Just to make sure I am correct (because it is hard to believe): the new app does not allow connection to a local music library - only to streaming services. I had the confirmed in a chat with the customer service people but it seems so whacky that I thought I should check here.
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- new app (iOS) and local music library (NAS)
new app (iOS) and local music library (NAS)
- May 9, 2024
- 113 replies
- Trending Lyricist I
- 10 replies
Best answer by Cochonou
No, actually it allows connecting to a local library, but with a lot of limitations :
- No set-up of new librairies
- No indexing of the music librairies
- No search in the music librairies
- No full shuffle play of the music libraries
- No queue control (but it is the same from every source)
So if you can, it is best not to update. If you have updated, the best workaround until they (eventually) fix all of this is to run a Plex server on your NAS if you can, and add this as a music source in the Sonos app.
Or use the desktop applications for Windows or Mac.
113 replies
- Enthusiast II
- 38 replies
- Answer
- May 9, 2024
No, actually it allows connecting to a local library, but with a lot of limitations :
- No set-up of new librairies
- No indexing of the music librairies
- No search in the music librairies
- No full shuffle play of the music libraries
- No queue control (but it is the same from every source)
So if you can, it is best not to update. If you have updated, the best workaround until they (eventually) fix all of this is to run a Plex server on your NAS if you can, and add this as a music source in the Sonos app.
Or use the desktop applications for Windows or Mac.
- Local Superstar
- 2561 replies
- May 9, 2024
There’s more…
- Also no ability to add or edit playlists.
- No ability to select an artists album from a track playing
- Also no confidence these things will be restored in future updates
to name but a few!
Please Sonos listen to your customers and allow download for the S2 app alongside the new app whilst it is still in development.
- jreddaway
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- Lyricist III
- 8 replies
- May 9, 2024
Yep, Sonos are ***holes. I have all my music on a NAS, shared via DLNA, Plex, and SMB. Now these ***hats have arbitrarily removed my ability to search my own music library.
Months of avoiding the new ****tier search, and now it's all for nought as the app has updated in the background. Stuff you and your arrogant push to streaming-only users.
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
- argive
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- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 11, 2024
même soucis, j’ai toute ma musique sur un nas , je viens d’équiper ma maison en sonos (séjour, salon, tv, veranda) et là, sans aucun avertissement, aucune mise en garde, aucun moyen de retour en arrière (via iphone) patatra, on lance une mise à jour bancale , de toute évidence non testée, et surtout avec des possibilités qui disparaissent (sans gestion de mon NAS, je bazarde tout et je fais de la pub pour sonos) je rame pendant des heures,… pour rien, ça me rends fou !
et vu les informations publiées par sonos, depuis, heureusement que les utilisateurs s’entraident…
Franchement, au delà de l’aspect technique, c’est quand même faire preuve d’une incompétence et d’un mépris des utilisateurs hors norme, cette façon de faire.
j’imagine demain arriver dans mon supermarché et apprendre que les caddies sont supprimés et que ne peut payer qu’en espèces...
-Pourquoi n’avoir pas constitué un panel de testeurs
-pourquoi ne pas permettre de télécharger la précédente version
-pourquoi ne pas avior donné le choix aux utilisateurs
on a vu des sociétés “chuter” pour moins que ça
- Enthusiast II
- 76 replies
- May 11, 2024
Have tried all the available third party apps for iOS and the clear winner is SonoPhone.
Will be using that until Sonos get their act together or I move on to a different system. This update has ruined my whole experience and I am so angry - leaving poor (accurate) reviews wherever I can...
- bullfinch
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- Pearl83
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- Ken_O
- Sex
- MartinDyer
- DDD-Block
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 11, 2024
Have tried all the available third party apps for iOS and the clear winner is SonoPhone.
