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End of Software Support - Clarifications

End of Software Support - Clarifications
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4256 replies

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 24, 2020

Like many others here, I have also heavily invested in Sonos. I have also recommended the products to others.  

I now feel very let down and rather personally embarrassed and responsible for letting down the people I recommended to buy these products.  

Sonos isn’t cheap and I never anticipated something like this to happen. 

30% off a £500 per product replacement is really nowhere near enough. The Sonos site isn’t even the cheapest place to purchase and it feels like a further kick.  

i have signed the petition and I would urge everyone else to do the same. Hopefully the decision can be reversed. 


  • Enthusiast II
  • 165 replies
  • January 24, 2020
Keithmac wrote:

Some custom operating system (preferably Open Source) will be the way to go and I'm sure a group will come up with something along those lines. Surely we own the hardware and it's ours to donas we please with..


Imagine how devastating it will be for Sonos, if some programming group picks up after Sonos and keep taking their latest firmware for the “new” speakers and making it work on the legacy products.

Take away the routines in the firmware to check in with sonos if it is ok to play, and make it update itself from their servers.

How bad would sonos then look, when a bunch of nerds in a basement keeps their product afloat after they say it is not possible.


I bought a Samsung tablet 5 years ago, it had android 4.4 and was soon after updated to android 5.1 and when android 6 came out, Samsung said that sadly they could not release that, because they lacked drivers for the processor and so on.

I have been running LineageOS on that tablet since android 6 (Yes it was called something else at first) and it has had upgrades to android 6, 7, 8 ,9 and is currently running just fine with android 10 and January security update.

So samsung lied…..I guess Sonos i too..

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 24, 2020

Thanks SONOS!!! 

Bad enough having to tell my Wife I made a mistake “investing” in your products (8 in total). 

I also need to let my friends and family know that I’m a clueless numpty for recommending they also ‘invest’.

It’s going to be an interesting few days.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 24, 2020

This announcement has been terribly put.  Objectively I can understand their problem but think the "solution" is a reflection of the connected world and the fact they had such superb products from the start.  Surely they can get creative to mitigate this historic issue and must design out obsolescence in future speakers and amps.  Why not build Sonos plugs which take the software/process limits off speakers and amps and are more easily replaceable.....I hate fanboys and Sonos was the only one I slipped into thinking was different.  

  • Enthusiast II
  • 165 replies
  • January 24, 2020

How is it that they can not continue to support the Play 5 because of low flash memory.

Every speaker has the same firmware, so if they need space in the Play 5, they could just make a parallel software that has the parts for Airplay 2, voice assistant and other features the play 5 does not support removed, making room for bug fixes and changes to streaming services.

I bet that a compact “Play 5 features only” firmware would take up substantially less memory, thus making it possible to continue support.


It seems clear to me that this is a case of “won’t” rather than a case of “can’t” even though they have said that they “can’t”.


Just added an updated review to Trustpilot to reflect the CEO statement:


Latest CEO statement reconfirms Sonos’ commitment to screwing its customers. Anyone whose opinion of the company has improved following the CEO statement clearly can’t read very well, because it just says the exact same things as the previous policy. 

Good riddance Sonos. Your only value to your customers now is if you fail so hard that no other company does something so stupid to us again.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 12 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Here’s an idea sonos!?

I was looking at new speakers for the two remaining bedrooms now but, NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME HOW LONG THEY WILL BE FUNCTIONAL FOR!

Just an idea.

Better than just saying “as long as possible” don’t you think?

I purchased my play 1’s, 3’s, 5’s, playbar and sub AT THE SAME TIME so surely the rest are getting to the infamous LEGACY stage soon? TELL ME WHEN PLEASE!

Also, WHY NOT LET US OPT OUT TOTALLY OF UPDATES? Personally, i’m ok with mine thanks so let me stop getting updates and STOP DISABLING FUNCTIONS unless I do.


  • Enthusiast II
  • 165 replies
  • January 24, 2020
trader174 wrote:

Sonos isn’t cheap and I never anticipated something like this to happen.


If Sonos had been a $100 brand, i don’t think anyone would have complained, but being a “premium price” $500 brand, this was unexpected.


  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • January 24, 2020

If my old system doesn’t work with the new stuff as in group ect. then SeYa later Sonos. Wonder people in charge at Sonos are thinking ‘”was this a good idea, people will forget” think again!!!!  

  • Enthusiast II
  • 165 replies
  • January 24, 2020
user_end_of_lifed wrote:

Good riddance Sonos. Your only value to your customers now is if you fail so hard that no other company does something so stupid to us again.


