I have a Sonos Roam SL, a Sonos One and a Sonos One SL. I have them all running through the app. I have the Sonos Roam SL bluetooth paired to a record player. I want to then push the audio to the One speakers that I have. Everything is updated software wise.
So when I play the record, it plays in my Sonos Roam SL speaker. But when you look at my groups, you will see, it’s actually playing through the Roam, but the app shows it’s not selected, and the two One speakers are selected. However, only the Roam is playing music, and the Ones are not. So when I select the radio dial for the Roam, it cuts off all the music to the Roam and then nothing plays. I have to reset my whole entire system for it to work.
I don’t know why this is happening, but it completely makes me want to have nothing to do with this system, toss it all, and go to a different company. Which is sad, as I actually love my speakers, but they do nothing for me half the time I want to to use them.
So any advice would be appreciated.