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Volume limit feature

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191 replies

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 34 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

Yes, you are narrow minded and to answer your snide comments; yes and TV manufacturers do, it's called hotel mode and it's in a hidden menu which we have all said here would be fine too.  Crayons, yep there too...  they started making washable markers that outsell crayons for that very reason.  The books thing would be kind of Nazi germany book burning to do that BUT, kids stories are way less dark today, have you ever read the original Hansel and Gretel or Red Riding Hood...

It's not adapting it to a situation it's helping them improve it to fit more different scenarios.  It will still work for yours, why are you flaming posts that will not affect the way you use yours?

  • Lyricist III
  • 47 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

The fact is that development resources are limited, and as a paying customer I feel entitled to speak my mind about improvement suggestions, just like you do. We can't all be pro everything, that would mean there would be no prioritisation.

You're the one who made it personal by calling me narrow minded. Why are you flaming posts just because you disagree with the poster?

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.


Maybe I should lobby Apple to remove the volume limit feature and all parental controls on the iPod on the basis that my 13 year old son is old/responsible enough not to turn it up so loud as to give himself tinnitus, or look at 18+ content? You're clearly not a parent, because if you were you wouldn't make such ignorant and unreasonable comments. Or maybe you're a serial "troll" that we keep hearing about on the news?

As a responsible parent my job is to guide my growing child, educate him and try and protect him from harm until he's old enough to make informed and rational decisions for himself. Enough said.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

Tomas, when you have something constructive to say please do.

As stated by John above "It's not adapting it to a situation it's helping them improve it to fit more different scenarios.  It will still work for yours, why are you flaming posts that will not affect the way you use yours?".

  • Lyricist III
  • 47 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

How about this, Drewman... you post your views where you find them appropriate, and you let me do the same. Feel free to lobby Apple about anything you want. There. Feel better now?

As for your ignorance and unreasonable lack of parenting skills, you could contact a parenting group in your area if you want to learn more. There is help available for parents like you. If you don't get the help you desire, you could always try to pick virtual fights with strangers on the internet... d'oh!

  • Lyricist III
  • 47 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

KentNet, oh dear, here we go again. Somebody has the audacity to disagree with you, and immediately you want to shut them up. Shouting and boldfacing your words is not going to make them any more convincing.

I explained myself to John. If you really want a reply, it's already there for you to read.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

Seems like you are the only person here shouting and boldfacing, you have already shown your true colours haha.
We simply make suggestions and you offer totally childish pathetic suggestions.  Hiding behind your keyboard, the stereotypical keyboard warrior hijacking forum posts with irrelevant tosh!
Thanks for your input though, as it all feeds the thread and the more content there is on the subject then there is more chance Sonos will look into our "suggestions" for their great system.
Have a nice day Tomas, being a grown up allows me to leave this here and move on in my life.  No doubt you will have to have the last word, seeya.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

Seems like you are the only person here shouting and boldfacing, you have already shown your true colours haha.
We simply make suggestions and you offer totally childish pathetic suggestions.  Hiding behind your keyboard, the stereotypical keyboard warrior hijacking forum posts with irrelevant tosh!
Thanks for your input though, as it all feeds the thread and the more content there is on the subject then there is more chance Sonos will look into our "suggestions" for their great system.
Have a nice day Tomas, being a grown up allows me to leave this here and move on in my life.  No doubt you will have to have the last word, seeya.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Just get the volume controls sorted man, there are many reasons and as far as I can see they are all valid for everybody or even just for an individual, point is they all want the same thing and it really doesn't seem to much to ask, I requested a feature to be able to control zones with permissions and lock out volumes, place limits on certain area's etc. we fitted a system in a house with 13 zones, very large house, 4 kids of varying ages, it can & did become apparent to the parents that they may have opted for a different system (as we are now fitting in other properties) if they had know that there kids could control the volume throughout the house, specially in each other's room's "volume warfare". This didn't really affect me but it did seem reasonable for them to ask the question how can we stop/control this........."sorry you can't" not a great answer for the money they spent. There is a request/suggestion by JOHAN further up and I totally agree with all his comments and suggestions, it is ideal in fact. We all want the same

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2014
Harry wrote:
I am a builder and have installed these in a few homes, the issue is when the client comes back to me and asks how they can stop there children from having a volume war, basically changing music and ramping up the volume in each others rooms, also clients asking similar question but maybe having young babies which which are sleeping. definetly need to have some sort of password protection on 2 levels volume/playlist with a main controller that can allow or disallow access. I have to let clients know this is an issue and some have opted not to have as many as they would have like and more often than not for me to supply a system they can actually control 😞 . I have discussed this with Sonos and they agree this is a good idea and they can see the issues. Definetly been under consideration too long.

