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I am not sure if there has been an “update” or such like in the last week or so but in that time, when I seek to connect to the Sonos on my iPhone, it fades through the connection screen and comes up with the error message and “fix it”.  Each time I have to go through the process and 75% of the time I have to turn the router off and back on again, hence disabling house WiFi for about 10 minutes.  I would say it has happened every 2 or 3 days in the past week.  Connection to my Mac remains fine in the meantime just the iPhone app.  It is a pain.  Before you ask, it is not a new router etc.  I have also had to hard wire the Sonos via ethernet to get it to locate it.  Again, only from the iPhone app and not the computer.  Answers on a postcard please

Hi @Bernard_Donohue 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

As your Mac connects, we know your Sonos system is online (I can also see it’s online right now). Therefore, we have to assume that whatever the problem is, it’s to do with the network or the phone.

When you turn your router off, do you leave it off for a good 30 seconds or so? If not, please try that. Please also reboot your iPhone too.

Please also check which WiFi your phone is connecting to - if you are connected to a guest WiFi, for example, you’ll get connected to the internet but not to Sonos.

Do you have another phone/tablet you can try? Does it do the same?

You mentioned hard-wiring Sonos to ethernet - does that make the system connect on your iPhone?

Thanks. I’ve tried all of this but sadly, it doesn’t eliminate the issue. It seems that every time my phone loses the Wi-fi (say because of leaving the house) the connection to the Sonos is lost and the only way to restore it is via a reset of the entire Wi-fi. If it was once in a blue moon it wouldn’t be an issue but it’s literally every time. If the app was updated a few days ago (I don’t know how to check when it was last updated) then that might imply a glitch in the update?  I’m going to try uninstalling the app on the phone and reinstalling to see if that makes any difference. 

If the app was updated a few days ago (I don’t know how to check when it was last updated) then that might imply a glitch in the update?  I’m going to try uninstalling the app on the phone and reinstalling to see if that makes any difference. 

In my experience, it’s more to do with the reboot that happens during the update than the update itself, though this isn’t impossible, of course.

There are a couple of new settings on iPhones that can directly affect it’s ability to connect to Sonos:

  1. Local Network permissions on iOS 14+. This option can be found in the iPhone’s settings, under Sonos.
  2. Private Address on iOS 14+. It’s not clear to me why this causes an issue, or if it’s confirmed that it does at all, but there’s a thread about it here: 

Reinstalling the Sonos app is a good way to fix both of these issues/options in one fell swoop, so please do so - good idea!


I have exactly the same problem on my iPhone 11, iOS 14.4.2 It’s only been doing it in the last week or two.  My iPad 14.4.2, still connects all the time but my wife’s older iPad has the problem. No router change or WiFi change, it’s just happening and driving me nuts. It’s Sonos 1, with two Play 5’s, a play 3, Sonos One with Alexa.. and Alexa operates it fine. I note that my iPad has not updated the Alexa app that is pending but my iPhone updated it a week or so ago…. could it be that. We can’t be the only ones with this problem recently occurring. I’m in double figures for router reboots, iPhone reboots after leaving Sonos devices off for 30 minutes….very fed up and disappointed

Ah, I just saw the link to Disabling Private Address, I did that on my iPhone, opened the Sonos 1 App… and it worked straightaway!!

What’s weird is my iPad has the same setting still enabled but works perfectly.

Does the app need updating to cover a bug causing this?

I have exactly the same problem on my iPhone 11, iOS 14.4.2 It’s only been doing it in the last week or two.  My iPad 14.4.2, still connects all the time but my wife’s older iPad has the problem. No router change or WiFi change, it’s just happening and driving me nuts. It’s Sonos 1, with two Play 5’s, a play 3, Sonos One with Alexa.. and Alexa operates it fine. I note that my iPad has not updated the Alexa app that is pending but my iPhone updated it a week or so ago…. could it be that. We can’t be the only ones with this problem recently occurring. I’m in double figures for router reboots, iPhone reboots after leaving Sonos devices off for 30 minutes….very fed up and disappointed

I don’t see how it could be the Alexa app, no. Did you follow the steps above and reinstall the apps? If so, and you’re still getting the connection issue, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system.