Will be using that until Sonos get their act together or I move on to a different system. This update has ruined my whole experience and I am so angry - leaving poor (accurate) reviews wherever I can...
merci pour cette astuce, je l’ai téléchargé et sa fait le boulot en attendant
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 11, 2024
je me demande dans quelle mesure une action (collective) en justice serait justifiée. cette mise à jour rend presque obsolete l’ensemble des enceinte sonos qui ne sont pas bon marché. C’est un peu comme si le cable de rechargement de ta voiture électrique était changé d’office pour un qui ne fonctionne pas
- Lyricist III
- 6 replies
- May 11, 2024
WTH is up with Sonos ? First (a while ago) they decide to obsolete perfectly good amps etc. and, under user pressure, decided to reinstate them with a second S1 app. Then they decided that the S1 app wouldn’t support SMB1 so I couldn’t access my NAS Music Library with that amp . Now…..I go to my updated (apparently !) iPhone Sonos S2 app to play some music from my NAS Music Library only to find Sonos has decided to drop support for that in their disgusting update to S2 that I’ll never use. I used to love the Sonos products but given their unilateral approach to deciding what features, components to support and drop I will never purchase another one of their products or update any of my existing equipment (just in case they decide to implement further unilateral decisions). Someone needs to tell them that their users don’t all buy multiple streaming services that I’m sure Sonos is getting some kickback on !
Flattliner suggested SonoPhone so I paid my 2 bucks and downloaded it - it’s great, thanks so much Flattliner - it does everything the Sonos app should do and I get my S1 equipment back in one app with access to my Music Library.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 12, 2024
Ongelofelijk slecht wat Sonos doet, nieuwe App zonder de mogelijkheid vanaf NAS te streamen. Onvoorstelbaar voor zo’n bedrijf.
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 12, 2024
Another NAS based music library user here, who was shocked to see the new app being completely useless, to the point of class-action-I-want-a-total-refund-for-my-entire-Sonos-system-bad.
Thanks for the tip about SonoPhone. I prefer to use my ipad for controlling my Sonos system, so I just bought the ipad variant, SonoPad.
Now now my Sonos system is usable again.
The official app will get zero usage by me from now on. I am keeping it installed on one of my devices, just to keep track of any improvements that might make it usable again. But that would require quite a revamp, to bring back all the missing functionality, or a roll-back to the previous app.
- Author
- Trending Lyricist I
- 10 replies
- May 12, 2024
Another NAS based music library user here, who was shocked to see the new app being completely useless, to the point of class-action-I-want-a-total-refund-for-my-entire-Sonos-system-bad.
Thanks for the tip about SonoPhone. I prefer to use my ipad for controlling my Sonos system, so I just bought the ipad variant, SonoPad.
Now now my Sonos system is usable again.
The official app will get zero usage by me from now on. I am keeping it installed on one of my devices, just to keep track of any improvements that might make it usable again. But that would require quite a revamp, to bring back all the missing functionality, or a roll-back to the previous app.
Any feedback on the SonoPad app? I am using SonoPhone and thinking to invest also in the Pad variant.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 12, 2024
I’ve been a Sonos user since the beginning. But not being able to play my local stored music - will probably end the relationship with Sonos.
I have around 60.000 music files on my NAS.
Sorry Sonos - you have to do better than that.
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 12, 2024
Any feedback on the SonoPad app? I am using SonoPhone and thinking to invest also in the Pad variant.
I have used SonoPad for a very short time this morning, and initial testing shows that browsing my music library works very well. It is also possible to add stuff to end of queue, which is currently gone in the official app.
So I am a happy SonoPad user, so far.
It does not seem possible to install system updates to the Sonos devices from SonoPad, but considering their software update practices, that might be all for the better!
- Lyricist III
- 13 replies
- May 12, 2024
“…..Or use the desktop applications for Windows or Mac.”
CONFIRMED: The Windows “Webapp” does not allow local library management to any usable extent. It is very frustrating that I cannot now use anything but the new apps as my Windows Desktop Sonos executable will not work unless I force update to Webapp.
This seems to be total disregard for the loyal user base that came to Sonos for the local or NAS library features.
It feels that Sonos continues to push the user base closer to the inevitable Pay Us to Play YOUR Music on OUR SERVERS business model.
Does this telegraph that Sonos is struggling to meet investor and stockholder dividends and is willing to throw out loyal customers for the profit? Let’s hope not but I think it’s going to take a good amount of effort for Sonos to convince most of us otherwise.
Bad move Sonos.
Very disappointed in you :/
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 12, 2024
Are you kidding me?!!! PLAYING MY 80,000 SONG LIBRARY IS THE REASON I BOUGHT SONOS! Why do we out up with this?
