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Can not create/save alarms

Hello, since the new update I can not create or save alarms.
I use an iphone 14 pro max with the newest app update
and an old iphone 7 plus with an outdated app.

 I onlöy can add/update it on an outdated app (iphone 7plus) now...
From the current app and main device (iphone 14 pro max) I can not edit or save it.

Still can not create or save on both devices.

Hi All

We now consider this issue to be resolved.

If you still experience any issues with Alarm functionality, please erase any existing Alarms and recreate them - if you still experience issues after that, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.

All seems fixed as Corry P (Sonoos staff) states. What a nightmare but we are there now…..I hope.

There still has been at least one user for whom the Alarms option isn’t showing in the new app. At least one reason has been that pi-hole/ad-blockers/dns filtering has blocked access to (to fix: allow that). Once that has been allowed the Alarms option has become visible in System Settings > Manage.

pi-hole is discussed in this in relation to Sonos Voice Control but users have reported it also affecting Alarms option in the app.


The issue still remains . New alarms wont show on app and edit still not possible. 

Hi All

We now consider this issue to be resolved.

If you still experience any issues with Alarm functionality, please erase any existing Alarms and recreate them - if you still experience issues after that, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.

I’m still unable to save or edit or even delete it.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Sorry to hear that!

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Sorry to hear that!

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I’m from Austria only Email is form CEO who de direct me to here, Chat support is disabeld, phone number aprox 3-5 h wait time.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 


This is critical: do you actually see the Alarms section in the Sonos app or not?

If you do not, then I think it likely that you have a device on your network or software on your phone that is blocking access to - please remove this blocking (add * as a whitelist, for example).

If you do see the Alarms section in the newer app, but cannot get an alarm to save/work, please try the following:

  1. Remove all Alarms from your Sonos system (we want the file where they are saved to be empty).
  2. Reset the Sonos app: User icon » App Preferences » Reset app » Reset. Reopen the app afterwards and opt to connect to an existing system, then sign in.
  3. Go to System icon » Manage » Alarms and add and test an alarm.

I hope this helps.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 


This is critical: do you actually see the Alarms section in the Sonos app or not?

If you do not, then I think it likely that you have a device on your network or software on your phone that is blocking access to - please remove this blocking (add * as a whitelist, for example).

If you do see the Alarms section in the newer app, but cannot get an alarm to save/work, please try the following:

  1. Remove all Alarms from your Sonos system (we want the file where they are saved to be empty).
  2. Reset the Sonos app: User icon » App Preferences » Reset app » Reset. Reopen the app afterwards and opt to connect to an existing system, then sign in.
  3. Go to System icon » Manage » Alarms and add and test an alarm.

I hope this helps.

Hey :) 

I tried it and it still didn't work. I'm really frustrated.

And I'm near at the point i just want to return it… I tried everything i could think off. Aren't there any log files somewhere where i can upload or download those and send it to an Sonos technicen or something?

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

I tried it and it still didn't work. I'm really frustrated.

Thanks for trying those steps! From your response, I gather that you can see the Alarms section in the app?

And I'm near at the point i just want to return it… I tried everything i could think off. Aren't there any log files somewhere where i can upload or download those and send it to an Sonos technicen or something?

Yes there is. I am not convinced that they would tell me anything useful, however. We shall see.

Please attempt to create a new alarm. When you have finished, submit a support diagnostic and reply here letting me know when you have done so, but please do not share the number given.

While you are waiting for a reply, please try using the Desktop Controller for a Windows/Mac computer to create an alarm if one of those is an option for you. Here’s a link to the download page.

I hope this helps.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

I tried it and it still didn't work. I'm really frustrated.

Thanks for trying those steps! From your response, I gather that you can see the Alarms section in the app?

And I'm near at the point i just want to return it… I tried everything i could think off. Aren't there any log files somewhere where i can upload or download those and send it to an Sonos technicen or something?

Yes there is. I am not convinced that they would tell me anything useful, however. We shall see.

Please attempt to create a new alarm. When you have finished, submit a support diagnostic and reply here letting me know when you have done so, but please do not share the number given.

While you are waiting for a reply, please try using the Desktop Controller for a Windows/Mac computer to create an alarm if one of those is an option for you. Here’s a link to the download page.

I hope this helps.

Ive created an alarm, and I also have submitted the Diagnostic Log.

I still can’t save alarms either

Same - alarms still do not save.  I can attempt to add a new one, but can't save that either.  The save button literally does nothing.  Black Friday sales can't get here soon enough so I can be rid of this system.  

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Thanks for the diagnostics - I’m looking at them now, and do see an error.

What source were you trying to play in the alarm setting, please? 

Also, if you set the alarm to just play the chime, does it then save and work as expected?

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Thanks for the diagnostics - I’m looking at them now, and do see an error.

What source were you trying to play in the alarm setting, please? 

