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Lost A Room On the Sonos App

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144 replies

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 12, 2018
Hi Keith,

I can access the ZTE router, just connected the player with an ethernet cable to the router but the player doesn't show up.

  • Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • February 24, 2018
Hi there,

I have half the same problem.

My config:
Sonos Play 5 2nd (Wireless) // Room name : Cuisine
Sonos Connect (wired to router) // Room name : Salon
Sonos Play 1 (wireless) in bathroom // Room name : SdB
Sonos Play 1 (wired via CPL to router cause it's uptsairs) in bedroom // Room name : Chambre Laulau
Sonos Play 1 (wireless) in my office (near my router btw) // Room name : Chambre Julien

my diagnostic number is :996911756

I can see my office speaker in the app (Win10) but not in the android app.
When i reboot my router i can see it on my phone for a fgew minutes then it disappears again.
My girlfriend has an android tablet taht also can see my speaker.

When I first saw the bug, 2 speakers were a stereo pair in my bedroom, each on a side of the bed.
When the bug occurs the pair disappear. When i break the pair, the other speaker reappear but not mine.
I moved my side speaker to a new room, my office.

I tried to wire the problematic speaker, it does not change anything. My PC sees it, and my phone does not.
All my speakers are well recognized in my router setup, and all have a reserved IP. I tried DHCP aswell, same problem.
Shall i try to come back to standard wifi mode since i am now in boost mode ? (with 2 wired component)

I hope anybody could give me an idea or an answer to solve that mystery.

In advance thank you.

Have a good day

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 19 replies
  • February 24, 2018
I installed my new Sky Q router today (and have since read about others who've had issues with Sky Q & Sonos) and all of my rooms are back on-line except for one, the guest room. I've tried everything/all the usual tips to get this stereo pair of Play 3's to re-join but no dice. I note from the Sonos app on my PC that this stereo pair is showing as [?&R] suggesting that the right hand speaker is not connecting (?). I've unplugged each of the speakers and taken them to the router where I've connected them via the Ethernet cable. They both work, including the one that was left in the geust room. Our guest room is next to the lounge where the router is. The kitchen speakers, which are furthest away from the router, work fine. I'd really appreciate any help! Many Thanks.....

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 19 replies
  • February 24, 2018
Zephead2112 wrote:
I note from the Sonos app on my PC that this stereo pair is showing as [?&R] suggesting that the right hand speaker is not connecting (?). ....
Apologies, that should obviously have read LEFT hand speaker.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 19 replies
  • February 25, 2018
Zephead2112 wrote:
Zephead2112 wrote:
I note from the Sonos app on my PC that this stereo pair is showing as [?&R] suggesting that the right hand speaker is not connecting (?). ....
Apologies, that should obviously have read LEFT hand speaker.

UPDATE which may be useful for those having similar issues; although I had read that the Sonos system no longer requires a bridge, I reinstalled my old bridge and all worked perfectly straight off. Happy again......

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • March 29, 2018
same issue here. I also just installed a tplink router. diagnostics 1337140547

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • March 29, 2018
Dropping out repeatedly. Completely unusable. This is after a year+ of normal service. No new appliances. No new neighbours. Nothing different. ISP checked and working. Router Channel checked and is on 1. 5 in dining room completely not working. 3x1 and 1x3 repeatedly failing to work for more than 10secs. WTF Sonos. I have done everything your help topic suggests and I have a suddenly unusable system with a 5 completely missing. Diagnostic 794178801

Keith N
  • Sonos Staff
  • 4604 replies
  • April 4, 2018
cyaml: Thanks for the diagnostic report. I can only see the Bathroom player. What unit is missing? Have you tried plugging the missing player into the router using an Ethernet cable? The more details we have, the better we can assist.

danthea: There are a number of problems I can see on the diagnostic report that point to a problem passing data along the network on Sonos. It's may be best to give our support technicians a call to troubleshoot this in real time. They are able to set up a remote session and get a closer look at how data is getting to Sonos. Thanks!

