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new app update is SLOW. SLOW. SLOW!!!!

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174 replies

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 25, 2024

I have send a mail to Mabe it helps..?

  • Lyricist III
  • 11 replies
  • May 25, 2024

The new app is a disgrace. I am a longtime user and love the hardware.  However, the software has always been barely tolerable.  After the update, I am not sure it’s tolerable any longer.  It’s so painful to use the system that it offsets the pleasure of listening to music.

What’s the explanation for this? It seems self defeating and unsustainable for Sonos to make such horrendous software. 

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • May 25, 2024

New upgrade is more than a downgrade of the app. Volume is lagging terribly cannot control my Sonos environment in a normal way..! How is this possible from such a company?! Things should only get better. 
I really hope there is an upgrade soon to help these issues. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • May 26, 2024

New app is slow and often fails to load the display of current activity. Searching is cumbersome. Everything reacts with a latency that has increased immensely. Functions like playlist edit are gone. Seriously disappointed. Is there a roll-back option? 

Totally agere to e everything Said and written in this string.
Testing before releasens would have been nice.

old app was ok. This is bad.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 27, 2024

I came here to see if it was just me….at least I won’t bother buying a top of the range modem…Someone at Sonos has obviously thought that it’d be a good idea to tick their loyal fan base off and make their app as awful as the competition. Ive had my Sonos setup for years now and had it working smoothly, on 12 or so speakers and was loving it. 

Then this damn update…..what an own goal Sonos. As everyone is saying- it’s glacial….speakers disappear. You try to change volume but it doesn’t register and then flicks the page off as it hasn’t registered a response. The layout is confusing…the voice assistant doesn’t respond consistently….the voice assistant won’t always perform simple commands….the volume settings are clunky at best -it feels like a cheap copy of your last app….really?  Why wasn’t it released as a beta for 6 months? I rent my place out and I can’t let me guests use the app as they’ll spend most of their holiday trying to work out this buggy, unprofessional mess. It really isn’t good enough…seriously- I shake my head…again - wtf? 

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • May 27, 2024

Here i am completely agree ! 
Also volume control does not replicate our slide , i turn ON and it goes back ! and sometime music disappear. Many many points has big problems i WANT OLD APP

at prices that SONOS sell product customers PRETEND a SUPERB APP WORKING 100 % 

To access to nes app i have reset all speakers at factory reset !!!!!!!!!!!!  and one by one again 

it’s crazy ! 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 29, 2024

I have just updated the app and had to spend 5 hrs reconnecting my system. The app is so slow. On opening, I'm always faced with the system being offline and the app is slow to respond to any of my selections. Did anyone check it before it was released?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 29, 2024

The new app update is horrible. I've been a Sonos user from the very beginning and have mostly been satisfied. This is so disappointing and the new update makes the system almost unusable. Does anyone know if you can remove and download the previous version? If not, and if they don’t fix this soon, will need to look into a different home system. 

Having so many problems with the new App, will echo all others on here its to put it politely Bloody awful. I am now having issues such as unable to play Apple Music or asking it to play a station and it just sits there while it thinks about playing it.

Sonos App development please sort this mess out thank you

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • June 1, 2024

Just to add to the rant. After the latest updates, the app became practically unusable. 

- Takes minutes to play/pause, switch track

- Takes minutes to change volume

- Takes minutes to see playlist

- Widget gone

Why update and make the app suck? Please make the app usable again. Don't forget to test before releasing, please. I don't want to throw all this expensive equipment in the trash can. I wish there was a way to go back to the app version that actually works... 

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 11 replies
  • June 1, 2024

I can only second everything written here. The app is painfully slow. Takes ages to update current playing song. Sound volume control is random. Grouping of speakers unreliable. I have been a Sonos user for ten years and this is rock bottom. Been working fine and the new app is a disaster from performance and reliability point of view. When do we get a fix in place?!

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 1, 2024

Totally agree - hate this update.  Terribly slow and interface makes no sense.   Definitely not up to what I expect from Sonos

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 1, 2024

Good to see, that others also have the same issue. It was already terrible before and sometimes basic functions don’t work. When open the app it takes about 20s until the app finds the controller. Stop and play action or volume adjustments takes seconds or ends in a connection error. 

I spend two hours today reset ALL speakers, delete the app, restart my iPhone. After this, i connected just ONE Play 3 over LAN > Same effect. The Windows-App seems to do better running on a laptop (also connected to the same SSID / VLAN) 

I see a lot of threats where we should reset routers, restart the access points or other not really useful tipps. The point is: IF i had a problem on my network, i also had problems on ohter devices. The speakers also don’t have problems to play sound, no interruptions. The problem is CONTROL the speakers which makes the entire Sonos ecosystem almost unusable. 

