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14.12 Update

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941 replies

  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies
  • October 19, 2022
Corry P wrote:

Hi all,

Thank you for your continued discussion. We’re really happy to be able to tell you that today we’ll release an update that will include fixes to the issues that resulted from the 14.12 software update with Enhanced Clarity for Arc.In the 14.12 release, we made a change to Arc’s sound profile to improve dialogue clarity and the overall sound experience.  Since that update, some users whose configuration included a Sub have experienced two issues:

  1. Users of Arc would find the same volume settings resulted in lower output volume. Whilst the maximum volume and bass capabilities were unchanged, volume settings in the lower regions resulted in a quieter sound than before the update
  2. Users of Arc, Beam and Ray would find their Sub output is lower than desired after performing a new Trueplay tuning.

(Home theatre configurations without a Sub were unaffected, including standalone soundbars and those bonded with surrounds only)

With the 14.18 software update, both of these issues have been addressed, and the Enhanced Clarity for Arc adjustments are retained. There was a clear preference within our community for the previous volume settings, and these have been restored. This will be apparent immediately after updating to 14.18. The Trueplay issue has been fixed. Customers who experienced a lower Sub level after performing Trueplay after updating to 14.12 will need to update their systems and then perform a new Trueplay tuning in order to address these improvements in their system. Customers will hear a more powerful low end response, meaning any Sub level adjustments made after 14.12 should no longer be required.

Glad to hear and hopefully it resolves the issues for most as it doesn’t seem everyone is always happy with the updates. 
On another note, why don’t you put this post as a new topic instead of a reply in the old 14.12 issue post? If I didn’t scroll through that post I wouldn’t have seen your new posts. Also, why does Sonos refuse to put these update explanations in the release notes instead of “ bug fixes and enhancements “ . 

  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • October 19, 2022
Twiceforluck wrote:

 It will make me think very carefully about buying Sonos products in the future when they can change the sound profile so drastically with no user option to reverse the changes.

I find it very odd that anyone in management thought it's a good idea. It means it will likely happen again. 

Audio is subjective. Beyond entry level gear, you can't just make everything sound 'better' to everyone without changing hardware. It shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how people purchase high end audio gear. I just don't understand fiddling with stuff to make minor improvements, that nobody asked for, to the detriment of others. 

I'm sure some people prefer the new sound, but did that stop them purchasing it in the first place? Is it stopping anyone from purchasing it in the first place? Has this increased sales/revenue/profit/reputation?

Or, as I suspect, has it had the opposite effect? Ongoing lawsuits have already decimated their stocks and dare I say they skirted very closely to another one. 

Corry P wrote:

Hi all,

Thank you for your continued discussion. We’re really happy to be able to tell you that today we’ll release an update that will include fixes to the issues that resulted from the 14.12 software update with Enhanced Clarity for Arc.In the 14.12 release, we made a change to Arc’s sound profile to improve dialogue clarity and the overall sound experience.  Since that update, some users whose configuration included a Sub have experienced two issues:

  1. Users of Arc would find the same volume settings resulted in lower output volume. Whilst the maximum volume and bass capabilities were unchanged, volume settings in the lower regions resulted in a quieter sound than before the update
  2. Users of Arc, Beam and Ray would find their Sub output is lower than desired after performing a new Trueplay tuning.

(Home theatre configurations without a Sub were unaffected, including standalone soundbars and those bonded with surrounds only)

With the 14.18 software update, both of these issues have been addressed, and the Enhanced Clarity for Arc adjustments are retained. There was a clear preference within our community for the previous volume settings, and these have been restored. This will be apparent immediately after updating to 14.18. The Trueplay issue has been fixed. Customers who experienced a lower Sub level after performing Trueplay after updating to 14.12 will need to update their systems and then perform a new Trueplay tuning in order to address these improvements in their system. Customers will hear a more powerful low end response, meaning any Sub level adjustments made after 14.12 should no longer be required.

Thank you very much for reaching out and addressing this issue. I have noticed a significant improvement in the sound quality and my low end and output, which I am very pleased and happy again with.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 122 replies
  • October 19, 2022

I doubt it had any effect on sales figures and why do you think that ongoing lawsuits are responsible for the stock price? Have you followed any other tech stocks over the past few months?

