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Alarm function in app update 9th of May 2024

Sonos have neglected to include an alarm function in the app update as of 9th May 2024. very disappointed. Also a number of music services have been affected. I am sure this is an oversight - but with no communication from Sonos or announcement, it does not build confidence. Also - to cut off older systems and speakers is terribly bad form. Hopefully the Sonos event on the 14th will have everything resolved? Can we get some reassurance from Sonos customer service please?

Ils ont retiré la fonction alarme de l’application…. je désapprouve au plus haut niveau cette pratique! faire une MAJ et retirer des fonction, je suis tellement frustré que j’en parle a mes amis….. en 24h journée j’ai déjà convaincu 2 acheteur a choisir une autre compagnie. Jai également mis un étoile sur leur application.

Dommage car j’étais extrêmement satisfait…… AVANT

Glitched this am. Late for work. Boss was mad

Glitched this am. Late for work. Boss was mad

I’d probably be mad with you too for using an alarm feature you probably got yesterday and didn't think to put a backup Alarm in place until you had tested things and were sure all were working. I’d prefer to employ someone that tries to think ahead. I am retired now, but I always had a backup alarm in case of power-outages anyway.

Glitched this am. Late for work. Boss was mad

I’d probably be mad with you too for using an alarm feature you probably got yesterday and didn't think to put a backup Alarm in place until you had tested things and were sure all were working. I’d prefer to employ someone that tries to think ahead. I am retired now, but I always had a backup alarm in case of power-outages anyway.

yup this is good advice Ken, we all know Sonos doesn’t do enough testing of the software so you gotta do your own beta testing to make sure it works 🤣

+1 for the updating to 80.00.08 and force-restarting (done three power cycles!) and still not seeing alarms.

It did however finally kill the connection to my SMB1 NAS box though which had been working on .00 - .04

This doesn’t bode well for the ongoing updates does it?

Ken thank you for the good advice. I won't count on my sound system that cost thousands of dollars because why would I assume it would work...... So I will go and buy a 10 dollar wind up alarm clock

Glitched this am. Late for work. Boss was mad

I’d probably be mad with you too for using an alarm feature you probably got yesterday and didn't think to put a backup Alarm in place until you had tested things and were sure all were working. I’d prefer to employ someone that tries to think ahead. I am retired now, but I always had a backup alarm in case of power-outages anyway.

yup this is good advice Ken, we all know Sonos doesn’t do enough testing of the software so you gotta do your own beta testing to make sure it works 🤣

Thanks Ken, that's really good advice. I won't count on my system that cost thousands of dollars. I will go out later and buy a 10 dollar wind-up alarm clock. I like that idea. I am so stupid for thinking Sonos has a functional alarm clock in the recent update. I would never want to jeopardize my employment because I dream of retiring one day and spending my day on the message boards of a company with a malfunctioning alarm clock

yup this is good advice Ken, we all know Sonos doesn’t do enough testing of the software so you gotta do your own beta testing to make sure it works 🤣

I just personally would not rely on any electric-only connected alarm for ‘work’ anyway - I’d at least have my charged-up phone alarm as a backup, or even a wind-up clock. I’d sooner just employ a person with a bit of initiative aswell.

Ken thank you for the good advice. I won't count on my sound system that cost thousands of dollars because why would I assume it would work...... So I will go and buy a 10 dollar wind up alarm clock

Thanks Ken, that's really good advice. I won't count on my system that cost thousands of dollars. I will go out later and buy a 10 dollar wind up alarm clock. I like that idea. I am so stupid for thinking Sonos has a functional alarm clock in the recent update. I would never want to jeopardize my employment because I dream of retiring one day and spending my day on the message boards of a community with a malfunctioning alarm clock

Here’s hoping you’re not posting these things, when on your Bosses time too, as you may upset them further ..and the dream of retiring, might be further away than you are perhaps hoping for.

Ken thank you for the good advice. I won't count on my sound system that cost thousands of dollars because why would I assume it would work...... So I will go and buy a 10 dollar wind up alarm clock

Thanks Ken, that's really good advice. I won't count on my system that cost thousands of dollars. I will go out later and buy a 10 dollar wind up alarm clock. I like that idea. I am so stupid for thinking Sonos has a functional alarm clock in the recent update. I would never want to jeopardize my employment because I dream of retiring one day and spending my day on the message boards of a community with a malfunctioning alarm clock

Here’s hoping you’re not posting these things, when on your Bosses time too, as you may upset them further ..and the dream of retiring, might be further away than you are perhaps hoping for.

Government time... Tax payers dime

Government time... Tax payers dime

Ah you sound like a Boris Johnson ex-employee who emigrated.😂

Government time... Tax payers dime

Ah you sound like a Boris Johnson ex-employee who emigrated.😂

You watch the news or look around the country? Ken talks on the clock and still more productive than 98% of the country....