In my country there is a saying “Your not useless, if you can not be used for anything else, you can always be used as a bad example of how not to be”.


Everybody should sign the petition here:

Sonos won’t care, but it will help stretch the bad news cycle out longer if it gets big and they do care about that. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Sonos is still selling the connect on its UK website… says nothing about how it is already obsolete…


nice one...!


sums them up re

  • Enthusiast I
  • 25 replies
  • January 24, 2020
user_end_of_lifed wrote:

Everybody should sign the petition here:

Sonos won’t care, but it will help stretch the bad news cycle out longer if it gets big and they do care about that. 


  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • January 24, 2020

One more (positive) thing: At least Sonos have told about their plan (or lack) although they probably did not mean to or thought we another one of their ‘products’. We know what to do now:

  • Do not buy any else from Sonos
  • Return any recently purchased products 
  • Write a review on every product you own on as many sites as you can 
  • Revise any reviews you have written in the past - just did on Amazon
  • Tell your friends - those you told to buy Sonos and warn those who were thinking about it
  • Find the CEO’s email address and send him a personal message 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 24, 2020

I needn’t repeat what everyone else is saying. Suffice to say that, in my opinion, the brand is dead unless they resolve this issue to current customer’s satisfaction. Who on earth would buy expensive kit with an uncertain but potentially very short shelf life. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 24, 2020

So pissed off with Sonos right now!!! Shit company!

Rating their products and apps down wherever I can!

  • Enthusiast II
  • 165 replies
  • January 24, 2020
luvlylou wrote:

Sonos is still selling the connect on its UK website… says nothing about how it is already obsolete…


nice one...!


sums them up re

There is a new and an old revision connect.


But the kicker is that they did not rename the new one like they did with the other products, so you wont know if you get a new or old one if you order one.

Offcourse sonos sells the new one from their website, but local vendors may have old stock of the old version and you can not tell if you get a new or old one before you buy it and connect it up, only to get the ransom note from Sonos if you got the old one.

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Whoever made this decision, how did they think this would go? Did they expect everyone to just roll over and buy new products? Shows how much they actually think of their customer base.

I came pretty late to the Sonos brand, but liked what I had, with views to expand my system. Not anymore. I just about stomached the iPod dock fiasco, as it only cost me £40 from eBay, this though, unacceptable. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Everybody should sign the petition here:

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • January 24, 2020
luvlylou wrote:

Sonos is still selling the connect on its UK website… says nothing about how it is already obsolete…


nice one...!


sums them up re

It is only units made before 2015 which are end of life  - I thought my Connect/Connect Amp were going to be legacy but actually thankfully they are both showing as modern. Worth double checking that as the news isn’t clear about this.


For how long though that is the question

  • Enthusiast II
  • 39 replies
  • January 24, 2020
WiseDroid wrote:
luvlylou wrote:

Sonos is still selling the connect on its UK website… says nothing about how it is already obsolete…


nice one...!


sums them up re

It is only units made before 2015 - I thought my Connect/Connect Amp were going to be legacy but actually thankfully they are both showing as modern. Worth double checking that as the news isn’t clear about this.


For how long though that is the question

There are two version of the connect according to a graph in a previous post on this thread.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • January 24, 2020

Today is SONOS-U-TURN-DAY! It's a massive day for technology; one that will have many tech companies thinking very differently, lets us never forget this day! @Sonos didn't think about their customers and that starts to make you wonder about the culture at the organisation and the #leadership


  • Enthusiast II
  • 109 replies
  • January 24, 2020
no_info_oz wrote:

hi Patrick Spence - thanks on behalf of your huge number of Sonos fans for backing down and ensuring that legacy products will still work for many more years!

Your email blast earlier this week was ill considered and I am personally glad you have ‘seen the light’!

Note to your management team. The real cost of selling premium products is that they come with premium expectations.


Are you reading the same thing as nothing has changed at this t

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • January 24, 2020

This announcement from SONOS has left me very angry indeed. They have forgotten in their technical bubble that not everyone wants the latest Gizmo. I do not want to shout at my speakers to change the track, I do not want to stream 40 different channels, I want to play my music , held on a terrastation at home in an iTune folder where and when I want to. I have 9 speakers plus a play bar around the house, only 4 of them are ‘modern’ although most of the others were bought less than 5 years ago. And of those 4 when will they become technically tired?? The separate controller has gone: that was really useful, the bridges have had to be replaced, that was the start of the unacceptable behaviour. If SONOS cannot produce software that I can download to make my system run on a stable but more limited basis where all the components are interoperable then let them let someone sell such software. I would invest in that company because they will have a 15+ year market.

This is large tech businesses forcing their Customers to accept what they know best.

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