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New SONOS App - Feedback

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Well I have seen lots of improvements, it’s not back to what it was in may but tolerable now.  I got my Sonos playlists back intact but I can’t edit them yet.  I think Sonos is working hard on it.  They said Sept-Oct they would fix this and I will wait.  I don’t think anyone should get rid of their Sonos products yet.  I have 5 speakers and streamers that are still delivering good sound.  I don’t seem to have the problems people are mentioning here.  Just playlist editing issues.  Be patient guys and hopefully they will come through.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 26 replies
  • October 3, 2024

I tend to agree I’ve had Sonos speakers from the very beginning and I was extremely happy with them but recently it’s been an exercise extreme frustration with inability to consistently use the system. It has slightly improved recently but is nowhere near as stable as it was. I would not totally toss my speakers since there are other applications out there that will run the Sonos speaker system without having to use the one from Sonos and they seem to work although they’re very clunky.

The recent Sonos updates seemed to improve things until yesterday when I was trying to adjust the volume on the speaker. It kept on switching which speaker was controlling and the volume was randomly changing without me touching it. Sonos  still has a lot of work to survive.

I was actually going to buy a Sonos Arc sound bar, but I will not be purchasing anything from Sonos until I see a stable application. From what I’ve read on how the new Sonos application was written it has inherent flaws and it would take a complete rewrite of the application.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2024

RIP sonos once market leading product ruined by such an  unprofessional app upgrade it’s comical I hope the ceo falls on his sword  and customers should be compensated as we are left with a product that isn’t fit for purpose you make a executive decision from the top and reinstate the old app

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • October 3, 2024
Balkonmann wrote:

I am still hoping it would improve. I just can not believe that they will not be able to fix it. Luckily, I still have my Desktop with Windows, where Sonos works as before.

It is really really sad, how such a great product and company has been destroyed with such an unprofessional release because of the new headphones they wanted to make a marketing platform. 

The management that deceided that release, has destroyed a whole company with one untested release.

Shame on you

No it doesn’t.  Not if you mostly use your own music library.  The lists are still not indexed and the search function doesn’t work properly. 

It’s not much fun having to scroll through several thousand albums arranged in alphabetical order trying to locate the one you want Sonos to play.

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 64 replies
  • October 3, 2024


Just FYI, my PC desktop version of the Sonos app works perfectly as before. I access my own music off of my own HD.  I’m not sure what you mean by “lists are indexed” but mine appear as before, album art and all.  And especially the current playlist playing is there and the song being heard is at the top of the list.  The phone app is just the list of songs, no art, and it’s always at the top.


I don’t use search but that may not work as before, but I didn’t use that in the “before-time.” 

John Guarr
  • Enthusiast II
  • 184 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Sonos.  Please stop the constant emails. I’m getting one every couple of minutes. 

kevinfbrady wrote:
Balkonmann wrote:

I am still hoping it would improve. I just can not believe that they will not be able to fix it. Luckily, I still have my Desktop with Windows, where Sonos works as before.

It is really really sad, how such a great product and company has been destroyed with such an unprofessional release because of the new headphones they wanted to make a marketing platform. 

The management that deceided that release, has destroyed a whole company with one untested release.

Shame on you

No it doesn’t.  Not if you mostly use your own music library.  The lists are still not indexed and the search function doesn’t work properly. 

It’s not much fun having to scroll through several thousand albums arranged in alphabetical order trying to locate the one you want Sonos to play.

Downgrade your devices!!

Based on feedback from Sonos, I downgraded my devices to S2, deleted my phone app and re-loaded S2. 
Surprise Surprise, all is good again.  

Just make sure you downgrade the device first. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2024
John Guarr wrote:

Sonos.  Please stop the constant emails. I’m getting one every couple of minutes. 

Aha the old let's get them to leave the forum trick. 


They won't catch me out!

John Guarr
  • Enthusiast II
  • 184 replies
  • October 3, 2024
John Guarr wrote:

Sonos.  Please stop the constant emails. I’m getting one every couple of minutes. 