I had my alarm set at 6am just for one morning for work before the update. After the update I cannot turn it off, and the alarm will set off every morning at 6 unintentionally.

I think I’ll just unplug the power cord for good. 

I had my alarm set at 6am just for one morning for work before the update. After the update I cannot turn it off, and the alarm will set off every morning at 6 unintentionally.

I think I’ll just unplug the power cord for good. 

The Sonos Alarms were added back using yesterday’s update. Here’s the instructions…

  1. Update your app to:
    1. iOS: 80.00.08 - available now in the App Store
    2. Android: 80.00.05 - available now in the Play Store
  2. Update your firmware to 79.0-52294 - available now via the Sonos App:
    1. Tap the settings gear in the top right
    2. Select “Manage” next to your system name
    3. Select System Updates
    4. Select Check for Updates
  3. Launch the Sonos app twice in order to guarantee we fetch the latest feature flags:
    1. Start the Sonos app
    2. Force quit the app
    3. Start the Sonos app again

Oh sweet! 

I’ll get the new update. 

Cheers Ken 

I had my alarm set at 6am just for one morning for work before the update. After the update I cannot turn it off, and the alarm will set off every morning at 6 unintentionally.

I think I’ll just unplug the power cord for good. 

The Sonos Alarms were added back using yesterday’s update. Here’s the instructions…

  1. Update your app to:
    1. iOS: 80.00.08 - available now in the App Store
    2. Android: 80.00.05 - available now in the Play Store
  2. Update your firmware to 79.0-52294 - available now via the Sonos App:
    1. Tap the settings gear in the top right
    2. Select “Manage” next to your system name
    3. Select System Updates
    4. Select Check for Updates
  3. Launch the Sonos app twice in order to guarantee we fetch the latest feature flags:
    1. Start the Sonos app
    2. Force quit the app
    3. Start the Sonos app again


Have another means of waking up please. We are adults 

Sonos have neglected to include an alarm function in the app update as of 9th May 2024. very disappointed. Also a number of music services have been affected. I am sure this is an oversight - but with no communication from Sonos or announcement, it does not build confidence. Also - to cut off older systems and speakers is terribly bad form. Hopefully the Sonos event on the 14th will have everything resolved? Can we get some reassurance from Sonos customer service please?

After reading the tips for the new update i have discovered alarms function. You need to press the star in the top right corner than manage and finally you have alarms section. 

Very disappointed. I confirm that if you still have the old S1 app on another device you can still access/edit the alarm function from there. Wish there was a roll-back option. New app is very confusing and not intuitive let alone missing useful features from the old app. 

Thanks Ken Griffiths

I followed your instructions for the alarm and it is now working and on the correct time.

Do you know anything about the mute/pause button as it doesn’t seem to be available when playing the radio (like it did on previous app version) but works on Spotify?

This mute button should be available no matter what you are playing, very disappointed



Thanks Ken Griffiths

I followed your instructions for the alarm and it is now working and on the correct time.

Do you know anything about the mute/pause button as it doesn’t seem to be available when playing the radio (like it did on previous app version) but works on Spotify?

This mute button should be available no matter what you are playing, very disappointed

I suspect there are quite a few features in development for the App that are yet to be rolled out. I’m fairly sure that ‘mute’ will make an appearance at some stage. I’m currently just using the play/pause instead.

Thanks Ken Griffiths

I followed your instructions for the alarm and it is now working and on the correct time.

Do you know anything about the mute/pause button as it doesn’t seem to be available when playing the radio (like it did on previous app version) but works on Spotify?

This mute button should be available no matter what you are playing, very disappointed

I suspect there are quite a few features in development for the App that are yet to be rolled out. I’m fairly sure that ‘mute’ will make an appearance at some stage. I’m currently just using the play/pause instead.

It’s a shame cause I expect the app would have been fairly well received otherwise. Personally find the aesthetics of the app very good, pity it’s a buggy POS. 

It’s a shame cause I expect the app would have been fairly well received otherwise. Personally find the aesthetics of the app very good, pity it’s a buggy POS. 

I’m not really having all that many issues with the App - it starts/stops the music on my speaker/groups etc. it just needs to have the things put back that we all know are ‘missing in action’ and maybe make it a bit quicker in some areas. It’s just clearly going to take some time, that’s all. 

I think everyone agrees that the App was launched too soon and I’m not defending that, but unlike some, I’m happy to wait it out and watch it develop into what I believe will eventually be a better controller than S2. 

I am in the UK. The latest iOS version is not yet available in my App Store so still waiting for the alarms to return. Is there a reason why I can’t update to 80.00.08?


edit: I have the update now

lol that didn’t take long… so you found the alarm now?

I wish they would return the volume control to the iPhone volume buttons, personally I thought that was much easier.

Sonos owners should fire the engineers who developed this new controller update AND their bosses who allowed it to be pushed on unsuspecting Sonos users.

As someone on another post said: longtime Sonos users have lost trust in this company. Sad but true…