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new app update is SLOW. SLOW. SLOW!!!!

Before I get into how SLOW it is, let’s talk about the interface - TERRIBLE.  
Alarm - missing.  

Search - terrible.

play list maintenance- missing

i completely regret adding multiple SONOs devices to my home.


hey SONOS -  get your act together and FIX IT!

174 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

I’m right there with you. REALLY slow and clunky… really kind of disappointed with Sonos lately too.


 P.S. Sonos:  I don’t need your voice recognition to affirm my commands, Just obey them!!! 

Userlevel 3

Have to agree. I was finally starting to feel more satisfied woth my connection, then updated to the new app and its awful. The delay in the app to show whats actually playing is terrible. Even volume control is rubbish. I'm not sure what they thought was better about the new app, no idea.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

This was tested before release?!   Truly awful… For Mac users, this is reminiscent on the 1password disaster…. let’s just hope they can fix it before they lose all their customers!


I truly regret getting into the Sonos ecosystem.  Sound is great, but that’s about it.

Userlevel 3

Totally agree, new app is UNUSABLE . Way toooo slow

Userlevel 3

I agree with all these comments -- the new updated app is a total disappointment and I wonder if it was tested by anyone outside of their own company. It’s extremely slow, clunky, and harder to navigate/control than before. As a longtime user and stockholder, at this point I wish Apple would acquire Sonos. Was so excited for some improvements so this update is a real disappointment. 

Userlevel 3

Totally with you people. 

Update an app to make it worse seems to go against common sense.


how can I resale my equipment and switch to other speakers? 

Userlevel 3

We’re using Sonos also in a professional environment. Since 1 week the system is useless. App too slow, can’t find system,… all different problems we didn’t have before.
Was this tested before releasing to the public?
Hope to have a fix soon!

Userlevel 3

Yep, agree with everything said. Takes whole minutes to turn the volume up! Jumping tracks backwards or forwards hardly worth trying. Joke, complete Joke!

Userlevel 2

The new update has made my app unusable, as it is so slow and unresponsive. I use it through Spotify, 5 speakers in the house basically redundant and now have to play through two Google speakers. This is a joke, no wait it's not funny at all, how can things like this be released, is there any sort of testing!? Get it together Sonos

Userlevel 3

Please give us back the old app until you fix the new one! My system is virtually unusable!

Userlevel 4

Same overhere. Got 12 Sonos speakers all connected on an reliable LAN. The old app was also not really responsive but the new version is really a disaster!

When controlling volume there is a lag of more then 5 seconds. This is not acceptable. Loading playlists is failing in 70% of the time. Fastforward function and loading new playlists are not responsive and very slow.

I bought Sonos because of quality and wanted to spend more money to get this  but  this is really disappointing.

Sonos do something with it!


Userlevel 2

It’s a nightmare. How did they manage to make it worse??? Almost unusable. Just some restyling of the  graphic and it takes forever to change song, skips songs, volume is impossible to adjust. So disappointed with this company and I have 10 speakers. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Come on!  At minimum, fix the volume adjustment issue. It takes seconds to respond at all, and then 3/4s of the time, the volume returns to where it was before a few seconds later. It makes me HATE my Sonos system.  I’m running the app on a gen 6 iPad, so recent hardware and OS. This is absolute incompetence. Sonos, you make incredible hardware, but it’s mostly reliant on what has always been a substandard control app. Now, it’s just unusable. FIX THE BASICS NOW!!!!!

Userlevel 2

While heartedly agree - the app is a massive let down - wish I’d ignored the update.

Userlevel 2

What a user experience and PR mess!  I am/was a huge fan but am about to replace my whole system and hear the same from friends if nothing happens fast. A premium product/investment should provide a premium experience, always and seamless.

Please acknowledge at least that you let us down and that you are working on a solution. It is OK to make a mistake but not hearing from you is making it worse and lets me draw my own conclusions.


ps. in the meantime - stop sending emails promoting the new app(!) or creating buzz about new products releasing soon,…. we couldnt care less at this moment



Userlevel 1

New app is pathetically slow. 

The only positive the the additional steps i now make to get the the buttons on the devices rather than using the app.

Meanwhile my for old units on S1, i have almost instant control as soon as i open the app.


Its really not go enough.



Userlevel 2

Is there a way to go back to the old app until the abomination of a so called new updated app is fixed?

Userlevel 4

Hello Sonos, where are you? Please respond to all of your customers who spends lots of money to have a premium product! Solve this problem fast as your customerbase will decrease rapidly if you ignore everybody. Do you not appreciate feedback? 

Userlevel 2

Why, why, why? 
app slower than ever before, volume lagging, search lagging, loading music lagging, speakers unresponsive and lagging, speaker selection lagging, spotify cutting off every now and then, adding new speaker to system- you beter put a holiday in to work as it takes that long to get it in the system. 
not to mention the app layout is horrendous takes you longer to sift through everything on top of it already running slow 

why change something that worked perfectly fine. 

Userlevel 4

Sonos, is this the latest trainee project?😂

Userlevel 3

New app is shockingly slow..... Pretty unusable to be honest.... Come on Sonos, get this fixed

Userlevel 1

Totally agree! It’s terrible on all accounts. I am only hoping they will update/fix it because otherwise the whole system is a waste of money.

Userlevel 1

Got to add my voice to the general despair with the update, virtually unusable.  Spent more than 2.5 hours queuing to speak to an engineer to sort out the file sharing protocol - which is now incredibly complicated if you're a Mac user.  After getting that fixed I discover the app is rubbish.  And yes why aren't Sonos responding to thse complaints.  Second rate and shoddy.

Userlevel 3

Just tried chat support... Waiting for about 20 mins in a queue.... Chatted with someone who was frankly clueless for almost 30 mins... He then admitted that the app was "causing lots of issues" then when I asked what they were going to do about it, he terminated the chat....




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Userlevel 2

I can't believe they have not reacted to this. My system is painful to use now.....makes me want to punch sonos in the face everytime I want to listen to music.


Bunch of useless idiots!
