Hi @r4321
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
Thank you for your feedback.
I looked this up because I was unsure. It turns out that the behaviour changes across all three available voice assistants:
Assuming microphones are installed on both units of a stereo pair...
Sonos Voice Control lets you choose which of the pair the service should run on. If two speakers already running SVC are paired together, they will both have it and keep it.
Alexa will run on both speakers in a stereo pair.
Google Assistant will normally run only on the left speaker of a pair - except for the Sonos One. When there is a pair of Sonos Ones with Google Assistant, the assistant will run on the left speaker unless the left speaker is a Generation 1 model and the right speaker is a Generation 2 model, in which case GA will run on the right, newer speaker.
Because it is different for each service, I suspect that the reason for the restriction on Google Assistant is technical in nature, which unfortunately makes it less likely to be changed - especially without a lot of pressure from our customers. I was unaware of these differences in part due to the fact that I’ve never really had to look them up before, which in itself indicates a lack of enquiries on the topic. I will, however, tag this thread as a feature request so it is seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Thanks!