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End of Software Support - Clarifications

End of Software Support - Clarifications
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4256 replies

  • 9859 replies
  • January 22, 2020
Dachar wrote:

Apparently my Bridge will become obsolete in May. Does anyone know what is being offered to replace it as l can’t find it on the Sonos website?


In many cases, there is no need to replace the Bridge.  If you can’t directly wire one of your other devices to the router, you can run your system in wireless (WiFi) mode.  if that’s not going to work, the Boost is the Bridge replacement.  Sonos has not offered any trade in or other incentive for the Bridge at this time.

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • January 22, 2020

So, someone at SONOS was wise enough to foresee this revolt coming, but somebody else wasn't smart enough to take heed.



From SONOS’ SEC Q4 2019 filing:


We may choose to discontinue support for older versions of our products, resulting in customer dissatisfaction that could negatively affect our business and operating results.

We have historically maintained, and we believe our customers may expect, extensive backward compatibility for our older products and the software that supports them, allowing older products to continue to benefit from new software updates. We expect that in the near term, this backward compatibility will no longer be practical or cost-effective, and we may decrease or discontinue service for our older products. If we no longer provide extensive backward capability for our products, we may damage our relationship with our existing customers, as well as our reputation, brand loyalty and ability to attract new customers.

For these reasons, any decision to decrease or discontinue backward capability may decrease sales and adversely affect our business, operating results and financial condition.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2020

The worst PR blunder in my lifetime (I’m 46). To be told 9 years after buying a high end sound system it is now redundant is outrageous. I was a huge advocate of Sonos - selling the benefits to many friends and family over the years. We now have 7 products around the house including P5s / P1s / Sub / Sound Bar / Connect - so very angry that loyal customers who supported Sonos while they were building the business have been treated in this way. To spend many £1000s on a system that will not last longer than 9 years is quite sickening. Can’t even bring myself to turn it on tonight. Unless Sonos very swiftly within the next 24hrs issues a massive apology and confirms they will continue the updates (I only want to listen to Apple Music - nothing more) or offer significantly more than the 30% discount (it would need to be 75%), I do fear for their survival. I can now no longer buy any more Sonos products until this is resolved - we have many more rooms to fill. Very happy to contribute towards legal action if this is what it takes - can a fund be set up? 

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020
stuart fleet_1 wrote:

Sonos customer for seven years.  I have spent a lot on a Gen1 Play 5, a Connect, a Connect Amp - all of which are being abandoned by Sonos - but only one of which I can trade up.  I also recently bought a Beam and a couple of surround speakers.  They are going to be dropped too if I don’t spend hundreds more updating the Play 5 and unplugging the Connects.  This is a very shoddy way to treat your customers, and you should be ashamed of yourselves Sonos.  I am not stupid though.  This is going to keep happening isn’t it?  Just ordered a Naim Muso qb Gen2 (thought I would stretch to the Gen 2, but I could have ordered the Gen1 as Naim … get this… still support their legacy products).  Will keep the Beam, because it’s providing the sound for my tv.  It will be the last Sonos product I ever own though.  It’s goodbye from me.

Sounds like a class action lawsuit is needed!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020
robbieduncan wrote:

So Sonos will still release firmware to fix bugs. Will a streaming service that is currently supported changing API be considered a bug and receive a fix on legacy hardware?

That's the key question. Based on their answer I am in or out

  • Lyricist III
  • 18 replies
  • January 22, 2020
chicks wrote:
PerfectSound wrote:

Computer based systems? Sonos is selling speakers.


Yes, computer-based speakers.  Every one has a Linux computer inside.

In your logic its totally ok that if you buy a new car it will not work after few years. 

There is actually multiple different "computers" inside of new cars but no one will say that okay after May it might stop working.. Dont drive very far away from your home.

Its totally ok that you will not get all the latest thing to your car but its not okay that if it doesnt work at all. Same thing with the speakers.


  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2020

SONOS, make these speaker modular!!!

A much better approach would have been to put the processing and memory components into a separate module that could be inserted into - or attached to a speaker or connect/amp.  When memory and processing power becomes dated, replace the modules in the Connect/Amp or Play 1/3/5.  Heck, make the same module for the entire range of SONOS devices so your loyal users can retain the amp and/or speakers they have paid so much money for. 

Look, I get technology moves along at an alarming pace but we’re going to be here again in a few more years when the current modern devices become legacy.  And the viscous circle starts again.  SONOS can’t possibly sustain the loss of customers and business this will repeatedly generate. 

SONOS has a rough road ahead with the recycling debacle, the eventual bricking of system components and the lawsuits against the conglomerates who both have competing (disposable) systems.  Are they better, of course not.  But they’re not costing hundreds of dollars apiece.  SONOS is playing right into their hands and they’ve gotta be laughing.