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • April 4, 2018
Keith N wrote:
cyaml: Thanks for the diagnostic report. I can only see the Bathroom player. What unit is missing? Have you tried plugging the missing player into the router using an Ethernet cable? The more details we have, the better we can assist.

danthea: There are a number of problems I can see on the diagnostic report that point to a problem passing data along the network on Sonos. It's may be best to give our support technicians a call to troubleshoot this in real time. They are able to set up a remote session and get a closer look at how data is getting to Sonos. Thanks!

Thanks guys. I did call support and they helped me.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 20, 2018
Hi, I’m having a similar problem. My Play5 was working just fine for several months until today. Now it won’t show up unless I plug it into the router or place it within 6 inches of it. If I move it 6 feet away the speaker is lost. My three other Play1 speakers are all further from the router and work fine. I’ve checked my wireless interference and there is no problem. What should I do?

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • April 30, 2018
Just lost one of my rooms. Tried everything that was suggested on this board, but nothing works. It's been working just fine for years. Router is a Netgear Orbi78, ConnectAMP light is a solid white. System consists of 4 ConnectAMPs (Deck, Master Bath, Dining Room, Livingroom) and 3 wireless speakers (2 Play 3 and 1 Play 5). It's the ConnectAMP for the Deck that isn't showing up. Diagnostic #855805302. Please help!

Keith N
  • Sonos Staff
  • 4604 replies
  • May 8, 2018
Hello there, tibolt1ca. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community. Mind plugging the Play:5 into the router using an Ethernet cable and submitting a diagnostic report? Be sure to reply with the confirmation number it gives it at the end. Thanks!

nywolf: Thanks for the diagnostic report and for the troubleshooting efforts. I'm seeing a couple problems pointing to wireless interference. This may warrant a closer look at your network and how Sonos is getting data. It may be best to give our support technicians a call to set up a remote session and see how data is being routed to and from Sonos.

My Sonos (dining room) has disappeared from the app. I have a diagnostic number: 1742350674. Please can you let me know what the problem is?

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 10, 2018
Hi - I am having the same problem. My "Kitchen" Play 5 is no longer appearing in my controller. It also does not appear on spotify. I am using ios apps for both. My diagnostic number is 75701894. Thank You.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • August 5, 2018
I am missing one of my rooms on my app and no sound is coming out of the playbar or speakers. When I access Settings on the app and Room Settings under that directory, the missing room is visible there. I have recently updated our Sonos using the app and I have fixed the IP Allocation for everything that looked like a Sonos player in my wireless network configuration. I have also unplugged and reset the players/speakers in this missing room. Still not working. Please help. Thank you!

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 29, 2019
This just happened to me today, after working perfect for months. ‘Audio source 2’ diagnostic confirm #1130897377 submitted.

Stopped showing up, have cycled power, cable modem/router, shows up, I can stream something I hear it for a second or two or three and then gone. Then I get messages from Sirius saying encoding errors, I try to play from my phone and I get queue error. Any ideas? My other source is hardwired and not experiencing this issue.


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 3, 2019
Same issue here. Diagnostic: 895368167

Have never had issues but all of the sudden only one room showed up. Pressed play manually and received a orange flashing light and tried to reboot the speakers with no luck. Then unplugged the playbase that is connected to the Ethernet cord. Still not showing up.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 3, 2019
I am having the same problem that sonos app no longer sees one of my speakers. ?
Diagnostics report 2057085232

Edward R
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 3552 replies
  • Answer
  • June 21, 2019
Lately, we have noticed this topic getting a lot of traffic. Although diagnostics are much appreciated, we do not always get the opportunity to conduct one-on-one troubleshooting.

If you are still having issues maintaining connection to one or more Sonos devices, sometimes, it's as simple as turning the router off for a few seconds. If this doesn't help, below you will find some useful content that we strongly recommend reviewing.

This article, that talks about Speakers disappearing or dropping off controller. This is an issue commonly caused by WiFi interference.

If you are still having issues, you may wish to get in touch with our support team via telephone.

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