I agree with Johan. We have Sonos in three properties and it is a great product. The inability to restrict max volumes is not a question of responsible parenting, just a practical solution that stops anti-social behaviour. I think that the best solution would be to allow a master PIN code and then individual PIN codes for each zone.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2014

Thanks Harry 🙂

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 21 replies
  • February 19, 2014
Sonos, are you going to implement this feature or not? Why is someone from Sonos not replying with some sort of feedback on what your intentions are? 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • February 22, 2014
Wow, I'm amazed Sonos does not have this yet. I came on here to see if there was a way to do this and I'm shocked people have been requesting this feature as long as they have yet it has been ignored. Luckily I've only purchased 1 component thus far and I still have time to send it back. Packing it up today. Good luck to everyone else trying to get it resolved.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 21 replies
  • February 22, 2014
My Playbar is connected to my HTPC and it always seems to start up on a low volume. I end up maxing the HTPC out and then have to get up and physically turn the volume up.

Does anyone know how to set the default start volume?

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • April 7, 2014
Hi all, 
I'll be joining forces with you (if it helps) as I really think that this feature should and must be implemented. Currently, status has changed to "under consideration"... let's just hope that I will be changed to planned soon....

A way to get do this is to let a superuser (by typing a PIN-code) choose a "super-controller" (e.g. your iPhone), which lets you set the volume "limits". Afterwards, then all speakers and controllers are limited by this selection and the new limits are depicted as the "entire" volume slider on all controllers.

Make sense?

I really hope you'll plan this asap, as this is very much needed especially in the children's rooms :-)

Take care,

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • April 7, 2014
There seem to be two slightly differing requirements here, or at least one requirement with an additional feature required by some.

1. The ability to limit the usable volume range per Sonos device. The entire slider area should then become available for finer grained use up to that new, lower, maximum.

2. The ability to then somehow lock this new limit under some form of parental or admin control.

Personally I just need the first, and suspect even those also requiring 2. would welcome it if it means implementation sooner rather than later 🙂

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • April 7, 2014
User53270 wrote:
There seem to be two slightly differing requirements here, or at least one requirement with an additional feature required by some.

1. The ability to limit the usable volume range per Sonos device. The entire slider area should then become available for finer grained use up to that new, lower, maximum.

2. The ability to then somehow lock this new limit under some form of parental or admin control.

Personally I just need the first, and suspect even those also requiring 2. would welcome it if it means implementation sooner rather than later :)

I agree.
The most vital of the two options are defo #1. The ability to lock the settings menu in the controller seems of less importance.
Fingers crossed ;) 

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • April 7, 2014
+1 for #1 
I really need to be able to set the maximum volume at a lower level. To protect my system and to protect my ears.
Every room is different. In my bathroom everything above 35-40% is insane and painful. 
This is a huge issue to me.

Example of maximum volume settings:

Room:                  Player:       New Allowed Volume:
Living Room:      Connect    (100%)
Dinning Room:   Play:5        (60%)
Kitchen:                2x Play:3   (60%)
Bathroom:            Play:1        (40%)

Or at least just do it the same way as when i set the input volume, when using the Line In on the Connect.
If i already can define the allowed volume on the Connect in 10 levels, then why am i not allowed to do the same on the Play speakers? 

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • April 7, 2014
User53270 wrote:
There seem to be two slightly differing requirements here, or at least one requirement with an additional feature required by some.

1. The ability to limit the usable volume range per Sonos device. The entire slider area should then become available for finer grained use up to that new, lower, maximum.

2. The ability to then somehow lock this new limit under some form of parental or admin control.

Personally I just need the first, and suspect even those also requiring 2. would welcome it if it means implementation sooner rather than later :)

+1 for that

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • April 7, 2014
+1 for this. 

Completely agree that a "max" volume limit per zone is absolutely required.  One of the work-arounds I've been using so far is to use the volume control on my tablet (or phone) when the Sonos app is full screen.  The volume of Sonos will then only jump one "click" at a time, which has helped me minimize the number of accidental "full volume" type situations.  Not ideal, but that's how I've dealt with it so far.  

I just accidentally slide the volume up all the way and scared the hell out of myself and the whole building with my Playbar. I meant to grab the title bar but missed. 

I think there should be a limit and / or a volume lock feature added to the controller.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2014
After som googling, I found this tread. This need to be implanted. Please dont let this topic die, it´s important to me the we see such a feature

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • September 7, 2014
Daniel wrote:
After som googling, I found this tread. This need to be implanted. Please dont let this topic die, it´s important to me the we see such a feature

Why are Sonos not commenting on these threads?

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • September 12, 2014
I'd add anothe 'Hell Yeah!' to this.
The Connect at least has the fixed volume setting with a limiter that is controlled by my amp.
Something similar for the speakers would be really useful.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • December 17, 2014
It's unfortunate that Sonos haven't implemented this feature. Having to remove my speakers from an Airbnb rental due to guests playing music at loud volumes.

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