I have 8x SONOS products; 6x of them are legacy so the majority of my system is now sitting on Death Row:

  • 3x Play 5’s
  • 2x Connects
  • 1x Connect Amp 

I absolutely love SONOS gear but now I’ve lost the trust with the company I’ve spent so much money with.

Mark my words, as boutique as SONOS gear is, this move will kill the company.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 109 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Perhaps I need to clarify with you (Sonos) that I will NEVER spend another penny on your products.


I expect my perfectly functional speakers to be supported - they ain’t a cheap throw away item.


I expect my newer speakers to be supported and not to be held hostage just because I was stupid enough to buy into your ecosystem and buy kit over time, investing considerable sums of money over the years. Just ‘cos I have older and newer kit I should not be punished into not receiving updates on my new kit just because I want to use it in conjunction with older kit.


I will not fall for your lies again.


Only a total idiot would spend money on your products after being dropped in it like this, why should you decide 50% of my kit is defunct! This is Hifi not a mobile phone.


The tech needed to play and stream music has not changed over the last few years - it is very low tech and has very low techincal processing requirements. This is a marketing decision to force me to buy new kit. Well I have news for you - it ain’t gonna happen. I will not spend any more money with you EVER!!

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • January 22, 2020

The big question here is that still doesn’t solve the problem of I have a separate legacy systems….Google Music makes a change to the API. Accordingly, Sonos pushes an update to rewrite the code to Google’s API but it only goes my modern products. Effectively, my streaming service to Google Music is dead if there is no update correct? and really any other streaming service that decides to update their API.

If I was Google, Amazon or Apple, on May 1st, I would rewrite my API calls effectively bricking the streaming component of old Sonos legacy products. Basically, and say sorry we can’t do anything, we are just you know, being modern. It’s Sonos fault for not updating like they have been for the past xx years. 

You have basically given your competitor more frustrated Sonos customers to move to Apple, Amazon or Google for speakers instead of yourself.

Great job! Brilliant.

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • January 22, 2020

I don’t think Sonos will ever recover from this. Look at how ratings Are falling in product reviews. We bought several new items over the holidays and I can’t say I would purchase again.

Sonos seams to think supporting a product for 5 years is fine.

i drive a 2000 Honda Insight and its doing fine after 20 years

i use a dell precision 350 that is also 20 years old. I did upgrade the os to windows xp that is also discontinued but it still works


i have tv’s, connected appliances, and even a 40 year old Atari game system that are all computer based. They still provide their original functionality even though by most standards they are obsolete. The trouble with your announcement is that you are purposely speeding obsolescence and expecting customers to purchase again. I don’t want new features but I do expect you to keep the original functionality of the devices for which we paid a premium price


Ryan S wrote:

The app shouldn't cause anyone trouble in the future. 


As we move forward, we will provide ways to separate your legacy and modern products so that the modern products can still receive updates, and legacy products can still be used. We'll have more details in May. 

The idea that this situation can just dawdle along for another 4 months, given the strength of the negativity you’ve received in 24 hours, is genuinely amusing. You’ll be at your next employer long before then. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 109 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Funny thing is FORD don’t send me emails saying ‘hey that car you bought 5 years back…. well it’s no longer supported - no more spares, no more servicing… and the pick up truck you bought 6 months ago, well sorry but if you insist on keeping the car then we will not support the pick up either - so no spare parts or servicing for the new pick up either”


There’s a word for this sort of behaviour

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

This is disgusting, a blatant way of trying to milk the previously loyal existing customer base  maybe ?

it prompted me to research alternatives this morning and I won’t be throwing any more money at Sonos 

>£1500 + Sonos + 5 years = disappointment 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 91 replies
  • January 22, 2020
David_366 wrote:

Not good closing a thread and opening a new one, just update the orignal!

Please can you explain why you misled people by saying only 10 weeks ago on Twitter that “We have no plans to suddenly make these devices obsolete. We're simply offering our users an eco-friendly way to upgrade their older players.” 



Don’t expect a reply. I’m sure the author is busy changing pants because his current ones are on fire.

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • January 22, 2020

I agree a class action lawsuit is coming…

FYI…  Sonos will be holding an earnings conference call on Wednesday, February 5th at 12:00 AM Eastern. Interested parties can register for or listen to the call using this link or dial in at Not Available.

It should be fun to listen to Patrick Spence as the investment community drills him… the right thing and offer another upgrade /refurbish option…  Stop the Blackmail activity campaign 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2020
melvimbe wrote:
Dachar wrote:

Apparently my Bridge will become obsolete in May. Does anyone know what is being offered to replace it as l can’t find it on the Sonos website?


In many cases, there is no need to replace the Bridge.  If you can’t directly wire one of your other devices to the router, you can run your system in wireless (WiFi) mode.  if that’s not going to work, the Boost is the Bridge replacement.  Sonos has not offered any trade in or other incentive for the Bridge at this time.