Just went back and counted them. 32! And I just heard my Windows machine ding with another two emails. Is it maybe from us back and forth?  What the hell is Sonos doing. Since they can’t fix the app are the diverting us to another area?  I just heard two more. Sorry, this will generate one. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 13 replies
  • October 3, 2024

I’m supporting the statement by Stein067, “...the new app feels like Sonos wanting to convert its Sonos system to only being speakers that stream Sonos Radio.”    So true!    I’m a retired public media broadcaster and a huge fan of the diversity of American public radio stations, particularly our college radio stations and their long history of non-commercial formats.  A few years ago, I bought into the Sonos platform for its ease of access to these radio stations.  But the new app and its promotion of Sonos Radio in particular has made finding these stations more wearying.  Most every college station I now select has an audio preamble, “WELCOME TO TUNE IN” followed by their annoying commercial.  I have found a few that exist outside Tune In’s domain, but the recent changes make it more difficult to avoid having to hear that preamble.  Sonos Radio is too ad-focused compared to other radio apps like V-Radio, which is a much better alternative.  I find myself lately listening to V-Radio’s high-definition stations (all FREE) using my Chromecast and a good stereo system.  Sonos needs to be more flexible on ease of access to America’s public radio stations.   

  • Enthusiast I
  • 31 replies
  • October 3, 2024
John Guarr wrote:

Sonos.  please stop the constant emails. I’m getting one every couple of minutes. 

At this point, poorly executed coding is sort of ‘on brand’?




But seriously, resources are being put elsewhere and the consumer market and direct facing stuff like this doesn’t seem to be a priority any more.  The fact that instead of rolling back the disastrous update (and delaying the headphones) wasn’t the immediate response to the debacle says a lot.  That was a choice.  

  • Enthusiast I
  • 31 replies
  • October 3, 2024
Factionless66 wrote:
kevinfbrady wrote:
Balkonmann wrote:

I am still hoping it would improve. I just can not believe that they will not be able to fix it. Luckily, I still have my Desktop with Windows, where Sonos works as before.

It is really really sad, how such a great product and company has been destroyed with such an unprofessional release because of the new headphones they wanted to make a marketing platform. 

The management that deceided that release, has destroyed a whole company with one untested release.

Shame on you

No it doesn’t.  Not if you mostly use your own music library.  The lists are still not indexed and the search function doesn’t work properly. 

It’s not much fun having to scroll through several thousand albums arranged in alphabetical order trying to locate the one you want Sonos to play.

Downgrade your devices!!

Based on feedback from Sonos, I downgraded my devices to S2, deleted my phone app and re-loaded S2. 
Surprise Surprise, all is good again.  

Just make sure you downgrade the device first. 

What do you mean “downgrade to S2”?  I thought S2 is the current version?  What did I miss?


(I am staying with S1 until later version catch up with S1 functionality.)

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Board and leadership should be fired. Hope class action lawsuit develops !  I told people - samsung / sonos / appletv device and enjoy.  No more !! Arrogance has caught up - hope stock drops like peleton and someone buys them. They should just allow the old app and let us go back !!! 


I recently built a new home. In the process had electrical outlets installed specifically so that I could mount my Sonos products at or near the ceiling for a more comprehensive sound experience. Since the last update however, I really don’t use my Sonos system because every time I try to I have to spend hours climbing ladders to reconnect the speakers. Before release of that crappy update, I don’t recall ever having to reconnect my system. I’m so disappointed with Sonos. Obviously I’ve invested thousands into Sonos products and invested more to use the system in my new home. Now, Sonos has my money and is leaving me and all of us stranded with useless doorstops and without a solution. So, I’m researching wired systems and have talked with my electrician about the process to run wiring to connect and mount them where the Sonos speakers are mounted. I started all in with Sonos in the early days and supported the innovation with my wallet over several years. Now, it appears Sonos has peaked without a clue as to what to do next. Shameful business practice. Sonos, do you care enough to provide us all with a real solution? Please step up.

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8531 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Hi @John Guarr 

Thanks for reporting this - a couple of other people did too, and now I see quite a few in my own inbox - we’re informing the platform of this issue now.

John Guarr
  • Enthusiast II
  • 184 replies
  • October 3, 2024

I hope I don’t miss anything important, but I am getting so many emails from Sonos, that I don’t even open them, I just delete them because it takes me to this area in Sonos Land where everyone is complaining about the new app and missing features, like no way to save your playlist and not holding your place of a now playing song. Bye for now. 

John Guarr
  • Enthusiast II
  • 184 replies
  • October 3, 2024
John Guarr wrote:

I hope I don’t miss anything important, but I am getting so many emails from Sonos, that I don’t even open them, I just delete them because it takes me to this area in Sonos Land where everyone is complaining about the new app and missing features, like no way to save your playlist and not holding your place of a now playing song. Bye for now. 

