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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

I’ve had Sonos for about seven years and it worked fine. I upgraded my Wi-Fi back call to fiber and upgraded my local area network. It took 23 hour calls to get my Sonos system back working it worked for about six or seven days and then stop working. I call Tech Support, and they tell me I have to reconfigure my WiFi which is absolute nonsense explained to me why it worked fine as normal for seven days and then stop working. Your Tech Support needs to improve and this new app is garbage. I have over $2500 and Sonos speakers that are about to go in the garbage ridiculous horrible customer serviceand terrible tech-support 

The new app is a frustrating mess.  It’s impossible to create and edit playlists, which is a basic streaming feature, and hard to show album track lists.  

I have bought 40+ hardware components over 15 years, and I want to return all of them. 

Stranding the old components was bad enough. I have to use two different versions of the app.  
As I replace hardware, does anyone have a good alternative?  I obviously can’t purchase another Sonos product.

The first comment is likely correct, that app is absolute cr4p. I have multiple systems at different homes and have to constantly get the app to connect to a new system when I switch between them. The app is a total disaster and there’s zero sign of Sonos giving two sh1ts that it is, so long as they can flog some headphones that basically replicate what others have already done. When I get around to it I’ll bin the kit and go somewhere else.

I would not be too hasty to judge the Sonos Ace headphones if you haven’t heard them. Their noise cancelling is excellent and with a DAC they sound great when playing 24/192 quality audio - also the Bluetooth 5.4 Qualcast snapdragon chip is capable of Apt-X lossless audio. The features I tend to shout about though, are the spatial surround head-tracking TV audio using the Arc SoundSwap feature - it’s a no-brainier to get the Headphones if you already own that soundbar. Sonos plan to release that feature aswell for use with other Sonos soundbar models (Beam 2 etc.).

I’ve tried them, they are good, but they still integrate with a system that has an App that has successfully taken top spot as the most broken, dysfunctional and frustrating piece of IT I have ever encountered.

I’ve tried them, they are good, but they still integrate with a system that has an App that has successfully taken top spot as the most broken, dysfunctional and frustrating piece of IT I have ever encountered.

What functionality did you need the new Sonos App for with the Ace🤔?

I don't do anything 'clever' with my Sonos system- home theatre in 1 room (which works ok still) and radio/music on a stereo pair in a other.


The stereo pair is unusable due to volume changes not working, the app rarely finds the speakers, and choosing any radio service results in silence.


As a software developer, I would be honestly ashamed of the current release. What kind.of messed up.process allowed this into production?


Any hints for a fix gratefully received.

I have a Wiim Mini. Interesting release notes from them today regarding their app:


Bug Fixes:

1. Reverted Android Tablet UI: Removed the faulty tablet UI and restored the normal UI. A better tablet UI will be available in two weeks.


Shame Sonos weren't humble enough to take a similar approach. 

Another new Android Sonos app version release today. 


Bug fixes and improved performance.


Fixed a crash at application launch


Well good on Sonos for fixing the crash on start quickly 🤣

Well good on Sonos for fixing the crash on start quickly 🤣

And yet it somehow got through QA and into Production in the previous release. 

Well good on Sonos for fixing the crash on start quickly 🤣

And yet it somehow got through QA. 

I think QA was defenestrated on or before May 7😂

I think QA is for the clients to do. Which is … unacceptable for a product of the kind of prestige / quality they are after. 

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Again, I’m going to explain a troubling bug that is driving me CRAZY, and has been requested by at least three other people in this group. After searching through a couple of hundred songs in a playlist and start playing the song you found, if you open the Now Playing window to adjust the volume, etc.; upon exiting this window, the app takes you back to the top of the queue and you have to start searching all over again. I don’t remember the old app doing this or I would have contacted Sonos.  It should remember your place and show the position you are currently at. Please correct this. Thank you

The new SONOS mobile application was launched into the world on May 7, 2024!…

The numerous feedback from users is absolutely disastrous. Many of them suffered unacceptable failures, with a lot of supporting evidence and very precise and factual documentation. Users were also able to corroborate any of their own technical issues with each other.

The promise of the app with basic or innovative functions is now broken with this 80 update.

It has now been 2 months since this botched work ruined the lives of thousands of users... and SONOS is content to inform these customers that certain malfunctions will be subsequently addressed and that canceled functions will return later. Who are we laughing at ?…

Given the disastrous quality of the new mobile application, and more particularly on iOS, SONOS has no other solution than to make it available to all users to return to the previous version (including compatibility with its latest versions products placed on the market) in the form of a simple application to download from the AppStore, leaving in parallel SA version 80 on which SONOS can play as it sees fit.