Thanks,  that is very helpful . Using Sonos’s website It runs a check on your registered hardware. This shows which is obsolete. The first on my list was my Bridge and it said it qualified for a trade in with the 30% discount. I will look into the option of the Boost. Re

  • Enthusiast II
  • 109 replies
  • January 22, 2020
User694694 wrote:
David_366 wrote:

Not good closing a thread and opening a new one, just update the orignal!

Please can you explain why you misled people by saying only 10 weeks ago on Twitter that “We have no plans to suddenly make these devices obsolete. We're simply offering our users an eco-friendly way to upgrade their older players.” 



Don’t expect a reply. I’m sure the author is busy changing pants because his current ones are on fire.

 THIS QUESTION NEEDS ANSWERING…. it is such a misleading response. How about some honesty

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Thanks Tacoslayer! 

INTERESTING, my email from sonos didn't talk about cost effective...talked about CPU and RAM limits….but the filing says backward compatibility will no longer be practical or cost-effective.

Oh WAIT MY BAD, i forgot you can't LIE in your earnings bad
But you sure can on emails to your customers.


From SONOS’ SEC Q4 2019 filing:


We may choose to discontinue support for older versions of our products, resulting in customer dissatisfaction that could negatively affect our business and operating results.

We have historically maintained, and we believe our customers may expect, extensive backward compatibility for our older products and the software that supports them, allowing older products to continue to benefit from new software updates. We expect that in the near term, this backward compatibility will no longer be practical or cost-effective, and we may decrease or discontinue service for our older products. If we no longer provide extensive backward capability for our products, we may damage our relationship with our existing customers, as well as our reputation, brand loyalty and ability to attract new customers.

For these reasons, any decision to decrease or discontinue backward capability may decrease sales and adversely affect our business, operating results and financial condition.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 19 replies
  • January 22, 2020
Ryan S wrote:
Rcs476 wrote:
chickentender wrote:
Retro Kid wrote:


Then i hit the 65,000 limit. Frustrating, but worked round by buying a new NAS and running Plex with Plex Pass on it. Job done. I take pride in my Metadata and i enjoy my current setup.


I never ever thought my ability to listen to my own music stored on my own server in my own home, on speakers i paid a small fortune for could come to and end by a manufacturer flicking a switch.

To be entirely fair (i’m in a nearly identical scenario)… if you leave your now-deprecated Sonos devices as-is and effectively freeze your home’s ecosystem in it’s current state (except for the operational updates Sonos has now promised going forward) you should be able to continue on without issue. Plex is certainly one of the more “inclusive” platforms out there.
And incidentally, you might abandon the Sonos controller much of the for day-to-day use if you’ve not already. For the past while I’ve been using the Plex controller to cast to my Sonos speakers. Grouping isn’t supported but I don’t change groups terribly often, and IMO the Plex interface is more friendly overall. Here’s to hoping an open-source alternative for Sonos speaker control will one-day fall out of all of this.

Until their app updates to a version that requires your firmwares to be at a certain point. If you’re not using a jailbroken iphone, or an android and know how to install older APK files, you’re screwed.

The app shouldn't cause anyone trouble in the future. 


As we move forward, we will provide ways to separate your legacy and modern products so that the modern products can still receive updates, and legacy products can still be used. We'll have more details in May. 

I don't think you guys have until May. You need to get ahead of this now while people still care. In May people will have moved on. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2020

How is this working out for you SONOS. Seems to be going sideways quickly.

  • 3275 replies
  • January 22, 2020
PerfectSound wrote:
chicks wrote:
PerfectSound wrote:

Computer based systems? Sonos is selling speakers.


Yes, computer-based speakers.  Every one has a Linux computer inside.

In your logic its totally ok that if you buy a new car it will not work after few years. 

There is actually multiple different "computers" inside of new cars but no one will say that okay after May it might stop working.. Dont drive very far away from your home.

Its totally ok that you will not get all the latest thing to your car but its not okay that if it doesnt work at all. Same thing with the speakers.


Sonos isn’t saying the speakers will stop working, either.  Please read the first post of this thread...

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Dear Sonos,

what a mess - please let your software developers get creative and work extra shifts so that different generations of devices can continue to operate together acceptably in the future. If you're not able to do this, please put an expiration date sticker on your players so we know when they'll become hazardous waste...

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

A home fully integrated with thousand of dollars spent on system and your now telling us it’s obsolete!  Disgusted with you Sonus.  This is how you treat loyal customers?  30% discount! Never going to spend another penny on Sonus products. Will never again recommend Sonus, done it once, you will do it again to your customers.  Horrendous, damaging decision to your brand.  You have lost loyal customers forever. “Life with Sonus” ….. NOT ANY MORE.

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • January 22, 2020


 I thought the genius that invented “New Coke” retired.  
Fool me once.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

Very poor move by Sonos, the 30% is a joke. I will never purchase a Sonos product again. What a mess and way to sour taste in customers.

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