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Sharing a Sub - two rooms

Please flesh out the options to share a sub between two 'rooms'. I'm in the same boat as many users here and would like to share a sub, in my case, a large living room, playing music on two Play:5's as a stereo set, and a 5.1 surround with a Playbar and two play ones. The only option to share a sub between the setups is to 'unbond' the speakers, but then you lose the TruPlay saved settings and to recalibrate each time is not practical. Having the option to save the TruPlay profiles created would be amazing. I'm also taking advantage of AirPlay 2 for music which is not supported with a surround setup, hence why I have a second set just for music in the same room. Sharing a sub between two 'rooms' is perhaps an option for a future software update?
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29 replies

Keith N
  • Sonos Staff
  • 4604 replies
  • August 28, 2018
Hi there, philipphotog. Thanks for posting and sharing your feedback. I am happy to forward this along to the team for consideration and visibility. Thanks again.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • August 29, 2018
Thank you!

Are there any news from Sonos regarding this? I have the same setup, but I have a beam instead of a Playbar.

  • 42555 replies
  • January 1, 2019
You're not going to get any insight from a Sonos rep beyond what he posted above. Sonos doesn't share what they're working on (with a couple of notable exceptions) for future releases. And, this request has been made for at least since the SUB was originally released, and they've given no indication that they want to cut into their sales to do this kind of thing.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 21, 2019
I'd like to amplify this request - sharing a sub between two 'rooms' should be an option.

This would be very useful - I have a similar situation. 2 Ones + Sub for music playing and Playbar for TV - Playbar + Sub is a great experience for movies. Right now - it can't be done without going thru true play tuning every time. Why can't 2 sets of true play tuning settings be saved? I am ok watching the news or so without the sub. But it would be awesome to switch over the sub at night when watching a movie without any hassle.

  • 42555 replies
  • May 5, 2019
I'd have to assume that there's a memory restriction involved somewhere, it would make some sense if you could save those TruePlay settings. OTOH, from an engineering perspective, it may make sense to force people to redo the process, since you'd have to assume that they physically moved at least one speaker, at least in maybe half the cases.

Right. But in my case the sub stays in the exact same location. The 2 ones are left and right of the TV. And the playbar is under the TV. Would be just lovely to easily move the sub back and forth between the ones and the playbar. No speakers are moving position/location ever.

  • 42555 replies
  • May 5, 2019
Understood. But Sonos seems to be squarely pointed at the "ease of use" market, not the audiophile/expert market that people like you and I represent. As it is, the controller can be confusing, imagine if there were 20 or 30 more options they added.

I expect it's a fine balance that they ride, trying to steer in between what we want, and what they think, based on their market research, what the average user wants. Not to mention what doing something like that would cut out of their sales. Some people currently just buy two subs, if you could easily move them from setup to setup, that extra sale of a sub would be lost.

Yeah good point although I am definitely not buying a second sub 😉 The more flexible the setup is in one room, the more speakers I buy for the second room and third and fourth. For example - our bedroom set did NOT get Sonos treatment because I didn’t want to duplicate the same setup yet again. So homepods it is. And home pods in other spots too. So they may make that extra sub sale (with some people) but missing out on sales. 4 home pods could be 4 Ones or play 5’s.
But I totally understand what you mean.

  • 42555 replies
  • May 5, 2019
Understood. That works for people who are only on Apple Music, but wouldn't work for anyone else, since the Homepod is restricted for the content it can play.

Yes that’s correct. iTunes on computer and Apple Music is our choice. SIRI etc...

  • 42555 replies
  • May 5, 2019
Then you're good. Wouldn't work for me, I use other services.

  • 32 replies
  • October 27, 2019

This issue is really frustrating to me. I bought into the Sonos system with a Playbase, under the (what I now believe mistaken) impression that I could easily expand my system, as well as have the flexibility to easily switch between configurations of speakers in the same system.


I thought it would obviously be no problem to add a couple Play 5s and have them be an isolated stereo pair for music, while for tv they would take over the main L + R duties while the Playbase could dedicate itself to center channel work (by only using the 6 forward-firing drivers). It turns out nope, you can’t do that.


Then, I’m thinking OK, maybe I can live with the Playbase only for front channels for tv (the Playbase is actually quite good, but it would really be a shame to have 2 Play 5s sitting there doing nothing), but then I’d want to add a Sub. Which I can do, but of course I would want to have that Sub configured to work with both the tv surround group and the dual Play 5 music group. Now I’m finding out nope, can’t do that either? And the “solution” is to buy 2 $700 Subs and put them next to each other in the same room?


This is just ridiculous and frankly, insulting. It shoots a big hole in Sonos’ claimed flexibility. I want so much to buy into the Sonos system because I love the concept and the sound, but I’m not a sucker, there is no way I’m duplicating a bunch of speakers in the same room for 2 configurations (tv, music) that I will never use at the same time.


So now I’m sitting here with just my Playbase and ready to move into a big house next year that could be blanketed in Sonos speakers but I’m having major misgivings about it because it seems the system is not nearly as flexible as it could and should be. Yes, I’m sure there are some people who buy 2 Subs and put them in the same room, but if that’s my choice, Sonos will get 0 Sub purchases from me, plus (because of that) probably also not a couple Play 5s and not a whole bunch of Play 1s. Is that a good business decision?


There has to be a way to make this work from a technical standpoint, since multiple groups independently can access the same Sub, they just need to make the switchover applying the tuning from the current group, and check down a priority list for which group gets access if multiple groups are trying to play to it.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • December 31, 2019

Seriously this is a big deal.  I’m pretty invested in the Sonos ecosystem and was super disappointed I can’t share my sub between my Beam and my Play Five that I use for music. 

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • January 24, 2020

If it counts, I would like this setting also.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 7, 2020

Agree, facing same issue. Would really like to share sub

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • April 10, 2020

Hopefully the S2 upgrade will allow us to do this.

"For instance, if you have two Sonos speakers in your kitchen and three Sonos speakers in your living room, and another two in your bedroom, the S2 app will allow you to control them without you having to constantly “regroup” them individually"



  • 42555 replies
  • April 10, 2020

While I’m on board with your hope, I think that statement you’ve quoted has more to do with grouping of rooms. The way Sonos treats the SUB is via bonding, which is a very different process than grouping. 

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 12 replies
  • April 26, 2020

I have the same issue - would like the SUB to float between 2 Play 5s and PlayBase depending on whether I’m listening to music or TV. Ironically, a second Sub (in the same room) is currently on sale for $549. Asking EVERYONE - based on what you know and have heard regarding S2, does your gut tell you that S2 will NOT allow this kind of “duo-bonding” of the SUB? I’d even be ok if I had to make a quick selection (would be amazing but unrealistic to expect the process to be automated). Or, I just pay $550 for a second SUB.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 15, 2020

Any update on these requests? Bonding and grouping produces different sound quality, so can’t group them.  If scenario of 2 rooms in use that bond and share the sub, just disable it on the second connection that start up?

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • June 20, 2020

I have the same issue. Sub bonded with playbase and to play 1s for 5:1 tv sound, but also want to bind the sub to two 5s in the same room for music. Any update Sonos?

  • Prodigy I
  • 193 replies
  • June 29, 2020

Count me in for this enhancement as well!! I would love to be able to use the Sub as part of my Arc set up when in home theater mode, and then use the same Sub with my Fives when listening to music.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • September 12, 2020

+1 for the ability to easily move a Sub between two “rooms” within the same physical space - without having to recalibrate, etc. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 19, 2020

Hello Sonos???


+1 for the ability

 I belive it will be an easy fix........if they would like to do it...

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