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Bring back the ability to search music library

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

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119 replies

Inceedibly idiotic, do they want to force people to go streaming? 

I have the music librry under My Sources, but I cant edit the folders.

The new App is a disaster.  I dont find it intuitive to navigate, its slow to respond, the sleep timer is gone, the myTuner radio service doesnt work….its awful.   

I have been a loyal sonos customer since 2006/7 and finally looks like I wont be replacing any of my products with sonos products.  

If you are going to trap people in an ecosystem then at least make sure it works for them.

This has been a dismal experience. I reckon I’ll give it another week and then junk the lot. I can currently play about 6 songs - none of which I especially like. Do you reckon there is any prospect of Sonos sacking off this ‘upgrade’ and returning to what they had previously?

Userlevel 3
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Inceedibly idiotic, do they want to force people to go streaming? 

No need to force people that way. It’s already what the vast, vast majority of people want and use.

Hi there,

Any news on the search function fot NAS music files?

It's terrible to search trough hundreds of names at the moment and this makes the sonos app useless.

And also the sonos players  to be honnest. 

I was loting for a sonos arc but this is on hold. Better to go for another manufacturer i think.

Personally, I have decided to go in and review my numerous pieces of now useless Sonos Hardware from the sites I have purchased them from.  Hopefully it will prevent others from investing in speakers in a company that doesn’t listen to the folks that buy their equipment.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I have several thousand albums and have upgraded from S1.

I’m amazed (actually frustrated) that you can’t search by artist or album or track or in fact anything.  To add to it the list of albums is now in a long vertical list with NO alphabet scroll.   Finding an album is pretty time consuming now as you have to make about 100 swipes to get to the letter R for example.

Move fast and break stuff.   Move fast and lose your customers.  Sonos are the dominant player and are capitalising on it like many do.  Customers don’t matter any more.  Watch out it wont be longe before someone else knocks you off.

Come on guys, do you use the app yourselves?  Do you care?

Userlevel 6
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SONOS has suggested that people use Plex Server on their NAS and add the Plex service to Sonos.  So essentially you are streaming to some sort of round-about way that requires an internet connection 😦, versus simply a NAS on your local network that continues to work regardless of internet connections.  It seems a bit fiddly and occasionally a track will not play - “broken pipe” says Plex - probably that crack pipe Sonos been hitting.  But if you immediately click on it after the error, it will play. It is fiddly and kludgey, but free. That’s Sonos’s suggestion. Or you can use the SonoPhone app for $3 on iOS which supports search if you don’t want to mess around with Plex. It’s kind of a DIY system now.

After researching the functionality, I’ve spent £3,245 on this eco-system over 3 years to use my own NAS to play FLAC and other hi-res music across my local network. It is a breach of contract that the search functionality and other aspects that make Music Library usable being withdrawn in an effort to push users towards chargeable music services.

I have submitted a formal complaint outlining this and I am seeking a full refund.



After researching the functionality, I’ve spent £3,245 on this eco-system over 3 years to use my own NAS to play FLAC and other hi-res music across my local network. It is a breach of contract that the search functionality and other aspects that make Music Library usable being withdrawn in an effort to push users towards chargeable music services.

I have submitted a formal complaint outlining this and I am seeking a full refund.



Who told you the bolded?  If that were the case, then why would Sonos ever state the search facility for local music was coming back?

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Inceedibly idiotic, do they want to force people to go streaming? 

No need to force people that way. It’s already what the vast, vast majority of people want and use.


Yep.  Local music is a declining thing, less than 10% of Sonos usage back in 2017, certainly less than 5% today.  However, the nonsense about them removing the ability to play local music because of some moustache twirling evil plot to force people onto streaming services (that Sonos make no income from) is silly.  It’s just not a priority, and as such, a half-baked app that never should have been released had less prioritized items in the half that was not baked. 

Hi there,

Any news on the search function fot NAS music files?

It's terrible to search trough hundreds of names at the moment and this makes the sonos app useless.

And also the sonos players  to be honnest. 

I was loting for a sonos arc but this is on hold. Better to go for another manufacturer i think.

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD



I am no lover of the new app. When I spoke to Sonos support they said the inability to search NAS libraries was a bug/flaw that was being rectified, I hope this turns out to be true. I also find the new app less intuitive, the volume bars are harder to use and you have to hit apply for some reason. I’d be happy with the older app back but we all know that isnt about to happen.

I also have an issue that Amazon Music doesnt play, seems to let you select the album then it just skips each track, does anyone else find that?


