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New Sonos app - The worst ever

I am writing to express my frustration and disappointment with the latest update of your app. Since the update, I have encountered numerous issues that have severely disrupted my experience:

  1. Speaker Detection Issues: The app intermittently fails to detect my speakers. They appear and disappear at random, making it impossible to manage them effectively.
  2. Grouping Problems: When I try to split the music in one room from the group, the remaining speakers stop working and cannot be re-grouped. This has rendered the multi-room functionality unusable.
  3. Playback Failures: None of the speakers will play music after attempting to manage them through the app.
  4. App Connectivity: The app frequently loses connection with the speakers and is unable to detect them again.

Moreover, the support wait times are exceedingly long, often over 70 minutes, and the chat support has not been helpful in resolving these issues. This situation is unacceptable and has caused significant inconvenience.

I urge you to provide an option to revert to the previous version of the app until these critical bugs are resolved. Additionally, I would appreciate a more responsive and effective support system to address these urgent issues.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

After the last major update that basically bricked my Sonos system, I deleted the app went to apkmirror and installed the old version.  All was right with my system again.  As of today, the old version will no longer control my system and it is forcing me to do an update to the latest version.   Sonos, PLEASE fix this abomination of an app.  This is absolutely ridiculous. 

Hi @M_Dannhauser, I’m afraid you are correct on all counts …


Finding Alarms is so counter intuitive. Now I say ‘I hate Sonos’ or ‘Sonos is such a piece of 💩’ or ‘This was so expensive, and I can’t use it.’ 

Open up your App api to the world. Let us fix this. Please. 🙏 Encourage us to make it awesome. 

I was hoping it was just me but alas not. I had also installed an older version of the app and as if today they won't control my speakers.


The new software is horrendous for all the reasons people already listed. But now the company is actively blocking me from my own equipment that I purchased! If there's a security risk with the old version that is mine to make.

They've bricked my entire system for no reason what so ever. Absolute garbage.

Does anyone know how Patrick Spence got on today?

It was his first day at Microsoft….


This is atroucious customer negligence- where is your feedback on clearly a massive development launch cock up….. please address your customers - TODAY!

I (like most good people on this forum), have invested my hard earned money into a significant amount of your hardware which all functioned perfectly on the S2 app……

  • where has the EQ gone on each of the volume controls when I group speakers? Who is responsible for saying this is OK in your QA team?
  • Why do I lose connection on a seperately purchased WiFi network, to honour the Sonos proprietary signal and my own network - every time I change a playlist and/or Sonos Radio service……?
  • Why do my neighbours, who also own a Sonos system, swear at the top of their voices when the app crashes and/or appears non responsive when they too try and select a new song on spotify…..?
  • Why have you justified negating any development effort, simply to appease a new set of Headphones as part of your new go to market strategy? Sacrificing your historical customer base with a shoddy app experience?
  • What say you Sonos?

If nothing else, please acknowledge that you’re working on it to all of those who have bothered to raise their concens on your own community forum…..



This is atroucious customer negligence- where is your feedback on clearly a massive development launch cock up….. please address your customers - TODAY!

I (like most good people on this forum), have invested my hard earned money into a significant amount of your hardware which all functioned perfectly on the S2 app……

  • where has the EQ gone on each of the volume controls when I group speakers? Who is responsible for saying this is OK in your QA team?
  • Why do I lose connection on a seperately purchased WiFi network, to honour the Sonos proprietary signal and my own network - every time I change a playlist and/or Sonos Radio service……?
  • Why do my neighbours, who also own a Sonos system, swear at the top of their voices when the app crashes and/or appears non responsive when they too try and select a new song on spotify…..?
  • Why have you justified negating any development effort, simply to appease a new set of Headphones as part of your new go to market strategy? Sacrificing your historical customer base with a shoddy app experience?
  • What say you Sonos?

If nothing else, please acknowledge that you’re working on it to all of those who have bothered to raise their concens on your own community forum…..



They've had this link at the very top of their support page almost since day 1:


Totally agree - this new app is absolutely terrible.  It feels like every aspect has been downgraded, especially system management/connectivity and volume control.  PLEASE REVERT BACK TO THE OLD VERSION!!!  I was planning on continuing to build out my Sonos system but won’t buy another product until this issue is resolved!!  Glad to see I’m not the only one feeling frustrated.

It’s so dreadful. Nothing works, speakers won’t connect, playlists have disappeared. I could go on. I think worse aspect is that the old app was instinctive and easy to use. The new one ……’s just a total mess. Sonos have shot themselves in the foot. Just give us the old app back pls 

Literally the worst piece of software I’ve ever used. I’ve spent many thousands on Sonos products and they’re virtually useless. Class action imminent surely.

insanely insanely bad. 
fire someone

It’s awful. Dreadful. Laggy. Pathetic. Doesn’t work. First they tell us (some of their) hardware doesn’t work. Then they send us a software update that doesn’t work either. Who runs Sonos? Why do they hate their customers. 

