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Bring back the ability to search music library

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

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119 replies

Userlevel 2

I discovered this backward step when reading a review of the app, and of the new web based version for desktop - both of which lose this Music Library Search, the old desktop app still has it, but that is not being updated as far as I know, so at some point this will disappear.

I guess the tech reason for it is that all the data comes from the cloud so they’ll need to sync info from our local libraries to the cloud for the apps to see it.

As an aside, I have a Plex server running which also points to my Music Library - this is great for streaming your music on your phone away from home. Plex can be added to Sonos as a service and is searchable - not tested it much though.

Not ideal, but might be a good work around until they fix it (which I’m sure they will), I don't know what proportion of Sonos users use local Music Libraries a lot but my guess would be a reasonable minority so the app’s first release has been targeted at the majority (all a guess).

Yours hopefully,


PS - quote from another Topic “In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.”

What a cop out for stupidity! Still being worked on??

Are you serious Sonos?  What a piece of crap software!  I am divesting from these scam speakers. I have alot of stock too. Goodbye Sonos

I agree with all of the above, what a lowly act this “Ugrade” constitutes. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN STREAMING SERVICES. Just want to listen to the music i collected over the years. I really cannot recommend Sonos to anyone anymore. 

Userlevel 1

I too have a 25,000 track music library and have no interest in streaming services. Some of the above posts mentioned not being able to search their music library. Mine does not even appear in the app. So like others, my speakers are useless to me without being able to access my own music. If this problem is not remedied soon, I think that there should be a class lawsuit. I'm also offended that Sonos does not respond to our complaints.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

The article linked below covers some of how Sonos responded in an online forum earlier this week. It doesn't really give adequate answers or explanations for this monumental f*** up but it's the most we've heard.

Userlevel 2

Just got another email about how wonderful this new app is...of course its a noreply email, so can't get anyone to listen that way!

Of course we can email the ceo at but doubt he reads that himself....but may make us feel better.

Oh, I gave the 'CEO"  an earful in my email, and used the word 'suck' repeatedly.  I did get a reply (bot, most likely) saying libraries would be restored by mid-June.  I'm not holding my breath.  

So, SONOS, if you're seeing this response and give even one damn about your customers, GET OFF YOUR PANSY ASS AND RETURN OUR LOCAL LIBRARIES TO US.




Userlevel 2

I too have a 25,000 track music library and have no interest in streaming services. Some of the above posts mentioned not being able to search their music library. Mine does not even appear in the app. So like others, my speakers are useless to me without being able to access my own music. If this problem is not remedied soon, I think that there should be a class lawsuit. I'm also offended that Sonos does not respond to our complaints.

I could see, but not search, my library for the first few hours then it disappeared.

sonos are/ should be finished

Userlevel 2

I was just about to invest in $1000+ of Sonos speakers for my entertainment setup. No more. This is despicable and they should be embarrassed. I hope many many people get fired over this. 

I have also invest a lot of money and am very disappointed that I can no longer play my 8,000 plus mp4s stored on a my windows hard drive.

As others have said. Now researching alternative systems. Sonos has slowly eroded it's core customers goodwill. If the search of my music library doesn't come back I'm selling.  How was this ever a good idea, bit like bricking products a few years ago. A company losing its way.

Userlevel 2

Yo, Maxime.  This is on you, buddy.  Get off your ass and restore our music libraries to us.

(Copied and pasted this gem from an article yesterday…..)


Sonos has defended the redesign as necessary and said it was a courageous move. Chief product officer Maxime Bouvat-Merlin said that these sacrifices were necessary in order to launch the new app but that the company plans to bring them back in future releases. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

A bit like putting your car in for a service and it being given back without a windscreen, headlights or brakes, then the garage tells you not to worry, they can reinstall them in the coming weeks. Really useful.


You cannot be programmed to take the next clot shot if you’re listening to your own music. 

There just aren’t any other explanations that make sense to me. 

have fun


but somebody in another thread mentioned the app SonoPhone/SonoPad and reports are positive, and will try as well. 
obviously Sonos, if satisfaction cannot be found using your product, then, well, the product won’t be used.  

Userlevel 2

Sonos has defended the redesign as necessary and said it was a courageous move. Chief product officer Maxime Bouvat-Merlin said that these sacrifices were necessary in order to launch the new app but that the company plans to bring them back in future releases. 

SACRIFICED THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE by deliberately releasing a seriously flawed product!

ineptitude of the highest order should be sacked

Add me to the list. Frustrating. 

Eliminating music library search and alphabetical quick search bar can only be intentional. They want us all streaming music, making their contracts with those streaming services more valuable. I won’t do it and am searching out an alternative. Thanks for a frustrating weekend of updates, Sonos.

I agree that this move by Sonos was unacceptable. If they restore library search extremely soon (as promised in the community meeting last week, link below), I’ll consider staying a customer.

I hope Sonos has learned that they need to actually support their customers actual uses of their systems as they evolve their apps. This kind of ill-considered move is exactly the kind of thing that will lose them customers like me.

Userlevel 1

To all, it is very disappointing indeed.

I have found out a temporary work around, probably only for Apple (I) IMac(book)

I now play my library via app Vox. In the sound button (top of screen) I can select my Sonos rooms as “speakers”. One has to drag the music files in the VOX app.

It has some disadvantages, but it works.




Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Search is dreadful now.  If they bring it back for the library, it will probably be the same mess: there’s no searching artists, songs, albums, etc - just search.  So, whatever you search for you get everything there is that contains ANY of the words in the search.  Putting the search phrase in quotes doesn’t help. Sonos are all Bozos - pathetic.

Another example of corporate ‘customer blindness’.  First I lost my desk-top access because I choose to stay with Windows7 and it is deemed no longer compatible.  Now I have lost access to my music library and can only use Sonos supplied music.  

This is not what I purchased my system for, several years ago.  I may as well bin the whole thing and look for another supplier.  Not that Sonos will care - I am just another whinger in their eyes.

The main if not only reason I have joined and invested in the Sonos system is to easily access my massive, personal music library. I have spent a lot of money and time with my digital music collection and it is central to my homestead. Please reinstate the capacity to search one’s own computer for one’s own music. Indeed, optimize it! Thank you. 


We fully agree with this (user from France) !!

Why are there so many messages asking for things that have already been announced ???  Local music search is coming back mid-June !!  You think that’s terrible and you want it yesterday ??? - We know, but posting another 200 messages it isn’t likely to change that.  

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I completely agree with all the comments on removing the search function in the music library. Does anyone know if there has already been a response from Sonos about this and whether they will correct this?

Userlevel 2

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I am livid. My purchase of sonos some years ago was for the ability to listen to my 30,000 collected tracks.  And now I cannot - it makes my all room / whole house investment in Sonos kit near worthless.  I suggest we consider a class action lawsuit against Sonos.

Im in, they desrve it.

I completely agree with all the comments on removing the search function in the music library. Does anyone know if there has already been a response from Sonos about this and whether they will correct this?


Look one post above yours.  Or here: