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My list of issues with new Sonos App on IOS

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183 replies

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 23 replies
  • May 14, 2024

Can someone please DM the name of the suggested 3rd party Sonos app? Thank you.

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 23 replies
  • May 14, 2024

There is a Sonos app update. I just downloaded it. No idea how well it works in comparison.

  • Lyricist III
  • 11 replies
  • May 14, 2024

Before I download the upgrade, can someone summarizes what it does?  And does it make things better?


  • Author
  • Prodigy I
  • 172 replies
  • May 14, 2024

@Dr Wade. Re V80.0.8 on IOS update.

Quick summary from my experience of updating to 80.0.8...
It also updated my speaker firmware from 16.1 to 16.2. The update went fine for me on my 10 speaker system.
80.0.8 seems to have re-added the ability to set alarms. I don’t use alarms myself so haven’t tested this.
No change re Music library missing features.
Still has bugs to do with Favorites. e.g. only shows 18 items.
Still displays “Something went wrong” when I try to pin items.

I also notice that Sonos has also updated their release notes page to 80.0.8 which confirms that they added alarms support in this version.


  • Lyricist III
  • 11 replies
  • May 14, 2024

Since my major beef is with the Music Library features, I will forgo this upgrade.  I don;t us the alarm feature.  Thanks!


  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 15, 2024
OMG wrote:

I am an unlucky user – iPhone updated app and in one word OMG who ever let this update past RND and TESTING should be fired on the spot – nothing good about this app except NOT WORKING and taking out what was GOD ABOUT OLD APP. Been an avid fan for over 30 years but with this new app – Sonos should buy back all our gear at cost just for allowing this MONSTROSITY to be uploaded by any user of there product. SHAME ON SONOS

Now my iPhone Sonos App will not open the application as it does not find my system or any components, not bad - this after spending thousands dollars on speakers around the house - and they are all hard wired except one / what a joke on us users / good thing I did not update my desktop computer

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 15, 2024

The new app crashs at start up. I use OPPO A9 2020. I'm now completly blind on the system. I cannot even launch a diagnostic.

Please, revert back to the previous version or provide a quick correction. You cannot let your customer on that situation.

  • Lyricist III
  • 18 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Dr. Wade wrote:

Before I download the upgrade, can someone summarizes what it does?  And does it make things better?


There is a new app update 80.00.08

You also need to update the speakers from 16.1.1 to 16.2. After that, you see the alarms.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Mil3532 wrote:
Dr. Wade wrote:

Before I download the upgrade, can someone summarizes what it does?  And does it make things better?


There is a new app update 80.00.08

You also need to update the speakers from 16.1.1 to 16.2. After that, you see the alarms.

Simply put - DON’T UPGRADE - there are so many issues it is unreal, there is not one positive comment about the update and I just got looked out of my system/application.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • May 15, 2024

New version of Sonos is a complete & total TRAIN WRECK!!!!! A worthless effort by Sonos…… FIX IT!!!!

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • May 16, 2024

What is up with the queue? It is a major feature and is now useless. All you can do is shuffle or repeat. What about clear, edit, save? Sonos, just put it back the way it was! Did you get input that nobody uses queues? I find that hard to believe.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Where the f—k is the alarm?! Now I can’t stop or edit mine until there an app update?! My room names keep changing to “bedroom” now, making everything confusing AF. I’ve never been more pissed off with an app. If it’s not broke don’t fix it, SONOS

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 23 replies
  • May 17, 2024
jermtymo wrote:

Where the f—k is the alarm?! Now I can’t stop or edit mine until there an app update?! My room names keep changing to “bedroom” now, making everything confusing AF. I’ve never been more pissed off with an app. If it’s not broke don’t fix it, SONOS

Yes you can deal with the alarm. You just have to use voice commands to do so.

  • Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • May 18, 2024

It doesn’t even do the one thing it should do well...add new speakers to the system.  If someone can figure out how to do that, I will appreciate.  I’ve tried everything (reset the app, logout and login, used an old version of the app (which requires me to download the update to add a speaker)), I get the error message that the device connection is lost (even though I am connected to http://<deviceid>:1400/ when connected to ethernet on the router itself and do not see it ever disconnect, and never get the speaker added to the system.

Hopefully the Android tablet I ordered will work, but I am not holding my breath.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 198 replies
  • May 20, 2024
Mil3532 wrote:
Dr. Wade wrote:

Before I download the upgrade, can someone summarizes what it does?  And does it make things better?


There is a new app update 80.00.08

You also need to update the speakers from 16.1.1 to 16.2. After that, you see the alarms.


I uninstalled the app, re-installed, updated speakers - I don’t see how to get to the alarms.


Other than that feature, I’ll use SonoPhone to control things. It cost $3 that Sonos owes me for forcing me to buy it, but it works on the iPhone and iPad and is fairly full-featured other than alarms.

My mission now is to rid myself of Sonos over the next few years - to unwind my 12 component system.  After that S1/S2 debacle and now this - anyone buying into these products is a sucker.  I was a sucker.

I’d be happy if this tanks the company - they don’t deserve to be in business.

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 20, 2024

Completely agree. That’s my mission now too, to rid myself of Sonos. This “upgraded” app, May 7th 2024, is beyond useless. That said, I eventually decided (wrongly or rightly) to update the app again. So now I have app version 80.00.08. I did this after I updated the speaker software. Regards “Alarm feature”, not that I use it myself, but I can now see, with the above version, the return of “Alarms”. If you go to the settings “cog” icon (top right), then “system settings”, which takes you ‘manage’. Click ‘manage’, the next page is titled ‘manage’, on that page, second from top of the list, is “Alarms”. Click that and it should then enable (presumably disable too) you to “add” an alarm. I don’t use alarms myself so haven’t tested that it works, I’m a bit frightened to, to be honest, in case I can’t turn it off again !! But it looks like the alarm feature has returned in version 80.00.08. Can’t vouch for it working though 😊. Overall, though, this so called “upgrade” of the app is beyond useless. You still can’t add to the music Q, or play next etc etc. Still can’t bring in all playlists from Spotify, still can’t change WiFi network settings, still can’t control ARC etc etc. What a mess (polite understatement) Sonos has made of this app, which was almost perfect as it was. Now it’s broken and our Sonos investment with it. Diabolical. Anyway, thought I’d just let you know that I found “alarm” feature again. But as I say, I haven’t tested it as I don’t trust Sonos anymore to get anything right, and didn’t want to set up an alarm that I couldn’t turn off again 😌 !!

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 23 replies
  • May 20, 2024

Trueplay is working again in 80.00.08.

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 20, 2024

PS: thanks for mentioning SonoPhone app. I just got it from the App Store. Had to pay for it, like you said, but it works (which is more than can be said for the Sonos app) and it has some features that are now missing from the Sonos app, namely, all my playlists I can now access, and also can now control the speaker groups. Which couldn’t do in the awful Sonos app. So, SonoPhone helps for now; good tip. Many thanks indeed. I just wished Sonos would take notice of all user comments and complaints and respond. It’s “radio silence” from Sonos which doesn’t help matters. 

  • Trending Lyricist II
  • 23 replies
  • May 20, 2024
Cashee wrote:

PS: thanks for mentioning SonoPhone app. I just got it from the App Store. Had to pay for it, like you said, but it works (which is more than can be said for the Sonos app) and it has some features that are now missing from the Sonos app, namely, all my playlists I can now access, and also can now control the speaker groups. Which couldn’t do in the awful Sonos app. So, SonoPhone helps for now; good tip. Many thanks indeed. I just wished Sonos would take notice of all user comments and complaints and respond. It’s “radio silence” from Sonos which doesn’t help matters. 

So with SonoPhone or SonoPad, you can group speakers (that no longer work in the official app)?

  • Local Superstar
  • 2800 replies
  • May 20, 2024
JSWolf42 wrote:

So with SonoPhone or SonoPad, you can group speakers (that no longer work in the official app)?

Yes, you can.

  • Lyricist III
  • 11 replies
  • May 20, 2024

Can you access the Music Library and the Music Library playlists using SonoPhone?  

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 20, 2024

Using SonoPhone I can now access all my Spotify music library, whereas in the new Sonos app only about 20 playlists from my Spotify Library were showing. With SonoPhone app I can now see them all. I’m still working through the SonoPhone app and yet to discover if (and how) you play “next” and “add songs” to a Q, building a playlist on the fly, as you could in the old Sonos app - which was a great feature, now no longer available. If I find away to do this in SonoPhone will update you on my progress. 

  • Local Superstar
  • 2800 replies
  • May 20, 2024
Dr. Wade wrote:

Can you access the Music Library and the Music Library playlists using SonoPhone?  

Yes, you can.

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • May 21, 2024

The new Sonos app sucks.  It is a major step back from the prior version.  I wish I had not upgraded.  AND, I wish that I had not purchased addition Sonos products (a pair of Fives, AMP and turntable).

When using Pandora we don’t have access to lots of functionality which we had in the prior version.  We have Sonos Ones (pair), Sonos Fives (pair), Sonos AMP and Sonos Turntable.

  • Within a Pandora channel we now can not access to deep cuts, fan favorites, wider artists offerings, etc.
  • At each usage of Sonos, only the Ones (pair) shows up and I must add the AMP and Fives
  • Organization of list of services and channels in a service is totally confusing and poorly organized
  • Can’t access our music library
  • I wish I could go back to the prior release.
  • Who at Sonos made this decision to put our a significantly less featured and poorly organized release?!?

  • Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • May 22, 2024
dmatt wrote:

It doesn’t even do the one thing it should do well...add new speakers to the system.  If someone can figure out how to do that, I will appreciate.  I’ve tried everything (reset the app, logout and login, used an old version of the app (which requires me to download the update to add a speaker)), I get the error message that the device connection is lost (even though I am connected to http://<deviceid>:1400/ when connected to ethernet on the router itself and do not see it ever disconnect, and never get the speaker added to the system.

Hopefully the Android tablet I ordered will work, but I am not holding my breath.

App now works (mostly) to add speakers, the problem now is you get an error 1000 or 1002 when attempting to update the speaker.  After it fails the speaker shows up as an unregistered speaker.  Good news is that if you install the Windows App (or the Mac App), you can now connect to the speaker and send the update to the speaker using the Windows App.  Once done, go back on the IOS app and hit the fix button and the speaker will be added correctly.  It looks like the new app doesn’t talk well to speakers with old firmware, but once the new firmware is installed the app has no issue setting it up correctly.

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