Thank you Corry.

Yes I have deleted the App and data twice, along with router reboots and Sonos devices being off, then switched on after router and iPhone reboots. Reinstalling the App, worked but only until the next morning, when it failed to connect again on both occasions and hangs on the Rooms tab. 
As I posted earlier, disabling the Private network address, allowed the Sonos 1 app to come straight back into life….but lets see if it still works tomorrow.

The iPhone failed to connect again this morning, hanging on the Rooms tab as normal. I checked and the Private network address is still disabled. The iPad is still connected and works fine as it always has.

soooo frustrating!


Sorry to hear you’re still having problems. Do you have a mesh network, or anything that extends the reach of your WiFi?

It has been set up on normal Wifi, using a BT smart Hub 2 for the last 4 months. Before that and before I added the Sonos One 4 months ago, it was using the old Sonos bridge mesh network. Would it work better if I went back to using the sonos bridge in the system, providing the Sonos One and Alexa work with the bridge?

It has been set up on normal Wifi, using a BT smart Hub 2 for the last 4 months. Before that and before I added the Sonos One 4 months ago, it was using the old Sonos bridge mesh network. Would it work better if I went back to using the sonos bridge in the system, providing the Sonos One and Alexa work with the bridge?

As your system is currently on S1, this may work. As a rule, however, we recommend not using the Bridge these days - they’re a bit outdated now. It would be a better idea to permanently ethernet-wire one of your speakers. If you do decide to try with the Bridge, you’ll need to start with factory resetting your Bridge.

On BT routers, I typically make sure to disable Extended UPnP Security. This can be found by browsing to your router’s configuration page ( then selecting the following: Advanced Settings » Firewall » Configuration. You’ll need to log in at some point with the detail found on a sticker on your router. Please make sure that normal UPnP is turned on.



Thanks for the tips Corry.

The router UPnP change worked temporarily, like all the others I have made but the iPhone soon lost connection again. I took your second tip and hard wired one of the Play 5 speakers and after that removed all wireless settings from the App. It has been working like a dream since.

However, this is not a solution to the WiFi problem, that is obviously still there for me and others but I was lucky enough to be able to hard wire one speaker and create a Sonos Net mesh channel.

Thanks again for your help Corry.

Thanks for the tips Corry.

The router UPnP change worked temporarily, like all the others I have made but the iPhone soon lost connection again. I took your second tip and hard wired one of the Play 5 speakers and after that removed all wireless settings from the App. It has been working like a dream since.

However, this is not a solution to the WiFi problem, that is obviously still there for me and others but I was lucky enough to be able to hard wire one speaker and create a Sonos Net mesh channel.

Thanks again for your help Corry.

I’m glad to hear you got things working well - you’re very welcome! Please be sure to keep your Play:5 and router a metre (3 feet) apart to minimise cross-interference.

You may have been affected by band steering on your router - where the router mistakenly identifies Sonos speakers as devices willing to connect to 5GHz when in fact they (some) are not. This can be prevented by having separate 2.4 and 5 GHz SSIDs (broadcasted network names) and not letting Sonos know the 5GHz credentials. This issue would typically result in no controllers being able to connect, however, so perhaps something else was going on.

For those unable to permanently ethernet-wire a speaker there is the Sonos Boost which will create SonosNet near the router without the need to buy a speaker. We would only recommend this if you’ve been in touch with our technical support team and have tried every configurable option. @sonostrip if you’d rather use your BT WiFi and not ethernet, please get in touch with them as they have tools available to diagnose exactly what was happening. For now, however, take the time to enjoy some tunes!


Edit: I just remembered that you can’t actually split the bands on a BT Smart Hub 2.

