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I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I agree that the new app is completely disrespectful to many customers.  It has turned me from a Sonos lover to a Sonos hater.  That is the definition of a bad app upgrade.

I second that motion - Sonos, please bring back the search functionality for local music libraries!

I have c.19,000 tracks across 1400 albums in my local library on a Synology NAS; without a search function, it’s simply not possible to use the new app to select the music I want to listen to, thus rendering a 7-room Sonos system almost completely redundant.

I would love to know whether the removal of the local search was a bug, an oversight or intended functionality? If the latter, what was the reasoning behind it? Its a decision that will put off a lot of long-term customers and early adopters like myself.



The main if not only reason I have joined and invested in the Sonos system is to easily access my massive, personal music library. I have spent a lot of money and time with my digital music collection and it is central to my homestead. Please reinstate the capacity to search one’s own computer for one’s own music. Indeed, optimize it! Thank you. 

Posted in another thread, but just to add...

Also just found out I’m unable to search Music Library…  annoying doesn't even cover it!

Pls sort this out, SONOS!

I mostly use my Sonos system to listen to my music library. You could remove all streaming services, and I would not care all that much. But removing the ability to search my music library is a complete show stopper.

Moreover, not justifying this decision is adding insult to injury.

On top of all that, I find the new search mechanism to be quite a bit lagging.

I am no longer a happy customer ;-(

It also stopped showing the artwork and when playing music from the folders it doesnt even show the titles.

this all is unacceptable!

I agree with all the comments above I started my system over 15 years when all there was was the bridge / connect and the amp! So I could play my music easily anywhere in my house. Streaming didn’t exist then. While I accept you move with the times Sonos also need to remember where they started from and why so many early adopters bought their systems!

Sonos seem to be very quiet on all the complaints about the new app. Perhaps they should issue a email / statement let us all know what’s happening and how they will resolve all the issues like they did with the S1 debacle. 

I can only think they have made some kind of deal with streaming services? Why would they do this otherwise?

As they had both "classic" search and new search available in the last update, why don't they just reimplement that in this new release so we can search the local library??? If they can't make it work in the new search, just give the option again to use classic.....not ideal, but if they are incapable of getting it working in the new app..............

does anyone from SONOS read these threads - this issue is causing a MAJOR problem to me and SONOS are not responding at all !!!!!!!

Just got another email about how wonderful this new app is...of course its a noreply email, so can't get anyone to listen that way!

Of course we can email the ceo at but doubt he reads that himself....but may make us feel better.

If Sonos truly wants to take on a new path of streaming only and make bold statements in the press, then I would urge Sonos to respect their earlier clients that are now heavily affected by this new ‘identity’ and come up with a ‘buy back’ plan so that the affected clients of Sonos can move to other technologies that do support their needs. 


They are holding a meeting next Tuesday to address case you missed it..register here.

Terrible update experience this week, but on the occasions when I can see the music library in the app I need to be able to search it! Like many others I have a large music collection on a NAS

This new app upgrade has put me off Sonos. Rediculous that there is no search on library and also no alphabet to click on to move faster through library. How can an app be this bad, so unintuitive. I’ve had Sonos across my house for over 7 years but this app is rubbish

30,000+ songs in my music library that I can no longer search without scrolling endlessly and unable to cherry pick tracks for ad-hoc playlists which renders my multi room system completely redundant. I've no interest in streaming, probably never will, so unless these issues (and the countless others this update has created) are quickly resolved then I'll be selling my equipment to some other poor sap. Completely unacceptable.

30,000+ songs in my music library that I can no longer search without scrolling endlessly and unable to cherry pick tracks for ad-hoc playlists which renders my multi room system completely redundant. I've no interest in streaming, probably never will, so unless these issues (and the countless others this update has created) are quickly resolved then I'll be selling my equipment to some other poor sap. Completely unacceptable.

totally agree with RoyBucks. Streaming is something I have never and will never be interested in. I need to be able to filter through my own library. If this is not possible, my system is useless to me


Joining in the chorus

I have a library of 60k songs. 

I chose Sonos over a decade ago so I could enjoy my library anywhere in my home. 

The past few days has me contemplating selling my Sonos equipment and buying competing equipment. 

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I am livid. My purchase of sonos some years ago was for the ability to listen to my 30,000 collected tracks.  And now I cannot - it makes my all room / whole house investment in Sonos kit near worthless.  I suggest we consider a class action lawsuit against Sonos.

Absolutely agree. I have an extensive music collection and want to manage it myself not be pushed to multiple streaming sites. Bring it back Sonos. 

I want to add my frustration eliminating search for my music library.  Bring back the functionality ASAP.  Please 

I also see that you can no longer update your music library index from the App.  So you cannot make any changes to your library either.  

What does Sonos have against personal libraries?

Taking away search capabilities is bad enough—I’m already looking for Sonos alternatives. But they also removed the alphabetic side bar that allowed us to more efficiently move around the library. It’s hard to imagine this was an oversight. It’s a concerted effort to turn us away from our own music libraries and I agree with others who interpret this as egregious disrespect. If things remain unchanged, this is an absolute deal breaker. I don’t use streaming services and never wish to. Sonos is useless if it cannot help me to easily stream my own carefully curated music collection. 

Sonos have advised the following will be reinstated:

May 21

Screen reader for visually impaired customers

Adding and editing alarms 

Early June

Adding to queue and playing next


Local music library search and playback

Update Wi-Fi settings


It's a start even if it doesn't cover everything. I'll give it until the end of June otherwise I'll be going to a competitor. I've put up with the buggy apps and problematic updates for years but this could be the final straw.

I just want to add my voice to the MANY that want to be able to search their music library.  I like to listen to my own music library but that is now impossible without the search / shuffle functions.  It takes an age to scroll through all of my artists to find the one I am looking for so I give up & listen to my music on my phone with my bluetooth speakers.  My Sonos speakers have become useless.  I shall be selling them on ebay if this doesn’t get resolved.

In my opinion it was an incredibly stupid thing to do to remove these functions - what were they thinking!  I also find it hugely disrespectful.

This is very frustrating. My system honestly feels unusable to me. Can’t find kids sleep music at night. Can’t search my library. Can’t index my library from app. All my playlists are gone. The app no longer has alphabetic selection to speed up scrolling through library, the volume level doesn’t appear in the app anymore. How does an App update like this get passed. They pretty much stripped all the critical features out of the app. It looks like the app has been designed by graphic\web designers with no idea how a Sonos system actually should work. This is atrocious. My Sonos system has been a massive part of my life for nearly 7 years and it is now useless too me.