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Please add support for DTS for the Sonos Playbar.

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  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 27 replies
  • September 5, 2013
That's kind of my point, as clunky as I laid it out.

  • 27620 replies
  • September 5, 2013
My point was that Harmon Kardon announcing a new DTS capable soundbar is not that earth shattering an announcement, given that DTS soundbars are announced every day.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 27 replies
  • September 5, 2013
Well it's in the PLAYBAR's price range which is why I thought it was notable. I didn't know posting such information some how violated the thread and your sensibilities. You don't have to be so obnoxious about it.

  • Lyricist III
  • 32 replies
  • September 5, 2013
So let's agree on the statement that there are a lot of (cheaper) DTS-capable soundbars out there while expensive PLAYBAR isn't. Let's just hope that there really are no bandwidth issues behind the absence of DTS on the PLAYBAR, as Sander suspects above.

  • 27620 replies
  • September 5, 2013
@Tom I wasn't trying to be obnoxious, I was just pointing out that a DTS capable soundbar was nothing new. If I misinterpreted the meaning of your post, I apologize.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 27 replies
  • September 5, 2013
@Jgatie No problem, I understand where you're coming from. Carry on 🙂

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • September 5, 2013
Seriously - after a last check before buying 2 sets play bar-sub-play3's at €2.000 per set I have to find out that Sonos doesn't support DTS? DTS!!! Thank god I haven't clicked the submit button yet.

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • September 5, 2013
Just curious: do you get any sound if you route your Blu Ray to your playbar indirectly, through your TV?

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • September 5, 2013
A couple of weeks ago I bought a the Playbar and the Sub for our new TV. I had read about the disability to play DTS but didn't Think too much of it, I simply loved the Sonos idea! Now I'm planning to get rid of my old DVD player and get a 3D Blu-ray, but according to Hifiklubben in Sweden, who sold the Sonos, it doesn't matter which Blu-ray player I buy, there will still be Blu-ray discs without Dolby Digital as an option, and the Movie will be silent. INCREDIBLE! And they told me (this is supposed to be a very serious dealer network) that the always tell the customers that the Playbar isn't any homecinema machine, it's a music machine (can't recall that information). But still it's designed to work with a TV... I'm disappointed. I'm not sure how long I can wait until i return the Sonos goods, but this big investment doesn't seem like that big step forward as wanted. Compared to other option, backwards.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 6, 2013
I desperately need a soundbar as the tv built in speakers are horrendous and since I already own 5 sonos components the complete 5.1 playbar combo would be perfect for this. But as everyone else almost all of my media is DTS. Come on Sonos!

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 15 replies
  • September 7, 2013
It feels daft to me this hasn't already been implemented and is still only under consideration. No doubt there's is some cost attached to having the DTS codec, but when a full 5.1 setup costs around £1700, and pretty much all competitors are able to decode DTS, it's a major oversight not to include it. Particularly as it also transpires *most* TVs – even this year's new Panasonics – only pass 2.1 from the optical outputs. That will lead a lot of users, including me, to hooking up their AV gear direct to the Playbar (I use a Toslink switch). Factor in that the majority of Blur-rays opt for DTS as standard, and getting a 5.1 signal working properly with a Playbar becomes less likely and more of a ballache. Come on Sonos, sort it out. Or at least let us know what you've decided to do.

  • Enthusiast I
  • 76 replies
  • September 9, 2013
Why after 6 months and lots and lots of comments has there been no further statement from Sonos. At least acknowledge that you are reading these comments and that this topic is still under consideration and is being studied further. It seems as if your customers are posting lots of comments against an uncaring company.

  • Sonos Staff
  • 2045 replies
  • September 9, 2013
JohnD wrote:
Why after 6 months and lots and lots of comments has there been no further statement from Sonos. At least acknowledge that you are reading these comments and that this topic is still under consideration and is being studied further. It seems as if your customers are posting lots of comments against an uncaring company.

Hi JohnD, We are reading all these comments, this topic is still under consideration, and it is being studied further. The original response posted at the top of the thread still stands. While we've been active in the thread since that was posted, it's the current status, so we've left it. It might be time to refresh the statement though. Rest assured, every comment posted in this topic is read by Sonos (usually more than once).

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 24 replies
  • September 10, 2013
JohnD wrote:
Why after 6 months and lots and lots of comments has there been no further statement from Sonos. At least acknowledge that you are reading these comments and that this topic is still under consideration and is being studied further. It seems as if your customers are posting lots of comments against an uncaring company.

Hi John M, I appreciate you finally posting a response but in doing so you are just confirming what we have all been complaining about. We as a group of Sonos customers want more information as to the state of decision making and what the drivers of that decision will be. The communication in here should be 2 way, in line with modern customer service and relationships practice. It is in some ways more frustrating to know that comments are read and then 'ignored'. It would not be unrealistic to expect weekly updates to the small number of significant topics, as long as they weren't revealing trade secrets. Best regards, Neil

  • Sonos Staff
  • 2045 replies
  • September 10, 2013
JohnD wrote:
Why after 6 months and lots and lots of comments has there been no further statement from Sonos. At least acknowledge that you are reading these comments and that this topic is still under consideration and is being studied further. It seems as if your customers are posting lots of comments against an uncaring company.

