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For Sonos Management - How Dare You Treat Customers Like This

  • 10 May 2024
  • 8 replies

How dare you do this to us. You put out a misleading and downright untrue advert declaring this new version is so great etc, you must have known how unfinished it is and what the reaction would be?

I can’t work out if they are arrogant, ignorant, naive, uncaring or just downright dumb. To think you can get away with this is unbelievable. You already had an app that worked for most people most of the time and you’ve replaced it with something that is not even half finished and renders systems unfit for purpose.

I feel sorry for the people on support who are suffering due to mismanagement. We as users are stressed and depressed so I dread to think what the people doing support are feeling having to deal with this pityful offering.


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8 replies

Echt ongelofelijk slecht ik kan geeneens meer forward or backyard and shuffle



Userlevel 7
Badge +2

How dare you do this to us. You put out a misleading and downright untrue advert declaring this new version is so great etc, you must have known how unfinished it is and what the reaction would be?

I can’t work out if they are arrogant, ignorant, naive, uncaring or just downright dumb. To think you can get away with this is unbelievable. You already had an app that worked for most people most of the time and you’ve replaced it with something that is not even half finished and renders systems unfit for purpose.

I feel sorry for the people on support who are suffering due to mismanagement. We as users are stressed and depressed so I dread to think what the people doing support are feeling having to deal with this pityful offering.


They hate their existing customers and they hate their shareholders. If I was on the board of directors, people would be fired.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

I still haven’t seen anyone taking ownership of this fiasco. Do the management sit in their ivory towers and kid themselves that everything is OK?

Maybe they think the fuss will die down but I very much doubt that. This is one step too far for me and I suspect a lot of other long time users. No more new Sonos hardware for me and if the management were to offer to buy my hardware back from me, I would accept in a second.

I’ve had enough of this and have zero confidence and faith in Sonos for the future.


Userlevel 3

Agree with every word. This is a joke and they must really hate the customers. Can't see no other reason. An app that at least was working despite the bad interface is now replaced with even worse interface and functions like wake up, sleep timer, volume meter removed. I have Sonos for one purpose. Set it on sleep for two hours and set it on wake up with volume of 3. I can't no longer use Sonos. It is worthless.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

I’d still like a reply to this from the management team. Maybe someone from support can point them towards this or let me know how to point them to it myself please.

I’ve uninstalled the new version from my Android phone and installed the old version so at least I have a usable system but I can’t do the same with my iPad.

I’m still ending my relationship with Sonos though. I will let my current hardware run until it dies or until Sonos once again makes it redundant and then I won’t buy anything new from them. Lesson learned, these people do not give a damn about loyal customers.


It sounds like you're incredibly frustrated and disappointed with the recent release of a new version of an app or software. It's understandable to feel upset when something you rely on doesn't meet your expectations, especially if it disrupts your workflow or causes stress.

When companies release new versions of their products, they often aim to introduce improvements and new features. However, if the new version is buggy or incomplete, it can be frustrating for users who rely on the software for their daily tasks.

It's important for companies to listen to user feedback and address any issues promptly. If you haven't already, consider reaching out to the company's support team to express your concerns and provide feedback on your experience with the new version. Your feedback can help them understand the impact of the changes and prioritize fixes and improvements.

In the meantime, if the new version is causing significant disruptions to your work, you may want to explore alternative solutions or revert to using the previous version until the issues are resolved.

Remember, your feedback as a user is valuable, and companies should strive to address concerns and improve their products to better serve their customers.

This isn't about a slightly flawed new release, this is about a new release that removes one of the core features of a Sonos system, the ability to access music libraries.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Reading your comments above, either you are a “no Sonos” user and therefore is your statement copied from a management training. 
If you would be a user, you probably never used the system over the last week.


Moderator edit: referred-to post removed due to spam

It sounds like

Seriously? I never knew😂