Something interesting and confusing. Last evening, I was searching on my two iPads and on my iPhone for the Green Noise sleep sound that I played a few months ago, but none of the devices could find it. Before going to bed, I went into my office and tried it on my Windows Controller app, and it found it immediately. So I added it to the end of my Bedroom Playlist. I go into the bedroom, and using my bedroom iPad mini, it automatically added that song to the end of the Bedroom Playlist. I didn’t have to remove or refresh the current Bedroom Playlist and open the newly created Playlist that I had just edited and saved on my Windows Controller. That was strange and maybe an automatic feature, and maybe the reason why there is no Save button. Is this possible?

I got 30 notifications that i finally received a reply after FOUR MONTHS of waiting.   but nope. Sonos still does not care at all.   they have done NOTHING to fix the stupid app, and it crashes daily.  what used be a joy is now a source of so much frustration, that sometimes i don’t even play music at all.  

Supposedly they have “Outlined a plan" to try to keep customers happy (read “keep shareholders happy”), but yet with all these little updates, the app is still so deeply flawed.  Its incredibly difficult to simlpy play music, or switch to another speaker.

May the stock continue to plummet until the board fires the entire c-suite.



  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 21 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Frequently when I update the app on my iPhone, it will no longer start - I get a splash screen and it quits.  I need to delete it and reinstall for it to (vaguely) “work”.  I think this may be related to when there is a new end-user agreement that needs to be agreed to.

The thing that bothers me most is that this is the “new and improved” development/release team - if I was manager of this development team I’d be micromanaging releases to make sure they were better, even by a small amount.

Like a lot of people here, I was a software development manager for many years, releasing software to many 1000’s of users.  What I did differently to what Sonos seem to do is that I’d release it to a subset of users (the very friendly ones or ones who had signed up to bleeding edge versions) - maybe 500 users; then assuming that went ok, a few days later I’d release it to a bigger subset and again if that was good, I’d release it to the remainder of the user base.  And I never had a massive user base p*ssed off with my development team, and I had a development team who could keep focussing on new features rather than being paranoid that they may have to drop tools and fix a mess that had just been released.  
I didn’t think of this process - it seems a standard way of releasing software, so I don’t see why the “new and improved” development/release team can’t do it.


I also have no feeling for how much test coverage the application has; I suspect very low but I’d love to know.  Right now I believe they do not have an automated test suite that is run before every release candidate (or even overnight build) is actually released.


  • Enthusiast I
  • 33 replies
  • October 3, 2024

I have a large system, a month doesn’t go by where i m  not calling the help line. The app is a mess, one of my roams rattle, speakers drop off, speakers get out of sink, the app cant find the speaker, on and on and on. Crap product but i m stuck

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • October 3, 2024
lg0091 wrote:

RIP sonos once market leading product ruined by such an  unprofessional app upgrade it’s comical I hope the ceo falls on his sword  and customers should be compensated as we are left with a product that isn’t fit for purpose you make a executive decision from the top and reinstate the old app

As you say, world leader in speaker systems to world leader in door stops.  Reminiscent of Budweiser who F*****d their company by disowning their loyal customers.  Who designs a music app where you cannot add songs to your own playlists.  Their demise is en-route unless they sack the people responsible for this debacle.  

  • Enthusiast II
  • 43 replies
  • October 3, 2024
John Guarr wrote:

Sonos.  Please stop the constant emails. I’m getting one every couple of minutes. 

You’ll have to unsubscribe. Pretty sure before it wasn’t like this. 35 emails in two hours now. Unsubscribing from the forum bits I was staying linked too but somehow “ email bombing” seems the best way to get rid of us. 🙄

  • 15 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Sonos, you are on my ***t list already with this app disaster.  Now you have sent me 50 unsolicited emails this afternoon.

I have a great idea, throw out all your new products and give me my old, stable, wonderful system that worked great until you messed with it earlier this year.


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2024

Interestingly enough, some messages are moderated because the don't conform to the code of conduct. Hence, at least some messages have been under the eye of Sonos people.

Yet not any reply on any of the unhappy persons. Strange way of trying to connect better to the users. Wasn't that the goal is this forum?

  • 27674 replies
  • October 3, 2024
BackiePacie wrote:

Interestingly enough, some messages are moderated because the don't conform to the code of conduct. Hence, at least some messages have been under the eye of Sonos people.

Yet not any reply on any of the unhappy persons. Strange way of trying to connect better to the users. Wasn't that the goal is this forum?


No, it is not.  This forum is primarily a user to user forum.  There are Sonos moderators who sometimes interact with users, but their main role is to moderate content that is against the TOS.  


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