that

VP interrupts

You thought!!? Well go on. You thought what!!?

Sr. Product Mgr Interrupts

We thought more important was completely changing literally everything about the end to end UX


The whaaaaaaaaa....!

Sr. Product Mgr.

...User Experience. It's called User Experience. We thought the entire workflow should be upside down, sideways, and inside out. I mean the deadline was tight but we really thought we could confuse everyone by that deadline and that no one would notice the most used features in the entire app. Users can still replace the queue.


"Replace the queue!" (in air quotes) "REPLACE THE QUEUE!!?" (Again on air quotes)

you thought wrooooooong. Dead wrong.

The VP motions slowly to the door without releasing his stare across the table. Smoke fills the room and distant ominous music can be heard getting closer along with a familiar sound. The sound of heavy mechanical breathing. In walks..........Darth Vader, hand outstretched, fingers already pinching the air from throats.


No library and no queue management. This is absolute garbage. I’ve never had my good opinion of a product so swiftly diminished. 

Can’t stand this new app. Total rubbish. Why can’t we just go back to the previous version and wait for this new one to be fixed, rather than have to wait for features to be added? Absolutely awful. 

Not being able to add / edit the queue breaks the whole purpose of Sonos. Why also remove the ability find a song and then browse to the artist or album? Why?! The interface is a mangled mess. The ability to switch between rooms / zones is infuriating. The search tool is worse than before. Slower, clunkier. The app is total junk. Just restore the previous working version. I don’t care about Sonos headphones or whatever product is presumably hanging off this new app.

I am furious with this redesigned app. I have lost control of my music. I can’t perform the most BASIC TASKS enjoyed by Sonos users for, what, ~15 years? 

Why must we wait for an app update? This is unacceptable behavior from a large company who have the means to upload the previous app version so that suffering customers (seemingly the world over) can use their speakers once again. 

I can’t access my NAS. I can’t edit a playlist. I’ve had the same queue of tracks stuck on speakers since updating, and I can’t do a thing about it. BASIC FUNCTIONALITY!!! Lost playlists.

We, your long standing customers are the reason you are in business. 


Can’t clear playlist like in the old app that worked .. any help ?

Join the party, my friend. I can’t do a damn thing on my system apart from change volume or peruse streaming services. 

No library and no queue management. This is absolute garbage. I’ve never had my good opinion of a product so swiftly diminished. 

I’m thinking of selling. Large multi-room customer since 2009.


I am in the market to replace all my sonos. Outside of the horrible crackle that appear in these things after a few years. I was happy when the new app dropped. It fixed an issue with me being on a different vlan than the speakers but it broke or removed so many other fetlatures it's time to move on. Sorry sonos our time is done and I am sure I am not the only one. To many years of over priced under quality speakers now with the 3rd app I have had with my system and each time we only ever loose feature. A whole lot of promises but they don't deliver. Can you provide me an address to post my worthless crap back to or is it the standard local dump. Sonos you lost your way. Me and many other are going to find another system. Enjoy you commercial customers cause all us residential customers were only here to make you. We are all on our way out the door 

Yup, I lost the ability to queue. Like I lost My Library. I’m losing my mind Sonos. I’m sure these kids at Sonos have a solution? Right? 

Yup, I lost the ability to queue. Like I lost My Library. I’m losing my mind Sonos. I’m sure these kids at Sonos have a solution? Right? 


See here for a poster who graciously put together a solution to your missing local library woes:


Even the unsubscribe button to their junk email doesn't work. Come on sonos, please sell the company to someone who knows what their before we all have a bunch of useless paper weights 

Just to add my voice to the crap new app. I have been with Sonos since it first came to Australia, and cannot believe that they would take away the best feature - the QUEUE! What we have in its place is totally useless. It is indeed hard to believe how anyone could have come up with this s*** show. The modern need to change for change sake is a concept I can't come to terms with. Give me the previous app back please.

Interestingly my 7 yo had a run with the new app and his first question was “where is the search box?” and then “oh, there it is, but why is it not at the top?”  He knows a thing or to about apps!!


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Support have told me that having music library available on iOS app and ability to add to end of a queue are features that are not yet available in updated app!? These are the features that made Sonos worthwhile. I was told they should be in future updates at unspecified time!? When will these essential features be in the iOS app? Or do I need to sell all Sonos products and try something else? 

I have questions. 
1. Why were core features of a music sound system removed with purpose. I do not accept that rheir remival was accidental. Software design and planning takes months/year. 
2. Who tested the new app? Are we to believe that Sonos staff are not users? That is unlikely. Staff knew what they were doing and went ahead anyway. 
3. To your question about selling… yes, I have landed at the belief that it has come time to jump ship and sell up. I will now investigate Denon, JBL, etc. Sonos no longer hold a monopoly on wireless hi-fi. 
4. Are our community member concerns making their way to the CEO? This is a very serious matter that will impact their revenue. The press (at least here in Australia) are already getting a sniff of what’s happening, such is the deep presence of Sonos hardware in many countries; it has become part of daily life for many thousands. 

I have no faith that Sonos staff will act quickly. 

This is BS 

Both developers and product managers must be thinking out of their ass.

In the new app there is no possobility to set a album at the end of the waiting list? 