One last thing, SONOS must now absolutely communicate better with its customers and inform them very precisely about the evolution of its latest application. SONOS took these customers for fools, but they have memories and word of mouth could be even more devastating.

Word to the wise!…


La nouvelle application SONOS mobile a été jeté à la face du monde le 7 mai 2024 !…

Les très nombreux retours des utilisateurs sont absolument désastreux. Nombre d'entre eux ont subi des dysfonctionnements inacceptables, avec énormément de preuves à l'appui et une documentation très précise et factuelle. Les utilisateurs ont aussi pu corroborer entre eux tous leurs propres problèmes techniques.

La promesse de l'application avec des fonctions basiques ou innovantes est maintenant rompue avec cette mise à jour 80.

Cela fait maintenant 2 mois que ce travail baclé pourri la vie de milliers d'utilisateurs… et SONOS se contente d'informer ces clients que certains dysfonctionnements seront ultérieurement traités et que des fonctions annulées reviendront plus tard. De qui se moque-t-on ?…

Au vu de la qualité désastreuse de la nouvelle application mobile, et plus particulièrement sur iOS, SONOS n'a plus d'autres solutions que de rendre disponible à tous les utilisateurs de revenir à la version précédente (en incluant la compatibilité avec ses tous derniers produits mis sur le marché) sous forme d'une simple application à télécharger depuis l'AppStore, laissant en parallèle SA version 80 sur laquelle SONOS pourra faire joujou comme elle l'entend.

Une dernière chose, SONOS doit maintenant absolument mieux communiquer avec ses clients et les informer très précisémment sur l'évolution de sa dernière application. SONOS a pris ces clients pour des imbéciles, mais ils ont de la mémoire et le bouche à oreille pourrait être encore plus dévastateur.

À bon entendeur !…

17 days after my last post, here to commenting on the ongoing dumpster fire. 

Most telling, our 22 year old, very tech savvy son, couldn’t figure out how to do the most basic things in the Sonos app. 😂

The lack of communication from Sonos is deafening. 

Why was the new app released before insuring the old features such as library were working.  Its very slow and doesn’t work well.

Why was the new app released before insuring the old features such as library were working.  Its very slow and doesn’t work well.


  1. It was a ground up rewrite.  So there were no “old features”.  All features had to be written from scratch, and because of (2) below, some were left off.
  2. It was released half-baked in order to support the end of fiscal year sales of the new headphones.

17 days after my last post, here to commenting on the ongoing dumpster fire. 

Most telling, our 22 year old, very tech savvy son, couldn’t figure out how to do the most basic things in the Sonos app. 😂

The lack of communication from Sonos is deafening. 


Communication is available here (answering every individual post on this user’s forum is not a very efficient use of resources):

Hi there 

The app is still not working. Dropping out. Volume fails to work. Delayed responses to commands - sometimes of up to ten minutes. States that tracks are playing when they are not.

Unbelievably poor. 

Means that all investment in Sonos hardware is wasted. 

I have gone from being one of the company’s biggest brand ambassadors to being one of its biggest detractors.


What is happening? 

The company’s goal is to become a streaming service provider, and once they have sufficient market penetration, their compatability with other streaming service providers will be cut off. The writing is on the wall with this app release and recent headphone product launch. Sonos Radio is their priority, whether we want it or not. 

Love / hate Sonos for about 7 years. Love the sound quality and ability to control multiple rooms throughout the house. 

It has now just turned to hate. All for one reason. THE new APP. I know theres a ton of negative feedback already but its so bad, I have to have an outlet to share. 

The new APP is singlehandedly the worst bit of technological advancement I have EVER experienced. I cannot understand how Sonos has come this far only to release this steaming pile of feature killing garbage. EVERYTHING about the app is trash. Updates to speakers can take half a day. Can’t pair seamlessly if something gets messed up. Cant queue music.Can’t select multiple rooms without errors. Can’t control volume half the time. It has made the 12 Sonos speakers throughout my house nearly useless. Thousands of dollars spent to be frustrated every time I try to use the app. Its so bad all the good experiences and good will I felt towards Sonos is gone. I HATE my Sonos system. I wish I had bought almost anything else. Sonos should be refunding customers money monthly until they get this miserable thing fixed. 

Stop developing mew speakers, headphones. This terrible APP is going to kill the business. Wake up!!! Senior Leadership Team

Dear @Corry P @Jamie A and @Sotiris C. 


I know you’re only the Mods on here and none of this is your fault, but I have to share how I’m feeling with you, because no one else at Sonos is listening.