I agree - I haven’t been able to use my Move  device for months. Support is beyond useless. What is going to make the sort this stuff out? Beyond annoying 

I agree with everyone here with how abysmal the performance is of the sonos app.  Outrageous.

Literally the worst piece of software I’ve ever used. I’ve spent many thousands on Sonos products and they’re virtually useless. Class action imminent surely.

insanely insanely bad. 
fire someone

It’s awful. Dreadful. Laggy. Pathetic. Doesn’t work. First they tell us (some of their) hardware doesn’t work. Then they send us a software update that doesn’t work either. Who runs Sonos? Why do they hate their customers. 

How do we get a class action going?

How do we get a class action going?


Apparently, the way to get a class action going to to post endlessly about getting a class action suit going on this forum, without ever consulting an actual lawyer.  Because that’s all anyone ever does. 

Has anyone on this thread updated the app today???

How do we get a class action going?


Apparently, the way to get a class action going to to post endlessly about getting a class action suit going on this forum, without ever consulting an actual lawyer.  Because that’s all anyone ever does. 

Or, you say you’re consulting with a lawyer but never give a progress report or say how people can join the action. 

One other possibility is that your a Sonos user and a lawyer, and you realise there’s no case for Sonos to answer to but don’t want to be the one to spoil the party?

I have updated the app today and still have all the same problems. But I have had enough and just replaced all the Sonos rubbish with Alexa and that just works. 

I would have preferred to keep the Sonos as until recently it was the best product but considering their total lack of progress to resolve I am now an ex customer and suggest other people do the same if they can afford it 

I have updated the app today and still have all the same problems. But I have had enough and just replaced all the Sonos rubbish with Alexa and that just works. 

I would have preferred to keep the Sonos as until recently it was the best product but considering their total lack of progress to resolve I am now an ex customer and suggest other people do the same if they can afford it 


Of course you have.  And you’ve used you very first and only post here to tell us about it?  Sure. 

I have updated the app today and still have all the same problems. But I have had enough and just replaced all the Sonos rubbish with Alexa and that just works. 

I would have preferred to keep the Sonos as until recently it was the best product but considering their total lack of progress to resolve I am now an ex customer and suggest other people do the same if they can afford it 


Of course you have.  And you’ve used you very first and only post here to tell us about it?  Sure. 

What is your point? I don’t know you and all I did was share what I did to overcome the terrible thing that Sonos has become so I really don’t see why you felt the need for your pointless message. 

What is your point? I don’t know you and all I did was share what I did to overcome the terrible thing that Sonos has become so I really don’t see why you felt the need for your pointless message. 


My point is that this forum is riddled with one-and-done posts that say nothing about the problems being experienced, ask for no help, give no details, and simply slag on the product and state they are selling/throwing out a window/setting on fire/throwing in the trash, etc. thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.  They also seem to know far more about the history of this forum and prior Sonos advertising (i.e. “just works”) than a one-and-done poster would be expected to know.

In short, it is easy to spot a sock puppet poster who thinks shot gunning their views which do nothing but complain will get the attention of the powers that be and force them to bend to their will.  

Erm I think enough people here have already shared a narrative that accurately explains the problems that people including myself faced. 

so I still don’t understand why you waste keystrokes on pointless messages.  

what have to done to try to help people or do you just s***post? 


Erm I think enough people here have already shared a narrative that accurately explains the problems that people including myself faced. 

so I still don’t understand why you waste keystrokes on pointless messages.  

what have to done to try to help people or do you just s***post? 



I can guarantee I've helped more people in the last 3 months than most posters have in their entire lives.

Of course you have. Well done to you. 

maybe you should go and work for Sonos then as they can certainly use a proactive suooort person such as yourself. 

take the weekend off, you deserve it 

Erm I think enough people here have already shared a narrative that accurately explains the problems that people including myself faced. 

so I still don’t understand why you waste keystrokes on pointless messages.  

what have to done to try to help people or do you just s***post? 


If you look at the profile you’ll see that @jgatie has been credited with solving over 2100 issues for users. So: yes, @jgatie does help people. I suspect that experience over the years means it’s easier to spot posts with frivolous threats (promises?) to throw away perfectly functional hardware. 

It wasn’t a frivolous threat, I have replaced the stuff but I didn’t really want to. 

this place is an echo chamber where people vent about the awful update that has effectively broken what was the most impressive streaming kit ever. That’s not my fault and looking at the myriad of posts about the exact same issue all I did was share what I did to solve the problem. 

if you are all so good at resolving these issues I am baffled why the solution has not been posted or the app updated to actually fix it. 

good luck not listening to your Sonos devices my friend, I’m not here to argue so enjoy and move forward 

Sorry to disappoint you, but like some others my system is working just fine. 

I think I struck a nerve. 