Hi. I’m not certain - and I haven’t read all of the other questions/replies on this issue - but I may have found an answer. As before, I have an iPhone 11 running iOS 14.4.2. Constant loss of the Sonos app connection to a Play 5 meaning a re-boot of the home Wi-fi to reconnect. If I go to my iPhone settings, WIFi and turn OFF the privacy setting, then the Sonos app connects and works fine. Not ideal as I’m guessing privacy settings are a good thing to have on but at least (so far and I’ve only just discovered this) it means I don’t have to reboot the Sonos connection and my Wi-fi!

Have BT ever produced a router that didn’t have some issue with Sonos gear? Asking for a friend...

I am having the same problem, my windows laptop works fine…. every morning, afternoon, evening and night if I want to use my iPhone to control my system (Sonos S1, running 2 x gen1 play 5s, 1 x Sonos one and 1 x play one) I have to trouble shoot and end up turning my router on and off. I’ve updated my OS, S1 app, changed privacy setting and every other fix possible. THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD!

Hi. I’m not certain - and I haven’t read all of the other questions/replies on this issue - but I may have found an answer. As before, I have an iPhone 11 running iOS 14.4.2. Constant loss of the Sonos app connection to a Play 5 meaning a re-boot of the home Wi-fi to reconnect. If I go to my iPhone settings, WIFi and turn OFF the privacy setting, then the Sonos app connects and works fine. Not ideal as I’m guessing privacy settings are a good thing to have on but at least (so far and I’ve only just discovered this) it means I don’t have to reboot the Sonos connection and my Wi-fi!


Thanks for sharing that!

What Privacy setting is that, exactly?

I am having the same problem, my windows laptop works fine…. every morning, afternoon, evening and night if I want to use my iPhone to control my system (Sonos S1, running 2 x gen1 play 5s, 1 x Sonos one and 1 x play one) I have to trouble shoot and end up turning my router on and off. I’ve updated my OS, S1 app, changed privacy setting and every other fix possible. THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD!

Please don’t get driven mad - I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system, if the steps outlined above in my second reply (and the thread quoted within) don’t help. If you have a BT router, please also disable Extended UPnP Security, as also mentioned above.

I would contact support but as I work 9-5 mon - Friday that is a bit difficult. Nothing has changed in my set up and until a few weeks ago there was no problem at all. 

I would contact support but as I work 9-5 mon - Friday that is a bit difficult. Nothing has changed in my set up and until a few weeks ago there was no problem at all. 

Yeah, that can make it quite difficult.

Do you have anything that extends the reach of your router? What router do you have? 

What has changed in the last few weeks? Any new devices in your home?

Do you have a guest WiFi?

Thanks for the reply, I have nothing that extends the wifi, I have BT home hub2, as I stated above, twice.  Nothing has changed in the past few weeks. Below are the things I have done.

Updated Sonos S1 app on all devices, changed Local Network permissions on iOS, turned OFF the privacy setting, disabled Extended UPnP Security.

Nothing works for more than around 12 hours, today I worked from home so didn’t leave the house, same thing this evening. Could not find system but then found system when I turned the router on and off again. 

I find it very hard to accept that this is anything to do with my wifi, my old iPhone se running OS14.4.2 works perfectly every time.

My windows laptop also works perfectly.

It is only my new model IPhoneSE running the same OS, 14.4.2 and my partners android phone that have the problem. 

Any more suggestions ?


Hi @alastair_2 

Thanks for the reply, I have nothing that extends the wifi, I have BT home hub2, as I stated above, twice.

I’m sorry, but you stated no such thing. One of the worst things I can do is assume something about your network - that can do nothing but lead you down the wrong path. The BT Home Hub 2 is positively antediluvian and I recommend you get in touch with BT and update it. If you meant to say the BT Smart Hub 2, that’s much newer. All free routers are somewhat substandard, however.

Nothing works for more than around 12 hours, today I worked from home so didn’t leave the house, same thing this evening. Could not find system but then found system when I turned the router on and off again. 