I bloody loved your products, I bought a play 3 when my Squeezebox boom finally died.  I loved being able to stream music in my house, and the promise of synced multi speaker audio was exactly what I was looking for.

A playbase soon followed and synced audio became a reality and brought me joy everyday I listened to it.  You released the beam and now we had 3 rooms with awesome sound (well the beam was ok sound but there you go) and life was really good.  The S1 app had a few quirks but nothing that was a real issue, more something to get used to and it worked realllly well.  Like my partner loved it kinda well, the kids loved it kinda well.  it just worked.  Life was good and the Sonos provided the soundtrack to our lives.(even over our slow rural ADSL)


In 2019 I separated from my partner, we split the Sonos in the divorce - She got the beam, I got the Play 3 and the playbase.  I moved into a city and got decent fibre broadband - 1Gb down 500Mb up - streaming multi room audio had never sounded better.  I got two One Gen 2’s to go with the playbase, the S2 app came out - it was not as good as the S1 app on a number of fronts, but largely worked ok and I could try out the voice assistant on the Ones - it was s*** and I removed it after a day but that was ok none of the voice assistants work well with NZ accents.


The S2 app felt like a step backwards from the S1 app - the yellow icon took some getting used to, but I came to like the fact it wasn’t black and was easy to find.  Most of the functionality could be found pretty easily and over time I got used to it.  The barrier to listening to music was higher than it was with S1 but it was still ok. 

I added two Moves when they came out and an Amp in the same year - I can stream vinyl and cd’s as well as my own digital music collection and Spotify/Tidal and listen to radio on Tunein.  Musically my life was pretty damn good and my new partner thought that she would like some Sonos in her house too.  We added a second sonos household and two Moves to her house.

Life was pretty good - moving between the two houses was so easy, it just found the sonos on the WiFi and away we went.  S1 and S2 worked the same in this respect.  My partner found the jump to S2 a bit more jarring than I did - the old Bluetooth speaker would come out periodically as it was easier to pair with than the move but largely listening on the sonos was still the primary source of music at both of our houses.


Life was good!


Then the new app came along - keeping it as S2 felt disingenuous, especially as we’d already been through the S1/S2 upgrade when the architecture changed.  At first I was really angry, angry that such a badly thought our release had been sent out.  I couldn’t understand why it was so bad, the upgrade was so painful, like it really hurt, stuff just didn’t work, then stuff just wasn’t there.  I thought this must be a mistake!!  But no - apparently this abomination of a software release was the new thing - a complete re-write and new architecture shoehorned into the existing S2 app.  Why this isn’t S3 I have no idea, except I do - it’s because no one would use it.  Everything that brought me joy about my Sonos has gone, the app is complete and utter rubbish, not a single thing works well.  Its so goddam slow - it talks to the internet everytime its opened, and it talks slowly - I’m on a really fast connection and its slow, I hate to think what it would be like if I was still on that rural ADSL.

I hate the app, I hate it so much that I feel dread when the music stops, or if I want to play a different playlist or change sources.  I’ve ended up not being able to play ANYTHING once when I accidentally selected the wrong source and then couldn’t change it to the correct one for 5 minutes while I tried to find the right setting (a setting I could change in my sleep in S1 and S2 previously) 

I’ve spent so much money on this system, encouraged so many work colleagues and friends to buy it because it was just joy inducing and so simple, and all that is gone.  I literally want to weep when I think about how s*** its become.  Sonos no longer brings be joy, its horrible UX is now so bad that I’m actively looking for an alternative, which is so bloody sad because I love the hardware, the speakers are nicely designed and the sound quality is great.  But they no longer do what they need to - they get between me and the music, they make music a chore.  Hell they’re now worse than a bloody bluetooth speaker because pairing a BT speaker is now quicker and easier than changing the track on the sonos. 

I dont know what the future holds for us both, and I dont know if you can ever get back to the place you held in my world.  I know that you, the mods have no say in how this has played out and I’m pretty sure that there are dev’s internally who predicted this from the outset.  Software development is hard, especially when the people driving the product vision don’t understand their customers and their customers WHY.


Anyway - enough of that, just understand I’m so goddamned sad that the thing I loved has turned into a complete pile of steaming poo.



Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.




It’s impossible to get an album track listing.  What does the community suggest as alternatives to Sonos?  It’s now irrational to buy another Sonos product. 

It’s impossible to get an album track listing.  What does the community suggest as alternatives to Sonos?  It’s now irrational to buy another Sonos product. 

Use a different app with the Sonos gear you own.  

....but you shouldn't have to .....

....but you shouldn't have to .....

Agree 100%. But Sonos screwed up and is taking

long to fix. Finding a working app may be in your interests. 