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 12, 2024
Yes, I am beyond angry about this, as I mainly use sonos with my music library, stored both on an NAS and backup drives.
I downloaded the new app for iOS when prompted, and there was no notice of features or limitations on features.
I immediately contacted SONOS upon figuring out that I couldn’t really use my system anymore (Hi, where are my SONOS playlists?) and was told that the library, playlist, and other BASIC functions would be available over the next few months (as if that was an acceptable answer). When I asked to show me how to roll back, I was told that was not an option, but I could join the SONOS BETA program so that I would have first access to new functionality over the next few months.
It’s as if they just discovered programming and forgot to fully test the product. LOTS of ppl use SONOS with their physical libraries; I can’t believe what a lamea** decision this was to release the software without either a way to roll it back, or with basic functionality
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- May 12, 2024
Not “allowing” NAS connection is a terrible move. Basically, what you’ve done is cripple the system, reduce it to a series of bluetooth speakers (albeit on the network) that can only stream music from the device running the app. If I had wanted this, I would have bought a dozen Bose bluetooth speakers.
Hey Sonos - don’t cripple the system. I have 2TB of music I cannot play via your system. Please - FIX THE SYSTEM! If you want a streaming-only app, fine. But some of us own our own music, and we want to be able to play it.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 12, 2024
Does SonoPhone work with Android as well as iPhone? I usually access my music library on nas and it's no longer working with the latest update.
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 13, 2024
After Sonos’ poor treatment of dedicated, long-time, many-speaker owners, and many with NAS libraries, I am seriously considering Bose. It’s embarrassing that a large company like Sonos can’t compete with a tiny one like SonoPhone on a control app for their own hardware. Shame on Sonos! Provide a rollback path or fix your mistakes!
- Contributor II
- 7 replies
- May 13, 2024
I have a number of Sonos S1 devices and have been very, very happy with them, all still operated via the S1 app. Today I obtained a s/h One which, unexpectedly, is an S2 device.
Apparently (according to the Sonos installation process), ‘the ability to downgrade a product to S1 is temporarily unavailable, but will return in a future update’. I’ll not hold my breath for that. Meantime I installed the current S2 app to check that the One works. It does, I connected to the BBC streaming service.
BUT! I could see no way of connecting to my NAS music library. I couldn’t believe this, hence my visit here. Reading the foregoing posts, it does indeed seem to be the case. Difficult to comprehend the rationale behind this retrograde step when my whole reason for having a multi-room system in the first place was to play my own purchased music.
Sonos, this is ridiculous. Please fix it.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 13, 2024
Es ist eifach nur beschämend was sonos hier abliefert. Das wahr mein Grund damals als ich das System von Sonos gewählt habe meine eigene Musik Bibliothek abspielen zu können. Nun haben sie uns das genommen. Echt toll merci vielmals für die sch… app. Repariert das umgehend.
- Trending Lyricist I
- 11 replies
- May 13, 2024
Updated my Sonos app and now none of the Imported Playlists (from iTunes) are showing up. That was the whole point of my Sonos purchase. If I can’t do that anymore, bye bye Sonos, will never use you again.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 14, 2024
This update is just a pile of c**p, I want my money back!
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 14, 2024
I want my money back!!
There was nothing in the original contract that allows you without permission to reduce the sytem funtionality down to a useless streaming tool.
I give you 14 days to change back to the original scope of service or I will claim my money back from you. Otherwise I will sue you
- Enthusiast I
- 29 replies
- May 14, 2024
I also lost the access to the Music Library through NAS on a time capsule. Was forced to update the desktop up and then the Music Library was completely gone and cannot be re-added, regardless of allowing permissions in system settings, entering correct password, etc. Cannot even add the local Music folder, receiving persistent errors after setup that also wants me to change all my energy system settings. And worse, since I only updated one of my Android devices, it now asks me to update the other device, too, in order to add Music libraries, although that feature no longer exists in the new app. Go figure… I will contact the BBB and claim false advertisement of the new app. It is a downgrade in all regards, and has never been worse. I am done with Sonos. What are these speakers worth without a functioning software access? Pretty much nothing. I also write to their CEO and suggests that you all do. This is simply not acceptable.
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