Even worse: While having a non funtional app, the only what is reliably working are the ads!! Sonos: If you want that we buy more Sonos products, fix your apps!! I can’t understand why the app has such a good reputation in the app store. Something’s goning wrong there...

Today a was close to throw all my Sonos boxes out of the window. I was a fan of this products over 10 Years, but enough is enough. 


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 2, 2024


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 2, 2024

A relief - although bitter - to find that others are having the same problems since the new app was released. It takes too long for commands to communicate to the system, so one is left running to the actual speakers to turn them down, or off. Navigating the app is also still cumbersome, even after a few weeks of work of practice. Come on SONOS - pull a rabbit out of the hat and improve the app ASAP, please…

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 2, 2024

Yes, the latest version of the app is slow and basically unusable from our Apple devices. We’ve been happy with our multi-room installation until now, but this version destroys the whole experience. The Sonos sound quality is great, but if you can’t select a song or change volume, then sound quality doesn’t really matter….

 I really hope that Sonos will fix this ASAP!!


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 2, 2024

Read through both rather massive growing pages and hopefully Sonos is at least paying attention (they don’t seem to be…this is their own web community and zero response or weigh in..).


The old app had a few low periods so I’m trying to be patient but this is absolutely pathetic for a company that charges more for better software and customer service, neither of which is happening here.


Sonos must really think highly of themselves and less of their customer base to just let people get upset and adjust their purchasing power to grab less of their stuff over software performance they could fix or amend or speak to…if they cared.


anyway, new app is slower and worse than the last and I’m running it on an iPhone 15 pro and a fiber optic connection, so it’s not my equipment or connection.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 276 replies
  • June 2, 2024

When I launch the app it seems to take about a minute before the screen draws!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 4, 2024

I created an account just add my voice to the frustration of the new app. It is so poorly coded.

It is so slow to the point it is unusable and if doesn’t get fixed soon it will make the switch easier.

The UI is also less intuitive and confusing.

And frankly it’s offensive that it has advertising considering the cost of the hardware 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 276 replies
  • June 4, 2024
Odiez wrote:

I created an account just add my voice to the frustration of the new app. It is so poorly coded.

It is so slow to the point it is unusable and if doesn’t get fixed soon it will make the switch easier.

The UI is also less intuitive and confusing.

And frankly it’s offensive that it has advertising considering the cost of the hardware 

It’s amusing that, at least for me, the advertising is the first thing to come up. Then I kill the app and re-launch it to see more of the app.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 4, 2024

I agree with everything said here. I have a <2 year old iphone and gigabit fiber internet and a stable LAN. Yet the app is completely useless. I adjust volume and it takes about 5 seconds. Then it jumps to full volume and I have to adjust it again. I was forced to upgrade multiple devices when S1 was discontinued, and now I find using the system is annoying to the point I want to get rid of it. 


SONOS - please let us revert back to the old app. Every update over the last year made the system worse!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 6, 2024

Same here.. This new update is putting my patience to the test. A whole new experience of 'kicking off your shoes and enjoy some sweet music on the couch'. And when you switch apps, it has to reload aaaalll oooveeerrrr agaaaiinnnn..

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 7, 2024

I've always loved having my multi-room Sonos system, but look, I've really got to add my mounting dissatisfaction to the App situation. 

Every new version in the last 12 years has added a little more delay on Opening/Connecting to the system and to my account, a little more 'clunkiness' to navigating the screens and a little less responsiveness to changing volume, but seriously, this latest update is just riddiculous! 

Truely terrible... and constantly irritating... and this with full fibre broadband and high speed wifi.

What have Sonos added to the software or the way it connects that makes it so incredibly cluncky now??? 

Are these updates so fundamental, or geared to new/forthcoming tech/products, that this dreadful user experience cannot be corrected????

Please SONOS, do something about it before all get fed up and move on to something else.

Owned my sonos setup (3 speakers) for 8 years now. Last year or so I've seen a significant decline in being able to control the speakers via the app. Insanely slow response to the point of extreme frustration. As others pointed out, it can take up to two minutes for the app to even identify my speakers... Average time to get volume to change is about 15 seconds. Grouping often fails. Ability to use Spotify to drive songs via sonos has basically become inoperable. All-in-all a massive failure on sonos. These issues were near non-existent for me from years 1-6...just the last couple years they've lost focus on the fundamentals. Do better. Be good again. Or else, adios. 

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