I find it very hard to accept that this is anything to do with my wifi, my old iPhone se running OS14.4.2 works perfectly every time.

My windows laptop also works perfectly.

It is only my new model IPhoneSE running the same OS, 14.4.2 and my partners android phone that have the problem. 

It’s important to make sure I understand you correctly here. When you say your old iPhone works, do you mean it gets on to the internet, or it connects to Sonos? The same question in regards to your laptop. 

Getting one device to connect to the internet is a completely different task for a router to perform than getting 5 devices to communicate continuously over local networking. And it has absolutely everything to do with your router.

Right now, I see all four of your Sonos devices online. If you can’t connect to them with any devices running the Sonos app, then there is most likely a network configuration/performance issue.

If some of your apps can connect to Sonos and some can’t then that could be either the network configuration or the device’s. If those devices were connecting to a guest WiFi broadcast by your router, that would definitely cause problems with connecting to Sonos, but you’d still connect to the internet.

In either case, however, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system.




Hi, and again thanks for the reply. 

I do apologise, yes I meant it is a BT smart hub2.


in answer to your question, when I say ‘it works’ I mean it can find the Sonos system immediately without any trouble shooting or re booting the wifi. The wifi works fine on all my devices but the two I mentioned never find the Sonos system unless I reboot the router even if it’s currently in use and being controlled by either the laptop or the old iphone. 

All the devices connect seamlessly to the wifi / internet. I wouldn’t be posting in this forum if there was an issue with my wifi, I’d be speaking to BT. 

I’ll give you an example, I start Sonos S1 with my laptop, choose some music and play on all 4 rooms grouped together, it starts playing and is working like a dream. 

I walk into the kitchen, let’s say I want to change volume or skip a track, take out my iPhone load Sonos app and the system can’t be found by that device.  Even though music is playing and if I walk back to the laptop I can change volume of skip no problem.


last night I completely gave up and hard wired one of the play 5s via Ethernet cable to the router now all devices work fine… for now. I expect that’s why you have no trouble seeing it all from your end. 

I guess I will have to live with the fact that one of my speakers needs to be hardwired but it’s not ideal at all. It is sitting in my hallway where I never listen to music. It’s now a ‘£500 enabler’.


I am also having similar problems.

In the last 3 or 4 days I have had problems connecting to Sonos system via the Sonos 1 Controller on both my iPhone and iPad both recently updated to IOS 14.4.2.

It works for part of the day and then when I try to change the radio station or play music it tells me I am not connected. I initially thought it was a problem with Amazon Music but I have now deleted this service from the Sonos  and both the phone and iPad and am still having problems connecting to Sonos system.

Like others I have

  1. repeatedly disconnected from the router and that works temporarily,
  2. I have rebooted both my phone and iPad and that doesn’t work for any length of time either
  3. removed the app from both phone and iPad and reinstalled and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I get a message saying it can’t find the system and when I go through the process of reconnecting to the system by pressing the relevant buttons on one of the speakers it tells me it’s connected only  then it takes me straight back to the screen telling me it can’t find the system.

The router is a BT Smart Hub 2  but no changes have been made to that and we have used it since September 2020 with no problems, it is only the last few days I have encountered problems. 

For some reason my husband is able to use his iPad (also on 14.4.2) to access the system.

I note that there was an update to the Sonos 1 Controller recently and wonder if this could be part of the problem?

Hi @alastair_2 & @Strider47 

We have identified a new occurrence of BT Smart Hub 2 devices now not bridging their 2.4GHz and 5GHz connected devices into one network properly. Please see this post I made on a similar thread, specifically the part in blue:

I would very much like you both to contact our technical support team, confirm and document the issue (so we can better identify it for others in the future), then they will refer you to BT for a resolution. Thanks for your patience!

Hi Cory and thanks again for your speedy reply, it’s nice to know you care!


I will ask my boss for some time off work so I can call tech support then be referred back to BT and call them also. 

Bring on the pain!