Ken_Griffiths wrote:


I don’t see too much of an issue here. The reason the EQ settings are there is to customise things after TruePlay tuning, if that means you prefer the treble at -6 then just leave it there, where that seems to suit your hearing/environment. Each room is different and we all hear things differently.

I do prefer the ‘brightness’ that TruePlay brings to the audio, particularly now the Bass issue has been rectified, but I’m sure I may still go onto adjust the EQ settings when things have settled down and I’ve listened for a while.


  • Headliner I
  • 657 replies
  • October 19, 2022
skullc wrote:

I used the phone prior to 14.12 to run truplay with no problems 
I run truplay after every patch whether I am asked to or not seems strange that a patch charges how my phone does truplay 

One thing to check before running Trueplay is how clean is your iPhone microphone is, if there is an accumulation of ‘pocket fluff’ in the microphone, there will be a different frequency response from previous Trueplay, and therefore a different sound profile.

I only wave the phone slowly where the ears are in the room for the HT setup, ie ear height along the sofas.


  • Prodigy III
  • 566 replies
  • October 19, 2022


My phone is clean and I have performed truplay correctly many many times 

Thanks for your reply 

  • Enthusiast I
  • 61 replies
  • October 19, 2022

Been fun, folks.  See everyone in a few months at the next one of these!

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 35 replies
  • October 19, 2022

Can confirm, after updating and redoing Trueplay, it’s sounds amazing. Big thanks to Sonos for fixing this and implementing multiple changes the community has wanted. They are indeed listening and it’s appreciated.

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • October 19, 2022

  • Prominent Collaborator I
  • 94 replies
  • October 19, 2022


  • Lyricist III
  • 9 replies
  • October 19, 2022
Outburst wrote:

I doubt it had any effect on sales figures and why do you think that ongoing lawsuits are responsible for the stock price? Have you followed any other tech stocks over the past few months?

Sonos stocks are down around 50% YTD whereas most tech stocks are down about 30% with the overall market. Sonos is faring particularly badly. They lost nearly 25% of their current value just after the release of this patch. 

Overall revenues are down too (obviously I dont equate that to the patch - it's multifactorial)

RBM1505 wrote:

Sonos stocks are down around 50% YTD whereas most tech stocks are down about 30% with the overall market. Sonos is faring particularly badly. They lost nearly 25% of their current value just after the release of this patch. 

Overall revenues are down too (obviously I dont equate that to the patch - it's multifactorial)

Sounds like now’s a very good time to buy/invest, just before the ‘DC bounce’ 



  • Enthusiast II
  • 49 replies
  • October 19, 2022

Well there we have it. After in excess of 1000 comments across several months and threads, we finally have something we've been waiting for. Just updated mine tonight and can concur with the others in terms of it being (almost) back to how things were. My Arc still has the 14.12 Enhanced Clarity profile but I am happy to report it does appear wider, making use of the outboard speakers more, albeit still tinny. But the volume and perceived power is back, thankfully. I see the Peter Pee video is out, I'd dare say that himself together with this community has been a key influencer in getting Sonos to listen and act. Granted it's a shame it's taken so long, even a shame for it all to have happened in the first place but I for one, after being a prominent voice in the early stages, welcomes this weeks' update. It's a step in the right direction at least. Thanks to all involved..

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 41 replies
  • October 19, 2022

I’m glad it’s finally fixed and just in time for me!  I take delivery of my new Sonos system after completing my renovation in exactly a weeks time. Really looking forward to it now.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 35 replies
  • October 19, 2022
nikid wrote:

Well there we have it. After in excess of 1000 comments across several months and threads, we finally have something we've been waiting for. Just updated mine tonight and can concur with the others in terms of it being (almost) back to how things were. My Arc still has the 14.12 Enhanced Clarity profile but I am happy to report it does appear wider, making use of the outboard speakers more, albeit still tinny. But the volume and perceived power is back, thankfully. I see the Peter Pee video is out, I'd dare say that himself together with this community has been a key influencer in getting Sonos to listen and act. Granted it's a shame it's taken so long, even a shame for it all to have happened in the first place but I for one, after being a prominent voice in the early stages, welcomes this weeks' update. It's a step in the right direction at least. Thanks to all involved..


