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SONOS are you reading this? Please put the controller queue function back how it was!

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351 replies

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • October 26, 2016
There were complaints during beta but Jose were for the most part ignored (except for adding play now back - which actually made things worse unintentionally).

I don't know if Sonos is ever going to respond to the issues. They don't have a great track record when it comes to customization allowances for customers. It's kinda a take it or leave it approach.

Having used the new controller for some time now it is fine when t comes to a single user. The changes do make playing songs faster if your just a single user of the system. Problem is this is a multi user system. The new version fails when it comes to using in a multiuser environment. They need to look at providing some type of party mode to protect the queue when there are multiple users of the system. This isn't a new request. Even before these changes not having a party mode was an issue. What they need is a way so a controller can activate Parry mode. Once party mode activated only that controller can group rooms change volume or manipulate override the queue. Not simple but what Sonos needs to secure its place as not just a system for individuals but the ultimate system for parties and groups.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • October 26, 2016
While this thread is trending towards the dramatic, this update is in fact *incredibly annoying,* leading me and many others to take the time to comment.

As a long time supporter and early adopter of Sonos there have been more improvements than missteps, but this change in the the latest iteration of the app is really quite frustrating if not maddening. We would much prefer the prior process whereby playing a selection adds it to the *end of the existing queue,* by default, and then and plays it, leaving the queue in tact.

Thank you.

  • 3275 replies
  • October 26, 2016
Yep, as noted previously in this thread, this is definitely Sonos' "New Coke". Hope they realize their mistake and revert back to Coke Classic soon.

Please Put back the option to add individual songs to the queue. I hate the fact it adds entire playlists or album a that you have selected an individual song from. It has spoiled Sonos for me and if not fixed I will look at moving from Sonos!

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • October 27, 2016
To play an inividiual song instead of clicking on the song click on the ... to the right of the song. Not saying good method but that is the way currently have to do it.

Chris wrote:
There were complaints during beta but Jose were for the most part ignored (except for adding play now back - which actually made things worse unintentionally).

I don't know if Sonos is ever going to respond to the issues. They don't have a great track record when it comes to customization allowances for customers. It's kinda a take it or leave it approach.

Having used the new controller for some time now it is fine when t comes to a single user. The changes do make playing songs faster if your just a single user of the system. Problem is this is a multi user system. The new version fails when it comes to using in a multiuser environment. They need to look at providing some type of party mode to protect the queue when there are multiple users of the system. This isn't a new request. Even before these changes not having a party mode was an issue. What they need is a way so a controller can activate Parry mode. Once party mode activated only that controller can group rooms change volume or manipulate override the queue. Not simple but what Sonos needs to secure its place as not just a system for individuals but the ultimate system for parties and groups.

An excellent suggestion. There is, to my mind, an actual need for such a function now.

ToolmanTaylor wrote:
Please Put back the option to add individual songs to the queue. I hate the fact it adds entire playlists or album a that you have selected an individual song from. It has spoiled Sonos for me and if not fixed I will look at moving from Sonos!

It never went away. It only moved to the three dots at the side. As the screens you flipped through following the update described the changes to you.
The function of the three dots has now changed in all appearances of them.

  • 27674 replies
  • October 27, 2016
BoredofBalham wrote:
An excellent suggestion. There is, to my mind, an actual need for such a function now.

It's been suggested dozens of times before, both in this and the beta testing thread. Ironically, the suggestion most often came from the people you've been yelling "RTFM!" at for the last few months. :rolleyes

Chris wrote:
To play an inividiual song instead of clicking on the song click on the ... to the right of the song. Not saying good method but that is the way currently have to do it.

They probably should have reversed that and buried the "select a whole album" under the three dots.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • October 30, 2016
Very frustraing change. The only reason I left my Sonos system on 24-7 was to preserve the queue that I'd built up over weeks and months of listening. Shouldn't really need to post on an internet forum to find out how to play and entire album without it destroying my queue but if anyone could let me know how to do this it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

  • 1159 replies
  • October 30, 2016
MoodyMan wrote:
Shouldn't really need to post on an internet forum to find out how to play and entire album without it destroying my queue but if anyone could let me know how to do this it would be much appreciated.

If the queue is exhausted (ie. it has completed playing all of the prior contents), you have to press the 3 dots (or the down arrow on the DCR), and use Add To End of Queue, and then scroll back through the queue, until you find the first track of the new album. Then you simply tap on, or double click, that track.