Looks like it is -

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

A bug/flaw? That local library ability is the main reason I’ve spent so much money on SONOS hardware over the years and I am appalled by their casual indifference. I can’t see me ever recommending them to family/friends in the future and am considering alternatives to use myself...

A bug/flaw? That local library ability is the main reason I’ve spent so much money on SONOS hardware over the years and I am appalled by their casual indifference. I can’t see me ever recommending them to family/friends in the future and am considering alternatives to use myself...


Scheduled to be fixed in mid-June.  Perhaps Sonos will release it early, like some of the fixes today were.  That should give the mob something to complain about - “Sonos didn’t release this the day they said they would!” (Don’t laugh, I’ve seen this actual complaint about something released early). 

Userlevel 3

okay, it's obvious that we can't search our music libraries. but I can't even see my music library! how the hell do I browse it in the new app? I have looked everywhere. there is absolutely no reason for me to have these speakers at all or this system if I can't play the music. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on.

Just signed up to add my voice to the chorus. 

Thanks for removing my ability to search for any of my music, Sonos, I'm really glad I spent thousands of pounds on your products, assuming they would continue to do the absolute bare minimum.

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I am livid. My purchase of sonos some years ago was for the ability to listen to my 30,000 collected tracks.  And now I cannot - it makes my all room / whole house investment in Sonos kit near worthless.  I suggest we consider a class action lawsuit against Sonos.

Class action is probably the only way to get Sonos to give us back the features for which we have all invested significant sums of money.  As others have pointed out here, many users have tracks in their local library that are are not offered by steaming services, particularly if one wants to listen to classical music performed by a specific artist or orchestra.  Trying to force users to migrate to streaming services is also forcing them to pay subscriptions to listen to music they already legally own, and only to a subset of that music.  So either Sonos provide this full search functionality, or we need our money back.

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

Agreed. I don’t use steaming music services and never will. But I have a large music library, which is basically music from my over 800 CDs and I need to able to search through my local music library. Every time I try to search for a song, the app lists either a music service or a radio station. I don’t use either. Please fix this ASAP. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

I have been using Sonos for several years, and it is attached to a streaming service and my music library on a USB drive, which has years worth of accumulated music, including a lot not available on streaming. I have just (8 May) updated to the new Sonos app. Now I can still see and trawl through my music library, but cannot search in it. The general search function just returns the streaming and Sonos radio results, and there’s no dedicated search for the music library. This effectively cuts off my access to my own music, by making it prohibitively difficult to find anything. Please bring this functionality back. I know you want to prioritise revenue generation, but this is disrespectful to your customers.

I am livid. My purchase of sonos some years ago was for the ability to listen to my 30,000 collected tracks.  And now I cannot - it makes my all room / whole house investment in Sonos kit near worthless.  I suggest we consider a class action lawsuit against Sonos.

Class action is probably the only way to get Sonos to give us back the features for which we have all invested significant sums of money.  As others have pointed out here, many users have tracks in their local library that are are not offered by steaming services, particularly if one wants to listen to classical music performed by a specific artist or orchestra.  Trying to force users to migrate to streaming services is also forcing them to pay subscriptions to listen to music they already legally own, and only to a subset of that music.  So either Sonos provide this full search functionality, or we need our money back.

Good point and my feelings exactly. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +6


I am no lover of the new app. When I spoke to Sonos support they said the inability to search NAS libraries was a bug/flaw that was being rectified, I hope this turns out to be true. I also find the new app less intuitive, the volume bars are harder to use and you have to hit apply for some reason. I’d be happy with the older app back but we all know that isnt about to happen.

I also have an issue that Amazon Music doesnt play, seems to let you select the album then it just skips each track, does anyone else find that?


Looks like it is -

Yes, the volume bars are very difficult to operate. They don’t respond half the time and you have to line up your finger just right. 

Good grief people, local music search is scheduled for a mid-June release, so more than likely the next update.  So you can stop with the threats of a class action suit that never really get past the fevered imagination phase:

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD
Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Good grief people, local music search is scheduled for a mid-June release, so more than likely the next update.  So you can stop with the threats of a class action suit that never really get past the fevered imagination phase:

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

Thank you, I just noticed this. Looking forward to its return soon. 

Unbelievably frustrating. Agree with all above. What the heck are you doing Sonos? I can’t search my library. It’s a pretty big sin. It has basically ruined my experience of Sonos completely. PLEASE FIX IT.

Unbelievably frustrating. Agree with all above. What the heck are you doing Sonos? I can’t search my library. It’s a pretty big sin. It has basically ruined my experience of Sonos completely. PLEASE FIX IT.


Did you even read the post just above yours?  It’s being “FIXED” in mid-June, which by my count is about a week away!