Do people here understand that Sonos has good engineers designing their products, but their IT folks who create the apps and programs that operate the devices.... those IT folks are pathetic. All these problems are attributable to what can only be truly inept, incompetent IT staff.
Sonos IT
Best answer by Anonymous
I appreciate the facetious response. However, I think every comment here that involves the inadequacy of the IT staff should always mention that they suck. It.neexs to get to the market place that their IT sucks and will cost you hours and hours over time dealing with inadequacies in their apps and programming. If that becomes commonly known among prospective buyers, maybe then SONOS execs will hire competent people. If the IT stooges they have were working for NASA back in the 60s, we never would have made it to the moon.... and a lot more astronauts would have died .
you asked a question, I answered it. I’m sorry you found my reply facetious. If we’re being honest with each other, I found your post unnecessary and redundant.
How’s his post unnecessary , but the other posts claiming the same aren’t ? His point is valid and on point..the speakers are great, but the app and IT people who designed it are terrible. Maybe you haven’t been reading the endless posts and comments on how bad they are.
His point is unnecessary simply because it’s been made elsewhere. Thousands of posts saying the same thing are be default redundant.
His point is also disrespectful, calling people he has no knowledge of pathetic, inept and incompetent. I’ve no idea what he/‘ does for a living but I could call him incompetent as I have about the same knowledge of his abilities as he has of Sonos programmers. Why do people think it is ok to jettison respect because they are typing on a keyboard and not talking to their faces?
His point is also erroneous. He has based it on the over simplified premise that the app is incomplete and buggy. This is not deniable. Just to repeat — I agree with him. However the evidence shows that the app was released because it has functionality required for the imminent release of the headphones. All software is buggy, but bug-fixing is a long process. The software writers were denied this extra time. I’m sure they were very reluctant to release it before they’d had time to get it in better shape. However the decision to release the app when was, wasn’t made by the software people . This doesn’t make them pathetic, inept or incompetent.
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