Sonos call this new feature "Listening out loud just got easier."

jgatie wrote:
BoredofBalham wrote:
An excellent suggestion. There is, to my mind, an actual need for such a function now.

It's been suggested dozens of times before, both in this and the beta testing thread. Ironically, the suggestion most often came from the people you've been yelling "RTFM!" at for the last few months. :rolleyes

And the update is how old? A few months?
Which applied to the situation THEN. The situation NOW is different. RTFM still applies. NOTHING has changed there.
The other difference is between a knee jerk rant (RTFM) because something is different and a measured, considered calm opinion after using the system.

MoodyMan wrote:
Very frustraing change. The only reason I left my Sonos system on 24-7 was to preserve the queue that I'd built up over weeks and months of listening. Shouldn't really need to post on an internet forum to find out how to play and entire album without it destroying my queue but if anyone could let me know how to do this it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

If you mean not deleting your queue.
The three dots at the top right of the album give you the options to play now, play next, add to end which inserts the album into your queue either now, next or at the end.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • October 30, 2016
I don't need to RTFM and used it enough all along to give an informed opinion of the pittfalls of the current release.

  • 27674 replies
  • October 30, 2016
BoredofBalham wrote:

And the update is how old? A few months?
Which applied to the situation THEN. The situation NOW is different. RTFM still applies. NOTHING has changed there.
The other difference is between a knee jerk rant (RTFM) because something is different and a measured, considered calm opinion after using the system.

I had been using the new release for months during the beta by the time you posted your first decidedly condescending RTFM. So I was more than capable of giving a measured, considered, calm opinion. I said it then, and I still say it now; you can take your FM and stick it where the sun don't shine. It has no bearing on the like or dislike anyone has for this release. Time to spit the binky, BoB. It's worn quite thin. Find a new shtick.

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 239 replies
  • October 30, 2016
jgatie wrote:
BoredofBalham wrote:

And the update is how old? A few months?
Which applied to the situation THEN. The situation NOW is different. RTFM still applies. NOTHING has changed there.
The other difference is between a knee jerk rant (RTFM) because something is different and a measured, considered calm opinion after using the system.

I had been using the new release for months during the beta by the time you posted your first decidedly condescending RTFM. So I was more than capable of giving a measured, considered, calm opinion. I said it then, and I still say it now; you can take your FM and stick it where the sun don't shine. It has no bearing on the like or dislike anyone has for this release. Time to spit the binky, BoB. It's worn quite thin. Find a new shtick.

Guys I really don't know why you waste a single ounce of energy to respond to that individual. I realized a long tome ago that it makes no sense. Some ppl just aspire to annoy. My advice.......IGNORE COMPLETELY!!!

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • October 31, 2016
SO frustrating; having entire albums added to the queue when one song was wanted. Cutting off existing song when something was lightly touched by accident. I would much rather have the old system back, or at least a slightly cumbersome "Confirmation" pop-up asking if I meant to do whatever the hell Sonos is going to do to me. At least I can stab at the NO.

  • Chromatic Producer I
  • 309 replies
  • October 31, 2016
243 posts and no response from Sonos?

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • November 1, 2016
Can we not just be given a option to either start playing a track immediately, or to give the old options? This would have made the most sense.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • November 1, 2016
If the queue is "edited" I have never understood why the dumb pop up message. Why not just give the queue options as normal.

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • November 4, 2016
I have to DIVE for my phone now when a new person tries to add a song to the queue - I came back here hoping that there was some sort of resolution. I am honestly really surprised. I was very happy with my system until the update that broke it. Can we just get a legacy rollback?

I wouldnt be great if someone makes some sort of 3rd party replacement for the actual player itself. I think ive lost like 8-10 playlists now due to this new change.

  • 1963 replies
  • November 4, 2016
Supposedly the next update to version 7 fixes a lot with the queue.

  • Local Superstar
  • 1731 replies
  • November 4, 2016
BCM wrote:
Supposedly the next update to version 7 fixes a lot with the queue.
Really? Such as?

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • November 4, 2016
Really? Haven't heard even a whisper myself that they have been listening regarding the queue issue at all.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 17598 replies
  • November 4, 2016
dgtlhybrd - there are alternate Sonos controllers available such as Sonos Phone that don't have the issue with the new official controller. The only negative with those is that you don't get the universal search of services (you have to go into each service like the old days to look for a song).

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