Did you happen to run Trueplay? It made a big difference compared to the base sound signature with Trueplay off. Before redoing Trueplay after the update, it didn’t sound any better, but after retuning, it was a huge jump.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 12 replies
  • October 19, 2022

I purchased my Arc two weeks after the 14.12 update.  As such, 14.12 was all I ever knew so I thought it sounded pretty good.  However, after today’s update I feel like I got a brand new sound bar.  The difference on my end is significant and it sounds GREAT, much better (sound stage being bigger is what I like most).  I see now why so many people were complaining.  The difference is massive.  I wonder why Sonos released 14.12 in the first place?  Surely anyone with ears could see it was not good.  

  • Lyricist III
  • 12 replies
  • October 20, 2022

Yes..between Truplay on and off,noticed sub is getting more power with trueplay on. With trueplay off, sub power is dependent on Arc's volume.

Anyway Vocals still sound same which is bit tinny...From 14.12  onwards, terrible  harsh sssshhhh sound  and metallic sound signature have started getting reduced and now with 14.18 Sonos is almost close in eliminating  them.

Sonos please address remaining  harsh ssssh sound  with vocals  as it is still unpleasant to hear voice. If you can just simulate playbar/One frequencies it should be good. Then Arc would  be100% perfect

Not An Opossum
RBM1505 wrote:
Twiceforluck wrote:


Or, as I suspect, has it had the opposite effect? Ongoing lawsuits have already decimated their stocks and dare I say they skirted very closely to another one. 

Sonos has worked pretty hard at adding features and improving their current speakers though software.  My system has continued to get better over time because they do that.  There are many brands out there that put out the same but “new” speaker / sound bar every year. They abandon the prior model and ship the new with messy software/hardware issues.  I’m telling you this because, as someone invested in this system, you should want them to succeed. I don’t like gigantic companies trying to beat Sonos into submission, so they can make a cheap speaker they’ll abandon in a few years, and I don’t like mixing my music with the stock market.

  • Headliner I
  • 311 replies
  • October 20, 2022

Not updated yet, but reading comments and official statement from Corry, Im well pleased its finally fixed, look forward to testing it at weekend. Thanks Sonos for finally getting the fixes out, took a while though, lol.

  • Prodigy III
  • 566 replies
  • October 20, 2022

OK 14.18.1 is now available omg now what!

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • October 20, 2022
skullc wrote:

OK 14.18.1 is now available omg now what!

Only an app update, not system.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 49 replies
  • October 20, 2022
slongChez wrote:
nikid wrote:

My Arc still has the 14.12 Enhanced Clarity profile but I am happy to report it does appear wider, making use of the outboard speakers more, albeit still tinny. But the volume and perceived power is back, thankfully. 


Did you happen to run Trueplay? It made a big difference compared to the base sound signature with Trueplay off. Before redoing Trueplay after the update, it didn’t sound any better, but after retuning, it was a huge jump.

Never ran TruePlay as I’ve always enjoyed the sound out of the box at all default levels. That said my room is an awkward shape too and have only been on Android. I might put the Sonos app on my work phone (iPhone 12) and give it a go some day. I know for sure that Auto-Updates will remain off now!

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 35 replies
  • October 20, 2022
nikid wrote:
slongChez wrote:
nikid wrote:

My Arc still has the 14.12 Enhanced Clarity profile but I am happy to report it does appear wider, making use of the outboard speakers more, albeit still tinny. But the volume and perceived power is back, thankfully. 


Did you happen to run Trueplay? It made a big difference compared to the base sound signature with Trueplay off. Before redoing Trueplay after the update, it didn’t sound any better, but after retuning, it was a huge jump.

Never ran TruePlay as I’ve always enjoyed the sound out of the box at all default levels. That said my room is an awkward shape too and have only been on Android. I might put the Sonos app on my work phone (iPhone 12) and give it a go some day. I know for sure that Auto-Updates will remain off now!

I hear you, the base audio does sound good. Trueplay has definitely improved the audio for me in my space. Worth a try for fun!

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • October 20, 2022

As someone who really didn’t like the in-your-face bass of pre 14.12, I found 14.12 and subsequently a breath of fresh air. However, the 14.18 update is another level, bringing back the rumble while maintaining a much more agreeable overall sound signature. Well done Sonos.

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