Also, if you set the alarm to just play the chime, does it then save and work as expected?




even when I select the Chime, it wont save it or showing me after i switching apps or something.
I selected my Spotify “Weekly” playlist, or when i try any other Song or PLaylist, even from apple Music, or Mixcloud - nothing really works or want to save.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Thanks for that info. We need a little more context, please.

Have you tried a reboot of your iPhone 14? If not, please do so, just in case it helps.

Do you know when this started? Has it been since May, or later than that?

Do you have access to an alternate device that can run the newer Sonos app? If so, do you see the same behaviour on it?


Hi @Alex D & @jc4 

As you have the same issue, could you please also try all the steps I’ve suggested above (in previous posts too) and submit a support diagnostic, letting me know here when you have done so? Thanks.



Update: Forget my message saying Alarms fixed. Like others it is not. My existing Alarms are fine and work but I cannot add a new alarm. Inputting all the times/duration/type of alarm etc goes fine. Hit SAVE and it does not save. back to the drawing board.

Update: Forget my message saying Alarms fixed. Like others it is not. My existing Alarms are fine and work but I cannot add a new alarm. Inputting all the times/duration/type of alarm etc goes fine. Hit SAVE and it does not save. back to the drawing board.


How many alarms have you already set? Delete one or two and try it again.

Thanks Smilja. I have three set. Mon-Fri, Sat and Sun. I might try that although, as they (existing alarms) are working I am loathe to delete them in case they don’t save again. However, as I first reported when I encountered this issue; I can set the alarms with no problems and save in an iPad and they immediately show on iPhone. ie there is a workaround (for now) i.e. set up  alarms in iPad.

hmmmm. as i typed the above I guess I could carry out your suggestion as I have just stated that I can get them back provided I use a different gadget (iPad) so maybe i will try out your suggestion.

I also see that Corry P has suggested a reset so maybe i will try your suggestion first then do the reset if no luck.

I also see that Corry P has suggested a reset so maybe i will try your suggestion first then do the reset if no luck.


Restarting the iPhone may suffice.

Smilja - Thanks but I think this has been tried by everyone. I must have restarted the phone a dozen times since the problem first appeared. Forst rule for any gadget is “reboot” first to see if prblems fixed. It is very frustrating but at least, if the other steps fail (yours and Cory P suggestion) then I know I can set alarms but just not using the phone. Hope Sonos fix this issue soon although i won’t hold my breath as it has been many months.

@obmuj, Have you been in touch with Sonos support regarding this issue? I’ve only got an old iPhone 8 and an iPad 6 but the alarm settings do work on both devices as supposed to.

Hi @Tiffanbrill 

Thanks for that info. We need a little more context, please.

Have you tried a reboot of your iPhone 14? If not, please do so, just in case it helps.

Do you know when this started? Has it been since May, or later than that?

Do you have access to an alternate device that can run the newer Sonos app? If so, do you see the same behaviour on it?


Hi @Alex D & @jc4 

As you have the same issue, could you please also try all the steps I’ve suggested above (in previous posts too) and submit a support diagnostic, letting me know here when you have done so? Thanks.



Hi Corry, I’ve given the steps above a try. I was able to create an alarm through the Mac os app. I remain unable to create or save changes to alarms on my iphone app or on my ipad app (I can see the option to do so, and get the menu, but whenever I save and return to the alarms list, the changes I’ve made don’t appear). I’ve submitted diagnostics through the iphone app. Any help much appreciated!

Smilja, yes. ages ago but no luck. Spoke to someone who just said the usual stuff. Things are being sorted out; reboot, reinstall all apps/speakers etc etc etc. I posted my message about being fixed as I genuinely thought it was fixed only to realise it was simply because my iPad and, incidentally, Windows Sonos too, sets alarms perfectly and they all appear immediately in iPhone. Since your suggestions I have now deleted all alarms (on iPhone), rebooted, reset app, deleted app, reinstalled app and the only difference (I nearly got excited!!!) was that the iPhone did SAVE (ie it allowed the SAVE choice unlike before where nothing happened) but then, after going back to check, Alarms had disappeared (but remain on iPad and Windows). It is obviously a bug on the iPhone only. I have now reset my Mon-Sunday alarms using Windows and iPad and all appear on iPhone. I will simply have to make sure I always have laptop or tablet with me when I need to set an alarm. I cannot think of anything else to do, short of completely factory resetting my phone which I am not prepared to do as I cannot imagine the nightmare of reinstalling tens of apps and the implications or problems that might cause. Very strange. in a nutshell the problem is simply that the phone cannot act on pressing the SAVE button.

@obmuj, Do you have enabled device backups to iCloud? If so, settings and apps would load automatically after resetting the iPhone.



>...] It is obviously a bug on the iPhone only. l...]


Perhaps, program errors can occur/emerge on specific device models only. However, that’s for the Sonos support to gather sufficient data and pass it on to product development.