Hi Neil, Thanks for sharing your point of view. I do want to make it clear that comments aren't ignored. Both what people say and how many say it are reviewed internally by Sonos as part of the consideration of the topic. Typically, we share information as it becomes available. At least in the context of this topic, there's nothing new which we can disclose and hasn't been for a little while. I understand that you'd like more insight into what's going on at Sonos and where we're at with this request. All I can say at the moment is that we'll provide more information when it's available. John

  • Enthusiast I
  • 76 replies
  • September 10, 2013
JohnD wrote:
Why after 6 months and lots and lots of comments has there been no further statement from Sonos. At least acknowledge that you are reading these comments and that this topic is still under consideration and is being studied further. It seems as if your customers are posting lots of comments against an uncaring company.

Hi John M Thank you for responding to this post thread. It is good to know that this topic is reviewed. I hope like many others that there will be some positive news from Sonos soon on this issue. There are many of us who love the Sonos product but feel that this issue should be dealt with rapidly as it seems to be a clear mistake that DTS is missing.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 11, 2013
Dear Sonos, Although it's nice to see you're still monitoring this issue, you really are about to run out of time with the DTS support issue. I've been planning to buy a soundbar-based system for some months now and I simply love both the concept and especially the design of Sonos, but as long as DTS isn't supported in a product that is advertised as an easy and comprehensive 5.1 solution, I just can't make myself to spend my money on your product. This is of course only my opinion, but based on the general feedback on this thread I clearly aren't alone in my opinion. You have been able to get away for a while with delaying the DTS support decision since your product is really awesome in general, but as there are currently multiple competing products with similar sound quality *and* the DTS support (plus multiple HDMI-inputs), the shortcomings of the soundbar are really starting to hurt it bad as the lack of DTS support has been just too much of a deal breaker to me and apparently to many, many other potential Sonos customers. As the things stand now, there is no reason for me not to get one of the alternatives with none of the glaring problems (lack of DTS and HDMI support) of Sonos. Yes, each of them will be a compromise aesthetically and also in terms of loosing the nicely flexible Sonos architecture, but that's a compromise I'm just too live with if you are unable or unwilling to address at least the DTS issue. Also as a final comment. I really, *really* hope that if you eventually end up supporting DTS that you won't shaft your existing customer base and release the DTS support only in the next physical iteration of the soundbar instead of a patch to the current model. If that happens, I'll pretty much drop Sonos as a possible alternative for my media needs. And yes, I really do like your product enough to actually go through the trouble of creating a Sonos account, just so that I could leave the feedback here, that's how much people like what you do. So please, return the sentiment and listen to your customers. Good ideas and engineering (and bad software decisions) will only take you so far if you keep ignoring what your customer base is trying to tell you. Best regards, Mikko M.

  • Local Superstar
  • 1456 replies
  • September 11, 2013
John - thanks for your update. However it actually leaves me more uneasy than before. You acknowledge that many existing and potential customers are clamoring for DTS support but the fact that that there's nothing new to disclose and hasnt been for a while suggests a) you're too busy with other more important things (?) so havent really had the time to look into it or b) you've looked into it and its only possible with new hardware so you'll just keep quiet until Playbar MkII is ready or c) its a noisy minority that are complaining and the costs of licensing and implementation outweigh additional revenue that would be generated. You wont be doing it but rather keep people hoping for as long as possible to sell a few more units or d) you are really seriously considering it and your engineers are hard at it but haven't yet ironed out all the details so don't want to announce anything prematurely. I really hope its d) but since several months have elapsed already for the technical aspects to be handled I more suspect its one of the others. any more indication you can give us ? thanks, Nick

  • Sonos Staff
  • 2045 replies
  • September 11, 2013
Hi everyone,

There's been a lot of activity on this topic in the last few weeks and we know you'd all like to know more.

A decision to add DTS decoding to PLAYBAR has not been made. We hear the request. This feature is under consideration, but we have no further details to share at this time. When the status of Under Consideration changes to either Planned or Not Planned, this community will be among the first to know.

For reference we have published and updated a set of idea status definitions in another topic.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • September 12, 2013
I for one will not purchase until DTS is added. With new systems such as Pure and Cambridge audio making push in the market, Sonos would do well to listen to their loyal customers.

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 59 replies
  • September 13, 2013
I thought about this topic quite a while. I'm fully supporting this request, but I'm wondering what Sonos would pay to add DTS including surround sound playback? Would they have to pay DTS license fees for all speakers, since all have to support the playback of DTS sound as well for 5.1 sound? Or would they pay only for the sold playbars and use transcoding to send the sound to all other speakers? Wouldn't that bring an additional delay for the surround sound? I'm interested in your opinions.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 13, 2013
Oliver wrote:
I thought about this topic quite a while. I'm fully supporting this request, but I'm wondering what Sonos would pay to add DTS including surround sound playback? Would they have to pay DTS license fees for all speakers, since all have to support the playback of DTS sound as well for 5.1 sound? Or would they pay only for the sold playbars and use transcoding to send the sound to all other speakers? Wouldn't that bring an additional delay for the surround sound? I'm interested in your opinions.

Good question! I'm interesting in the answer as well.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • September 13, 2013
The updated status is not even funny !

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 14, 2013
I saw one of these on demo yesterday and loved it. When I found it doesnt support DTS I bought the Yamaha YSP 2200. Shame, I love the wireless concept but you gotta fix the DTS issue!

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • September 15, 2013
+1 for DTS support, please Sonos embrace the demand for this request as most new Blu-Ray are just DTS.... please

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