Not touching 14.12 after the 14.6 fiasco - too many complaints still about this update. Auto update is off.
Sure, I can’t retune true play at the moment, but 14.10 has been solid, not worth the risk imho.
Happy to hear not all of you are having issues (sounds eerily familiar though).
I updated my system to 14.12 last night. The update went smoothly and I have not experienced lower volume levels or any other issues.
I have noticed an improvement in dialog clarity. Dialog sounds a little fuller and more pronounced than it did before. wife hit "update all" on the play store notification while messing with my phone. LUCKLY, it all went smooth as you stated. Good so far.
I updated my system to 14.12 last night. The update went smoothly and I have not experienced lower volume levels or any other issues.
I have noticed an improvement in dialog clarity. Dialog sounds a little fuller and more pronounced than it did before.
against my better judgment, I installed the update. seems fine so far
Lower volume and bass levels no perceived clarity improvement my advice don't update
Wish I hadn't 
Did you try doing a trueplay retune?
I heard someone mention speech is better in this update.
Did the retune before noticing the 50% drop in volume
I had no issues with clarity before the update an not noticed any improvement since
Settings before for do not disturb the neighbours were 15 volume and bass and sub 0
Now 30 volume +4 bass +2 sub not tested movie night settings yet but guessing all will be have to be Increased
Lower volume and bass levels no perceived clarity improvement my advice don't update
Wish I hadn't 
Did you try doing a trueplay retune?
I heard someone mention speech is better in this update.
Lower volume and bass levels no perceived clarity improvement my advice don't update
Wish I hadn't 
Oh and to make you aware guys if you only update the Sonos app some settings will be greyed out until you update the system, Trueplay, remove sub are some options greyed out currently.
So going to have to update soon.
Also I think a trueplay retune is needed for this update, the update contains improvements to the dialogue centre channel.
Same here.
No one wants to be the Guinea pig, lol
Sonos HQ server room
Update 14.2
downloads 0
”hey guys anyone know why no one’s updated yet”
yes the same, I'm not updating. I'm waiting for someone brave to do it 
Just wondering if anyone had updated to 14.12 yet? Slightly scared to do it myself :)
LMAO. update notification is just sitting there. I AINT TOUCHING IT. I'll let someone else Guiana pig it.
Just wondering if anyone had updated to 14.12 yet? Slightly scared to do it myself :)
Absolutely not
Same as. I think I'll wait
Just wondering if anyone had updated to 14.12 yet? Slightly scared to do it myself :)
does anybody else have the issues ?
i lose surround (sls) and sub (gen3) mostly playing ps5.
after turning tv off and back on, surrounds and sub come back eventually
Edit: Sonos told me that something is interfering the connection. I didn’t change anything at all.
they told me to turn off 5ghz Wi-Fi
I would perhaps give these few things a try…
- Switch ‘off’ HDMI CEC on all the peripherals connected to the TV over HDMI.
- Power ‘off’ the TV, connected devices… and all the related Sonos HT products for a few minutes at their power socket and power them ‘on’ again to setup the HDMI handshake again and see if that resolves the issue.
- Where practicable, try to move anything else using the 5Ghz WiFi band further away from the TV/Surrounds, or consider cabling things to the router, or use them on the 2.4Ghz band instead, but do not wire the bonded surrounds, or Sub.
See if that perhaps improves things for you, rather than switching off your routers 5Ghz WiFi band.
does anybody else have the issues ?
i lose surround (sls) and sub (gen3) mostly playing ps5.
after turning tv off and back on, surrounds and sub come back eventually
Edit: Sonos told me that something is interfering the connection. I didn’t change anything at all.
they told me to turn off 5ghz Wi-Fi
Sounds like your surrounds just disconnected, if it was this issue they would still show as connected but have no sound.
I have my fingers crossed that’s the case. After the last few months, if my toaster stopped working I’d probably think it was my Arc’s fault...
Damn. After my post above, it finally happened just now.
I started watching TV on my LG CX (via internal freesat decoder), and surrounds were silent.
Sonos iPhone app showed +?+? rather than the usual +LS+RS. Had to reinstall them to the setup and now I’ve lost my Trueplay tuning. Didn’t take long, but very frustrating- particularly after a long stretch of it being fine.
That said, it’s definitely much more stable now.
Support contacted & diagnostic sent.
Sounds like your surrounds just disconnected, if it was this issue they would still show as connected but have no sound.
Damn. After my post above, it finally happened just now.
I started watching TV on my LG CX (via internal freesat decoder), and surrounds were silent.
Sonos iPhone app showed +?+? rather than the usual +LS+RS. Had to reinstall them to the setup and now I’ve lost my Trueplay tuning. Didn’t take long, but very frustrating- particularly after a long stretch of it being fine.
That said, it’s definitely much more stable now.
Support contacted & diagnostic sent.
EDIT: I only got around to adding Trueplay yesterday… Could this have made it unstable, I wonder…
I happy to report no drops since 14.10… like, soooo happy!
I was totally good until last night. I TruePlay’d my set up for the first time before sitting down to watch the last couple episodes of Stranger Things (which were 4 hours). Since 14.10 I’ve watched an entire season of The Boys along with some other stuff, literally 0 issues. After TruePlay, I didn’t have any issues with the subs or surrounds dying (thank god) but I started getting random 2-3 second drops in the middle of Stranger Things. Over 4 hours I’d say there were probably 5 instances of the sound dropping? Sometimes when this happened, the Dolby Vision badge would appear on my TV when the sound came back. Stranger Things is literally the only thing that triggers this as of right now.
No dropouts for me either since 14.10.
Before that, I couldn’t go more than 15-20 mins, from any source, without the surrounds dropping.
Im getting dropouts While Playing ps5.
Never had a problem.
It begin with 14.10
Me too, no dropouts since 14.10. God bless the developer of this update, hopefully this was quality checked before rolling out to the masses.